StmrUr 0rJ if, Rimt Mi ?j dra . An Exceptional Valued It requires no technical knowledge of automobiles to appre ciate the-outstanding value of the Ford Touring Car. Not only is it the lowest priced five-passenger car on the market, but it is also a car that costs little to operate, little to keep in condition and has an unusually high resale value ? after years of service. All Ford Cere ?re~eold on convenient deferred term*, or may be purchased under the Ford Weekly Purchase FW ( V) Detroit, Michigan ^ See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer CARS ? TRUCKS ? TRACTORS INVOLUTION Some think they from monkeys came, Jocco an old family name That grandpa lived in bambo trees And evolution by degrees Was the great Jehovah's plan To change this grandpa-monk to man. Mr. Darwin's theory Is most to far fetched for me. I've watched tadpoles grow feet And from this to frogs complete But beyond I find no trace To monk and then the human race. From Calios long long time ago There must have come some zoo or show From which this great grandfather ape Successfully made his escape Shed his tail and shaved his face So from him sprung the human race. If so. monkes now In the cage Are grandpas In their tender age Captives of their own offsprings Yet too much brute to feel the sting Their great grandsons must keep the key Till evolution sets them free. Monkey blood may fill my veins And I may have some monkey brainy But by heck I've reached the stage/ I do not occupy a cage Or when e're I come to town See cats bow up and canines ./fown. Surely I would hate to be A grandpa in my infancy Walk upon my handstand feet Until my making wis complete In my great great grandsons care Or think peanuts were viands rare. No one can make me believe That from this source came Mother Eve It should be plainly understood She never was in monkey .hood She walks erect with ease and grace No irionkey In her not e'en a trace. She Is the fairest of the fair And no evolutionist should dare To say he has & right to claim Jocco was her dadles name From Adams rib she was designed And Is not of the monkey kind. 1 ? The Village Blacksmith. The Frankllnton News is offering |10 In rnRh prizes for the bm| assays by school children on the aM&tages of living In the oouatry. Ttte town Children have had thelrsay and now the News expects to present tVi other side. ? r t AUTOMOBILE PAINTING, UP-HOIr. sterlng. trimming and taping at reasonable prices. Ml work guu anteed. Repairing, painting and upholstering furniture also. 8. L. OUPTON, near Howell's Filling Bu tton, Loulsburg, N. C. 3-7-tt To Stop ? Cough Quick take HAYES* HEALING HOT ? ooolh medicine which atop* the ? h??Tin| the ' * A box ? SALVE far Craap la HAYES' ahoaid be rubbed Subscribe to The rraofclin ?1.M Pot Tear la One county agent exchanged 27 I tons of cotton seed for Nitrate of Soda, Acid Phosphate and Kalnit obtaining for the seed a price of ten cents por | bushel above that offered farmers lo cally. I Subscribe to The Franklin Times Habitual ujivupatlon Cured, ?