FOR EASTER Shirts, Tics, Collars SHIRTS WITH OR WITHOUT COLLARS $1.00 to $2-95 J. R. BILLER &. CO. (ARMY & NAVY STOKE) LOUISBURG, North Carolina ' 'WHERE YOU BUY THE SAME FOR LESS" TANLAC KEEPS HARRIS RIGHT ON HIS JOB Tea & Coffee Salesman States World's Greatest Tonic Has Kept Him Physically Fit For 4 Years. "Since taking Tanlac. my health Is better than I or any of my people or friends ever expected it to be." is the striking statement of G. R. Harris. 1414 X. 23rd St.. Richmond. Va.. well known tea and coffee salesman. "Five years ago. I suffered a gener al breakdown. My case was diagnos. ed as pellagra and stomach trouble and I had to give up and go to the country for a Ions rest. After some months, I got better and camc back to work but was still almost too weak to stand it. "Then, four years ago. a friend put me on to Tanlac. and all the stomach soreness, costiveness. nausea, violent headaeh^/nervousness and sleepless ness that kept me so miserable and weak, left' me. "Tanlac has certainly meant money in my pocket for the occasional use of Tanlac. and Tanlac alone, has kept up my strength and kept me on the job continually these four years". - Tanlac is for sale by all good drug gists. Accept no substitute. Over; 40 Million bottles sold. Take Tanlac Vegetablffrlls. Irish Cobbler, ^r.rly Ohio and Peach I Blow Seed Potatoes 4-11-lt at L. P. HICFfS. ] E. A. Spencer of Anson County re- j ported to the County Agent that he averaged about $90 per month from seven cows last year. He only bought one sack of cottonseed meal and two sacks of mill feed during the year. He grew his feed at home and exchanged cotton seed for the meal. He also made about 40 bales of cotton on 40 acres of land but will stick to his cows. Garden Plows and Full Stock Gard_ en Seed 4-11-lt at L. P. HICKS. "Sheffield" Trays mad* of Sheffield plate are popular wedding preaaota. Sheffield plating la a proceaa which was developed at Shef field, England, In the Eighteenth century, a metal ware la made by a process of laying a this stiver plate oa one of copper and rolling It The accent Is placed on the first syllable. Subscribe tc Tbo Franklin Times CHOICE EATS i You arc invited to make the fullest use of my complete 1 stock of the choicest Groceries. Feed Stuffs, etc.. Among ! my popular brands of flour are Wizard, Vanca, Melrose and William Tell. I will appreciate your business and ! will shew my appreciations by giving you the best there is at the lowest prices. Call to see me when in town. J. Allen Harris LOUISBUBG, North Carolina Spotless , Sanitary Bath rooms and Kitchens YOU'VE long wished for an easy way to keep these room* iweet and immaculate, without coaibnt scrubbing. Red Seal Lye ? 0m mjgftiei MMwi removes stains, and clears cloned traps instantly. Use Red Seal Lye daily. It's die greatest labor saver the housewife ha* HOUSEHOLD HINTS Thtmf Our III* ? ITMMbm Thtnga tkat are ordinarily wry hud to ?lwi?- pote. MM, itOTM, UtileU, item, ete. ? qniekly become tftOtm when Bed Seal Lye U oaed u the eleanaer. ? ? ? ? .Seal Lye eate up (nw ptrnlTj changing It into aoap Bad, with tit water, waehee away dirt of all kinda. (Do not nae It, how erer, on alunia?o>.) ' i ? -:?* ? Crericee and toiliri where roar hen, h e 4 - b a g ? and vermin abotnd rtmiiM be aprayed wtth a eolation of Bad Seal Ljn. ??ir'e e f" .. Bad Heal I /ye la alee fee for making hard ot eoft aoap at borne quickly aad Aeaply. Bed Seal Lye W recommended for thla nae. t Never V\ /' ' neglect a cough UT an fvi to i* o-c- w;rh Dr. Bell's I* i no-Tar Ftonev. Loosens hard*pac?cd p irj-m, ?oothes imlamed tissues, u? or.j normal breaching Made or the same medicines your own d- >ctor prescribes, combined wirh the Keep Dr. Bell's on hand tor all the family. DR. BELL'S Pittp'Tar Hon t^v All druggists. Be sure to get the genuine. TRUSTEES SALE OF LOUISBURG WAREHOUSE LOTS By virtue of that deed of trust made by W. H. and J. M. Allen to Win. H. Ruffin, Trustee, dated tyov. 1, 1920 and recorded In Book 241, page' 115-16' default having been mao? in tho ray ment of the debt-thereby secured and demand having been made on the said Trustee for foreclosure, by the holder of the debt thereby secured, the un dersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1924. at the noon recess of Court at the court bouse door in Louisburg, North Caro lina. offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder fo* .cash that warehouse lot and easements known as the Farmers Co-operative Com pany's Warehouse situate in the town of Louisburg, North Carolina, and more particularly defined as follows: First. That certain lot or pare** of landNsituate on the east side of L/iJn street In the town of Louisburg. boun ded and defined as follows: Begin ning at the corner of the J. F. Joles lot (now Farmers Co-operative Com-1 panys lot) and the C. B. Cheatham lot, formerly the Boatwright Prize House lot inow Allen Machine Com pany's lot) on Main street an iron stake; thence along ttf3 C. B. Cheat ham line (now AUm? Machine Com panys line) S 58 E 234Tfeet more or less to the corner of the Tar River Manufacturing Company's lot, former ly the Cooper lot (now John S How ell's lot) in the line of the S. A L Rail way Company; thence along the line of the S. A. L. Kfcilway N 26 3-4 W 279 feet more or less, to the corner of said railway on Main street; thence along -Vain street S 33 1-4 W 144 feet more or less to the point of beginning, it being the lot upon which is now sit uate an old dwelling house and a part of a brick Warehouse building. And also together with the afore described lot an descendible, trans ferable and assignable easement in and to and upon that strip of lanu on the Southwest side or margin of the Depot site of the S. A. L. Railway more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the foundation wall on Main street of the Warehouse now situate on said land, and running thence along Main street 23 feet to the line of the S. A. L. Railway; thence along the , the sa,d S' A- L- Railway N 26 3-4 E the full length of a Warehouse formerly on said lot 171 feet more or less; thence a line parallel ?o Main street and the first named Iine 23 feet to the northeast corneFoTthe founda tion wall of the said warehouse; thence a line parallel to the S A L Railway line along the foundation wall of said warehouse 171 feet mor'e or less, to the point of beginning, upon which was formerly located s mewhat Jones Tobacco Warehouse building and upon which Is now a portion of more than one-half in width of the said brick warehouse building, said easement being, however, limited to warehouse purposes only by the decis ion of the Supreme Court in the case of Ruffin vs. Railroad 161 North Car olina Report. 330, which settled the title to the above described lot and right of occupancy under said ease ment. The said lot and easement be ing the same conveyed by Farmers Co-operative Company to W. H. Allen and J. M. Allen. TM? Jan. 18. 1924. 1-18- 6t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued by [consent of all parttea concerned to Monday. February 26th, 1924, at noon recess of Court. This Feb. 18, 1924 1"5E;M WM' H- ROTT1N. Trftgte*. ' The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned to Monday. March 8. I?l4, at about the hoar of noon. This F*b. 26 1-M-lt WM. H, RUFFIN, Truate*. The above sate was continued by consent of all parties concerned tc Monday, March 10. 1924, at ahont the hour of noon. This Mar. 8. 19J4 8-7-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued by a" partl*" t0 Monday, Mar |i?' IM+./t the noop recess of court [Tills March 10, 1*24 3.14-lt WM H. RUFFIN, Trustee. Ttw sale was continued by consent of all parties to Monda*. Mar 24th, 1934, at about the hour of noon. [This March 17, 1924. J 8-21 -It WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sals was continued b] can seat of all parttos to Monday. Mar >31*. 1824, at about the hour of noon This March 24, 1?U. 3-tt-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trastae. The above sale was continued bj *" p,rM" 40 Monday, April J 7th. 1924, at about the hour of noon. Uw March 81. 1924. p-tii WM H RUFFIN, Trustee. The above aale was continued bi iZffiJf *Y i? Apr! ?t about th* hour of noon Th* April 7th, 1924. 4-ll-lt WM. H RUFFIN. Trustee. I FLA NT 80 MK OkRA I* THE t*Atti>KN j Raleigh, April 12. ? As soon as the soil warms up enough to start mak ing the garden, some okra should be planted. Successive plantings should be made every four to Ove weeks to insure a continuous supply through out the year, recommond horticultur al specialists of the State College of Agriculture. A rich mellow loam soil which has been plowed rather deeply and thor oughly pulverised, Is beot. Stable ijtsi"use 1s a good fertiliser. Where this Is not obtainable, 500 to 1,000 pounds per acre of a high grade com mercial fertiliser will usually give good results.' For Southern markets White Velvet Is the best variety. The seed should . be sown one to two Inches deep In rows four feet apart for horse cultiva tion and three feet apart tor hand cul tivation. Later the plants should be thinned out to two feet apart In the row. Cultivation should be given fre. quently while the plants are small, and later often enough to keep the land free from weeds. After the pods begin to form they should bejdt every day. preferably In _th.e es?Blne7 as only the young tender pods are desirable. AI30, pod pro duction ceases if the plant is allowed to seed. The food value of eggs does not de crease as the price goes down. At this season of the year they are both economicaj-and healthful. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DR. B. F. YARBOBOCGH PhjMclan and Surgeon Loulsbnrj?, N. C. Office In Blckett and Yarborougn Building. Dfflce Phone 296 Residence Phone 29 9. ATWOOD NEWELL. AttoraeT-At-I.SK. Louisburg, N. C. Phone No. 115 Dfflce In First National Bank Building General Practice DB. W. B. MORTON Eye Specialist Office In Hotel Building Loulaburg, North Carolina I wish to advise my patients and :he public generally that after the 1st >f September my business will be on i Cash basis when work ia completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMING 8. P. BUBT, H. D. . - Loulaburg. N. C. Dffices oyer Scoggln's Drug Stora Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m.. and 4 to > P. m. i)B. W. B. BASS. Veterinarian Louisburg, N. C. Offices an d Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 335-L Residence 33S-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DB. D. T. SMITH Wl.CE. Dentist. Uilitvi, I. c. Office In the First National Bank Building on Main and Nash Sta. W. ?. PERSON. ATTORNEY -AT-LAW Loulaburg, North Carolina n-Mtlee In ail courts. Office on Mala Street. G. M. BEAM Altornej-at-Law Offl over Post Office Pr?c. . in ail courts. DB. J. B. DAVIS Physician and Surgeon Office at Residence, North Main St. Telephone: Hours: Night 64 8:30 to 10:30 a. m. Day 64 12 to 2 p. m. 6 to 8 p. m. K. B. White E. B. Baleae WBITE * MALONK LAWYERS Loulaburg, North Carolina ?eneral practice, aettlwmt of e? ilH funds iBVMtOd. Op* member of iaa arm always la the office. DB. B. 6. PEBBY Physician and Surgeon Uahbirg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287; Night 287 DB. ?. B. 1ALOU. Louiabarg, North Carolina -ffiee la Ay cock Drag Btore, Market ?Uest, Office Practice liurgery sad oonsaltatloa. DB. B. H. JOHNSON Physielaa aad Sargeoa I/Oiishurg, North Carellaa Offloe orer Aycook Drag Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 !. 0. NEWELL, JL D. Lealebarg, N. ?. Offlo* la Plsst National Bank Building Day Ptaooa MS ? Night Pfaoaa M-l ffa B. Raffia, vnoe. W Raffia WE. M. * TBOH. W. BCPPIN > ? ? ? AHssaags ?1 law . I Nsrth Carellaa Qeaeral practice, both olTll and crta Isal, la Franklin sod adjoining ooan ttss. Supreme gad Federal Courts. Offices la Vint National Baak BffOdlna. fcorftn , , We are glad to announce to oar ana torn era and friends that we have llret class lias of barbers and are In bettw shape to serrs our oust. mere than We hare erer been. A trial la all we Ask. Thanking your for your patronage. We are yours to serre, 8TBOALL B OB. for rnurr clam job print ino PHONE) R1 NOTICE! NOTICE! 100 tons new Nitrate of Soda jo st arrived, the best you ever saw. 500 tons Fish Brand 8-3-3 To bacco Special with Sulphate of Potash mixture. Don't forget that W. B. Spivey and A. T. Howell are the Oil Kings of Franklin County and we make the prices and the others follow, so therefore don't forget J. S. Howell's filling statiou is the Tea Pot Dome for Louisburg and Franklin County. We are open eighteen hours to the day and seven days to the week. J. S. Howell South Louisburg, - N. C. Mules! Mules! Mules! Just arrived in Louisburg 3 car loads of Kentucky bred horses and mules, all young, good broke, single or double and ready to go. This stock must be as repre sented or your money refunded. I will trade or sell you and take part notes if neces sary until the Fall. Before buying your stock come to Bee me. I have got the horses and nutlet and can make the prVes and terms. I am no stranger in Franklin County. I have had 20 years experience in the horse business and none beats the K< atucky bred. Yours to serve, J. h. Southall V-'H XT 1 Nath St. ^iOUISBTHtO, *. G