Wonderfully Pretty are * ? these Blouses Only by seeing them can you hope to realize how much one or more, added to your wardrobe, will bring to you both utility and dress harmony. Prices that tell their own story. Our line ot Dry Goods and Notions is complete. Walking Shoes in Latest Shapes Suited for either work or dress wear, these new spring models in Footwear afford a wide range of choice in style, design and leathers. Get acquainted with us and save money on your Shoes. A. s. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSURANCE ACTUALLY DEALS WITH EVERY HONEST BUSINESS CNDER THE SUN Pira insurance has come to be nofoply a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect hiB family and provide shelter; the renter must guard his household goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their property investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a community against financial loss from fi?-e is its insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OVER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK ? New Garden Seed I have just received a large shipment of Woods Garden Seed, which I am selling for a low price. Come to see me. I can save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions.- ^ F. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBUHG, N. C. When Choosing New Rugs Bfe sure to take advantage of the splendid assortment of patterns, colors and kinds which we are now displaying for your ap proval. The valnes will appeal to you as being much above the usual and the prices represent real economy. W. E. White Furniture Co. (POLITICAL. ADVERTISING) FOR SHERIFF I herewith announ< v myself a can. J dldate for the office 01 Sheriff of Frank I in County subject to the action of the Iiemorratic primary to be held on the 7th of June, and viit greatly appre ciate the support of the voters of the county, assuring you that If 1 am nom inated and elected I will give this of fice au efficient business administra tion. 3-28. lit FRANK W. JUSTICE. JAMES J. LANCASTER. FOR SHERIFF -* I hereby announce to the voters of Franklin County that I am a candi date for the office ol Sheriif of Frank lin County and solicit your vote and assistance In the coming Democratic primary. 1 promise faithful service to the whole people it nominated and elected. Thanking you for your support. I am Respectfully, 2-22-tf JAMES J. LANCASTER. . FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce myself a canJl date for the office of Sheriff of Frank, lin County, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to be held June 7th. I shall appreciate your support and anything you may do tor me, and It elected I will use my very best ef forts to handle the office in an effic ient way, and make the very best Sheriff possible. 3-14-13t W. NORWARD FULLER. i_ FOR SHERIFF I hereby announce to the voters of Franklin county, that I am a candl. date for the office of Sheriff of Frank lin county, subject to the action of the Democratic primary to be held June 7th. I shall appreciate your support. I promise faithful se*vl(e to the peo ple if nominated and elected. 3-21. 12t PETER E. DEAN. FOR RECORDER Subject to the action of the Demo cratic primary I hereby announce my self a candidate for the office of Judge of the Recorder's Court, of Franklin County. I have practiced law about 20 years; you may be the Judge of my qualification. If elected to this office I shall endeavor to treat each case on its own merits, and to command that high respect tor this Court that is due all the courts of our land. 3-28. lit S. A. NEWELL. FOR RECORDER I hereby announce myself a candi date for the office of Judge of the Re corder's Court of Franklin County, subject to the action of the Democrat ic primary. cn June 7th. 4-4. lOt J. L. PALMER. FOR COMMISSIONER I herewith announce myself a can didate for the office of Commissioner for Franklin County, subject to the action ot the Democratic primary to be held in June and will appreciate your support. ? 4-11. 9t R. P. TAYLOR. FOR REGISTER OF DEEDS To the voters of Franklin County. Ladies and Gentlemen. I herewith announce myself a candidate for the office of Register of Deeds of Frank, lin County, subject to *ne action of the Democratic primary In June. I will appreciate your support. 4-ll-9t RICHARD C. PERRY. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES To the taxpayers and voters of Franklin County. Having fully decid ed some weeks ago to ask you to al. low me by your Votes and Influence In the approaching Democratic Primary. June 7th, to succeed myself in the next General Assembly in 1925 for this County. ? ffTiy yotir voTe and influence I am nominated and elected. I pledge my whole duty and best thought to the Interest of my County and State, as I may be able to see It. and will ever have a sympathetic ear to your al ready heavy load of burdensome tax ation. For that purpose and to that end. I covet your votes and influence, with a solemn promise to do all with in my power tfi make the burden light er. With grateful remembrance and appreciation for your past favors and support for this office I aBk to remain yours to serve most sincerely. 4-1 1 -9t GEORGE H. COOPER ?* NOTICE My son. Louis Patterson, nge 13 years, left my home Wednesday with out any cause whatever. T forbid any one to hire or harbor him. Want aiy lawful officer to hold him and notify me. OU3 PATTERSON. 4.11.4t R. 2, Loulsburg, N. C. Full Stock 8creen Doors, Window* and Screen Wire 4-11-lt at L. P. HICKS. Free Flower 8eeds Tm will bo glad to bmr tut Has tings', "Tli* Booth'! Bwdaut," win gtrs sway about 1,000, imM at Mod of tk? South'! moat popular (low ?n this spring. Thara la nothing In th? hocna that ?an ao?npara wHi rtch aolorad fknrara. Thajr brigfctoa na all BP and maka any hooaa attractive. Ton oant plant too many flBwW and this opportunity to ?at Bhlrlay Poppi?a, SrarUattng flow ara, lftnalaa. Oosanos sad Mailwn Burn ing Sol* abaolqtalr fraa, la aartalmljr to ba walstwiad br all raadars of thta ?apsr Too aaa got thaml J oat wrlta to ?ast**^ for tha a srw 111* Catalog. It tans yoa how to got flowor asada fraa. It baa 1M psgss at baautttul photo graphic ploturea and corTaqt daaorlp Ooas at gardan Bowsr aad fMd saads. bulbs aad plants, and alas la fall of halpfal Information that Is aaadad almost dally ta ovary ?oathara bona. lt'? na Mat Talaabla aaad book srar ?obUAad aad yon win ba mlfhty glad | am gat it Jaat wrHa aad ask tor (ha as w Oataioa M. ?. HAhTINM CO, Practical Nurse Tells Mrs. N. E. Snow, of Route 1, near Paris, Tenn., tells the story of her experience as follows: "I am 62 years old and I have been a practical nurse for more than 20 years, tak ing mostly maternity cases. One of my daughters suffered from cramping at . . . She would just bend doable and hare to go to bed. GARDUI The Woman's Tonic was recommended to her and she only had to take about two bottles, when she hardly knew that tt was . . she suffered so little pain. "M y youngest daughter was run-down, week and nervous, and looked like ?ke didn't have a bit of blood left ? Just a walking Skeleton, no appetite and tired all the time. I gave her two bottles of Cardui. It built her up and she began eating and soon gained in weight and has been so well since." Cardui, the Woman's Tonic, has helped suffering women for over forty years. Try H. At all druggW. E100 SALE OF LAND Under end by virtue of th"! power and authority contained in that Deed of Trust, executed to J. A. Williams, Trustee, by J. T. & E. L. Aiken, and their wives, and duly registered in the ofTlce of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County, in book 193 at poge 280. Default having been made in the payment of the Indebtednjss there by secured and demand made upon me to foreclose. I will on MONDAY, APRIL 28, 1924 at the courthouse door of Franklin County, at or about the hour of noon, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that tract of land sit uate in Youngsville Township, Frank lin County, North Carolina, bounded | as follows, viz: Being lot No. 5 of map No. 1 of sur vey roiide of the J. S. Mmberlake es tate by R. G. Ball, engineer, 1920, see Registry of Franklin County, North Carolina, book of maps page 102. This the 21st day of March, 1924. J. A. WILLIAMS. Trustee. Ben T. Holden, Atty. 3-28.5t Piles Cured to 6 to M Days Druggists refund moneyif PAZO OINTMENT fail# ro cure Itching, ?llnd, Bleeding orProcrodind Piles Insta'Vly relieves Jtrhing Piles; and you can Set restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. SHOES REPAIRED THE SAJIE DAY THEY ARE RECEIVED All Hinds of Harness and Fan Belts Made To Order. Ladles Shoes Soled 85c pair Men's Shoeu Soletf $L0O p?ir (ioodjrear Winnrfooi Rnbber Heels Bert e* lie marSst 50c p*lr ALL. "vv OKK tiijAhAN7ie?Ij We make a specialty on I.adies and Gents line shoes. Mr. J. R. Gantt has had 30 years ex perience and Is considered one of the best workmen in the State, give him a -trial. Try u pair of PA>C0 Soles for Six Months Wear. LOUIS BURG REPAIR SHOP Julius Lehman. Proprietor 2 doors below F. A. Roth's Store THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY 00. Announce that Mr. B. B. Perry has fltken charge uf Its Insurance busnessb Mr. Peiry will be (lad to see his friends, 1 and when in need of ANY KIND of Insurance, see hint Mr. Perry has had manV years ?* perlenoe In Insurance, and la m isr l to gf ?> the pr' )e tt< bMt aH wrrlt*,. Mr lMru? of ar klaf. writ*, phone ?? see Bennett Perry THE TRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY 00. I The Laying Hen is the Paying Hen Purina Chows make layers out of hens. Purina Chows fn-f litikfrir no more than ordinary feeds, and they produce more eggs than other feeds on the/ market. That's why we picked Purina, as the chows to sell. Pure, clean, honestly made, they arc; sold under the iron-bound guarantee of more eggs or money back, when fed according to the simple directions. If you want more eggs right now drop in. L I1, HICKS ON CHE BUSY OOBNE? PURINA HAS GIVEN ME AN _ IDEA < RINGS FOR BEAUTY Ac'ded beauty may be given pretty hands by adc rning them with Rings, properly chosen as to Mountings and Sets. Jo'd stay chooae free? an ciussaliy iarrs iL"pi&y when you come here. L. W. PARRISH ?JEWELER? LOUISBURG, NORTH CAROLINA Tires! Tires! Tires! Goodyear, Giant and Auburn 30 * 3 Fabrics * 6.00 to? < 9.00 30x3 1-2 " 7.00 " 9.50 30 x 3 1-2 Cords 10.00 " 12.50 32 x 4 " All Weather 22.00 30 x 3 Goodyear Tubes 1.25 Other Bize Tubes in proportion Spring will soon be here, but why wait? Buy now while we have your size. More people ride on "Good year's" th^n any other make of tires. "There's a Reason" First grade of Goodyear tires sold in Louis burg only by Cranford Motor Com^y, COMMISSIONERS SALE OF FARM LAND Under and by Yrtue of an Order made by the Superior Court of Frank lin County, dated Marc , !7th, 1924 tn that special proceeding entitled W. A. Stalling* et als vs Joe S. Stalling* et als, the undersigned Commissioner will on Monday the 28th day of April, 1224, at or about the hour of noon at the court houiK) door In Louiebu rg, N. C. otftr for aale at public auction to the htghest bidder for cash, the fol lowing described land: Lying and being In Cypreaa Creek township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of \ | Ruff In Col He, the Arrington land, the | Sherrod Qay land, and the Monroe Raines land, and containing I! acres, more or leas, ad being known aa the W. B. Stalling* lands. Ttila the 27th day o t Mar. 1?24. 3. 28- St B. H. MAL.ONB, Com. RETURN ROAD MACHIKS The party who bo roweJ the- Road 8c rating Machine belonging to the Town of Loulabnrg will >lsa*e return aame or let me Know ?1mt? It la *o that I can send and get tt? a H. MIA DOWS? 4-4- It dhM ot Potto*. . i FOR FIRST CUA88 JOB PBXNTlMd PHONB m