The Beauty of the New Dresses Beautifully fashioned from the season's most favored fabrics in styles that have won the approval of style leaders every where, these Dresses are representatively smart for wear on any occasion. Then, too, there is the economy of buying them ready to wear, for the cost is but lit tle more tlrnn you would have to pay for the material and findings alone. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSURANCE ACTUALLY DEALS WITH EVERY HONEST BUSINESS CNDER THE SUN Flro Insurance has come to be not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter must guard his household goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their property Investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a community against financial loss from fir* Is its Insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OYER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK New Garden Seed I have just received a large shipment of Woods Garden Seed, which I am selling for a low price. Come to see me. I- can save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions. P. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG. N. 0. Specially Priced Dining Sets Sturdy construction and serviceable finishes empha size the importance of choosing one of these sets for your home, while prices are so very attractive as now. . Our extended payment plan may be used, if desired, even though the prices are much less thaft regular. W, E. White Furniture Co. CROW ASPAKAGU8 TIPS IN THE HOME ?A HUES Kalelgh, N. C.. May 5. ? Asparugus Is Bot well know as a .lorae garden vege table in North Carullnu, even though It Is possible to grow the crop easily and successfully. The bed requires very little attention after it has once been started and those who have a good sandy loam soil In the garden spot may grow the crop to advantage. The soil needs to be well enriched and deeply dug however. Specific directions for having an as paragus bed are given by R. F. Wayne, i extension horticulturist for the State 1 College of Agriculture, who says: "The soil should be well manured the previous Beason and well fertilized when the bed Is set. After the bed Is established, the fertilizer should be applied after the cutting seas in. using 1,000 to 1,500 pounds per acre of a fertilizer analyzing 2 to 4 percent nitrogen, 6 to 8 percent phosphoric acid, and 6 to 8 percent potash In the form of muriate of potash. "The best variety of asparagus Is Martha Washington as It Is rust re sistant. Palmetto and Argenteull are two varieties widely grown. "Asparagus can be propagated from the seed, but the easiest plan Is to buy one. year old root stocks from some reliable seedsman. These can be set out either In the spring or fall. Place these root st -ks In rows 5 to 8 feet apart and 1 1-2 to 2 1-2 feet apart in the row belne placed hori zontally In the bottom of a 10 Inch furrow and oovered up 2 to 3 Inches and gradually filled in. The ground should be cultivated from early In the spring until cutting time. Later the weeds should be kept down. "The tips should not be cut until the third season and then only for three weeks. After this It can be cut for the entire season, about 10 weeks. If white tops are desired, cut the shoots several Inches below the surf ace of the soli when they appear The green tips are cut just a little be. neath the surface." EXASITN'E YOrNG COTTON PLANTS (By Keaton Arnett) (For the National Boll Weevil Control Association.) New Orleans, La.. April 30. ? While a thorough investigation of young cot ton plants by farmers to determine the proper time for pre.square poisoning is urged it is not considered necessary that every plant on every acre in a field be examined. By selecting sey. eral rows In various parts of the field for examination It is believed that the degree of Infestation can be dotcrmin ed with sufficient accuracy. However, a most minute examina. tlon of the plants In these rows should be made and to do this it will be neces sary for the farmer to get down on his knees and look over every portion of the plant. This opratio nshould be repeated daily until it is determined for Cleaning Qrimy Walts, Steps and Floors DON'T take chances with stored vegetables and preserves in the cellar "cold" room. Wash walls and floors witha Red Seal Lye solution. This powerful disinfectant prevents mold and fermen tation a ild keeps the storage room clean and sanitary. Ideal Tic Sure and Buy only the genuine Red Seal Lye , Write for FREE booklet, "Home Helps" P. C. Tomson & Co. Philadelphia, Pa. HOUSEHOLD HINTS Thing* Our Reader* Want to Know When plumbing become* elogged, the qoiekest and bent way of elenring it U to rift tome Red Soul Lye Into the outlet. Thia freea the obstructing ma terial alnioat instantly. ? ? ? Much unnecessary labor may bo saved on wash-day by softening tho wash-water with Rod Seal Lye. Thia serves to looaen tho dirt from the clothe* without the usual hours of laborious rubbing. ? ? ? Pots and pans (except those made of aluminum) will let go their dirt and grease more quickly if Red 8eal Lye is used as a cleanser. Silvertown means ? highest quality, low cost, long service, ? and finally ? Tremendous satis faction. ..... Goodrich Silvertown CORD ^ : L. P. Hicks Louisburg Motor Company J"8EST IN THE LONG RUN" (that there are as many as twenty bollj weevils to the acre. Poisoning should begin at this stage. Equal effect has been obtained with calcium arsenate in dust form and the calcium arscmate-molasses mixture at this stage, .according to the reports ? of state experiment stations, but farm_' (erg should not confuse the recommen.| datlon for use of the liquid mixture in the pre-square stage with the re-j commendations for late season poison- 1 ing. Calcium arsenate in dust form j only is found to be the most effective i :ifter squares have formed. At this stage calcium arsenate may J .be applied either b ycotton dusting machines or may be ph^iken on the! 'plants from a bag. The mixture, which1 should be composed of one pound of calcium arsenate, one gallon of mo j lasses and one gallon of water, may be applied to the tips of the plants I where the weevils feed by sprinkling a few drops from a tiome made mop. About one gallon of the mixture should be used to the acre. Further information on boll weevil control may be obtained from the coun ty agent, state college of agriculture or the National Boll Weevil Control Association. Room 220 Whitney Build, ing. New Orleans. La. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING ? PHONE 283 OVER 40 PEOPLE KILLED and millions of dollars property damage by wind storms in South Carolina and North Carolina. Storm Insurance is cheap Get our rates, on Storm, Fire, Life, Health and Ac cident Insurance. THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY 00. Bennett Perry Manager. The Kind of Chickens To Keep Strong, healthy, vigorous hens with short, neat heads and srong beaks. The liens with long, deep, rectangular bodies and parallel top and botttm lines. The liens with large, britfht eyes, active appearance and short, well-worn toenails. The liens with dusty, worn feathers, especially worn tail feathers, but having a bright, healthy look. The liens that molt late and those that mol rapidly. The noisy, happy, friendly hens. The early risers and those late to roost. The vigorous liens with the faded beaks and shanks. The hens with the' thin pelvic bones spread wide apart. The early-hatched, well-grown pullets. Large, strong, active, quick maturing cockerels of de sired variety type and high producing mothers. r UISBUM, TESTED QUALITY "When buying anything in Drugs, quality is a matter of first consideration. We make ydii'certaiu by insist ing that every item we offer von meets our rigid quali ty standard. S. P. BODDIE, Receiver Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated Balloon Tires Be sure and try a set Good years, no better made. We make the price right (no gyp stock). We still have all sizes at old prices,