MOTION MCTTKE8 ISTBODtOE METHOD BOLL WEEVIL CONTROL B f Keetcrn Armett (FV>r the National Boll Weevil Control Association) New Orleans, May 21.? 8tlmuletlon of buying In the calcium arsenate mar ket has been effected by the uie of motion pictures In the initructlon of metlitMlB of controlling the boll weevil according to reports from every ac tion of the South Where the films are Used, to the nation Boll Weevil Con trol Association. Many farmers who have been dublouB as.4? the results to be obtained by the l>ol?oa have been converted, It Is said, and have placed their orders (or a wMoD't supply. A large number ol banks, chamber! of commerce and other business In terests are cooperating with the con trol association In showing the films, "How to Poison Boll Weevils" and "Good Bye Bool Weevil," which are fnrnlshed by the United States de partment of agriculture, and at pres ent Here are ftve sets of the films being used throughout the cotton belt. With the time already at hand In some sections Af the belt and near at hand in others when the cotton plants begin to aj?pear and tne boll weevil JUST OPENED A new line of Spring Slippers and Oxfords for both Ladies and Gentlemen. Also a good line of work shoes for Men. Be sure to see them before you buy. To show you is all I ask. . . I will do the rest. A full line of Groceries and feed stuffs at all times. J. W. PERRY TO OUR FRIENDS, CUSTOMERS AND THE PUBLIC We Have Discontinued Our Delivery Truck We are still In business at the same old stand where we will be glad to serve you and me will make prices attractive. We have a new line ot Men's and Women's dress slippers and sandals, that wo are going to sell at the lowest possible prices. Men'o and Boys' ten nis oxfords, Men's and Boys' overalls, work shirts, dress shirt, un derwear. pants and many other things that will pay you to come and see. We are still selling groceries cheaper day by day In every way. Snowdrift Lard, 8 lb. bucket ! $1.65 Snowdrift Lard, 4 lb. bucket 80c Golden Cream Syrup, 1 gallon can 68c Golden Cream Syrup, 1-2 gallon can - 85c Melrose Flour 1.2 bbl. sack W.00 Melrose Flour 1-4 bbl. sack #2.00 Melrose Flour 1-8 bbl. sack $1.05 Eagle Brand Milk, per can 20c Bakers Can Cocoanut, per can 15? F. N. S P I V E Y NEAR THE BRIDGE Phone ,^22 Loulaburg, N. 0. bogiua Ita ravages, the farmers turn their attantiun to the Deat way to "keep the liif??tatlnn to n minimum. It la believed that a majority "or the planters have established for them selves the (act that a low rate of weevil emergence this spring gives them a crop chance that was not en_ Joyed last year and have determined to take advantage of it by poisoning either with calcium arsenate In dust for iu or wiUi calcium argeoate-molas. ses mixture when there are as many as twenty weevils to the acre. Some farmers have used poison In other years but due to the Improper use or application have not obtained tlie beet reaOlti; whtle otherr have never used It and both classes ap parently are eager to see the films which demonstrate clearly the correct way ofUBlng calcium arsenate and ptress the slogan, " do it right or not at all." Virtually the only way to determine the degree of Infestation In young cot ton is by thorough examination of every plant In a given number of rows In a field. It Is pointed out by experts that while It Is necessary for the farmer to get down on his hands and knees to make a proper examination of the plants it is not necessary to examine every plant In every field, calculating the Infestation on the basis that the weevils are uniformly distri buted. If calcium arsenate dust is not used at this stage 11 Is recommended thai an application can be made to the tops of the plants of a home mixture containing one pound of calcium arse nate. one gallon of molasses and one gallon of water. The mixture should be applied by sprinkling a few drops on each plant from a home made mop within twenty-four hours after mixing and about one gallon of the mixture to the acre should be u?ed. "The cooperative carlot shipment of poultry from Lenoir county raised the price of hens from 14 cents per pound to 20 1-2 cents to the farmers and pleased everyone ecept a- few huck sters. County Agent F. W. Risher re ports that 212 farmers sold over 4000 head of poultry weighing over 18,000 pounds. The smallest check was for 60 cents and the largest was $123. The farmrs made over $90. The sellin In this was as contrasted to selling lo cally at the price offered. Tom Tarheel says that the folks In Ills neighborhood have already made plans tor the community fair this fall. They Intend to show the progresa made In the community during the year. Chew it after every meal II atlmnlatea appetite and ?Ma digestion, tt makes your food do yon more flood. Note how It relieves (bat s tally lee Mas ?Iter hearty eating. |Wkltam iMlk. The excessive rains have undoubtedly washed away a good part of the fertilizer, particularly those fertilisers high in min eral ammonia. It might be advisable to make a side applica tion. For tobacco and corn it is essential that a fertiliser high tn organic ammonia be used for good results. We have complete stock of all Fertilixers, 16% Add, Mori ate of Potash, Nitrate of Soda and Cotton Seed Meal. Will be glad to serve you from one bag to on* hundred tons. > COTTON SEED MEAL 140.00 TON. The McGtoee-Joyiier Co. ffeAKKUftlttrS BTQOK8T * BIST STORK PHOWl 47 - -4:. PHONE 47 Every Motoring Need At Lowest Cost The Ford Touring Car meets every motoring requirement at the lowesr possible cost, It is sturdy, depend able, long lived; easy to drive., con venient to park ? and possesses the highest resale value in propor tion to list price, of any car built The Touring Car F. O. B Detroit Demountable Rime and Starter *85 extra Runabout S26J Cou(m S3 25 Tudor Sedan S3 90 for door Sedan S68S All price a /. ?. 6. Detroit See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer THE UNIVERSAL CAR Four-fifth of North Carolina hr.s cow been surveyed by the soli survey forces of the State and Government. 8. O. Perkins has Just finished the survey of Greene County. One half of Ruth erford and Wilson counties have been completed and one third of North ampton. On the first of June a survey of Yadkin will begin, announces C. B. Williams, of the Division of Agronomy, North Carolina Experiment Station. The Registration Books of all town ships are now open. There is no new Registration, but It is necessary for all those who have moved to new lo cations, that is from one township to another, to register, also those who have become of age since the last election. Do this now. The books will close on Saturday, May 24th, 1924T" Subscribe to The Franklin Time* AH, YES Newsboy: "Paper, mister?" Professor: "Why, yes, I believe it Is. So it is. Curious, Isn't it? Good day." PUea Cured In 6 tq^K"f>ays Dntfglxts refund money ff^Jt^O OINTMENT fad* to cure Itching. LU?d. StlftdinJ or ProtnidiM Piles, nstaifclv reUevea^JcniiniJ Piles, and you can jet restful sleep aftef the first aDDlicatkm. Price Wc. This is Your Opportunity To Get a Copy of The Life of Woodrow Wilson by Hon. Josephus Daniels Who is undoubtedly the best fitted to portray the life of the Greatest President of the United States. With every Four Year Subscription to the Frank lin Times we will give a copy of this book absolute ly free. With a Two Year Subscription to the Franklin Times and $1.00 we will give a copy of this great book. Get your order in now before the supply is ex hausted. ' ' V This offer applies to renewals as well as new subscriptions. Write to-day. . THE FRANKLIN TIMES : ft - . 283 Lootebari It C r>i: ^ 1,73s;