The Beauty of the New Dresses Beautifully fashioned from tlie season's most favored fabrics in styles that have won the approval of style leaders every where, these Dresses are representatively smart for wear on any occasion. Then, too, there is the economy of buying them ready to wear, for the cost is but lit> tie more than you would have to pay for the material and findings alone. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSUBANCE ACTUALLY DEALS WITH EYEBY HONEST BUSINESS CNDEB THE SUN Fire Insurance has come to be not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter must guard his "Household goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their property Investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a community against financial loss from flr>i Is its Insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OYEB THE FIRST NATIONAL BASK New Garden Seed I have just received a large shipment of Woods Garden Seed, which I am selling for a low price. Come to see me. I ean save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions. F. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBITRO, N. 0. Specially Priced Dining Sets Sturdy construction and serviceable finishes empha size tie importance of choosing one of these sets for your home, while prices are so very attractive as now. Otfr extended pavment plan may be used, if desired, even tliough the prices are much less than regular. W. E. While Furniture Co. 'f* ? JTSMISWP! '? ?* ? ** Vf - 1* - Vl . ..? ?? ? vw. ... - t . ... ^ , KEEPING COOL By THOMAS A. CLARK Dmb of Mm, University of Illinois. pvUIUNG the days vchcu the sun ^ pours down upon us and the ther mometer climbs up to the one-hundred mark, no one seems willing to let his neighbor forget the weather. "Is it hot enough for youT" the gro cer's boy queries as he runs in with the day's provisions. "Pretty hot day," a professor ventures, mopping his dripping dome as be speaks. "Some weather," the elevator boy says as I make my exit. Keeping cool is quite as much a mat ter of temperament as of temperature; it is a state of mind as well as condi tion of the weather. The people who stand the heat the worst are those who never allow themselves to forget It, who talk about It continually, who are never still, who rush from one place to another In a frenzy of desire to find a cool spot; who fuss and fume and tan until they are red in the face and running perspiration. The best way to keep cool is to go about your work methodically, be as quiet as you can, and forget the weather. It is much the same way with the other worries of life. We grow hot over the slights and insults, we are agitated over our misfortunes as we talk of them, and let our minds dwell upon them, and exaggerate them. We are constantly tending the flras of anger or resentment or they would shortly burn themselves out. The man who under stress and irri tation and misrepresentation can keep his balance, can control his tamper and his tongue, can subdue the rising emotions, has conserved his own strength, has made it possible tor him self to do more and better work, and has more than half defeated the par poses of his opponent. "How can you sit so calmly and say nothing?" I asked a friend of mine some time ago, who was the subject of a bitter, untruthful personal attack. "Because the cooler I keep the hotter and the weaker his words become," was the answer. So far &s we can, we may better take the hot words and hot days qui etly, without comment, without phys ical agitation. There is a force and a strength in keeping coot. ? by Weitirn Newspaper Union MOTHERS DAY AT HARRIS CHAPEL Owning to the weather conditions on May 11th, the regular Mothers Day program at Harris Chapel will beglven next Sunday, May 25th. Missionary Meeting. Subject: Our Country Churches. Topi young cot ton were found around May 20th or later, and hibernated weearunce o( con crete basins. They last for years In such a capacity. To become independent ? open a Savings account with this bank. Then add to it as rapidly as circumstances will allow. $1.00 a week for 10 years will amount to > 44.40. TESTED QUALITY When buying anything in Drugs, quality is a matter of first consideration. We ma Ice you certain by insist ing that every item wo offer you meets our rigid quali ty standard. S. P. BODDIE, Receiver Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated Balloon Tires Be sure and try a set Good years, no better made. We make the price right (no gyp stock). We still have all size* at old prices,