AFTEK JAPAJi TRAI)K Kalelgh, May 27. ? The , Cotton Co-, operative Associations o f the South aie getting ready to go alter the Japa nese trade? Japan la ualng over 700, 000 bales of American cotton at the present time every year and General Sales Manager C. B. Howard, of tha American Cotton Growers' Exchange believes from the Information he has received that Japan offers the coopera tive marketing associations a good field. Mr. Hcward expects to open a sales office in Japan within a very short time, the first sales office in the Orient and this office will be in charge of experienced coton men, equipped to handle the trade in the tar east. Of fices are already maintained in Livers pool, Bremen, Harve, Milan, Barce lona and Rotterdam. General Manager U. B. Blalock of ' the North Carolina Cotton Qrowers' Cooperative Aaaociatlon, accompanied by Sales Manager Lawrence McRae left Raleigh last night tor New York i where they will confer with Mr. How ard, who Is Bhortly to sail for Europe, land who i? to visit the various sales offices and In July will address the International Cotton Congress In Vi enna. This congress is composed of cotton manufacturers of all countries and Invited Mr. Howard to speak, to them concerning the qsgperatjve mark etlng method. North Carolina Cooperatives have sold some cotton for export but have catered more largely to the demands and needs of the mill trade of the Carolines. Before leaving last night, Mr. Blalock said that with three month of the season yet to go, the North Carolina Association was well up with its program of the orderly marketing of their cotton. More than 500 new members have Joined tbe association since May 1, Including a iaVge number of big cotton producers. ( A Bit OK THANKS We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for the many kindnesses shown us during the recent Illness and death of our husband and father. They will always be remembered. Mrs. O. P. Harris and children. FOR HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES JAMES S. MASSENBURG Courage. Conviction, dignity and to be able to speak on his feet In con demnation of unjust taxation and the making of unjust laws are the at tributes of a good Representative. "Equal rights to all. special privileges to none." 1 want your support. Subscribe to The Franklin Times UNITED STATES TIRES ARE GOOD TIRES use? CORD USCO Cords have established a new standard in high-value tire equipment at a medium price. The new patented latex treatment of the cords gives them strength and wearing qualities that mean many added miles of service. The easy steering, yet sure grip ping non-skid tread, means ease of handling ? traction safety. Made in 30 x 3 as well as 30 x 3Vfe inch clincher and in all straight side sizes. U. S. Tires are the only tires in the world made of cords solutioned in rau> rubber latex Buy USCO Cords from L. P. HICKS Louiaburg, N. C. LOUISBURG MOTOR CO. Louisburg, N. C. For Board of Education from District No. 5 ASHER F. JOHNSON Having served you in the capacity of Chairman of the Board of Education since the death of one of the best friends the chil dren of Franks n has ever had ? Capt. Arch Perry in February, 1923, I have seen the importance of the great educational work in Franklin County more urgently than ever before, and it has awakened an interest on my part that causes me to ask the sup port of all the voters in Franklin County that I may do what I can for the children who will be the men and women of tomor row. It will be my pleasure to see that every dollar spent will produce, as far as is humanly possible, one hundred cents worth of results. I will appreciate your vote and your influence in the coming primary. Thanking you in advance, I am YOURS FOR GOOD SCHOOLS, Asher F. Johnson FARMERS NATIONAL BANK U. S. Government Supervision LOUISBURG, - NORTH CAROLINA We invite your banking business. Condensed statement of condition May 23rd, 1924, shown below: \ ASSETS:' Loans I . . . . .$104,907.43 U. S. Bonds ... '. . . 25,000.00 Stocks and Bonds 3,400.00 Overdrafts 2,092.91 Furniture and Fixtures 3,314.37 Other Assets 5,641.64 CASH 40,762.35 $185,718.70 INCREASE IN BANKING RESOURCES SINCE MARCH 1, $29,326.40 Safe, Conservative, Accommodating T. H. DICKER'S, President H. M. STOVALL, Cashier E. H. PARHAM, Asst. Cashier MISS VIRGINIA PERRY, Bookkeeper. DIRECTORS: (Who really direct) T. H. Dickens, Chas. N. Sherrod, H. M. Stovall, J. S. Howell, G. M. Beam. < S . .. i i .? ? ? Z , . >i rit We will be glad to have you make Our bank Your bank LIABILITIES: # Capital Stock, Surplus and Undivided Profits $ 34,215.19 Circulation * 25,000.00 Rediscounts 22,635.75 DEPOSITS 103,867.76 $185,718.70