Buy You a Home or Make an Investment That Will Pay Good Returns I will offer for sale on terms inquiring small cash payments and small installments the following proper ty in Lonisburg: 3 Houses and Lots on Spring Street. 2 Houses and Lots on Cedar Street. 2 Houses and Lots in Black Town. 2 Houses and Lots on Mineral Springs. 3 Houses and Lots on Cripple Creek. This property is subject to your inspection and is ready *o be delivered to the purchaser. Write or see S. C. FORD, FRANKLINTONr_ NORTH CAROLINA ICE We are pleased to an nounce to to the peo ple of Louisburg that we are now prepared to furnish your ICE needs. WINDSOR Ice comfcs to your door promptly as yon order It, pure as every sanitary precaution can keep It, and fnmranteed full welpht. Plac? your order with us now and Insure yonr home a dependable supply of pure Ice for the coming warm weather. The cost Is more than balanced by the food saTed and the effort derived. DON'T HAVE TO BE AN ESKIMO TO KNOW GOOD ICE. WINDSOR ICE CO. LOUISBURG, North Carolina GIVE YOUR COW A CHANCE BY ALWAYS HAVING ON HAND IN YOUR DAIRY BARN COW NEEDA The proven feed that produces more milk at a less cost. Already prepared. Try it, yon will like it as others have. J. Allen Harris L0UI8BURG, North Carolina County and in iyOuUbnrg. y pply to 8. C. FORD, 5-8 _tf ' . Pr&nkl IJ. Q. AVTOHOBILE PAINTISG, UF-HOL ?terlng, trimming and i, .ping at reasonable price*. All work guar anteed. Repairing, painting and aphotaterlag furniture alo. 8. L. OUPTON, near Howell'* rilling Sta tion, Loulnburg, N. 0. 8-7-tf or or child Business men of Granville county have ple<iged|5?0 (n cash to be used as prizes to stimulate more Interest In the Llve-At-Home program . of the Agricultural Extension Division, re ports conty agent J. H. Blackwell. With the annual output from her clayJpfoduct Industries valued at 131,. 000.000. ranking the State second only to Ohio in pottery, tile, gli~sware. and other ceramics, Pennsylvania la meet ing the demand for tralnlngg In those Industries by offering a four year course In ceramic engineering at the State college. Ohio, New York, and New Jersey all pupport well-establish ed schools of ceramics. Select Assortment Fancy Qrocerit-s always at "L. P.. HICK8. 6-30-lt If you can't get Ice this summer, build a home-made tcetaae refrigera tor. TWt are eh? p and serviceable and will keep food cool daring the hotteet w nether Writ* Mrs. Jane B. McKlmmon, State Home Demonstra tion Agent, at Raleigh, for detail*. Fresh cut herilag ? l-h doc, (Long as they last.) rush t?( foe ban-lag at iao. W. KINO. 6-80-lt SETH0D9 OF BOLL WEETIL CO> TKUL By kwlun Arnett (Kor the National Boll Weevil Control Associtaion) New Orleans, May 28. ? Confidence in tlie methods of boll wevil control asrecommended by the scientists and experts ot the Lulled States Depart ment of Agriculture and the State Col lege of Agriculture is being demon strated in virtually every section of the cotton belt where there la an orga nized movement to combat the pest. While there Is considerable effort on the part of some organitaUona and business concerns to obtain the use by farmers of poison mixtures which hare been proven by the scientists to have little or no value as a means of boll weevil control the Indications are that a great majority of the farmers who are using control methods ard heeding the teachings of the scientists just as they heed tne advice of the doctor when they are ill. The argument has been presented that tests of poison have been made only under conditions in one locality. This argument is readily refuted by reports of the experiment stations in practlcall every state In the cott )u belt which show that calcium arsenate used in dust form or in the home-mix ed molasses mixture lor the pre square stage and the dust only after blooming begins, increase the yield per acre, increases the money valiu) of the crop and decreases the cost <it production. The figures in the reports are based on tests conducted on plats where different kinds of polsonB were used, checked against each other and against unpoisoued plats under the same conditions. It is significant that the findings of the >arious experiment stations so nearly coincide, it also Is significant that for the first time since the boll weevil invaded the United States the scientists have agreed on a definite I plan of controlling the boll weevil and I have combined in making the same general recommendations for the en tire cotton belt. i* The method of control which is being employed In the pre-square stage by a very large number of growers and which is recommended by the ex perts is die use of either calcium ar senate applied with cotton dusting machinery or shaken on the plants from a bag; or a mixture of one pound of calcium arsenate, one gallon of mo lasses and one gallon of water applied to the tips of the plants with a home made mop, using about one gallon to the acre. Determination for pre-square poison Ing is made by a thorough daily in spection of the plants and when as many as twenty weevils to the acre are found, poisoning should begin. Poisoning in the fruiting stage should begin when as many as 10 to 15 per cent of the squares are punctured and calcium arsenate In dust form only should be used. The reason for wait ing until so many of the squares are punctured is because of the probability of weather control and no damage is effected by the pest until the Infesta tion passes that stage because the plant would naturally shed that many squares without infestation. Therefore, poisoning in the fruit stage before 10 to 15 per cent of the squares are punctured is a needless waste of time and money. Jl'IKiE CLARK'S DEATH BBIXG3 ABOrr A LEGAL COMPLICATION Cp to Attorney General Manning To Deride Method of Selecting Perma nent Successor to Chief Justice, As He Most Be Elected at Hands of the People ? Governor to Appoint Suc cessor lor Period Until Man In Elected. Raleigh, May 21. ? Cameron Morri son, as governor of Xorth Carolina, will appoint the successor to the late Chief Justice Walter Clark, of the supreme court, this being the third time Mr. Morrison has been called upon to fill a vacancy In the personnel of the high tribunal. On previous occasions he filled the va cancies caused by the deaths of Jus tices Walker and Allen by the ap pointment of Justices Clarkson and Adams. Because of the tact that the entry list for the primaries have closed, the election of the man whom Gover nor Morrison appoints will bring about a legal situation which the state board of elections Indicated would be left to Attorney General Manning to work out. Under the law, the governor will appoint a successor to Chief Justice Clark, but this successor will have to stand for election at the next general election, and will then only serve out the un expired portion of Mr. Clark's term, which Is two years from January, 1925. I-**al Complication* ? No opportunity will present Itself before the general election for this successor to be submitted for ap proval to the democratic -voters un less some special arrangement to made to reopen the democratic party list or a special democratic primary Is held to nominate a democrat to enter the November elections. in either case the appointee of Mr. Morrison may not desire to enter for election to the bench and there may be a number of candidate* for the position. The correal method to be used will be left to the deter mination of the attorney general. 1 Governor Morrison may appoint one of the present associate Justices as chief Justice, in which case he would hare to resign as associate to accept the higher post, fa this event there will be two [xistttons on the bench to be filled at the elec tions in November, chief Justice and associate Justice. Two other courses also are open. In the event that the governor de lays action in filling the post until [20 days before the general elestloa the party named would acre* out the remaining two years of Chief1 Justice Clark's term and would not come up for re-election until the general election of MM It was believed, however that Governor Morrison would not delay action as this would leare the court | with only tour Justices until Octo I ber. The other method would be' I tor thoae desiring to enter for the office to have their names endoraed | by at least 10 per cent of the voters qualified to pass on them In the prl m&riees, declare as nonpartisans and enter the general election In this manner. This it was believed, would disqualify any democrats now hold ing office as associate Justices, as they were named to their positions as democrats. Speculation was rife here tonight as to the possible appointee of the governor, but It was believed that he would name one ot the present associate Justices, and then appoint some one to the bench as an asso ciate Justice, throwing two positions on the bench Into the general elec tions. Associate Justices Hoke and Stacey were the names most men tioned here tonight as possibilities for the higher post. Justice Hoke, being the senior member ot the "court, having served 19 years, was considered as the most eligible ap pointee. Special price on flour this week and next. $5.75 bbl and up. It will pay you to see me before buying. Jno. W. King. 5-30-lt TO THE DEMOCRATIC VOTERS OF NORTH CAROLINA W. A. Graham, a life-long democrat and successful farmer of Lincoln coun ty. will appreciate your support of his candidacy for nomination In the pri mary Saturday, June seventh, to suc ceed him self as Commissioner of Agriculture. Duties of the offtcemake It impos sible for him to see many Qf his trieuds, but If honored with their con fidence at that time It will be his de light to reward their trtst with the best services of which he Is capable. Mr. Graham pledges himself to use every agency and position of the De partment of Agriculture not only for the development of the North Carolina farms, but that the farmer's sons and daughters may have equal opportunity with that of any State In service and leadership In . our agricultural ad vancement. Reduced cost of production, wider and better markets, efficient police protection of our agricultural inter ests, and cooperation with all agri cultural agencies will continue to be the leading objectives in his adminis tration of the North Carolna Depart ment of Agriculture. The Lincoln county Democrats through a resolution presented by their County Convention unamimously endorsed Mr. Graham to succeed him self as Commissioner of Agriculture adv. 5-30-lt Free Note Book with, each far a limited time A a advertised by the manufacturers in Collier's. The be?t pencQ made and a neat pocket memo book. 50c, ,1?? and up. We have INGERSOLL PENCILS Priced from 50c to $25.00 A Nice Graduating . Present L. W. Parrish Jeweler Looitburf, North Ctrotltta' GAS 20c We are the Oil Kings. Others fol low. Watch them. See BILL or ARTHUR We have the largest stock of Feed or Heavy Groceries in Franklin County. Trucks to haul anything, anywhere for anybody. See Percy and Henry, or Phone Mr. Perry. J. S. Howell South Louisburg, - N. C. NOTICE! TO THE TAXPAYERS OF FRANKLIN COUNTY Tlio law requires all property owners and citizens li able for poll tax to list their taxes with the tax lis'ers. Tli^ tax list will be open until June 1st. It hps been the custom of a good many in this county not to list with the ta*lister, but to go to the Register of Deeds later and give in their property. This practice cause a great expense to the county in getting the pro perty on the tax books, as it calls for extra work. Thi year those whodo not list their taxes with the tax li iters of their respective townships during the month of May will not be allowed to list at anytime as heretofore they have done. This is to notify you that all persons failing to list their taxes during the month of May must suffer the penalty of law prescribed for such cases. Thir. is to your personal interest, kindly give it your attention By order of the - BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS. MUSIC LESSONS Every one wishing to study violin, piano, or any ot the orchestral Instru ments during the months of Juno and July will kindly see Mrs. Marian Hon. Iker at the College as soon as possi ble and make arrangements (or les sons. This Is the best time to pre. pare tor playing in the orchestra next Winter. Will specialise In beginners work. Every one's patronage will be appreciated. R-#-4t NOTICE TO TAX PAYERS FOR THE TOWN OF LOUI8BURG, N. C. All taxes not paid by the Srd day ot Jane,. Uif hr Town Property owners will be Mverflsadjor "'? ?? this day to pay Taxes, and wiH be soft the 1st Monday In July, 1*14, If Taxes arc mot paid at that time. Let all who owe Taxes take notice. By order Board Town Commission ers. J.- J. BARROW, " 6-?-4t Tkx Collector.

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