W1XS KIKST PLACE The wluuer ot first place In each siute in the Union will have their es says judged by the National Board at Washington LI. C., o? which Ueneral 1'erishlng la the_head, and the writers of the three b?st esauys throughout the United States will be rewarded by a tree trip from their homes to Wash ington, D. C., with all expenses paid, including spending money, railroad fare and a two weekB sight seeing tour around the capltol. Expenses, in cluding railroad fare and all Inciden tals of the trip, will be allowed a chaperon, who will accompany each winning contestant. This will enable ^ each winner to choose, as a companion for the trip, mother, sister, or a friend. Age, sex and relationship of the chape rou were not specified In the instruc tions received by the Commanding General, 4th Corps Area, from the War Department. Special gold medals and other prizes offered by patriotic so cieties will be presented to the win ners by Mrs. Coolldge on the White House steps In Washington, I>. C., on June 14th Flag Day. In many states in the Union, and In some counties and cities, the ltjcky contestants have been rewarded by prizes amounting up into thousands of dollars. The fotolwing essay from North Carolina won first place: Why a Boy I Know Should Enter a Military Training Camp The boys of the world, like all Gaul are readily divisible into three ulvi sions. Boys unsullied by bad habits constituta~one; boys so hardened that only exterme experiences can change them from the other; and fiaally, those boys who may be led Into either ot the two divisions above according to training and envlroment. Taken from the last mentioned grpup is a boy approaching the fork roads of life; he will willingly go either way, and the temptation of the downward path Is strong. At this point in any young man's life there should be a tiding agency; a saving institu tion which will Intervene and morally support him until his footing is cer tain. This great government of ours has seen fit to expend time and money to provide Just such a haven of succor >r the youth of the land in establish i... Military Training Camps. "Is hardly fair to pronounce this man producing agency a mili li- ; raining camp as It is not re <11::. : ' of any boy that he join the re serverf oven. The benefits to be de r've'l f:vm the camp are threefold; the character; discipline and robust ness developed there will be remember 0<1 long after the military feature is forgotten. It would be hard to conceive of a belter outing to be offered any boy even if expenses were incurred in ob taining it, but it is free and the offer ihgs are many, such a physical train ing. daily military practice, recrea tion in form of best atheletic activi ties. dancing, music, and the very best of scientifically prepared foods, just such an outing as the wealthy man of today pays hundreds of dollars for and in doing so knows that his son will be greatly benefitted. Again the "Dollar Camp" Is devoid of the crown ing asset that is featured by Uncle Ham's camp, that of religious and m?r*l sumIod without which neither camp nor B&y can be completely successful. Signed. I LA MAE BOST The following is the liat of winner* By atatea: South Carolina First Place: Mian | Luclle Cox, Wood riff, S. C. Second place: Miss Helen Druce Wilcox, 182 E. Henry St.. Spartanburg. S. C. Third place: Misa Emma B. Hart, Dar lington. S. C. Georgia ? First place: Miss Mary Faver, Tallapoosa. Ga. Second place: Miss Elizabeth Fugua Teasley, Lilly. Ga. Third place: Miss Tibee Mathews, Fort Mtif^herson, Ga. Louisiana? First place: Miss Una Ruth Earnest, 515 Barrow St., Houma, La. North Carolina ? First place: Ila Mae Bost, Shelby. North Carolina. Second place: Miss Lucille E. Whitsett. Whit sett, N. C. Mississippi ? First place: Miss Adele Daniels. Vlcksburg. Miss. Florida ? First place: Miss Flora Yon, Gainesville. Fla. ? Tennessee ? First place: Miss Fannie Sterne Bauer. 253 Buena Vista. Mem phis, Tenn. Second place: Miss Mar garet Hill Shofner, Fayetteville, Tenn. Third place: Miss Elanor Graham, Cenlerville, Tenn. / Alabama ? First place: Miss Borthy Freidkln, Albany, Alabama. Second place: Miss Margarift Broadus, De catur, Alabama. Third place: Miss Louise Ledbetter, Anniston, Alabama. Colds Cause Grip apd InflocaZa LAXATIVE BROMO QUTNH#: Tabl^/rcroove th? cause. There la only ape Quinine.** E. W. GROVE'S lidnatnre 30c. I Doot Your Back Ad??^ Bad Br.cks Bring Suffering to Maoy Louis burg Folks. I* ti.at dull, constant backache mak ing you old and miserable? Does your back tljrob and ache until it iwrni you just can't keep going? Op you suffer headaches, dizzy spells and urinary disorders; feel weak, tired and worn-out? Then look to yQur kidneys. Delay may mean serious kidney sick QMsl Use Doan's Pills ? a stimulant diuretic to the kidneys. Doan'a are recommended by thousaada. Mrs. W. A. Mitchell, Main St Franklinton, N. C. says: "I used Doaa's Pills at different times for pains in my back. My back was so sore, no matter which way I turned, I was In misery. I had terrible head aches, and dizzy spells too, and specks would dance in front of me. When ever these attacks came on, I used Doan's Pills and they always fixed me up all right." Price 60c, at all dealers. Dont simply ask for a kidney remedy ? get Dora s Pills ? the same that Mr*. Mitchell had. Foster-Milburfl" Co., Mfra.. Buffalo, N. Y. I FOR SALE We have listed for saie several val uable farms, amoug which are (1) about 84 acres Cedar Bock T. 8. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (I) about 135 acres Hayesvllle T. 8. known as part of Whltaker lands. For prices and terms, see FRANKLIN IN8. & REALTY CO. (Over First National Hank) We Have It Can Get] [It Or It Isn't Made Anything in the line of drugs, stationery, tine candies, smokes, toilet accessories, etc. Prescriptions a speciality. Serv ice at the fountain at all times. SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. W. D. FULLER Come To 0. B. KEARNEY See Us We will do our best to supply your wants, all seasons of the year, in Merchandise suit able for Family, Home and Farm. W. D. Fuller & Co. PHONI 1506 . '?< WOOD, K. 0. THE UNIVERSAL CA3 Back to Nature This Summer The enjoyment you'll get out of a Ford touring car this summer, is another good reason why you should no longer postpone buying. You, your family and friends can benefit by pleas ant trips at minimum cost ? evening drives, week end excursions or a long tour on your vacation. Buy a Ford, if you want a car that is always reliable, simple to handle, needs almost no care, and carries you at lowest cost. The Touring Car F. O. B. Detroit Demountable Rlai ?od Starter 985 extra <265 Co?{m*SJS Tudor Sedan $S90 Fordo* Sedan $635 All prtcca /. o. b. Detroit See the Nearest Authorized Ford Dealer \ Detroit. Michigan You can buy any model by making a tmall rto*vr+-paym*nt and arranging earn y tjrrnvs for the balance. Or yoti can buy on the Ford Weekly Purchase PL*n. The Ford tUalmr in your neighborhood will gladly explain both plan* in detail. The curb market Idea Is growing. The hojne and farm agents of Ala mance County have established one at Burlington. Others are being orga nized in the small towns of North Carolina and the town people find these markets a good place to secure fresh produce right from the farm without paving a profit to the middle man. There am two requisite! which ev ery successful moT ln? picture actor must her: fast, he mast be good-looking: and second, be mast be able to lift bla left eyebrow In the approred cynical manner." When a farm woman of Franklin County lost her home by fire, while attending a meeting of the County Council for Home Demonstration work the members of the council presented her with a supply of towels, linen, kitcben utensils and $15 in cash, re ports home agent Miss Cathleen Wil son. BIG LOT ? ??OF ??? Men's Work Shoes Just received to be Sold on Special Sale at $1 90 PER PAIR NEXT DOOR ABOVIf HftSCBAOTS BANK Louisfeurg, fj, C._ v iy