Buy You a Home or Make an Investment That Will Pay Good Returns I will offer for sale on terms requiring small cash payments and small installments the following proper ty in Louisburg: 3 Houses and Lots on Spring Street. 2 Houses and Lots on Cedar Street. 2 Houses and Lots in Black Town. 2 Houses and Lots on Mineral Springs. 3 Houses and Lots on Cripple Creek. Tlii^ property is subject to your inspection and is ready *o be delivered to the purchaser. "Write or see S. C. FORD, FRANKLINTON, NORTH CAROLINA ICE We are pleased to an nounce to to the peo ple of Louisburg that we are now prepared to furnish your ICE needs. WINDSOR Ice comes to your door promptly as you order It, pure as eTery sanitary precaution can keep It, and gunranteed full weight. PlaC? your order with us now and Insure your home a dependable supply of pure Ice for the coming warm weather. The cost Is more than balanced by the food saved and the comfort derlted. DON'T HAVE TO BE AN ESKIMO TO KNOW GOOD ICE. WINDSOR ICE CO. LOUISBURG, North Carolina GIVE YOUR COW A CHANCE BY ALWAYS HAVING ON HAND IN YOUR DAIRY BARN COW NEEDA The proven feed that produces more milk at a less cost. Already prepared. Try it, you will like it as others have. J. Allen Harris L0UI8BUR0, North Carolina. r jpR SALfe OR Several nice UgM U Franklin | Cotioty and in Louleburg. /pply to ? a?uleburg, North Carolina neneral practice, settlement of ae ?te> funds lnrestod. On* member ol ? arm always In the office. 1)S. H. 0. PEBBT Physician and Surgeon Loulshorg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287; Night 287 I>R- J. B. HALONE. . 4 ? Loiilsbur(, North Carolina See In Aycock Drug Store, Market Street. Office Practice burger? and consultation DK. H. H. JOHNSON Physician and Surgeon Lonlsbarg, North Carolina Office over Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 J. O. NEWEL]? *. D. Lenlsbnrx, X. ? Office In First National Bank Building Day Phone 249 ? Night Phone 249-1 H. Ruffin. i nos. W Ruffln WM. II. * TH08. W. BCFFIN Attornejs-ai-Law Uihkirg, 1 North Carolina General practice, both clTil and crim inal, In Franklin and adjoining coun ties, Supreme and Federal Conrtn.' Offices In First National Bank Building. CALL PHONE 105 FOB CLEANING, PRESSING, LAUNDRY THE SEBYICE SHOP W. B. Monford, Propr. Lonisbnrg, N. C. NOTICE We are glad to announce to our cus tomers and friends that we hare first class line ot barbers and are in bettor shape to aerre our cast mera than we have erer been. A trial la all we aak. Thhnklng your for your patronage. We are yours to serre, STEGALL B OS. Perplex Locks A combination lock, without a key. L?(*n anythlag from roar ftnoke hoote to jtar iitoaobllc. Protect* aralnat bar*Ur*. Kxtra ?tro*jr, nolld ?teal, We repair Hfcoea, Harneo, Bt ?relet, Sewta* lUefclnea and Tafkhitr KaeMaea. LOtJIgBUBO REPAIR SHOP ZBRBTJBSSE: BqtwcrSto to Tb* rranklla Ham I CKNTtttVILLE *iEWS It has been quite awhile since you saw anything from Center vUle. Lawyer G. M. Beam of 'Louisburg made a splendid talk to our Baptist Sunday School last Sunday. It was enjoyed by a number of people. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey of Richmond, visited Mr. aud Mrs. John Neal Thurs day. Mr. Joe Andrews, of Henderson, visited his brothers, Messrs. Jim and John Andrews last Sunday. Mr. Archie Parr^h of Rocky Mount, was a guest of Mrs. C. R. Parrish Sun day. Miss Fannie Hill, of Snow HiU,K. C., and Mr. Owen Furgeraon, of Rocky Mount, visited Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Sykes Friday. Mrs. Herbert Gupton of Durham, has been visiting for sometime with her people here. Miss Euna Gupton has returned from Park View Hospital, we hope she will soon be well again. Miss Mary Gupton who has been sick for some time is improving. Quite a number of our people at tended services at Mt. Zlon church Sunday. They reported a large crowd and good sermon. Mr. and Mrs. John Neal spent the week end with her brother Mr. ? . ? . Duke, Jackson. Mr. Jessie Williams was a visitor at Mr. Dements Sunday. Mrs. Joe Shearln, of Wood, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Shearln. Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Holiday, of Youngsville, visited her people here last week. Mr. Sam Lancaster and family visit ed their son. John Lancaster, of Tar boro, Sunday. Mr. John Henry Wood has been sick for the past few days, we hope he will soon be up again. Messrs. Rufus and Otis Upchurch. motored over to Seven Paths Sunday. Messrs. Eulis Andrews and Lewis Neal went to Louisburg Saturday. Mr. George Andrews, of Louisburg, was among, our visitors Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Griffin, of Louis burg. Messrs. J. M. Sykes. Arthur Strickland and E. S. Wilder vlBited Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Sykes Sunday. Little Miss Duke, of Jackson, is spending some time with her Aunt, Mrs. John Neal. Best wishes to the times and its readers. MUSIC LESSONS ? Every one wishing, to study violin^ piano, or any of the orchestral instru ments during the months of June and July will kindly see Mrs. Marian Hon. iker at the College as soon as possi ble and make arrangements for les sons. This is the best time to pre. pare for playing in the orchestra next Winter. Will specialize in beginners work. Every one's patronage will be appreciated. 5-9-4t Free Note Book tar a limited time with each . Af tdratiied by the manufacture? in Collier'a. The bat pencil made and ? neat pocket nemo book. 50c, *1?? and up. We have IFGERSOLL PENCILS Priced from 50c to $25.00 A Nice Graduating Present L W. Parrish -.1 i.n;* r I ?i r r?*n >. r7^ o'l i Jeweler Lonteburg, North Caroline The Marion Quartet at Chautauqua From 12.17 June. Held nnder tent at came place as last year ? on vacant 1 ot opposite F. B. McKinnes. GAS 20c We are the Oil Kings. Others fol low. Watch them. See BILL or ARTHUR We have the largest stock of Feed or Heavy Groceries in Franklin County. Trucks to haul anything, anywhere for anybody. See Percy and Henry, or Phone Mr. Perry. J. S. Howell South Louisburg, - N. C. JUST OPENED A new line of Spring Slippers and Oxford* for both Ladies and Gentlemen. Also a good ' line of work shoes for Men. Be snre to see them before yon bny. To show yon is all I ask. . . I will do the rest. A full line of Groceries and feed staffs it fin times. 1 1 Tours truly, t w. PERRY ? r t .a <$<*?. no f