The Beauty of the New Dresses Beautifully fashioned hm the season's most favored fabrics in styles that have won the approval of style leaders every where, these Dresses are representatively smart for wear 011 any occasion. \ \ , Then, too, there is the economy of bWing them ready to wear, for the cost is but lit tle more than you would have to pay for the material and findings alone. A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBDRG, N. C. INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSURANCE ACTUALLY DEALS WITH EYERY HO!SEST BUSINESS CNDER THE SUN Fire insurance has come to t>e not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter must guard his household goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their property investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a community against financial loss from fir* is Its Insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OYER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK New Garden Seed I have just received a large shipment of Woods Garden Seed, which I am selling for a low price. Come to see me. I can save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions. F. R. Pleasants DRUQOIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. 0. Specially Priced Dining Sets Sturdy construction and serviceable finishes empha size tie importance of choosing one of these sets for yonr home, while prices are so very attractive as now. Our extended payment plan may be used, if desired, even though the prices are much less than regular. W. E. White Furniture Co. >'ORTH CAROLINA WEEKLY I MUM K1AI. Kfc VIE W ?. .M 5hway" throughout this coun try will be Immeasurably Improved by removal of unsightly billboards. Legis lation is bringing thlsabout |u 80me tales and In others the removal Is voluntarily made by advertisers who wisely prefer to gain publicity through proper channels. 6 r S?ra1y17~L,e,alt!,v,|le-Spray Insurance j R*?"')' Company lets contract for 4-story office building, w Ilmlngton? American Molasses Com Pany to erect $10,000 building at foot of queen street. toll!8!? Polm Prospects bright for es dlstrlc meD additional silk mill In Hendorsonville ? Contracts to be awarded at .once for $30,000 church and .i0-room brick hotel. Canton? Electric Bond and Share Company purchases Canton Electric Company and proposes to construct hMiro-electric power plant on Pigeon river in Haywood county and connect lina 8 ln western North Caro Charlotte? Building permits Issued in one day for manufacturing plant, apartment house and two dwellings totaling $41,000. ' let herryvl"e ? s,ree' paving contract Hlllsboro? Work on new Burlington mills going ahead raplmy; machinery L?m k '.n?s-talle'1 ln June- Total cost *ill be $2y0.000. n,C1h'm-y Rocl?? Actual construction nLfcj'L imP?"iding waters of Kocky Broad river to form Lake Lure will be started within 60 days. Hydro electric plant to be constructed at I .? *'lth Peak lighting capacity of 7.o00 horse power. Durham? .New theatre to be built Charlotte? Contract let at $28 919 or construct, on ol consolidated school in Clear creek district under' "way. Street program Wilmington? Atlantic Coast I in? railroad utilized 10.500 cars for ship! Ping fertilizer out of this city between January 1 and May 1. u?"?een Fruit Growers' Express Company erecting big ice plant at Smith's c^eek terminal of Atlantic Coast Line to merits* movement of Perishable ship r ,^wb?.r0? Enterprise Whitevflle Lumber Company sells lumber plant i ^ ?a logBin* rallroad.8, timber and 20.000 acres In Columbus county to Jackson Brothers Lumber Company $7otoOO.bUry- Md- f?r Hickory ? Pastim theatre to - be thoroughly remodeled and enlarged. Charlotte ? Bond Issue of $1,000 000 voted to Improve public school faclll ties. i ,?f,aG,rt^?VlTSanfor'1 ,ce P'ant helng remodeled for manufacture of clear crystal Ice. * Aberdeen? Largest cannery in state to be opened, capacity of 1,500 cases per day. Klnston? Chickens In carload lots to cities t0 northcrn an<1 western Greensboro? Site chosen for pro bunding 5r?ometown-H"l Top school Raleigh? Various state offices re I ?B, e,a ad ministration operiilon of all rr-lio activities Is directed, said he woul I Practical Nurse Tells Mrs. N. E. Snow, of Root* 1. near Part*, Term., tolls th? ?to ry of her expedience as follows: am 82 years old and I are been a practical Bans* "I am 82 years old and I have been a prtetical n?rse tot more than 30 years, tof from enunpinf at . . . She would Just MVid double and hart* to so to bad. CARDUI The Woman's Toolo was recommended to kn aad mS Ml 9 had to tttl about t*o SottW, Ae hinjgy htor Goodrich Silvertown Cord Just ask for the Low Price on your size Silvertown Cord? and remember it's a Goodrich Product. . . L. P. Hicks Louisburg Motor Company "BEST IN THE LONG RUN" oe sorry to see a tax levied on radio I n-i living sets and parts, as this tax would fall on the consumer. He added that it was not usually helpful to any n.'w industry to Impose taxes on its p.-oiuct. Henry Harriman, president of the New England Power Company, says iiO per cent of steam plant capacity of public utilities is not in operation more than 5 to 10 per cent of the time, and believes that mill'ons of dollars could be save annually by inte-cjn nectlon between utilities as jieani of supplementing one another's power. When you see an editor who pleases everybody, he will be under glass and he won't be standing up. ? The^ Fcdlco, Portland, Oregon. Paris Green, Aresenate of Lead and Sprayers at L. P. HICKS. 6-6-lt FRANKLIN INS. A REALTY CO. LOANS AND INSCRANCI! -21tf O Habitual Constipation Cured In H to 2 1 Days t "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially pre pared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation, /it relieves promptly but should be tak^n regularly for 14 to 21 days to Induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates, f/vrf Pleasant to Take. ? 60o per bottle. . OVER 40 PEOPLE KILLED and millions of dollars property damage by wind storms in South Carolina and North Carolina. Storm Insurance is cheap Get our rates, on Storm, Fire, Life, Health and Ac cident Insurance. THE FRANEXIN INS. AND REALTY 00. Bennett Perry Manager. Advantages of Farm Accounts Here are six reason why farmers should strict and accurate recortls of their business. 1. Records aid the individual farmer in making his farm more efficient and profitable. 2. Ecconls provide the best means whereby a fair taxable valuation of farm lands can be determined. 3. Records establish the facts which will guide the Farm Bureaus in planning their production programs along 'ines that will do most to increase farm profits. 4. Records furnish information on farming which the American Farm Bureau Federation needs in mak ing accurate representations as to the farmers' econo mic position. 5. Records point the way to equitable leases. 6. Records show the amount of bank credit to which one is entitled. TESTED QUALITY When buying anything in Drugs, quality is a matter of first consideration. We mtfkc you certain by insist ing that every item we offer you meets our rigid quali ty standard. S. P. BODDIE, Receiver Aycock Drug Co. Incorporated Hood Tires Uothing just as good. Sample shipment just arrived to be sold real cheap.' Also Goodyear and Butler Cords guaranteed 8,000 miles, adjusted by me. ? . f Cranford Motor Comp'y. . - , r?t - /*- ??(><: ii