BULLETIN BOARD American Legion J ambss Post 105 Hun To (Jet Your Adjusted Compensa tion World War Yete -ana of Fr-i'iklln County are notified that Jambes Post No. 105 of The American Legion of Louiaburg, Is'. C-, baa been officially designated by the War and Navy De partments at Washington to assist in obtaining for veterans of this territory benefits due them under the Federal Adjusted Compensation, or Bonus Act. This announcement was made today by William Y. Blckett. Vice Command er of Jambes Post. Mr. Blckett ex plained that the national organization of the Legion had made the Govern ment a blanket offer cf the serviccB of every Legion post In this regard and that this offer had been accepted at Washington. The services rendered by the Legion are extended to all World War veterans and their depend ents who are eligible to the benefits of the Adjusted Compensation Act, re gardless of whether the vete'aas are members of the Lesion or not. The Legions services are offered to the veteran and the Government without cost. OFFICIAL BONUS APPLICA TION FORMS WILL BE AVAILABLE AT EVERY LEGION POST. Officera of the Post will explain to applicants how these forms are to be filled out and thus save veterans irritating ex periences. Vice-Commander Blckett states that a supply of applicant blanks sufficient for all eligible veterans or dependents residing in Franklin County will be available at the Jambes Post Head quarters in the Beasley-Griffin Build ing, directly in the rear of the office of Attorney Ben T. Holden, about July 15, 1924. When the forms arrive notice will be given through THE FRANKLIN TIMES of the hours during which the Jambes Post will gladly assist all veterans and dependents to fill out their Application Forms. For the pro tection of the veterans and the Govern ment the requirements concerning the execution of these forms are very rigid. h.->me twenty pdd statements must be ; . :<> on every form. These will be ? explained to you, when we secure i he forms and can help you fill out ycur application. The form? can be tilie . . . the spot and be forwarded tii Washington without further delay. It is absolutely necessary to have yonr HONORABLE DISCHARGE, in order to secure the Information neces sary to fill out your application. Have you lost yours? If so, we can help you. Foreseeing the probability of many lost discharges, we have secured application forms, with which you can secure a copy of your DISCHARGE. YOUR FIRST STEP IS TO FIND YOUR DICHARGE. If you have lost it, either see, or write to our adjutant. T. Cheatham Alston, Louisburg, N. C., and he will furnish you with the neces sary application blank, with which to Secure a copy of your DISCHARGE. DO tHIS NOW. and when the Govern ment is ready to shodt, we will be ready to Wrnish the information re quired. Meet the Jambes Post half way and we can deliver the goods promptly. P. S. Tell every Ex-Service man la your neighborhood that the Jambes Poat la preparing to handle the red tape (or him. and watch the "Bulletin Board" (or further information on the Bonus. Ji Hitx>? Po*t I? Loser Some one. during the past year, borrowed tfiree lor (our tables, our dishes, aniT electric (an. that was pre sented to us by Mr. Fred Riff. These articles were^ borrowed from our club rooms, under John Kings Btore, and were not returned. We will be most grateful o( any ln(ormatlon concern ing this property, that will enable us to recover It. Will you please help us to locate it? WHY WAIT Till, THE LAST DAI TO SEND THE COPY IN FOB AN ADVERTISEMENT WHEN THK AD MAN CAN GIVE TOU A HVCH BET. TEB JOB IF TOD SEND IT IN SOONEB! DOST FOBGET IT. A TONIC drove's Tasteless chill Tonic restore* Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel Its strengthening. Invigorating effect, see how U brings color to the cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUINCKE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening. Invigor ating Effect. 60c. A Talk With a Louis burg Man Mi. CranTord Tails Something *t Interest to Loalsburg Folk*. There's nothing more convlaetap than the statement of someone you know sad h *va confidence In. Thai'* m uiis talk%rfth Mr. Cranford of Church Stre*t, should be mighty help ful here In Loulsburg. H. P. Cranford, garage foreman, Church Street, says: "For spells mjr kidneys almost failed to act. My Dace nearly killed me with pain and I couldnt turn in bed without sharp pains (tabbing me. It was almost u? possible to bend, and mornings my back was aore and stiff. I used Doan s PUls and.1 haven't had a spell with my kidneys since." Pnco 00c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney renjedy^-r? DoanTs PUls ? the save that fir. ggnford ha^. Foater^ilburn Cow, FOR SALE We have listed for saie several val uable farms, among which are (1) about 84 acres Cedar Rock T. S. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres Hayesville T. S. known as part of Whltaker lands. For prices and terms, see FRANKLIN INS. & REALTY CO. (Over First National Dank) We Have It Can Get It Or It Isn't Made Anything in the line of drugs, stationery, tine candies, smokes, toilet accessories, etc. Prescriptions a speciality. Serv ice at the fountain at all times. SERVICE ItttMi CO. Wood, N. C. w. D. FULLER B> KEARNEY Come To See Us if*: I 'V. ;?> We will do our best to supply your wants, all seasons of the -h; >i j r p. year, in Merlhanidlft^ B ;4?b able for Famfy, Home and ??Y Ufi.t,*. ?tqH .1 "J if * sn s:i ??* tji > > thjtl !ti; J .vr-. ,1 Ii.j mH Farm. "4(lS A o! ft I Jlfti jit!) oiiIk*/ f'.j* ^ .? J K 39*18 1 Hid if l;t wZ latrwir; -yt? i?.*vS'jn A'.fe m?U7 mi ?:? ilfi I??nnrntU v-mibI ?? I til* )>. M'jl r.tM - It!',*:* i!*m ? ! "h hCuclH ;;UV ??* 1* .71 f * i Kvtsiii Ufiii'i s'yofl ?>*1 ranvi 1KM safe: money The cautious motorist carries adeuate insurance in his automo bile against accident, liability, fire and theft, and he appreci ates that thi* protection is most essential when touring. There is another perequisite?to touring in absolute comfort and safety ? the insurance to the motorist's money against loss. *> Automobile tourists have found that this security may be en joyed merely by transforming their travel funds into Ameri can Express Travelers Cheques. Motorists the country over who wisely avail themselves of this means of escaping financiar hazards find that these Travelers Cheques are accejitable everywhere, and the self identifying feature of the Cheques makes a particularly strong appeal to theea. The sale of Travelers Cheques comprises only one of many im-. portant services this bank offers to travelers. The First National Bank F. J. Beaaley, Cashier Wm. H . Ruffin, President LOUISBURG, North Carolina Four Per Cent and Safety Interest and Checking Accounts-Safety Deposit Boxes Loans, Exchange and Bonds FALL POTATO CROP Sl ITEI) TO CAROLOiA Raleigh, June 23. ? The coastal plain area of N'orth Carolina Is admirably salted to the growing of a second crop of Irish potatoes and If the fall Is not too wet a good crop may be produced with a fair profit to the grower. According to C. D. Matthews. Chief, Division of Horticulture for the State this second or fall crop is a good way to increase the production of one of the State's most important food crops. Up until now this crop has been re garded as unimportant; but, where the season is long, the fall crop may be grown to advantage. "The main question In growing this second crop. Is the source of seed." says Mr. Matthews. "Heme grown seed from the first crop may be used if they have been properly handled but it must be considers that all plants must go through a rest period and these home seed from the first crop do not always give as good results as seed full rested and taken from stor age. The potatoes from 3torage are fully mature when dug but most of matures. This one fact determines the value of the homegrown output." Mr. Matthews states that the Irish Cobbler is one of the best varieties for the fall crop. Triumph or Bliss is another good variety. The McCormlck or Lookout Mountain % well fitted for the second crop. This variety will | stand unfavorable weather conditions and will always give good yields but is a poor potato for the table. Test made by the Division of Horti* culture show that the best time tor planting the second crop Is from the middle of July to middle ot August. S_ix hundred houses and barns have been painted in Cleveland Coiuity since the paint campaign was began Trrttrat countr. reports R. E. Lawrence, farm agent for the State College. Piles Cured In 6 to 14 Druggists refund money it PAZO OnHlMENT fails to cure Itching. Elind. Bleedinstarrrotrodinjl PUes. lostaixty relieves Itching Eites. and yoa can get restful slaeD after Lha-tirw-anDlication. Price 60c. Saturday Specials DAY ONLY 'Vi 2.50 Work Shoe, all new Atlas Mason Quart Fruit Jars, dozen 0*f?J I >.;i '?>*??? ?" :? ? V; !??' -? -f t. 10 cent Jar Rubbers, dozen Ivory Soap, guest size, 7 cakes I'W'iilJ Oil: ?!fiv/ 1 1 't .hhi't'i" UU *? ? Fat Back Meat, 100 pound box tii.*: i;?: ii-L ii r * ^ Genuine Bard's Mason Jar Tops 7mo*f ?a noTfeluqm uoY o t 2flirlJ9ITI9? . If You Want Shoes We b lo ouit.v $dJ einitanJsb ^latalqrno') 0? sniriJoW att io noftetuqat bns arit fjobotij -ay? is U.tj ,*tnBiq ?iiT; -si k yd sfcsm .uis -ionidjBin jjuidafcw boa ?mf >J -1U0831 .ritjfnnla aci J yd bailsBd .ynaqmoj aldsrl yol^M Ifiisriot ad* *o aaililbst bne s#o The Hudson ^ 0 H ds tTfofeburg, N. C

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