MR/ ALBERT RODEMAN Representing Strouse & Co., Baltimore, Md. Will Hold an Opening W\j.h Us Friday July 11th; Saturday July 12th and MondaV July 14th STYLES AND FABRICS F0r\li/ AND WINTER 1924-1925 The latest styles and the best of Fabncs will be on display. The tailor ing of STROUSE & CO., is well known and \annot be surpassed in America. Prices will b? attractive. We cordially invite )?u to look over the line and we will greatly appreciate an order foij your Fall ancb^mter Suit or Overcoat. The McGhee=Joyner Co. FBANKLINTON'B BIGGEST & BEST STORE PHONE 47 PHONE 47 Habitual uximpitloii Cored V In 14 to 31 Days ? "LAX-POS WITH PEPSIN" la a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly bat should be taken regularly (or 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. Very Pleasant to Take.* 60c per bottle. TO DRAW OFF PEARCES POND On July 23rd, 1924 I will draw off Pearces Pond. beKlnnlngfat 11 o'clock, A. M.. A fee of )lwill bp charged for each person whether thay fish or-not Every body Is InvlteoyFse entitles you to fish. Pond is well stacked. No fish ing until 11 o'clock, alf>?qter at one time. J 6-27-4t J. C. PEARCE. THE FRANKLIN TIMES 9T RAYED OR STOLEN? One Black and white mlljf cowl Weight about GOO lbs. One hi Missed June 22 ward will be i leading to her YOUNO, LOUISB D. 3 but peth there. | 4. Liberal re Imformatlon WILLIB C., R. P. 7-4-tf There are 5,658,669 henB of loylng age In this state but their average production Is so low that we have only half an egg per person each day fi gures marketing experts. They advise therefore selling the culls coperatively and building up the flecks. FRANKLIN IKS.' LOANS AND -21tf SALTY CO. 1NCE $1.50 Per Year In Advance To Stop a Cough Quick take* HAVES' HEALING HONEY, a cough medicine which stops the cough by howling the Inflamed and Irritated tissues. A box of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE SALVE (or Cheat Colds, Head Colds and Croup is enclosed with every bottle of HAYES' HEALING HONEY. The salve should be rubbed on the cheat and throat of children suffering from a Cold or Croup. The heallnf ethakjj Hare*' Hetllof Hooey In ?id* the throat combmed with the healtns effect of Grove's O-Peo-Trmte Salve through the porce of the ekln eooo (top* a oooth. Both retnediea are packed in ooe cartoo sod the coat of the com Weed trcatmeat U 15c. ? ?Just ask your druggist for HAYES' HEALING HONEY. FOR FIR8T CLASS JOB PRINTING PHON? 283 This is Your Opportunity To Get a Copy of The Life of Woodrow Wilson by Hon. Josephus Daniels Who is undoubtedly the best fitted to portray the life of the Greatest President of the United States. With every Four Year Subscription to the Frank lin Times we will give a oopy of this book absolute ly free. N. / With a Two Year ^inscription to the Franklin Times and $1.00 we will give a copy of this great book. / Get your order m now before the supply is ex hausted. / This offer applies to renewals as well as new subscriptions. Write to-day. ? w. ?>\ ?- ? ~ 4*-. -? ? . ? . / THE FRANKLIN TIMES > ^ V>J 1 Phone 283 Loofsburg, N. C. < >1-. a- ? r. is ? ? > . ?. >it / r ~c ? - ? l i -waaa i * *? 8tSQmcr Mar Modlterraneo loaded with cotton shipped by North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative* Association to Bremen, Germany, 8allod from Wilmington June 20. SHIP 13000 BALES OF NORTH CAROLINA COTTON TO GERMANY AND RUSSIA North Carolina Cotton Growers Co-opemtive Association Loads Boat At Wilmington With Over 6,500,000 Pounds ? More Than $2,000,000 To be Distributed To Cotton Farmers. ^proximately 6,50Q,000 pounds of CpHoo (jTO^n 0B jhe farms of mem be? of tho North Carolina Cotton flyft Cooperative Association packed In loir.ething ovg/ 18jOOO bales U ibrcHte from tho porta of WUming (W end NcH"lk to the cotton mill* of Gefmany anil Russia. Thi* cotton KM jold for nrvm than (2,O(K),0OO atvj til* money comos to Nqrt}i Caro ls ind will be scattered ov<^ the {Otton section in addjt^ftn to the m?Q?s ^)s '^jeeo ad ??cea qo the cjttonoy the Asjocta W Rusfi;^ mills will use 1500 (tflas of tbif cotton af>d the balance OQ?4 $ thy cotton mills of Germany. I -fte dbtton tot Gvrxnaay goes to the a*ft ot Bremen while t?e cotton for around tl\p British tples eukae t0 shores <# Norway and Qjretak Shi will be unloaded at the toe shipment of J600 bales for Russia, This is the largest oxport ahtpnior.t made by the North Carolina Gottton Growers Cooperative Associa J tio? and suggests the possibilities of the future Nortil Carolina consumes more cot ton tMn it produces. With thb fact In mind tho management of tfce Qot t8l> Gifctperj Cooperative Association urifleavoTS CT> -persuade the farmers of thi* State to raise such grades of cot ton a* oafl be used in the North Oaro llna mills, and the Association strives to lea U in a* possible North Caro lina cotton to North Oarolina mills. In' vierj ot the dep)re'??i0n in the cot ton tirade an? the curtailment of cull production Vn tJira State tho Associa tion fcfid to seek out other markets in order that it tnjght aell its cotton ac cording tothf opderlt marketing plan, tile ?les department fuccoedetl hi in teresting foreign buyer* and bas sold daring tho present season nearly 25, 000 hale* to go to European mills. The euccejta ft! tl\e sales department ii) reactytn^ ayportjboycrs i? due very largely to the Ae^jctetion'e system ol grading and classing ttye oottot Government itandurda are followed "by tho Association girders "find ?lass ers who. are trailed experienced men. Cotton .delivered by the members is fraded and <^as6 p? cotton going to export DOlflti tfe method is illus trated tQp Mceht sale to firemen. [d thi# . t?fct?rico Laurence MacRae, tale* oiiMV Ctl the North Carolina h Cotton Oowwt Cooperative Associa tion, edSrjiied tW ialee gff*e (p Atlanta th$t b?- trM ready tp sell a oertain Ijiihntity 'if iottvo of certain grades and i taping. S^lee Manager Howard of the Atlantf office Immediately celled sales manager Henry Robertson at m-eatsta telling him that the North Carotin* 'Association offered so much eotrtn at a certain grade and staple. Mr. RcferteQjL wfeo by the way is rec ognised as otfe at the beet cotton men In the whole country, got In touch with the buyers of Bremen and that lection at Germany and as a result a sftlo was concluded and the new* oarae be ok to the Atlanta office by cable, tn4 In tkrn Was confirmed by sale* manage* Martian at Raleigh This closed the Sale of (he cotton but there was still much more work to be done. The ft?st step was the arrangement far oosan freight and Traffic Manager I. M. Porter got busy and secured car ire tpaos on the steamship "Mar Medl terraneo" to sell from the port of Wil ralnctan in Jane. 7S00 bales went to BrtMk en this steamer and Mr. Por ter eftnAfed for Apace on other steam *e_ffom (Norfolk to oarry tho remain der at %}ie shlpraant U) Brernep ar.d to carry the shij/mopt U> Euspia. WUh ?m day to day with the Shipments in order th%? t(jp cotton might reach the ports in Ifnie to b? compress ad to its highest poesibJe den sity and to be loaded on the steanier. The compressing of the cotton is nece?sary In order that it ocdupy th? least possible spaca on the sfeiatn ship. In shipping by railroad rates are based apon weight and in shipping by water freight rates are based pri marily upon space occupied. JVi the Instance of the sl)ipmeu( frogi Wil mington, cotton was stent ftrom the warehouses at Charlotte, Fpyettevillu, Dunn, Goldsboro qr.J Raleigh. Cotton from the warehouses at Greensboro. Charlotte and Raleigh w^nt to Norfolk to be loaded at that point. That the members of the Associa tion ibay have just a little idea of the largeness of a shipment of 13,000 bales of cotton, remember that it takes ap proximately 430 fre^ht care to haul 13,000 bales. This l^ieans tfiat ordi narily it would take V-n solid freight trains to move this Cotton, allowing forty cars to the tjain. Tho railroad companies did their part fairly well. The Seaboard Air Uije to order to ex pedite the shlpiment fro 51 Charlotte ran special trains to carry the coop erative Association cotton. For a lit tle yrhile the maoagonaept In Raleigh was uneasy. It seemed ' as though gome of the Cotton would be tQo late In getting to the pbrt. with t]?e exception of one instance it was all there in good time ? oqe shipment had only half a day margin ? pretty close for steamship loading, but it went aboard. The work of loading a steamship is a feature Ordinarily 1000 bales can be put aboard a steamer in a day. Huge derricks pick up the bales of cotton from the dock platform hoist ing them over the side of the ship and letting them dowh into the hold. Any where from three to six bales are lift ed at one time. The cotton has been sold and loaded but there Is still an other very important feature connect ed with ao export sale ? This is the settlement. After the cotton fcs loaded op tfce steamer port bills of lading ire Issued and the cotton Is insured. This Insur ance policy and th$ pott bills <4 lading come to tne office in fcaletgb and are delivered to Secretary Treasurer Bing. To these papers he attaches an in voice of th* cotton which they coesr and makes a draft on a hank in New, York. The New Yerk.Benk* had been instructed by tha EuioMsk lay ers to pay for the cotfon. WlMgk tka draft* reaches Now York His |mm| fa' put to the credit of the Aliiiijin aad reported (p \ PROFESSION: ACOLUMN dk. k. v. lAuodouoa Pfeysldaa am* 8a>gr?a Ltalikttf, M.p. office in Blckett ul Tarbora Building. / Office Phone 2?? Realdfnc* Phooe tt ft. ATWOOD liWILL AttorMi-iUr Loulsburg, N. C. Phone No. 114 Office In First National (Bank. Dulldm* General ~ BS. W. b. MORTON Eye Specialist Office In Hotel raiding Loulsburg, North Carolina my \ the public generally that! after the 1st of September my bualnea will be on Cash bask when work ll completed. DR. ARTHUR HYNE8\ FLEMING A p. burt. m. i LouUburg, N. Office# over Bcoggln's Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. 6 pr m. , and 4 to 1)8. n. R. BA& Veterlaarlaa 1 Lota la burg, N. a \ Offices and Hospital East Bash St. Phone Office 9B6-L Residence 336-J Special AttenOon to Small j Animals . DK. D. . HHITHWI )!Hce In the Building on ilT H. 0. | 'st National Bank and N*sh Sta. w. m. rrrsoh. : ATTORN Em - AT ? LAJW Loalsburg. North Carolina lutliw in all courts. Offlas on Halm MniM. H. M. B^AM Attornej-at-Law Offl over rt>st Ofloe Pr. . in ai| ronrfc. DR. J. B. iiuns,' Physician and Morton Oftice at Residence, north; Main St. Telephone : i Hours: Night (i4 S : ;ta to 10:30 a. m. Day 64 11 to 2 p. m. ' 6 to 8 p. m. I It. It. White E. II. A: J; E. Maloue WHITE A ? ALONK LAWYERS Loulsburg. North Carolina ?Scnsral practice, settlement of #? jtw fond* Invested. 0*4 member i.l t( firm always In the oglce. UK. II. G. PEI1BY Physician and Sui_ I.onlshurtr, Navtli Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. , Telephones : Day 287; j Night 287 DR. i. B. HALO] Loalsburg, North ?ee In Aycock Drag Street, Office Practice and consults tic ?Una ire. Market lurgery DK. H. H. JuHNSbli Physician and Sorcioa Loalsbnrg, Nora Care Lisa Office over Aycock IMg Co. Telephones: Day and NlgVt poth No. 10 I. 0. MEWED* M. D. Loalsbnrg, lb ? I Office In First National Bank Building Day Phone 249 ? Night Ppone 249-2 ? '?'o ft Ruffln, /rhosj W. Ruffin WM. 11. A THOS.iW. Kt'FFIN A ttoraey a-si-LaW l.oalsbnrif, i Nor* Carolina ? eneral practice, both civil Sand crlm aal, In Franklin ana adjolalng Conn ies. Supreme and i Federa Courts. Offices In First fatlonaUBank Build st Satlonal'E lldftig. [?Ve 10A F()1 CALL PHO^E 10# FOR CLEANING; PRESSING, UtTNDRY TIIE SERVICE SHOf W. B. Mnrfford, Prop#. IiOuIsburvt i N. C. ICE j We are glad tp announce 4o our CUB tomers and friends that woi have first class line of batbers and are In better shape to serve ear cust mers than we have ever been / A trial Is all we ask. Thanking your tor your patronage. Wo are/ yours to serve, ST EG ALL B OS. Perplex Locks A <\nihlnatlnn loct, wltkoat ? k'A L?<*? anjtkla* tfm jour hoa