ohlt ?1.M PIB TEAB EN ADYANCS The Franklin Times WATCH LABEL \ FAFEB ? Scad la Before Time Emm. A. F. JOHNSON, Editor aai Manager THE OOtTNTY, THE STATE. THE UMIOM atBSt HiPTION ?VOLIMN? LIII. LOCISBCBG, 5. C, KHIDA V, J| LY IS 1924 STHtBEB? 41 CAMPAIGN NEARER THE GOAL REPORTED WEIIKESDAY NIGHT I'iuul Report Friday Nljrht ? List ot Contributor* ? Standing ol Divisions And Teams ? Mr. Huff III Speaks Com plimentary to Workers and Conlrlb utors. The Campaign for $150,000 tor Great er Louisburg College has been forg ing ahead steadily this week and Wed nesday night the workers had report ed a total of $133,119. This left a balance of $16,881 to get in order to go over the top, and the team mem bers are working feverishly to raise this amount by Friday nleht of this week, when they will have their clos ing report snpper. Division C. lead by Mrs. W. E. White is still In the lead, having secured over $51,000. A report by teams is given below. At the report Wednesday, Mr. Wo. H. Ruffin, Chairman of the Campaign, spoke most cordially to the workers of his appreciation for their energy and persistence. He told them that their < o-operatlon and effectiveness had as tonished him, that they had achieved r-sults which he had not dreamed to ' possible a month ago. Mr. Ruffin . .??> extended his appreciation to the i ... ? : is of subscribers who have the vision of a great college lien. ... Ciur midst and have subscribed Sci gjj, ? rilaiv to it. oi the team members told of their experiences in soliciting sub scriptions and mentioned numerous Instances of people who have made sacrifices in order to give to the cam paign. The additional subscribers since the last published reports tre as follows: ? Memorial - Room Subscriptions : ? W ; H. Allen $1,000, Anonymous $1,500, C. T. Stokes $1,000, A. H. Vann $1,000. Bronze Tablet Subscriptions: H. A. Kearney $500, J. S. Williams $500. Book ot Remembrance Subscrip tions: N. S. Alford $50, S. P. Allen $50. D. E. Aycock $10, J. L. Brown $25, C. C. Byrns $25, N. M. Cannady $75, Mrs. Lula G. Cherry $25, L. O. Crow (ler $125, S. C. Duke $25. J. R. Edwards $25, C. F. Faulkner $50, J. S. Finch $60, Isham Frazier $25, J. B. Gordon $5, R. B. Gupton $25. H. O. Hill $50, J. E. Joyner $25, B. G. King $100, Mark - King $25, L. \V. Marks. $250", "W. A. Mitchell $100, L. C. Newton $26, H. F. Pace $25. Mr. and Mrs. E. D. Parrish $50, W. I. Parrish $25, S. C. E. Pender graBB $125, J. E. Perguson $50, W. H. N. Pendleton $10, W. B. Perry $125, J. C. Perguson $50, J. A. Savage $50, Mrs. Celestia G. Smith $10, M. G. Smith $50, C. S. Strickland $50, Sarah J. Stallings $50, J. R. Terrell $25. Mrs. J. A. Un dertree $50, N. G. & J.E. Wheless $100 W. H. White $50. Mrs. B. N. William son $100, B. N. Williamson, Jr. $100, William R. Young $125, Mary Wilson $125, L. S. Alford $125, H. H. Amos $25. W. D. Amos $25. H. K. Baker $50, Mrs. J. B. Baker $100, K. W. Baker $1, S. M. Boone $25, D. N. Bunn $25. Law rence Cooper $25, Mrs. J. H. Duke $10. Rev. Solomon Evans $26, Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Fulghum $10, G. C. McGregor $10. D. A. Gnpton $10, Miss Pattie Lamm $5, J. T. May $10, W. H. Med lin $50. Josh Moore $50. W. J. Parker $5. B. F. Pearce $25, D. H. Price $25, Virginia E. Perry $60, W. J. Perry $25. P. A. Reavis $250, J. M. Rice $26, A. E. Splvey $26, P. G. Smith $50, P. T. Sykes $16, Mrs. W. H. Spivey $26, W. H. Spivey $26. J. C. Tucker $260, W. E. Tucker $250, O. F. Walker $60, J. E. Wester $5, 8. R. Wilder $126, 8allle Mae Wood $100, Mildred Yarborough $25. W. C. Abott $60, H. A. Andrews $50, P. C. Carroll $80, W. 8. Carroll $26 J. M. Carter $26, Z..L. Cheayes $60, J. J. Cooper $26. Harvey Denton $26, W. G. Faulkner $126, A. G. Faulkner $50, Geo. W. Ford 260, FYed Frazier $60, M. C. Gupton $60, M. T. Griffin $26. R. N. Gupton $60, D. T. Hollingsworth $26. M. Jennings $125, June J. Lan caster $126, J. J. Pernell $26. O. K. Leonard $10. J. W. Mann $126, J. H. Marshall $50, J. O. Max $260, P. M. Mosley $25, C. C. Murphy $26, Lath* Neal and wife $26. W. P. Place and Olive Plane $60. William J. Pernell $26 N. C. Rowland $100, A. A. Shearln $16, J. D. Smith $26, Lewis Smith $28 Wal lace Smith $26, P. M. Sykes $10, M. E. Watkins $76, C. Q. Wood $100, B. F. Yarborough $10. The report made on July l?th by the several teams were as followa: WM. H. RUFFIN. General Chalilk Division A. E. H. Malone, ChalrmA. Team No. 1, Dr. A. H. Fleming, Capt. 93.8SIT.OO : Team No. 2, T. W. Rttffln, Capt. $2,166.00; Team No. 8, O. C. Harris, Capt $8,885 00; Team No. 4, W. B. Morton, Capt. $8,405.00; Team No. 6. F. A. Roth, Capt. $4,850.00; Team No. ?, L. Kline, Capt. $11,600.00. Division Total, $10,860.00. Division B. Fisher J. Beast*?, Chair man. ? ?> Team No. 7, Mr*. F. B, McKlnna, Capt. $5,146.00) Team No. 8, M. B. Clifton, Capt. $10,818.00; Team No. ?. W. D. Egerton, Capt $7,178.00; Tsam NO. 10, M. 8. Da via, Oapt $1, 480.00; Team No. 11, Bar. O- W. Dowd, Oapt. $11,200.00; Taam No. II, T. W. NEW CHIEF FIBHj DEPARTMENT W. N. Fuller Resigns A* Chief ? To Ar range For Sale of Land For Taxes The Board of Town Commissioners met In special session on last Friday night with all members present except Perry. After the usual formalities business was disposed of as follows: The resignation of Mr. W. N. Fillsr as Chief of the Fire Department wit# received and accepted. Mr. J. E. Tho mas was elected Chief of the Fire De partment to All the vacancy. A resolution was unanimously paus ed expressing the thanks of the Board to Mr. Fuller for the time and excel lent service he had given the town as Chief of the Fire Department. An appropriation of $160.00 was made to the Fire Department, to assist In defraying the expenses to the an nual convention to be he'd lr. High Point. Also an order for $100.00 was paid to the Fire Department cover ng the social fees dae. The Clerk was Instructed to confer with the town attorney in rogard to the foreclosure of land for taxes past due. This completing the business before the Board adjournment was taken. EQUALIZATION BOARD The Board of Couaty Commlsslone -a met as a Board oi Equalization on Monday and falling to complete thel< work on that day they recessed till Wednesday. July 23rd, 1924 at wh'ch time they will again meet to finish the work of equalization. TO CHANGE LINES Mr. F. N. Spivey, one of Loulsburg's popular Orocers and a member of the Board of Town Commissioners, In forms the TIMES that he will begin at once to close out his stock of groc eries and feed stuffs preparatory to putting In a stock of gents furnishings shoes, etc. Mr. Spivey Is advertising stock, for sale and it will nojdoubt be profitable to you to road hiB adver tisement and pay him a visit. Louisburg College Cam paign $150,000 Quota $133, 119.00 July 16, 1924 son. Capt. $2,862.00. Dhr'slaa Total, 889,787.00. Divlalon C. Mra. W. E. Whit v Chair man. Team No. 18. Mrs. J. M. Alien, Capt. 85,887 00; Taam No. 14, Mr*. O. Y. Yar boro, Capt. *8, 180.00; Taam No. 1|, Mm. B. U Beat, Capt. tl5.MS.0fti Team NOTie, Mra. 8. A. Newell, Capt. $4,091. 00; Taam No. 17, Mra. K- K_ Allan, Capt. $7,888.60; Taam No. 1$, W. B. White Capt. tlO,HO.OO DlTlrion To tal/ tSl.ft42.ftQ. Special OUU Com. A. W. Mohn. WMoo.oo, Din. loo, i. jr. Chaat #4,400.00. $138, Democratic Standard Bearer And His Running Mate x -artam wi?m pt?o? John W. narli at West VTrgtnta antj Chartea W. Bryan, Governor Pttt. ts? porary Secretary o< Btate durtnj the aeconti WDioo Administration. Xt Folk ta reported to be teal* Ore campaign manager tor Mr. Davis. , t DR. J. Y. JOYNER SPEAKS To Big Crowd at Mapleville ('(immunity Meetinc o( Cedar Bock and Mapleville Largely Attended and Much Enjoyed One of the moat enjoyable occasions of the seaBon In the Mapleville section wns the special Community meeting of the Cedar Rock and Mapleville communities on last Saturday evening beginning at 6 o'clock. The meeting was held in the beautiful grove at the academy ana the speaking waSTn the building. Quite a number of outdoor games were played and thoroughly enjoyed by both young and older people after which a bountiful supper was served to the delight of all present. The many good things to eat were all ihe more appetizing by the excellent man ner in which they were prepared and served. The meeting was entertained in the large auditorium by several selections from the local string band, and an address of welcome by Prof. T. H. Sledge, of the Cedar Rock school. Mr. Sledge also acted as chairman of the meeting. Prayer was led by the local pastor, and "America" was sung BV the audience, after which a short talk on the cooperative movement was made by Mr. McCrary of the cotton interest. Mr. Mask of the Cotton Growers As sociation followed Mr. McCrary with a speech on Cooperative marketing, and Miss Susan Landon followed Mr. Mask with a very interesting talk on community life and copoerative mark eting. And last but not least Dr. J. Y. Joyner of Ralelgl* made a very inter- 1 esting lecture on the cooperative move ment. Several solos were rendered be tween speeches by Mr. Carl Pearce ac companied by his wife at the piano. Mr. Pearce Is with the Cotton Grow ers Association, and is not only a good co-op worker, but a good musician. Those that have had the pleasure of hearing him sing will agree. Miss Mollle Wester told Interestingly of her trip and experience at the Sum mer Short Course in Ralelvh. The meeting was closed with a song by the audience "The Star Spangled Banner." Mine Cathleen Wilson the Home Demonstration Agent of Franklin County was In charge of the recrea tional exercises. Mrs. J. A. Wheless and Mrs. C. T Dean are to be congratulated upon the success of the meeting, of which they were largely responsible A most excellent spirit prevailed throughout the exercises. METHODIST CHURCH We shaal have only one preaching service next Sunday. We trust that all the members and friends of our church will worship with us at the eleven o'clock hour. Please Invite your friends to attend this service. ATTENDING FIREMEN'S CONTEN . TION. Messrs. J. E. Thomas, O. C. Hill. B N .Williamson. H. C. Williams, N. D. Medlln, E. D. Carter, P. J Brown, R. W. Alston, C. E. Pace, Wm. Webb, and J. 8. Howell left Sunday for High Point to attend the Annual Firemen's j Convention. A postal received Wed- ! nesday says. "Everybody sober, and happy and having a good time." A fertile loll, drainage, lime and In oculation are needed tor aaeeess with O. W. DOWD of Agriculture. r land crop. I be wall pre ted la early omy workers MASK SPEAKS AT WHITE LEVEL A Most Interesting Community Meeting Mr. K. P. Holt, Miss Susan Landon, Mis* Wilson, Prof. T. H. Sledire, SCrs. T. H. IHckons Among the Speakers ? Bi? Sapper [ It was at White Level on last Frl iday evening that over two hundred neople >nioved one nf the moar Inter esting and enthusiastic community meeting? that has ever been held In j this woadertully progersslve communi rty. A moat excellent and entertaining program had been arranged, by Mrs. Inscoe and Mrs. J. C. Davis, which was enthusiastically entered into and en joyed by all. | The evenings entertainment was be |gun by the playing ot games. Among i the games freely Indulged in by both jyoung and old were Farmer in the Dell, i jolly was the miller, potato race, suit case, relay races. Immediately following the games all were invited to partake of a most bountiful and delicious supper most wonderfully prepared and serevd by {the good ladles of that community, j which all thoroughly enjoyed. ! Following the completion of the sup per all were invited into the spacious j school rooms of White Level school and the program again taken up, the iirst of which were musical numbers [Swanee River was sung by the au Idience, a solo by Mr. Carl E. Pearce, I rounds row the boat, and are yqu | sleeping .progress, were among the isongs sang. Mrs. T. H. Dickens, president of the Womeni Council of Franklin County, in well chos?n words carrying moun tains ot meaning and good cheer n.adi the introduction. Miss CwtlUcen Wilson, Home Demon stration Agent* !rl4- how to make a house a horns. \ Mr. H. II. I>. Mask, ot the Njrtli Carolina Cotton Grower* -Association, made a most Interesting and Instruct ive talk on "What we *re farming for." Prof. T. H. Sledge made a most in teresting talk on community building, and Mr. R. P. Holt, of the Tobacco Grower* Association made a strong talk on orderly marketing. Miss Susan Landon with the Cotton Association, made a most interesting and Intelli gent talk on the womans part In co operative marketing. Interspersed throughout the pro gram was museical numbers by the White Level Quartette and Mr. Carl E. Pearce, which added much to the merriment ot the occasion. The program waa completed by the audience singing "Good Night Ladles.'" Ot the several community meetings held In Franklin - County In the past sixty days none were niore permeated with enthnalaam and good fellowship and too much cannot be said ot the efforts of Mrs. T. H. Dickens, president of the Womans Council, and Mesdames j Inscoe and J. C. Davis, committee in ' charge for such a wonderfully sue- , .-essful meeting In every way. | . m TAKES OVER FILLING STATION Mr. R. L Peoples Informs the Times that be bas purchased the business of J. 9. Howell Oiling ststlon on the 8wth side of the river and will con tinue the business at the same place I I* la one of Loulsburg's most pop ir stations and will no doubt con ti-uo as one of the centers In Its line of business. See the advertisement In a other column. "Ordered to date, 11.(40 pounds of retch teed." Is th? war County Agent W. H. Barton reports on the way Rich mond County farmers are preptrtaf for more fertile lands. MR. J. (. wi>vrox DE.Vft On? of Yuuniro ille't Leading (Itlzens ? Kntrrrpil at Oak Lf vel T nf mIaj Jcnadus ('. Winston, one of Youngs- 1 ville and Franklin County's most pro-, gressive and leading citizens died a* [ ?is home near Youngsville on Sunda\ < night in hu> '77th -year. Mr. Winston | had been in bad heatlh for several | years. On November S. 1&70 he was married ! to Miss Henrietta Tharrington. from j which union there were eight children, i all of whom including Mrs. Winston ] survive. The children are Mrs. L. H Ragan and Miss Gertrude Winston, of | Ypungsville, Mrs. S. C. Holden, of j Louisburg, Capt. S. II. Winston. Messrs ' Lemuel E. and Janadus E. Winston, of! Youngsville, M. Eaton Winston, of Rocky Mount. Capt. Herman E. Wins ton .of Enfield. He was a man of generous impulses, possessed with a big and tender heart and a sympathetic hand. He was an ideal husband, a loving father, agood neighbor and a useiul and valuable citizen. For a number of years he served his county as. a member of the Board of Commissioners with much profit to the county and credit to him- 1 self. Franklin County, and Youngsville! in particular, has lost one of its most < substantial and influential citizens. The funeral was conducted from the Christian church at Youngsville on Tuesday afternoon by his pastor. Rev. J. R. Johnson, of Fuquay Springs, as sisted by Rev. J. W. Patton. assistant Grand Lecturer of the Masonic Fra ternity, of Greensboro, and Rev. C. L. | Lowell, pastor of the Baptist church i of Franklmton and the interment was I made at the Oak Level cemetery with I Masonic honors conducted by the Youngsvile Lodge, of which he was a faithful member and visiting Masons from Louisburg. Franklinton and other ; lodges. The pallbearers were as fol lows: Honorary ? J. B. Perry. C. S. Williams. Jno. F. Mitchell. J. W. Win ston. J. W. Woodlief. J. R. Catlett. Active ? J. R. Pearce, F. A. Cheatham, I)r. R. E. Timberlake, R. N. Mitchell, C Winston. Dr. C. V. Timberlake ? During the services a choir sweetly I .sang "Abide With Me." "Nearer My 1 | God to Thee," "Some day We'l Un derstand," Christian's Good Night." ! The floral tribute was profuse and beautiful speaking in beautiful lan guage the esteem in which the deceas ed was held. The bereaved family has the sym- j pathy of a large host of friends throughout the county. REl'ORPEHS COURT | Judge G. M. Beam disposed of tl_e | following cases Monday in Franklin I Recorders Court: i State vs Jessie Williamson, drop, prayer continued vntll Monday July Utt. State vs T. Hall, fraud, pl?r.ds guilty, judgment suspended upon pay n- t 1 of che -k 1 1 d < csts. State vs Aver r Cooke, ailw. guilt/, tined $15 and costs. State vs Jimmie Mitchell. 1 and r, pleads guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Jimmie Mitchell 1 and r pleads guilty. 12 months on roads. Upon payment of costs and $24 for stolen articles execution not to issue until further order of the cotirt. State vs G. A .Hagwood, trespass, prosecuting witness was allowed to withdraw warrant by paying costs. State vs Mrs. Myrtle Hagwood. tres pass, prosecuting witness allowed to withdraw warrant upon payment of COBtS. State vs Willie Valentine, adw, guil ty. judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Wesley Jones, ccw, pleads guilty, 12 months on roads, execution not to issue until further order of the court upon payment of costs. State vs E. H. Evans, adw. guilty, fined 125 and costs. State vs Daniel L. Smith adw, pleads guilty, judgment suspended upon pay ment of costs. State vs W. H. Faulkner, assault, continued to Monday July 28th. State vs Bud Egerton and Alex Dun Rton, distilling, continued to Monday July 21st. State vs O. R. Burroughs and J. R. Underhill. distilling, continued to Mon day. July 21st. 8tate vs Wesley Jones, adw, guilty, judgment suspended upon payment of costs. State vs Henry Vaden. adw, not guilty. State vs E. H. Evans, ccw, guilty, fine! $50 and costs. Notice of appeal giver State vs Jimmie Mitchell, 1 and r. pleads guilty, judgment suspended up on payment of ooate. ANNOUNCEMENT In the abaenoa of the pastor, Rev. W. B. Harrell, of Wake Foreet will preach at Caatalla aqd White travel Sunday. The pastor will conduct a meet lag naar Saaford. Beginning Fourth Sunday, July It, at I o'clock p. m. a revival meotlag will be held at Whlta Level. Rev, H. M. Straup of Broadway will aaatat the ?a AMONG THE VISITORS SOME TOC KNOW A>I) SOSE TOO DO HOT KNOW. i'eriunal Items About Folks Aa4 Their Friends Who Trarel Here And There. Mrs. W. H Pleasants and Mlsa Maude Ashley returned yesterday from a trip to Wrightavllle Eeach. Mrs. D G. Allen, of Farmville, is visiting her mother, Mrs. C. B. Edana." Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Bedford, of High Point, spent last week-end with Mr. anil Mrs. E. F Thomas. Wm. R. Cooke, of Cincinnati. Ohio, is on a visit to his people here. Dr. E. S. Green, of Monroe, visited relatives in Louisburg the past week. Robt. Pleasants, of Cincinnati. Ohio, is visiting his people here. Mr. A. C. Marts returned Sunday from a trip to Atlanta. Pres. A. W. Mote went to Raietglr Sunday. Mr. Jake Freelander returned Wed nesday from Baltimore, where he had been to see Mr. L. Kline, who Is re ceiving treatment at a local hospital. The many friends of Mr. Kline will be glad to know that he is improving in health. Mr. T. \V\ Ruffin and family left Tuesday for Wrightsvllle Beach to spend several days. Messrs. Q. S. Leonard. B. T. Holden, S. C. Holden went to High Point Wed nesday to be with the delegation from the Louisburg Fire Department. Mr. W. G. Tharrington and family left yesterday for a visit to his wife's sister at Whetstone. Va. Maj. J. B. Thomas returned Monday from a visit to Hillsboro. Mr. Claude Collins visited Hillsboro iMotfday. I Mr. W. L. Beasley. Secretary to the I State Board of Elections, of Raleigh, was a visitor to Louisburg Tuesday. Messrs. T. T. Hawks and S. P. Jones of Norlina. were visitors to Louisburg | Wednesday. i Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Wells and child ? ren returned the past week from a j visit to relatives in Dewitt. Va. Mr. and Mrs. K. L. Liles and child ren spent the Fourth with relatives in Hopewell. Va. They were accom panied on their return by Mrs. Liles' sister, Mrs. Gilbert Driver and child ren. Mrs. T. M. Vaiden and children, of | Eutawville. S. C.. are spending a few j days with Miss Mamie Brown. Mrs. A. E. Neville, accompanied by I two of Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Munford's children, of St. Petersburg. Fla.. who have been visiting her daughter. Mrs. ( Munford. left yesterday for Crewe. Va. KEY. J. A. MclVER RETIRES Will Preach at Baptist Church Sun day Rev. J. A. Mclvef, who left here something over a month ago for an automobile trip to his old home In Texas will return Friday evening ac cording to a telegram received Tues day by Dr. W. B. Morton. At the time of sending the telegram Rev. Mclver and family were in Columbus Miss, lie will preach at the Baptist church on Sun day. both morning and night. The telegram to Dr. Morton reans: "In Columbus Miss., on way home. Hope to reach Louisburg Friday night. 'Please announce In Times Pastor will preach Sunday Great trip All well and happy Have not had flat tlr? on trip of thirty oight hundred miles Heart full of love to all." < ST. PAUL'S CHUBCH. Services tor the 5th Sunday after Trinity. July 20: Church School 10 a. m? Mr. Wm. H. Ruffln. Superintendent. Morning prayer and sermon 11 a. la. Sermon subject: "A Reasonable Re ligion." i No evening service. A cordial welcome to all. J AIRPLANE MAIL 1 Rev. W. B. ..'ark rector of Episcopal church, has received tKa first airplane mall that has arrived ln\ I.oulRburg. that we have heard ot The v letter arrived In New York afi?r * N hour ride through the air ud boo New York it cum to traia. arriving here . tog. H Mara a 14 cea * O CARD or num iTe with to aktead prestations to oar ?a neighbors who rea*?r?d so lata, aad sent la Uja recent death at ?V7T . It H. Oil -