I oatptfct- to move back to my store that was damaged by fire on Thursday, July Alst, after which I expect ^o rmt on one of the biggest priceWduction sales you have seen. Remember this and come to see me if you want to save big money. \ A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSURANCE ACTUALLY DEALS WITH EVERY HONEST BUSINESS CNDEB THE SUN' Fire Insurance has come to tie not ?n^ & householder's aecurlty, but a national necessity. The> home owner must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter itfWst guard his household goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, ichools, colleges and cor porations must protect their propertV investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a conjEunlty against financial loss from fire is Its Insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance N^eds. OFFICE OVER THE FIRST NATIONAL B\NK Save! Save! 15 per cent on your Prescriptions F. R. Pheasants DRUGGIST > TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. 0. When Furnishing the Dining Room Be sure to come and see th&splendid values wo have for yonr approval. BeautifVSly grained and finished ? woods, fine workmanship an/Vaubstantial construction. Priced below tjje price at/whidh you would expect to buy Furnittire of much lesj qualityS. Our Undertaking Department is alwayski-your service. W. E. White FurnHtire Co. AS THE EDITOR SEES IT A {rood Sport It la said that Calvin Coolidge died a martyr to the Young America .de.i of beinK a "giMin2 innl*. h?- . snick ? u1.:* until he uecacae delirious with lever. Then it wan too late. The septic in fection had spread through fcis *rs tyii and he did not have the endur ance to throw it off. Everybody admires a boy with courage, with "nerve" and Spartan like endurance, but risking one'n life through a notion that it Is weak to admit suffering, is no part of cour age. This is a fact that every American boy sbouTd learn. Health comes fore most in the life of every youth, for without it. he is handicapped in t lie strugles that come with manhood. Health Is impossible without good care of the body. Young Coolidge Is not to be blamed for the course he pursued. He acted in accordance with the customs among boys. It Is a foolish idea that must he corrected by parents, because it may cost the life of many a fine specimen of American youth. Weed* Is Weeds "Pigs is pigs" is an old expressive phase full of meaning. Pigs are just plain pigs, and nothing more can be made of them. By the same token, "weeds is weeds." They are unsightly, injurious and useless. They grow faster and are more hardy than useful vegetation and their only purpose on earth is to tor ment men. Some people exterminate them as they should an enemy. Others permit them to grow unhindered and allow them to damage ornamental plants, garden truck and farm products, and offset the effect of beautiful shrub bery and neatly kept lawns. If people who permit weeds to grow on their premises do not have enough pride to keep them cut, there Is a law which compels the property owner to act. Refusing to, the authorities will cut the weeds and charge the ex pense up in taxes. The law has long since recognized that weeds are a nuslance because they are unsightly and a breeder of disease, and people who persist in permitting them to flourish will have to abide by the consequences. There's A Beason Some farmers can work twelve hours a day on a piece of land and make a bare living. Other farmers can work on the same piece of 'land ten hours a day and make a living and a profit beside Some men can take a business en terprise. and not only fail to 4^ake a WHY PAY MORE? MASON FRUIT JARS Pints 85c Dozen Quarts 95c Dozen Half Gallon $1.25 Dozen Clifton's Mealyand Horns Made Pijtkles .Yours to 'please, A. J. Jarman Cooper Gin Corner. Seed Man's Ladies Co Ladies Siik to 50c pair. 15c to 40c 50c to $2.00 TUCKER'S HOTEL and CAFE [ain Sjfreet LOUISBDHXt, N. C. The bast/oAjnraU the mar ket afforn an^ prepared In the btit/>f Plen# of roomV for the acoon^odatlon of >all who wlah Mo spend the Dlfc?t, all wallAurnlahed. J. C. TUCKER Propria to iving. but go seriously into debt. Other muu can take the same en ???rpnse. with all it* handicap*, and make tt profitable '1 i.urt:'* a reasnn for the dlffftiEnce. 1 :;c : ? '-cessf xx man *tndj?s condi r ?%s ar . analyzes t?u gg -stions and r. '?:???* improvements as rapidly as It ? f-.rJl.i*n to do ^o. His re-' turns are in proportion to the acti- 1 vlty of fcjs brain. The failure is Blow to change He doesn't take any stock in new fan gled notions. What was good enough for his father is good enough for him. And that Is all he gets. When put to practical use. brains become a valuable asset. Hias Hobbs of Duplin County want ed to attend the Club Short Course at State College but couldn't secure the funds. Home Agent Ruth Eborn be came interested and as a result the Chamber of Commerce of Warsaw bought him a suit of clothe9 .and the Hank of Warsaw paid his expenses. Uias was one of the most interested | club boys attending the recent confer* enCe ^ Piles Cured In 6\o JA Days druggists refund money ff PAiOr OINTMENT fails to cure Itching. Elind. Bleeding m Protruding Plies 'astarllv relieve* Itching Pi.eAanJ you can pet restful sleep after the first ai? Price 60c. | The Sorfhf Thing thi$ Store Likqs To Do ? , fXLH aim U to all you k-/\n article wixh the manuifeetu/cr la tftccrtully willtngVo tuarafUt under his own Atnature/ Tkat gives you confjfcnce. ftmake?you i*rt of yo4r ?Tdfcr purckuc. And ?_ .. exclusive tcL w w.w. C4 Yoa hare i adrartucd. Pearl e jow acting ?? pal utnu lor _ntee<] Prod ocr? f them oaucoiJly Orana* vnMh wadding rings Popular priM diamond rlnfta Cwhlt? gold, 18K i Thc?< arripctJ eiqaUite, quality through ?nd tjvoadb.raallv co?t no more than uoinow bai, and in lomi io ataoc#. thXr coat LESS. We ve INGEkSOLL PENCILS Priced from 50c to $25.00 L. W. Parrish Jeweler Louisburg, North Carolina OVER 40 PEOPLE KILLED and millions of dollars property damage by wind storms in Siuth Carolina and North Carolina. Storm InWrance is cheap Get our jMes, on Storm, Fire, lAfm, Health and Ac cident Insurance. Bennett Perry W* w Manager. Pin Money And OurWives The t fin "I'm Mur.? y" ''.a?<_- b-n-k to tli.- 14th century when >.in> were ti r^t invented. ? ? * ?Tku\vt'ur >ome unknown reason, witu only allowed to be ?>1 1 nti two da\> each yi-ar ami In- in? hand made, were ' i"ii in prii-i-. So it became a custom for money to In- idiain trr women at their marriage t"> be used for the ing ac ?count and nut be jrive:i\,ji;>t ".Fin Money.? \ \ Start ';