HIE mKKIt^ TiMfS A. IIBw" m< ????>? Dm In .i> Q.M Blent Heath J. .... l.M uttered at the Post Office at Louls ?urc, N. C. a* second claaa matter. Clem Shaver, of West Virginia, has been selected by John W. Davis, Dem ocratic Nominee for President, to con duct the coming campaign. To son^jthe Impressions gained by Dr. SmitlHo his trip to Europe, which have been given publicity and which we are publishing this week, may seem uncalled for or sensational. But to many it will be accepted as a warning, wisely given. If actions and outward appearances mean anything in the so lution of any problem then it is evi dent that Europe is preparing for something. All this unrest with the further you go the worse It gets can only point <0 the ultimate explosion that will bring very embarrassing re sults. The (act that the world Is look ing to America for the solution and th epacifieation of their local diffi t culties should make Anjgrica more alert. It should Invite the opportuni ty to do such a great work, instead of to stand by and look on to the detri ment of humanity and Christian re ligion. Dr. Smith's message is only a hint as to what Is evidently in the making unless something Is done to check it. Lets hope that America will intervene in time to save the cat astrophe. if its true Europe is looking to it In confidence. Ms MonUU .74 vM rear MoiUi MR. VjLNVS BENEVOLENCE The bighearted benevulence of Mr Sam C. Vann reached its climax in the beautiful and commodious new school building now being completed in our sister town of Franklinton. That it is a structure of beauty and adapt able convenience, in fact all that can be desired in a modern and well plan ned school is' understood when it is known that it is the architects' ideal, the most advanced in school structure. Its comparisons are not to be confined to North Carolina, but it towers above any building of its kind in America. The gift represents not dollars and cents, but the hearts real desire to do something of lasting benefit for hu manity. It is a gift of love and devo tion to the children of his home com munity whom he loved. It is the cli max of benevolence of a big hearted man. because of its magnitude and wonderful opportunity. Many has been the contributions Mr. Vann haB given to worthy causes. The gift to the Methodist Orphanage and to Trinity College for instance. Hut nothing re veals the real man, the big love of one for those of his community, as does the giving of the Christmas gifts to the children of his home town on ChriRtmas eve. when all the little child ren who come are made happy with a nice new piece of money. The people of Franklinton have a just right to be proud of such a citizen. Franklin County is proud of him; an l the State should be fc'.ad he is with us. Each Is mad', better by the reason of his example. The do/>atfdn of this magnificent *lft Is a climax In benevolence, and more. It is the portrayal of a beautiful Christian life. To sacrifice that oftiers might have a broader more useful and more beautiful life. May his years he many that he may Ket the maximum enjoyment from see Inn his deeds bear good fruits. The child who "speaks a piece" the beat Is not always the one who "makes his mark" In the world. I STATE >ALR HJLL SHOW THE i . . STATE | Kalefyh, July 21. ? The State Fair la I living up to itB Blofan. "it Shows North Carolina," according to General Man 4 ager B. V. Walborn, who states that seventy throe counties participated In [the premium offerings lust year, which is six more counties thin in 1922. When Mrs. Edith Vanderbilt took over the reins four years ago she de termined to make it a state fair indeed aa well a a ittrMttMgaftd flhe ha* net the goal this year for representation by one hunJred counties. It is to be one hundred per cent a State fair. "Mlth every county taking part. Twenty two thousand dollars is of fered in premiums, which is divided so as to bring out a wide varety of exhi bits as well as the best exhibits. It is divided, too. so that all section of the Slate have a chance to participate in the prize money if worth while ex hibits are furnished. Exhibitors from the seventy three counties last year have been invited to repeat; but the invitations will not stop here. Provision is being made to take caie of the others expected to take part from the remaining twenty seven counties. While showing the State what it can produce and manufacture, the ?tate Pair aims this year to give spe cial emphasis to the many opportuni ties for development that exist. Edu cational exhibits will be one of the big features this year. Priority of claim for space cannot be honored after July 31st, it is an nounced. and prospective exhibitors are urged to send in their applications at once. METHODIST CHURCH We shaH have only one preaching service at the Methodist church Sun day. and that service will be at the 11 o'clock hour. We had a fine congregation last Sun* day, and all our people seemed to enjoy the music and the message. Come and bring your friends. jO. W. DOWD, Pastor. OLD BELT CO-OPS PAID THIS WEEK Tobacco Association Pays ti&r&XMMW At Cooperative Warehouses On Saturday, Julj tit. (S. D. Frissell) Approximately 50.000 bright tobacco farmers of Central and Western North Carolina and Virginia who are mem bers of the Tobacco Growers Coopera tive Association will receive checks aggregating $2,300,000. Saturday. July 26. at 60 coperative tobacco warehouses when association maeks a second payment on all deliveries of 1923 to bacco to its old belt members. Two features of this week's payment by the tobaco cooperative are especi ally gratifying to its members, namely, that their association iB furnishing them cash to an amount which equals one-fourth of their totaV receipts to date from all deliveries of the 1923 crop of old belt tobacco, and secondly, that this week's payment will be fol lowed in the near future by another equal payment, according to the an nounced policy of the directors of the tobacco association. The determination of the tobacco di rectors to pay its members cash in hand from sales of old belt tobacco rather than to wait for a further ac cumalation of money from sales, has met with very general approval among the tobacco farmers for whom cash payments at this season of the year are proving a real profit. Ttye Tobacco Growers Cooperative Association has made a payment every month for the last three months to its members in three states, and next Saturday's distribution o i $2,300,000 will make a total of $5,500,000 distri buted to the association farmers at a season when cash on the tobacco farms is most needed by producers of the weed. Over 15.000 farmers attended the J great mats meetings and barbecues I given by members of the tobacco asso- j elation and citizens of Mullins and Lake City, in South Carolina last week. These meetings established a record for attendance in the South Carolina belt. They clearly showed the enthu siasm of South Carolina farmers for the cooperative marketing plan and indicate th?t the tobacco association will increase its membership and re ceipts largely this year throughout the southern area of its operations. United States Senator E. D. Smith declared to the thousands of tobacco farmers who gathered to celebrate the success of cooperative marketing "That the man who wont Join and fight with the cooperative association to name the terms of his wife's and children welfare and his own precious manhood is not worthy of the name of an American citizen." Congressman Hallet 9. Ward of North Carolina pointed out that the man who opposes cooperative mark eting today has no moral right to vote because cooperative marketing has be come so thoroughly recognized as the outstanding need of the American farmer that it Is now a strong plank In the platforms of all three parties. It taken a woman without a hug band to tell how to run one. War Dad&red!!! Wood Department LOCAL SEWS Misses Virginia Cobb anil Maude Shearin of Rocky Mount are spending this week with the latters sisters, Mesdames Stephen and Charlie Lew Is. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Barnes and Mr. Jones of Raleigh Bpent last week end with Mrs. Barnes sister, Mrs. W. D. Fuller of this place. Mis*. Mary MaH left tor Weldon last Sunda/. where she will Join 1 Mr. and Mrs. Hardison for an automobile trip to Morehead, Newbern * and other places. They will be gone about two weeka Among the girls who have joined Miss Wilson In the camping trip at Cedar Rock from here are Misses Odell Thompson, Leona Raynor. Hat tie Bel|? Gupton, Elisabeth Fuller and Mary- Sturges. Mr. and Mrs. Marlon Parker visited their Uncle, Mr John Best near Little ton last Sunday. Mrs. Nancy Qupton and soh, Eddie and Russel, -jLeona and Wilbur Ray nor and Miss Gladys Gupton spent last week end with relatives near Rocky Mount. Miss Ruth Gupton and Mr. Essie Gupton went to Chapel Hill last Sun day to see Miss Pearle 'Gupton. Quite a number from here enjoyed the services at Cedar Rock last week. Mr. A. N. Corpenlng Is expected to preach here Friday and Saturday night of this week. Everybody come. Announcements will be made later about the services Sunday wliich Is bis last appointment with us. He will as usual leave a message with us worth while. ? ? | THE LION'S I> THE WAY Once upon a time, three friends set out to go to the palace of the King which was known astheHouse Beau tiful. The kihg himself had invited them there and that they might have r.o trouble in finding the way, had sent I them a scroll on which the path was I marked so plainly that it would have ' been a hard matter to have mbsed the way. And to make assurance dou bly surg-hc wrote upon the scrc^li with his own hand, bidding them to keep to the path, "Turi r. either to ti'.fc right nor to the left." his mes sage said. "But follow the path, and it v.ill kad you safelv to the Hon? Bf-autiful where I have prepared a pls.ee for you." All tleir lives three friends had beaid of the wi:n OerB of th.- king's lio-ise. some peopio tflid It was made of r-f iris, others said that it was b'ji't cf gold. brUit as the sun itself. Its windows were said to overlook the world and Its towers could reach hlghc than t?.e sky and everyone agreed that there wis naught within the gatei:. bu.1 pear# and Joy. So eager were the friendB to see it that they could not Journey fast enough to satisfy themselves, and from morning till night theluuurited each other on. The path by which they wer* to go was a narrow path, with a rough place now and then, and now and then a briar or sharp stone upon It. But for th.e most part it was pleasant all the way. The travellers hastened Joyfully along and all went well with them until one day they met a man whose face was turned toward the land from which they had Just came. "Oood neighbor, why travel you so fast. Is a house on fire,, or a friend sick or does a feast await 'till you come Tell me, I pry you, that I may sor row with you.' or rejoice. aB the need may be." "Rejoice, rejoice." crtefl the three, "for we Journey to- the King's House Beautiful, where n iter. Is pr Clared for us." But when the man heai-d this he shook hie head sorrowfully, as if what they had told him was grievous news. "I tou. had thought of going there,'" he said, "but that was before I knew of the lions in the way." Lions in the way." cried the travellers, looking at each other with startled eyes. "Yes, Hons, the fiercest and largest that man ever saw. Their very roaring shakes the ground, and many r. traveller has been devoured by them, so people say. As for myself, 1 have not seen them, to'hear them is enough for me." "The King's house may be beautiful as the morning, and as full of wonders as the sky is full of stars, but what good will -Jt do me if I am eaten by the lions?"^ So his friends were forced to Jeurijey without him. As they went they talked on the way about the lions. "Think you it is true?" said one, "or but an idle tale?" "True, or not we Blall pass in safety. Have we not the kings word far it?" said ihe other, and he led the way with such grtv.t strides that his friend could sccarcely keep up. Op^yid on they travelled without atopTjr hindrance, 'til all at onco the air was filled with a great noise that shook' the earth beneath their feet and set tfielr knees to trembling. There was 06 mistaking what it *as. Even thov^s& they had never heard the sound beforer they knew it was the roaring 0[t tUa lions, and the sccond traveller bcgajpi. to grow afraid. "Let us go aroubY) by another way," he cried. "Surely there are more paths than one to the kings house." And the other spi'tt&d, out before buy the scroll on 'which .the path was marked and read OBC? more the kings mesaage. "Turn oeitiuia'to the left nor to the right, but follow -the p^Jh and It will lead you BafeKy'to the ofcuse Beautiful, where a place >8 prepared for you." He could pay no heed to it hut turned away into a by-path and followed it out of sight. The other traveller was forced to journey on the path alone, with the roaring of the lions In his ears and the shaking of the earth beneath his feet. Nor, had he gone a furlong more when, just ahead he spied the lions themselves. One on each side of the path they stood with flaming eyes and yawning mouths, and at the very sight the traveller's heart beat quick and sharp.vand his feet faltered upon the 'waj(, |ut his faith in the kings word waji skater than his R. L. PEOPLES LOtJlSBURG, North Carolina First course was canteloupe, second sandwiches and Ice tea, third, lea cream and cake. The head of the table was first ar ranged for the father of the young lady, Mr. W .D. Fuller and the other Mr. A. 8. J. Harnett. There Is no need for an yof us to try to express Just bow much U was en Joyed by the many friends of Miss Eli zabeth. for. It Is Inexpressible, we can only say that we enjoyed It to the full est extent, and hoping some day to be entertained again In the same way with I our best wishes for the future birth (lays. The guest that were Invited were Misses Hattte Belle Ouptoil, Edna Wicker, Mary Sturges, Mamie John son. Wllmer Qupton. Leona Haynor, Jodie Radford, Mary Susan Falser. Messrs. Wilbur Raynor,' Tolbert Stur ges, Irvln Wicker and q^eTB. Lawn Mowers. Lawn- rtbae. L&wn Sprinklers and^lloye Reels at h. P. HJOKS. \ I ' 7-26-2t Shn!,M?ry ^T",k<;fV,arnH. sides and Shoulders at U pf flfcjKS. 7-26-2t mcttisun - ?r~ ill * <** lb . it T