THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. F. JOHSSOK. Editor ul Mauser ?TAB DROPS? ? ? Miss Annie Laurie Pearce, of Kraukllnton, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Henry Cpchurch. ? Wg are requested to announce that the Justice Betterment Association will present a play "When the Clock Strikes Twelve." at Justice School Auditorium, Friday night, July 26tb, 1924, the proceeds to be used for the church. AMONQ THE VISITORS SOME YOC KNOW aSD SOME 101 1)0 -NOT KNOW. Personal Items About Folks An4 Their Friends Who Travel Here And There. Mrs. J. L. Collier returned Wednes day from a (rip to Washington City. Mr. Paul Tuns tall, of Wilson, spent last week at the home of Mrs. Ida Hale. Mr. Matthew Beasley, of Wilson, visited his people here the past week. Mr. T. W. Stovall, of Stovall, spent Monday with his son, Mr. H'. M. Sto vall. Miss Mildred Shearin is visiting her cousin, Mrs. Annie Brown at Peters burg, Va. Rev. J. A. Mclver and family return ed last Friday from an automobile trip to Texas. Mr. Sterling Brlckell, of Chicago, visited his sister Mrs. R. C. Beck, the past week. Mr. and Mrs. Vlnce Stratton, of Win. ston-Salem, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Hilton. Mr. J. 0. Phelps and wife, of Atlan ta. are visiting relatives and friends In Louisburg. ' . Mr. Ernest Hale, of Dillon, S. C? spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Ida Hale. Mrs. Henry Upchurch and daughters, Loreen and Emily, spent last week vis iting relatives in Raleigh. Mr. and Mrs. John R. Perry, of Wash, lngton City, are visiting relatives In Franklin and Nash County. Mrs. Pearl Senna and daughter, Miss Edith Senna, of Raleigh, spent the week-end with Mrs. Ida Hale. Mr. F. B. JlcKinne went to Raleigh yesterday to atjend a meeting of the Trustees of Loulsburg College. Mrs. J. H. Beddlngfleld has return ed to her home in Raleigh after spend ing a few days with Mrs. Ida Hale. Mrs. Dr. ? . ? . Matthews, of Ten nessee, attended the funeral of her sister Miss Lucy Foster, the past week. Mr. T Blacknall Cook.?, of Elizabeth City, was hi Loulsbuxg the past week to attend the funeral of MIbs Lucy .Foster. Mri. F. LT Edens ant] Children, of Washington, m. e., returned home Sun day after spending some time with relatives here. Miss Mildred Hell, of Faison, who has been attendiug N. C. C. W. Sum mer school, Is visiting Miss Louise Qriffin this week. Mr. S, P. Doddle and daughter, Miss Annie Willis, left Tuesday for Rich' mond. where Miss Annie Willis will take treatment at a hospital. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Barnette and sons of Atlanta, Ua.. left Tuesday after visiting her mother. They were ac companied on their return by Mrs. N. T. Speed, of Frankiluton. who will visit with them for several weeks KE.SOLITIOSS OF RESPECT Whereas we realize that in the death of Miss Lucy K. Foster, our Mission ary Society and our church has lost a most loyal and devoted member. It is resolved .lgt. That we sincerely ap preciate the purity, beauty and at the same time the seeming sadness of the life lust closed. She possessed tal ients that highly qualified her to add to as well as receive richly trom the happiness of this world. She had de cided mtwical gifts, and not only did she love the beautiful but she possess-, ed the creative faculty for all who knew her will always remember the lovely work of her deft and skilful Angers. She also bad a keen appre ciation of the good in literature, an J often gave graceful expression to her thoughts in verse. With all these resources at her com mand she had to succumb to the inex onable touch of disease, and for years she has been a brave and patient suf ferer, never giving utterance to rebel lious murmurings. but ever tearful lest she was not bearing her afflictions, as she ought. ?Let us rejoice to feel that to her soul, so long imprisoned by pain, her strong and unwavering faith in her Redeemer must have flung wide the gates of the Paradise of God. 2nd. That we. extend to the devoted mother and sisters, who will, sorely miss the one to whom they have so un duly ministered, our sympathy and love, pointing them to the beautiful as surance that their loved one has found an abundant entrance into one of the "Many Mansions'' of her Father's House. 3rd. That a copy of these Resolu tions be sent to the bereaved family, and a copy be placed on the minutes of our organization. MrB. L. P. Hicks, Mrs. S. S. Meadows, Mrs. J. E. Malone, Committee. MONET LOST ? One 86 cent and one ' $5 gold pieces, were wrapped in lit tle paper sack. *Ull?ay more than this amount for tnafr return to E. H. HARRIS, R. ^^^^uisburg, N. C. J 7-25-lt Europe ought to be able to pay some of its war debts after the summer tour ist season is over. SAM) HILL PEACH SHOW I The Fourth Annual Carolina* Peach J Show v.iil be held i-i Hamlet ou Wed nesday and Thursday. July 30 and 31, and promises many surprises for those who are not familiar with the peach in dustry. Plans for the show are ma terializing rapidly. The mammoth horse shoe frame which Is to be cover ed with thousands and thousands of peaches, has been built and is now living decorated. Decorators are also at work on the whole exhibition build ing. and on the streets for block around. All of the public buildings of the cttjr as well aa many private business houses and hoiaes will be gaily deco rated In festive colors for the occa sion. Besides the exhibition of peaches in the show building there will be shown orchard "and farm machinery and sup plies, sprayers, etc.. as well aa other products. The state home demonstra tion iorces will be there to show how to prepare and preserve peaches and peach by-products, and the housewife may ^et many helpful suggestion from this booth. Governor Cameron Morrison will ol ficuilly open the show on Wednesday mftiltig, July 30, at ten o'clock. Gov ernor McLeod has been Invited to speak on Thursday, and there will b? a few others to make short talks, al though the speaking program is light. Entertainment will be the strong fea ture. The Fifth Field Artillery Band from Fort Bragg will furnish the musk; for the occasion. The band will be ao coinp&nied to Hamlet by G?neral A. J. Bowley and his staff. Motor trips are being planned out through the peach orchards, so the visitors may have an opportunity to see the pickers and packers at work, and get an Idea of how the crop Is handled. The peach show management ex pects that last year's attendance of ten thousand will be more than doubled this year, as the railroad has offered the extremely low rate of one cent per mile, and all the roads leading to Hamlet are In fine shape for motor travel. Conquer 8umme\ Hfcat with Chase & Sanborns Delfcioqwlced Tea at L. P. HICKS 7-25-2t HISS WILSO* KKSICSS | General regret on the part of the | ladles throughout the county will be felt on account of the resignation of MIbb Cathleen Wilson. Franklin Coun ty's efficient and capable Home De monstration Agent, which has been made tq. become effective August 15th. Although Miss Wilson has been in Franklin County only a short while, she has Impressed our people as be ing thoroughly efficient and capable, and very much Interested In the work among the farm women of the county. Her many friends extend best wishes for the future. Folks who have the Idea the road to succesS )s a boulevard never gets any place. TRUSTEE'S By virtue of by W. H. and J. Ruffin, Trustee, and recorded in LOUtSBURQ j f trust made to Wm. H. 1, 1920. page 115-16, default having been macA? In the lay men of the debt thereby secured, and demand having been mate on the said Trustee for forec losure, rby the holder tbe debt thereby sectred, the un d?r signed will on MONDAY. FEBJUJAMY IS. 1924. at the noon redess of Coprt at tbe court hoc:** door in'Louisbuw, North Caro lina. offer lor \ sale at /public auction Co the bighestlbidder lor cash that warehouse lot land ea lements known tk a the Farmers Co-c peratlvs Com pacy s WarehoiW situ ite Id the town qf s^oaisburg. North Carolina, aud more particularly deft led as follows: First. That cjrtalrillot or paro>i of iJWd situate on ?treet in the tow dad and defined nlng at the corne, lot (dow Farmers pan y s lot) and t lot. formerly the Hocv lot (now ' pacj s lot) on Mai stake; thence along batn line (now All pao'ys line) 8 58 E teas to tbe corner o. Manufacturing Comp If the Cooper lot ( ell's lot) in the line way Company; the a<-the 3. A. L. Ralli Caet more or less, tc railway on Main st Main street S 33 1 or less to the poln belti k the lot upon uate an old dwellin of a brick Warehot And also togeth ?described lot an terable and asslgi and to and upon t tils Southwest sld op t side of Ufa In mlsburg. boun ?llowg: ,he J. F. Jaaes operative Com B Cheatham twTight Prize Machine Corn street an IroD he C. B. Cheat Machine Com 14 feet more or Tar River ?'s lot, formjr Jbbn 3. How ie S. A. L. Rail i along the tin? 26 3-4 W 279 corner of said thence along 144 feet more leglnrjng, It Is now slt and a part ding. the afore ible, trans isement in of lan on .rgin of the et rhl Depot site of tbe f S. A. L. Railway, more particularly Idescrlb id as fol lows: Beginnlngj at the Northwest corner of tbe foundation v all o~ Main ?street of the Warehouse low situate on said lsnd, and tunning t hence along Main street 23 felt to the line of the S. A. L. KallwajC? tbence along the line of the said 9 A. L. R illway N 26 3-4 E tbe full leagth of a Warehouse formerly on saldjlot 171 f set more or lees; thence a lfce parall >1 'o Main street and tbe flsst named line 23 feet to tbe northeast jcorner of the founda tion wall of tie said warehouse; tbenc? a line parallel to the S. A L. Railway line alcmg tbe fun idatlon wall of said warebtaise 171 f et mo. e or lees, to tbe poict of begli nlng, upon wblch was formerly located a mewhat Jones Tobacco! Warehouse building and upon which is now A portion of more than one-half in vfldth of the aald brick warehouse building, said easement beidg, however, limited to warehouse purposes onlylby tbe decis ion of tbe Supreme Coast In the ca3e of Ruftln vs?Jtailroad lql North Car olina Report title to the alove described lot end right of occu 330, whica settled the (Iiancy uud^r said ease Id lot aud| easement be in* tne same Co-operative L. and J. M. Allen this Jan. If , 1 -1 ?- 5t wy iu iui auu , utt&enieui d? conveyed j by Farmers Company tl> W. H. Allen ?n. f 1924. { H. RUFRi: X. Trustee. sale was The above consent of a vesk to weel 1&24, and Is sent of all plriies to M 19ii4. at aboit the hour This July/>1. 1924. 7-25-lt wSl. H. RUF^IN. Trustee. [continued by parties cim<;erned from until Moxnay. July 21st, .gain continued by con. ~ mday, July 2S, of Noon. Home-Spent Dollars Build Homes Start Your Dollars to Building Up This Community When -You IN Try to It at Home t ? Have YOU The LUCKY NUMBERS? The lucky numbers were as follows: 1st prize $20.00 Merchandise No 684 2nd prize 15 Merchandise No 1824 3rd prize $5.00 Merchandise No .1889 4th prize $5.00 Mercchandise No .TO 2 5th prize $5.00 Merchandise No 1749 Bring the lucky number and get your goods . anything you want in the store to amount your prize calls for. If You Want To Save Money We have The headliners Every Line a Saving A Saving in Every Line $1.50 value Lougelhth ID yds. toio^t ,98c $1.25 ? ulut- B.-.l ShWts 72 * OOtach , . . 89c !."} 1. . J. . . .15c $7.50 value New Silk u^resse#, all sizes $3.95 $15.00 value Canton arid Sa/in Crepe Dresses . ;T.$9.95 $l.oi) Men's Workshirw, dl\ sizes 69c 75c value Men's I'nion y!mits 49c $12.50 value Men's PalnVeach Suits $9.75 $2.00 value Men's KhailApants $1.39 ."Oe Men's Ties each . ./ . \ . .25c 19c value Turkish Towels Va^'h 12c 19c value Ladies Hostypair\ 10c 25c value Heavy Shirfing yd 19c 29c value Bleaching ml. . . .V 15c 1!>c value Lawns yd./ i 10c :15c value Orjraudes rd \ 23c 15e value Huek Tofcels each 9c 25c value Percale vi V 19c ?S2.50 value Binl-err- Diaper clotti l'> yd $1.98 $1.50 value Butiijilow A j irons eafch 98c value Palny Beach Pants each . . 75c ? valt e Pillo/ Cases each 25c ""e vaH'e Cliililrens Sox, all colors, pair 23c v'2.< 0 value Couniorpen- ach $1.43 L. Kline & Co. When Seen or Advertised Elsewhere It's Always Cheapest Here L0CISBUR6, NORTH CAKOLIM FOUNDED 1838 CHARTERED 1859 TRINITY COL/LeQE IU AHAM, W. / ? vThe following groups of study ahe offered/ all leading to the degree of ttachelor of Arts: General; Hiislneijk Administration ; Kvliitfotni Train ing; Engineering; Pre-Medlcal ; Tea\hln<; Hre-Legal. Graduate Cour ses In all departments. Schools of EriteRieering. Education and' Law REGISTRATION FOR NEW ST^raENTS ? September 8? ? For Catalogue an4 Illustrated BooyCt, Atf^ess R^L. SX0WTB8, Serty. The early Iamb la the paying lamb In North (iatolllka. Not only are the winters ayffMerttiy mild to have them come early hat prtoeii ? am low late In the aumnler and stomactf worms are j plentiful. ( ? , Nine Varieties \*/?p Turnip Seed j at L. P. HICK 8. rt Is propo?W that the nwlhod teaching arithmetic be rhaniM. It left to those who have to tak? It, thhe multiplication table, ?aMMlon u>4 suh r action would *11 be eliminated 1 ?r? at first slfbt dooiiaioinJly an- 1 durae all right, bat lov?M. ahoal4 be certain that their tight will pat' tell. I ( .'abba* > Seed, Col Ard a art. UtM Seed and 3n?> Seed a L. P. Hicks 726St ? V '?'*? t T' *r*? Ire Tea UlUaas. ( SMttery Cups. Plates Vod T1 ITmoa Bottle* at jL. P. HICKS. \ " .fV- - f-2B^t For your guiLc li ouf 9*1 act AnnoKmi IMtHd Jama, pAki OHlllllDll at L.U Elartrle Tana, R& BMtrlc Shades ufl