' r x = V'l, Largest Submarine, Is Launched for U. S. Navy WVJ? World PtK>to* i Photo of the launching at Portsmouth, N. H., Nary Tard ot the U. S. Submarine, V-l, which la twice aa lar*? U any built [ueVlously tor the U. 8. Navy. The big undarsaaa flghtar la the drat of a fleet ot nine that will be able to accompany the baltlefleet tn any weather and at any spaed ot which the fleet ttaelt la capable. The exact rmdlus orer which the V-l can operate la not made known bnt It la hlntad that ft caa cross the ocean and return without replenishing tts fuel The Teasel la Ml feet. 9 Inches. over aD. haa ? maximum breadth ot 17 knots and a speed at S knots snbmarsed. and k surface displacement at *4M toes. She will carry a crew of ?ma oScen ?ad eighty mo. INSURANCE A NECESSITY IN8UBANCE ACTUALLY DEALS WITH EYE BY HONEST 5 BUSINESS CNDEB THE SUN Fire insurance has come to t>e not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter must guard his household goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their \property InvestiMJfts. The man who can thus provide the security a/ a community igalnst financial loss from fir* Is Its Insurance agen\ throughiAls companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insuiunbe Needs. OFFICE OYEB TH K FIBST NATIONAL BANK New Turnip Seed of all assortment, just arrived . - * REASONABLE PRICES We ean save you ih per cent on your prescriptions. Give us a triawind be convinced . R Plea sants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. 0. It Is Less Work To Do More Work fv A properly equippel ^Kitchap means that you can do more work with less effort/so why not make the small investment necessary ttKjan into your kitchen one or more of these labor-saving: articles. You will be surprised how Aany useful items you can get for very little money. Gonv^ent terms of payment arranged if yon desir^ Ou r Undertaking Department is always up to the minute. W. E. White FanytHre Co. AS THE EDITOR SEES IT The Knllroad Labor Hoard The Uallsi Stalin railroad labor i >ourd finds it.;elf very much 1b th*- , tame pMl'iou that tL-nate invcitigat ng coi:.:.lll. .us were placed ?? ?hen ? >ltnes.-.s refused to testify. The board assumed Jurisdiction In i dispute affecting wages and work ng conditions of the engineers and iremen on forty-three of the princi pal roads of the west, northwest and louthwest. The railroad men's unions refused :o appear and submitted r easons, irnong which was one that Ben W. Hopper, the chairman of the board. *as biased toward the unions. In the support of their contention that the :hairman was not Impartial, the un ions submitted his public utterances. It was alleged that chairman Hopper had defended the courts, had antagonized the Idea that the su preme court should be subordlp^Jed to the legislative branch, that an ef fort was being made to bring railroad labor Into an alliance with socialism and the strikes were an outrage on the public and worthless to employes. This scarcely appears to be cause (or questioning the fitness of Mr. Hooper to have a voice in deciding the dispute. Any man that believed otherwise would b? disqualified. Any man who Relieves that the Ju diciary should not Interpret the laws and that the United States supreme court should not have authority to pass on their constitutionality would not be safe on the railroad labor board. The railroad labor board was created by the transportation act of 1920. In section 310 It is provided that the board may invoke the aid of any U. S. district court when^* a witness refuses to obey a subponea with the penalty punishment for con te.mpt. Hooper is going to see if this pro vision can be enforced. If it can't b?, the railroad labor board's usefulness has ended. The purpose of the board Is to pre vent strikes. A railroad strike Is dis astrous at any time. It would be es pecially so Just now In the region affected in the present dispute Just when agriculture Is attempting to stage a comeback. Colds Cause Grip and Influenza/ LAXATIVE BROM^^jnNE Teblct? remove th? oatue. There is "Bromo Quinine. " E. W. GROVE'S aiisia tuaoUflf 30c. IX REMEMBKAJiCE KATIE BELLE 6HIFFIX There is no flock, however watched and tended. But one dead lamb is there! There is no fireside, howsoe'er defend ed. But has one vacant chair! "-C There Is no death! What seems so Is transition. This' life of mortal breath Is but a suburb of the life elysian. Whose portal we call Death. She Is not dead, ? the child of our af fection, ? But gone unto that school Where she no longer needs our poor protection, And Christ Himself doth rule. Not as dead shall we again behold her; _ For when "with raptures wild In our embraces we again enfold her. She will be alive. ? But a fair maiden, In her father's man sion. Clothed with celestial grace; And beautiful with all the soul's ex pansion. Shall we behold her face. HER MOTHER. The "nuisance taxes" may have been repealed, but there are a lot more which are a nusiance. Sick Headache BtMk-Diw . would jj* Theiford's BLACK-DRAUBHT FOR KKNT ? One troo4 two-horse (arm near Muulton, isJhg lltng and out houses in good cHotfnunity for rent for 11)25 for the foiXth or tor money ] r<"it. \pply to WifsNwr. L. THAR KiNU ; IN", Loulseurg. C.. R. F 11. 2. 8-8-tf | fc .fsc-.be u T:,e Franklia Times NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having Qualified as Administrator, c. t. a. of Dr. J. B. Williams, late of Franklin County. North JCarollna. this is to notify all persons liavtng claims against said estate to present the sama to the undeMigned on or before the 25th day of jVly. 1921, or this notice will be plead i\ bar ft their recovery.! A!! persons lndebted/o Said estate wtit' pltase make imnecyate settlement. This July 25, Wt. GROjtER C. PARRISH. AdmAiytrator, c. t. a of J. W. Williams, deceased. Gu^on, BLC. Wm. H. and ^hos. Ruffin, Attys. Louisburg. N. C. \ 7-25-6t ~ ' . T~> Piles Cured fa 6 to/ 14 Days ?" Dnuutists refund money OINTMENT fans (o c ur Uchina, Blind. Blee^n or Protruding Piles. InstaiHy relieves ltchinit^fcs. and yoo can get restful sleeD after the firs r arflhfcrir rm GOOD-BYE OVERALLS ! ! "(JESCO" CLOTH WEARS LIKE LEATHER, SHEDS WATER, WONT BIP, SNAG OR SHRINK, UNION MADE TO TOUR ORDER Ol'TWEAR TtlRIE SlITS OK OTERA^LSS, LOOKS HKE MOJW, .. YET SELLSU'OK ?12.K>. liET im'RS TODAT! DON'T FORGET YOn^ GROCERIES. Ylmrs for VALUE, A. J. Jar man Cooper Gin Corner. TUCKER'S HOTEL and CAFE Main Street LOUIS$URG, N. C. t meals the mar aud prepared In fashion. - rooms for the on ot all who d the night, all ed. J. C. TUCKER Proprieto ARK YOU INSlR?I)l What Would Bp Your Condition If Your Property Were To BURN Rave you evef considered what It would mean to start all over again T That Is what a loss by lire with out Insurance means. But with Insurance, you are protected by the resources of the strong com panies means COBTtDle l-et us ance serv nil kinds. Accident til It Is Several lent and a tire lore than an In klnd of Insur e give. We write Fire. Health and Don't wait un for sale. F&ANKLIN IKS. AND REALTY OO. Bennett Perry Manager. IJAlEJi? LESTMOJ Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clay Hanson I announce t^i^ marriage of their Bister | Murgaret ljiiftabeth Hayes to Mr. Roi>- . ert Preston^ LemnKDn 0:1 Saturday Au g\ist second, nineteen hundred I venty four. Hrevard, Xort i.i Carolina. | i This was a marriage or much inter- t est to the many friends 01 the bride | and groom in North Caro!!r:> "r! i^irgini&_Xti?_W?ddiu^waH a very quite j one. taking place at 8:3(Tln llie iiiim uj i ing at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. C. | Hanson with only members of the im- . mediate families present, Rev. Wallace Hartsell. pastor of the bride, officiat ing. I The bride wore a handsome going- | away gown of navy blue crepe with coat, hat and accessories to mauvh. Mrs. Lemmon was originally from Louisburg. N. ('.. hut or several years has made her home in Brevard. Mr. Lemmon was reared near Lynch burg. Virginia, but-far some years has made his homtrm Spencer. X. C\ The happy couple left soon after breakfast for Washington, New York and Xiagra Falls, returning to Lynch burg. Va.. for a two weeks visit with the parents of the groom, afterwards making their way home in Winston Salem, N. C. What you take out of life is precisely what you put into it. and no more. ' Beauty that is skin deep seldom fades it Just washes away. A STEF FOBWAKD It has been charged frequently' that we ^re a "Nation of sixth graders'* because of the looseness of our laws k-jverning compulsory education. This is a matter that Is clearly I within the province of the state and many have been neligent In prorid jing legislation to prevent the exploit* ? 'r.r. r>* ? '? .*! ' ^;or. Kansis auu have added U-e ? tht-.r ? ? lau.-* rh^ requirement | that children shall remain In school until tiiey have iiuished the eighth grade, or until they have reached the I age of sixteen. | Indiana has had a law for many | years providing that no school child shall be employed in any gainful oc cupation and kept out of school until he is sixteen years old. without a per 'mit from the school authorities al lowing the deviation from the sta 'tutes. , ! States behind in their educational I ideals have been slow to adopt this (method, but gradually they ' will j awaken to rhe need of giving children I an' eighth grade education, at least, even though compulsion is required People learn from doing and also from being done. v Men win arguments not by arguing but with frank discussions. Keep in touch with the world if you don't want to be touched. Pin Money And OurWiyes The t Tin "Pin 2I< my" dates Lack in i u. 14th century when were first invented. They, ft r some unknown reason, were only allowed to be sol 1 on two days each year and being Land made, were Vii'h in price. So it became accustom for money to be given to women at their mawriage to be used for the purck-se tf pin*. / \ / Today pins are eheaubot the custom of giving women small aims for per&nmal expense still exists. i Muc-w / \ That was the ^th ceiuuiV; this is the 20 century. To day the worn fa are political and social equals of men and should It financial equare as well. As til'.- head of your household sbe should o\yn a check ing ac -count and not be given just "Jin Money." Start her account with tids bank. Iouisbvw, NwmCmwj* WHITE ARROW * ' (Jord Whether as driver or occupant, a woman ap preciates its addedtjafety and comfort. Let us ex plain just why a HVjd means that extra amount of satisfaction to passenger and driv^alike. Cranford?Motor Company

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