6EE- MV FEATHERS V ABE COMING OUT! DoiitVorfy ! Chowder Will Supply New Ones\|Q.uuklg Now i? the time to stXrt fcpding plenty of Chicken Chowder. > It's 'me protein feed that makes new feathers in a nhiry- It's the feed that means heavy winter /laying. It's the feed that means more mortey *rom your poul try. Phone us today. / \ L_. P. H ICKS _ ? Louisburg, N. C. Phone 42 " 5l i ?At the Store with the Checkerboard Sign PERSISTENCE ? ?7 THOMA*~AKKLXCLAJUC^ 1 FOUND the *14 man ettttax by the lianedatda -od a*- Wm?Hih oonSry by wm* >?nHm it? m m Id ' the read In condition. I had "Un frequently aa I paaaed to ' fro t? the Village, bat today I "I * while to reat after my Ions to talk to htm. ~ ~ had beam a atone-breaker all hla Ml* and he took. wit ? Utile pride tn ? 1M hii that th? amooth 1??1 road eaar vWch J had traveled owed much to Mi labors. Great pllea- of rsosh atone lay along the highway ? pllea that amulet a*endlng_ toll to ne, r to regard them only aa * I toak dp ona ot th? hammorn that lay Off the groand and triad my hand at the work ^lth raflurf fD gncceaa. A fa* fragment! ware igtlnfarad from tfce rock, but tt did do* hxeak. I wis too Tlgotoaaly, he aaidl X waa to ^itli tr^ hard hlewwtiai tt iroaii take ? half dozes to da,' t waated Malta Inl and patience," ha aald. ."time patience, aad the atoaea ftnally aad the *Uaa- of, biokaa atone U-turn thoaght-o* kla phlloaophy ttrn mat. Icapalair* reatfe tad* tt aad -to walti g raaafta to aot oaaae a to^?ar.4rat> efltrta.' *e 'mmmSmSn ana tafaWed. tf faiW Ia oar tat at the ?? ha tt a* tatal >tara a tendency to kaniat1 and aay that mkt/i tDr aa. Moat a tXtte aore peraUtenea. ?TiW Maw wtrted With a mma *?*thek-o?aprf*lMa for a long time Ataa". t * aowhare. when dla g 'RgSV****-* lalai I . Che temptation to same b&bloa after prakldaota and rich relatives la Irre alaUblo. Ribbon Filet for Youthful Coiffure. tt ia a pretty alftit ta nlBg ribbon oolffuro which youth to Parfcapo-tbe t*cu? tor raapoartbla for the ribbon bandeaux and Oat* ?tad ?t Party and danc* Anyway, wtZh all floe reaped to <ha "bab" M to ao ex- | caption to ttw lkare wtO? ersry rm adage, wtdeh 1* the mm tt ah i traaaaa la that thy kaM a way Mowing racklcaaty aboat attba toaeh J a* nai >Waa Hw ?>? metfeer ?tf to ?a? nat aert aT ritfcea designed to e atndgtit $o what care wa a a leaf as faah- ! too airfare*. (4 farer af the tanetful tlbbon filet I Xt? ane hi the pie ?? made of anna pu rtbboo wtth lota of color tn Its weave. If parchaae* anyooe la a? oooy agaoua ?a , to ahandnp tbe bob, why Jtet, wblle U? w ? frewteg eat. artfully conceal tto fke? wtth a natty . aa to attorn to Habitual Constipation Cared L In 14 t<^31 Days ? ^ "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a upeclally taepared Syiup aonlfc-Laxati ve for Habitual Constipation. I^Aelleves promptly but abouM be taken omularly for 14 to 21 days to Imtooe regularfaMon. It Stimulates and Ragalataa V?p iVmt to Take.* 00o It's far better to be nomehody in n [small town than nobody In a big town. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN DB. B. r. XABBO BOUGH fkyaleju n# ttaraeea LtlUm H. C. Office In mckett Ad Yarbuwogk Building. | Office Phone 288 meldence Phone X8 J 8. ATWOOlJ SmBb it-UK. Phone No. 116 I Bank BuildlmH practice I Loalsb rg, N. C. Office I First General DB. W. B. )(OBION Bye Sp< lice In Hoi Lo (sburg, Ni I wish \to atlvlad my patients and the publlolge Derail that alter the IK ol Septemkei my I aslness -wilt be on Cash basis whos work is completed. DR. ARTHUR 9YKKS FLEMING Building Carolina Offices oti Hoars 11 a.\ m. E p. m. Offices and Phone Office Special Attsi Office In the Building on ?. D. N. O. '? Drag Stars. I 1 p. m., and 4 to | B. BASS. . N. C. Bast Nash St. Residence 835-J | to Small Animal. IWICB. Ik H. C. it National Bank and Mash 8ts. If-AT-LAW "forth Carolina la all smarts. OfleeoSHalil - ?U 1 Atteri Offl ovi Prac,iv.? DK. J. Physician Office At Reside Telephone: Night 64 Day 64 It. B. White WHITE U1 Loulabnrg, ?eneral practli atee fan Is lnr ?ss Arm always SB. II. Physician LoDlsbnrg, Offices Adjoining Telephones: iMULaw Post Office b ail courts. I)ATIS id Burton :e, North Main St. Hours: 8:30 to 10:30 a. m. 12 to 2 p. m. 6 to 8 p. m. i II. & J. E. Mulone i IB ALONE IS I Carolina \s?lUem?ni <>t ?e On<> member of | !s ofllce L'KBllY SurKoon North I'urolhm | Ajcock Drug Co. y 187: Night 287 j OIL 4. UwliliirL -?ee In Aycockj - Street. Office and B. Carolina Store. Market Practice Linger? ? jr. o. u Office In First N4 Day Phono E4S iVm H Ruflln, Atlor? LtalsbarK, Supreme OAc? In F1 ?iMVf, Carolina | Co. both No. 16 I k Building one 249-2 w*. ii. * tmom. w. mmn Raffln (jmULci lofk 4'aroUna | Qaneral practlceJboth oiTf and crim inal, la Vrankllaf and adjoining ooan id Pedejal Courts. Bt Nadolol Bank ? CALL CLEAIflMEl, Pl|l THE s; vW..Bi I.fnilshunr, We are clad tomera and claaa line of shape to ae: have ever ThnaUng your We are yoi , VHANKZiM LOAMS -81 tf nnouncn Jx) ?ur cus tbat we have first and are In bettor cast mera thaa wo trial Is all we ask. your patron n (to to serro, iAI>L F OS. liCULTV 00. MMtmAifca What has become of the fellow who usod to think It waa swart to rsrna^k a halt doaen times -durlnn the evening. j "It's a Ion# time between drinks?" Ohio W Tin ?to Kua for Lieutenant Governor Wilms Sinclair L?Tan, ol Ohio, It bu been announced, will make ths trace In Ohio on the Repuhtteaa ticket ,far lieutenant governor. Aa far as Is known she Is the first woman to seek itke second highest place In state pol ities in this country She- la also ;cfcalrman ot the Coolldge forces In Tom Tarheel Hays the boll weevil cant eat ham and butter and eggs and corn bread and garden truck so the folks at hla house will be well fed this winter even It they dont make much cotton. Th* Quinine I tut Dm* not Affect Tto Head BtlMI of Its tooio tod teaatto i>n. LAIA Trvr. BROMO QUININE (Tabku) can tx> tain by anyone without causing nerrouaneas or rlogini la the btad. E.W. GROVE ft ?Unatura oo box Our Motto is "S*\h * - - 1 ' h*?p 9 9 +1 ' L W. Parrish, Jeweler Loulsbnig^N. C. We Are /believers Hi Guaranteed Good * ? A Np/wo believe ii^dbrm because we ^W>w ic ieour do^te^ive you every pofsikne awurirce, in ?Wnc(, concern ingAnything ytna Aayipwvhase in thia We. Guaranteeeare qf'eskied impor yuxce where jewelry is concerned. f This store is one oi the city's INSTI TUTIONS. It's purpoea is closely allied with sentiment, of gifr-giriag, of birth days and weddings* anniveraacjra and other occasions of senaimcntal value. You will be interested in our announce ment, therefore, that- we-Wve contracted to act as exclusive sweats ?for the very well known line of W> W, W. guaranteed goods, such as t Pearl NMikor (In complimentary towel cesea) Orange Wreath Mililwft Kin a.* Dkmoad llsf A. Splendid VerUty oi G?mi-S#t Rinse Diamond Mountings In 18K. white gold The manufacturer absolutely GUAR ANTEES tivcm, and the news of this W. W. W. Guarantee is now known wher ever finer jewelry is sold. The W. W. W. Guaranteed Line is priced as moderately aa those WITHOUT guarantees, and often you will find them priced LESS than you would pay for unknown lines. A standing army runs Into big money. Parents who set Rood examples lor their cblilren are hard to work. When head phones gtve> off an uneven sound It tn?*na tkat one of the phones have changed In soma way. The most common cause of this trouble is a loose diaphragm (?which is the small metal disc) due to a loose ear cap. Tighten the caps. ? ? A few small-Bls?d clajnp screw* will bo found mlgnty bandy around ,the home workshop. They are In valuable for holding down a panel while it is being drilled. Nice as sortments can be found tn the ten cant stores. ^ Small metres, inch as oaad foe tMtJDff "B" batteriea, are (Wtieatc i devices. Watch oat ' >eedla, which U aet In tiny ring tho Madia, boarlngra. A Joint In your aerial or ground lead may be the reason why your ?et pick, op ao mnch J imniber tact a fcbt been out tf the a B for or mora will become badly corroded I and ? faulty contact will follow. To awola thla difficulty (older the | joint. In the city a joint becomes oxidized quickly. Never try to teat ft atorag* bat- ! t?7 by fOPMctlng ft pV? OS TO FRANKLIN ADS TIMES ARE READ "When 1 liturtTsoap or hats to sell\ the whole wide world I always tell: my tale will gracW newsjiaper space and living ? the byers heere pell-mell. '^Oh, that's the song vnse merchants sing; their cash Hrawers have a stead; ring. With enterprise they advertise, and to their stores the shoppers cling. No hand bills' by the wagon load ;;o out to litter up the road. Newspaper space gears up he race; in ads placed in THE FRANKLIN TIMES Success is stowed. . FRANKLIN TIMES THE HOME TOWN PAPER

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