Two Kinds of News Back iu the forties it took mouths for the thrilling news of California's gold strike to cross the continene. Not long a^o the President's son died and the people of Cali fornia knew it as soon as the people of Washington, D. C. did. In the early days news spread by word of mouth. To day th^ telegraph and telephone speed the message into* the newspaper office, it is rushed into type, the paper is printed and shortly the news becomes public property. There are two kinds of news in the paper. One con sists of the affairs of other people, their sayings, doings and what they are going to do; things that may happen, have happenedo r didn't happen. The other kind of news is your affairs. That's the part you will find in the advertisements. There's a lot of valuable news here about things you want or will want; thingh that have to do with your personal com fort, convenience and every-day efficiency. Every advertisement carries a personal message to some ? ne Many advertisements carry messages of vital interest or value to you. That's why you can't afford to miss the advertise ments. INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSURANCE ACTUALLY DEALS WITH ETEBY HONEST BUSINESS CNDEB THE SUN Fire insurance has come to l>e not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter must guard his household goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their property investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a oemmunlty against financial loss from fir* Is its Insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OYER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK New Turnip Seed of all assortment, just arrived REASONABLE PRICES We ean save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions. Give us a trial and be convinced f. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. 0. It Is Less Work To Do More Work A properly equippel Kitchen means that you can do more work with less effort, ao why not make the small investment necessary to pu into your kitchen one or more of these labor-saving articles. You will be surprised how many useful items you nan get for very little money. Convenient terms of payment , arranged if you desire. Our Undertaking Department is always up to the minute. * . ? W. E. White FMtgre Co. S . ( 4>/. v?t I*/.', . ! wl I a if ?_ ? 1 ^ A8 THE ED1T0B SEES IT JqIuii; In many spots ln'tJhlo may be found monuments erected to the memory of Jchnny Appleseed. because he served his fellow men so well and did not seeH to profit from his service. John Appleseed's real name was John Chapman, a Massachusetts man born In 1775, who went to Ohio In 1880 with sacks of appleserds. Why he went to Ohio or what his motive was in following the path In life h? did Is not recorded. He was a missionary of the very finest type. He carried the sacks of seed on the back of his horse, and when he could not sell them, he gave them away. He not only distributed seeds throu ghout the countryside, but be often planted orchards for farmers and started them on the road to Indepen dence and prosperity. He took great pride in his seeds and he wanted them to grow into fruit-bearing trees. On account of his earnestness of purpose and his desire to serve, he was a very successful salesman, but he sold on very close margins and gave away all of his profits to custom ers who did not pay. He didn't need much money for his own use, It is re lated, because his object in life was not to make money. But he was in no sense of the word a beggar, because he paid his way many times. He was welcomed by mr.ny a lonely homesteader of that early day because of the cheer that he brought. When he made apple trees grow where no apple trees grew before, and when he left behind Ideas that made people live richer lives, he enjoyed all of the pleasures of a man who had achieved and won success. And now the people whom he be friended have risen up and cf.lled him blessed. His work has lived for a century. The world Is still eager for the same kind of service. It stands ready to reward with Its richest blessings men who are actuated, not by the desire for profit, but by the wish to serve hu manity. Many such lives are being lived now in every community, some in smaller some in larger degrees of service, de pending on the circle in which their lives radiate. We need more Johnny Appleseeds with the one ambition in life to help others live a richer and fuller life. WIld-E jed Driving "Motorists Kill Three and Injure Two," says a newspaper headline. There's nothing particularly unusual about that. It happens every day in some city or some rural community. Lives are continually being slaugh tered at the altar of the god of speed. People are becoming so accustomed to the daily occurence that they no long er feel the sense of horror that once accompanied such tragedies. Wilful disregard of laws and safety rules, as well as the rules of oommon decency, as practiced by a growing number of motorists, is certain to bring into being a flood of "thou-shalt not" bills in the legislature. Though public sentiment seems to be asleep, it will flare up some day. when reckless drivers go the limit, and decent drivers will have to suffer In the reaction when the pendulum swings back. It would be the part of wisdom to attempt to curb wild-eyed driving be fore themany have to suffer for the sins of the few. A. CABD OF THASKS. We wish to extend our thanks to our neighbors and friends who so kindly rendered us service in the sick ness and death^ot our 'father and grandfather. Their kindness will ever l?e remembered. Walter B. Jenkins and family. Repenting after you arc found out does not do you much credit. A famous man's most difficult job Is living up to his reputation. Change of Life snffervd an wtth womai CAR DUI KT ? One good two-hor*? (arm near Moulton, good dwelling and out ? hnu??? la &ood community fnr rpnr for 1S25 Tor the fourth or lor money rfit. Apply to MR9. W. I* THAR Kl.NUTON, LouUburg. N. CJ EL I ). 2. 8-R-tf S.. Oscr.Oe to Tjc Franklin Tlxna# NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator, c. t. a. of Dr. J. B. Williams, late of Franklin County, North Carollna.thls is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of July, 1925, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will I-Itase make immediate settlement. This Jnly-~25. 1924. OROVER C. PARRISH, Administrator, c. t. a of J. B. Williams, deceased. Gupton, N. C. Wm. H. and Thos. W. Ruffln, Attys. Louisburg, N. C. _ 7-25-6t Piles Cured la 6 to 1 4 Diy*^ Druggists refund money it PAZO OINTMENT fails to cure Itching. Blind, Bleeding or Protruding Plica. lnstaAly relieves Itching Piles, sod you can get restful sleep after the first application. Price 60c. GOOD-BYE OVERALLS ! ! e "GESCO" CLOTH WEARS LIKE LEATHER, SHEDS WATER, WO XT RIP, SNAG OK SHEl>K, UNION" MADE TO YOUR ORDER OUTWEAR THREE SriTS OF OVERALLSS, LOOKS LIKE HO.OO, YET SELLS FOR $12^K). GET YOURS TODAY! DON'T FORGET YOUR GROCERIES. Yours tor VALUE, A. J. Jarman Cooper Gin Corner. TUCKER'S HOTEL and CAFE Main Street LOUISBURG, N. C. The beat of meals the mar ket affords and prepared In the best ot fashion. Plenty of rooms for the accommodation of all who wish to spend the night, all well furnished. * J. C. TUCKER Proprieto ?\ ARE YOC INSURED! What Would B? Your Condition If Y our Property Were To BURN Havo you ever considered what tt would mean to start all over again T That Is what a loss by ttre with out Insurance means. But with Insurance, you are protected by the resources ot the strong com panies we represent and a tire means nothing more than an In convenience. Let as explain the kind ot Insur ance service we glre. We write -nil kinds, Llfs, Fire, Health and Accident, Bonds. Don't wait un til It Is too late. Several good farms tor sale. THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY 00. Bennett Perry Manager. k- Jf Bft)S_?OR ERECTION OF ROOM AT SEVEN PATHS Blda Inr the erection of an addi tional room to tbe Seven Paths School Building will be received by E. L. Best, Sunt nt Public flrhool-v iiniii Monday morning at 10 a. nt.. August 18. Noth ing to be furnished by Contractor ex- [ cept mill work. Blueprint and BpecUi cations can be seen in tbe Supt's. of fice any morning between the hours of 8 and 11 o'clock: Right reserved to accept or reject all bids. BIDS FOR ERECTION OF A TWO ROOM BUILDING Bids for the erection of a two-room Rosenwald School Building near Jus tice "111 be received by E. L. Best un til Monday morning. September 1 at 10 a. m. Blueprint and specifications can be seen in the Supt'a. office any morning between the hours of 8 an J 11 o'clock. Right reserved to accept or reject all bids. SALE OF OAK RIDGE SCHOOL BUILDING Bids for the Oak Ridge School Build ing near Justice will be received by E. L. Best until Monday morning, Sep tember 1 at 10 a. m. Right reserved to accept or reject all bids. A. F. JOHNSON. Chairman. E. L. BEST, Secretary. 8-15-lt Colds Cause Orlp and Influenza -? ? LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove Iba cana*. There b only ooe "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S tbmernr* on box. 30c. I Electric Fans, Electric Bulha and fElectricial Fixtures at L. P. Hicks. 15-2 At least half of the world is engaged in aisriculture snd the other halfllves off of it. Wanted A r*IUM?, getUetf n? to work a So at koite, look jfter utock, gardea tie. Tke unaller tke family tk* M. ter. Can give Inaiedlate and steady raplo^mit to rlirht party. A. F. JOHNSON, Franklin Times, Louisburg, N. C. Pin Monk And OurY/wes The t ,'rm "Pin Money"' dates hack t?? tli. - 14th century when i>ins were first invented. They, for some unknown reason, were only allowed to be sol I on two days each year and being hand made, "were ' i v h in price. So it became a custom for money to be given to women at their marriage to be used for the purchase of pins. Today jiins are cheap but the custom of giving women small wUms for personal expense still exists. That was the 14th century; this is the 20 century. To day the women are political and social equals of men and should he financial equals as well. As tho head of your household she should own a check ing ac .count and not be given just "Jin Money." Start her account with this bank. loutseuM, ILnG?UM WHITE ARRQW Whether as driver or occupant, a woman ap preciate its added safety and comfort. Let us ex plain just why a Hood means that extra amount of satisfaction to passenger and driver alike. Xjord