THE fRANKLIN TIMES 1. F. JOHNSOH, Editor and Itu|<r ?TAR DROPS ? ? Mrs. S. C. High and tittle son, Of Franlkllnton, has been visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Holmes. ? Franklin Superior Court will con vene In Loulsburg on next Monday with His Honor J. L.oyd Horton presiding. This Is a two we'ekB civil term. ? Sheriff H. A. Kearney and Con stable J. E. Thomas report destroying 700 gallons of beer on a branch near Suocco Creek y.u^'erday morning. - The many tr ends of Mr L. Kline ?? II be glad to karn that ne Is much improved and lu'.s left the nosplwi. He expects to return home in a tew weeks. BARBECUE AT PUNKIJi CESTBE L( ulsburir Khvnnls Clnb Observes Lndles SUrht ? Good Number pres ent. A most enjoyable barbecue supper was enjoyed by the members of the Loulsburg Klwanis Club and their guests at Punkln Centre on last Fri day evening at 6 o'clock. The pro gram was In charge of Dr. A. H. Flem ing and a most unique and mirth mak ing program was arranged for the pleasure of the crowd. The entire evening was greatly en joyed. HARRIS CHAPEL B. ?. P. C. Program for Sunday August 24th, 1924. Opening hymn ? No. 190. Prayer ? Winston Pearce. Quiz ? Mary Eaves. Program ? Presented by group 4 ? Elizabeth Harris Captain. Scripture readings Matt. 12-22-32 ? Charlie Frazler. Introduction ? By group capt. Resist ? Mrs. Johnnie Edwards. Resisting unto death ? Catherine Young. Recitation ? The crowd is great which know the Lord ? Joseph Frazler, Jr. " ? Harness of heart ? Virginia Young. Blasphem against the Holy Spirit ? Audrey Young. Recitation ? Lifes Purpose ? Violet Frazler. Song ? Jesus Will ? Group 4. Open discussion of topic tor week. Secretarys report. Hymn ? 168. Dismissal. Ther^ Jthree in this group whp have ra^afitly given their hearts to God. Lets encourage them In the work they are doing. Lets have tor our mot to the words of one of the greatest missionaries the world has ever known William Carey. "Expect great things j from God, attempt great things for ] God." If we do this we will not fall in our mission on earth. *??*?**??**** ? B. I. P. C. COBNEB *i ?????????????? What HHU People Say! Does this question ever enter you* mind? Does It keep you from doing the good you might do? Let's not let our B. Y. Pi U. work slacken because we are afraid "people will say" some thing about it. Use your every op portunity to the very best of your abil ity. You will not be perfect but ever strive to be more like Our Perfect Ex ample..,..." Jesus the great example is and pattern for us." as that good old hymn says. Do we follow that Great Example as closely as we might? Sup pose our clothes were not any nearer like the pattern of the latest style than our lives are like our Perfect Pattern ? What would people say? Suppose we were as poor as the little mite we give for the advancement of Ood's Kingdom. What would people say? Suppose we didn't read and study any more than we read and study Gods Word ? What would people say? Let's see what we can do for Jesus. I Work for Him in B. Y. P. U. first for that is a good beginning and encour age those who find it hard to meet the requirements and by all means let's not be one of the "people who say" something about the B. Y. P. U. that would hold back the progress of the union. What will God say when we have done our very best? Daily Bible Readings. Topic for the week. Mon. Aug. 25. The New Life of the Believer. Read Romani 6. Key verse 4. We were buried with him thru baptism unto death; that like as Christ was raised from the dead thru the glory of the Father, so we also might walk in newness of life. Tues. Aug. 26. The Continual 8trug gle with Sin. Read Romans 7. Key verse 21. I find then the law, that, to me who would do good, evil is pres ent. Wed. Aug. 27. The Flesh and the Spirit In Conflict. Read Romans 8. 1-17. Key verse 5. For they that are after the flesh mind the things of the flesh ; but they that are afer the Spirit the things of the Spirit. Thurs. AAg 28. The Believer's Fi nal Victory. Read Romans 8:18-39. Key verse 37. Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors thru him that loved us. Friday, An?. 29. Paul's 8orrow for His People. Read Romans 9. Key verse 1, ft I say the truth lij Christ, I lie not, my eonecteirc# hearing wlt itttHn with me In the Holy Spirit, that I have great Borrow and nnoaaalng pain In my heart Sat. A?#. 10. Pairi'e Prayer for His People. Read Romans 10. Key verse 1, Brethren, my heart's desire and praytr to God for Israel la, that they might h? saved. Thomas 8. Collie. i- ?rto tHANKLTN mam AMOHO THEJJSITORS SOME IOC K30W AM) SOME YOB DO HOT K50W. Perianal Itema Aboot Folki And Their Friends Who Travel Here And There. Mr. Geo. Griffin went to Sanford Monday. Mr. C. C. Hudson went to Raleigh Wednesday. Mr. T. W. Ruffln went to Raellgh Wednesday. Mr. H. C. Taylor and family went to Richmond Tuesday. Supt. E. L. Beat and wife, went to Rocky Mount Tuesday. Mr. L. V. Morrill. Jr., was a visitor to Loulsburg Wednesday. Miss Lillian Wyche Howell Is visit ing her mother at Southport. Mr. W. J. Shearln left Tuesday to spend a few days In Norfolk. Messrs. Ben T. Holden and G. M. Beam went to Raleigh Friday. Mr. J. P. Winston, of Wendell, was a visitor to Loulsburg Wednesday. , Dr. J. L. Calhoun, of Suffolk, Va? was a visitor to Loulsburg Tuesday. Mr. W. C. Holmes left Monday for Beckley, West Virginia, for a rest. Mr. R. R. Kissell, of Durham, was a visitor to Loulsburg Wednesday. Miss Emily Inscoe returned Friday from a camping trip at Cape Lookout. Rev. G. F. Smith, of Littleton, was a visitor to Loulsburg the past week. Mr. J. C. Joyner, of White Springs, Fla.. is visiting his people In this coun ty. Rev. W. W. "Staley, of Suffolk, Va., Is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Ben. T. Holden Mrs Willie Hester, of Lakeland. Fla., is visiting at the home ot Mr. R. P. Taylor. I ! Mr. A. Tonkel left Sunday for the northern markets to purchase fall and winter goods. Mr. Luther Pittman and family, of Baltimore, Md? are visiting his mother Mrs. Pattie Pittman. Miss Norma Turner, ot Wilmington, has returned to her home after visit ing Mrs. F. B. McKinne. Miss Lutie Inscoe has returned from a trip to Morehead City, Swansboro, and other eastern points. Mrs. J. W. Mann, who has been vltelt ing her people here, returned to bsr home In Sanford Monday. The many friends of Dr. H. M. Beam were glad to se$ him back home look ling so well the past week. Mr. and. Mrs. A. B. Perry returned 'from their bridal tour to Western North Carolina, Wednesday. Mrs. A. H. Wagstaff and daughter, Miss Kelt, of Roxboro, are visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Harris. Messrs. W. N. Fuller and W. H. Edens and Misses Margurite Hill and Louise Griffin went to Sanford Mon day. Mr. G. C. Harris ami family returned | I Monday from Roxboro, where they , have been talcing a two weeks vaca tion. I . . Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Yarborough and Mr. and Mrs. Mc. M. Furgureon went to Littleton Friday to attend the fun eral of Dr. L. J. Pecot Miss Dorcas McKinne returned home yesterday from Slier City where she attended a house party given by Miss Sell Furgurson. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parrish, Jr., of Bogalusa, Fla. Is visltiDg at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Parrish, near town. Miss Alice E. Harris and Miss Mar shall Fink returned this "eek from a trip to Washington City, Atlantic City, and New York. Mrs. W. J. Shearln left this week to visit her son, Mr. Frank Shearln, of Greensboro, and her brother, Mr. G. W. Conway, of Canton. Mr. J. P. Timberlake accompanied the County Commissioners to Wrights vllle Beach Wednesday here they at tended the annual state meeting. v Mrs. E. C. Perry, who has been un der treatment at a hospital In Raleigh, returned home Wednesday, much Im proved, to the delight of her many friends. FUNERAL Wl B. JOYNEK The funeral of Mr. W. B. Joyner, held on Thursday afternoon of last week a( 4 o'clock, and conducted by Rev. J. A. Mclver, afterwards services being held by the Youngsvllle Council of the Junior Order of American Me hanlcs and also tne Brotherhood ' of Railway Trainmen of the Raleigh branch, was largely attended both at the home and the cemetery. And the floral tribute was exceedingly large and beautiful. The pallbearers were as follows: Honorary ? J. H. Henderllght, M. E. Hnderhart, C. L. Byrd, 8. 0. Holden, A. F. Johnson, M M. Hill. Active? F. E. Carter, M. S. Perry, J. S. Wig gins, T. P. Williams, J. R. Catlett, J . H. Cash. The bereaved family has the sym pathy of the entire community. tl.SO Per Year In Advance Wood Department LOCAL NEWS Mrs. N. C. Gupton who ha? been vis iting relatives at Whltakcrs, returned here Saturday. Rev. John HarVer Ailed regulaij ap pointment at Mount Hebron Sunday. Several of our people attended the revivals at Harris Chapel and Mt. Zlon last week. Messrs. W. D. Fuller and J. P. Leon ard and Mesdames Bennle Griffin and Saint Leonard and Clyde Griffin vis ited Louisburg_last Thursday. Mrs. J. J. Smith and Miss Annie Rue Wood visited Rocky Mount Wednesday ol last week. Mr. Frank Taylor, of Lansdown, Pa., and Mr^JtTT. Battle, Nashville, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. P. G. Sturgcs last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. George Duke, o: Wilson, were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lit Wester. Mr. Marlon Pope Nicholson, of Hol lister, was a visitor here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Griffin, of Nash ville. were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joe S. Shearln Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Harrie, of Youngsville. were the week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gupton. Messrs. Raymond Shearln and Cleve land Gupton went to Rocky Mount Saturday. Mr. J. N. Heathe. who has been vis iting relatives in Petersburg. Va., re turned here Saturday night. Rev. E. J. Caldwell filled the pulpit here Sunday morning and night. Mrs. J. G. Johnson and some of fam ily, of Hollister, spent several days here last week visiting friends. - Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Hedgepeth and j daughter, Ada and Misses Gertrude jand Bonnie Crucenberry, of Rocky Mount, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Smith last week. I Cleacy Gupton. Austin Fuller and Freeland Grgen attended the baptismal [ceremonies at White Level Sunday morning. I Misses Neva Harper, Maude Shearln and Hazel Edwards visited friends and 'relatives here last week. Miss Bonnie Dare Fogleman, who was a member of the faculty here last year and lives in Greensboro spent several days here last week and' this week. ' 1 I Mrs. Tom Denton and daughter, Nannie, Mr. Raymond Shearln 1 and Master Thomas Denton visited rela tives In and near Rocky Mount Wed nesday. Miss Mary Sue Fuller, of Moulton, wr.a the guest of Miss Elizabeth Fuller Wednesday night. Mrs. J. S. Shearln and Mr. end Mrs. A. A. Shearin visited relatives near I Youngsville Sunday. Mrs. Nellie Ramblns, of Durham, was the guest of Mr. and Mfs. A. S. J. Hamlett last week. *? Miss Irene Gupton, of Durham, spent the week-end with her nj,ot?cr. Mrs. Nancy Gupton. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Lewis and family, of Hopewell, Va., Mrs. J. E. Lovegrove, Mrs Cora Mason and Virginia Love grove, of Norfolk, Va., and Mr. Tom Parker, of Branchville, Va., a a guests of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Parker and fam ily thlB week. Mrs. Viola Pearce, who has been in a hospital in Rocky Mount, returned home Tuesday. Mr. Gus Wester loft Monday for Wil son, wher< he will spend ?several days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Wilder spent Sun day with their son in Henderson. The many friends of Freddie Thomp son regret to learn of her confinement to bed on account of illness. Messrs. Elbert and Clyde Hedgfpeth. of Whitakers, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Saint Leonard Wednesday. On last Saturday morning quite a surprise took place in the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shearln. when they dis covered that Dr. Beam had crfpt In Friday night and was here in his old room asleep. His many friends are glad to know he Is able to be away from the hospital and hope he will speedily regain strength. MeBsrB. Eddie Gupton, Austin Fuller and Miss Elizabeth Fuller left Monday morning for Mars Hill, where they will be In school this winter. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Fuller left for Mars Hill Monday, where they will stay a few days. Miss Vera Shearln. of Castalia. has been visiting Miss Bertha Hamlett the past week. Miss Dell Leonard, of Castalla. was the guest of Mr. Q. W. Pearce last week. ? ? CHURCH MEMBERSHIP Some people seem to be member" of the church only to have the preach er say something nice about them when they are dead. Some attend ser vices so seldom that no one except the church clerk and the members of their own family know that they are church members. Some don't give enough to the orphanage In a year to feed an or phan child one day. Some don't give enough to missions In a lifetime to pay the cost of one mile of travel on the ocean toward a mission field. Some church members don't contribute enough to the church expenses to feel welcome when they come to church Othera come and enjoy services and congratulate themselves that they are getting ao much from the Lord for nothing. There are church members so active that If all did as much as they did toward winning the lost there would not be one soul aaved In the next million yeara. Their shadowa don't darken the church doors much oftener than the earth goes around tha inn, and their facea are not seen In a Sunday school claaa as often aa they plant potatoes. Thqy conalder that the church la honored by having their names. Still these people call themselves Christians! Church membership should be l)osl tlre. The church should be a positive force. It should be a home, provld Tour father and grandfather knew and trusted Winter smith'* Chill Tonic, hist aa mother* and father* of today know and ua^> it with absolute confidence. For vc ing and old it ie a reliable anti-maJaria prescription; made under one formula for 66 year*. The remedy for malarial and other ferera, including dengue; aleo for in fluenza and grip. Excellent tonic after any wasting iilneaa. Popular sis*. /*\ 60c; mammoth size.fl. All drug stores. ft Wmtor*rnith Chemical Co.. lac. V _ Y Louisrille, Kentucky UJintersmith'S Chill Tonic ing fellowship. It should be a train ing ground tor tbe work ol the king dom. It should be a spiritual power house for Inspiring, teaching and strengthening. It should be a means of cooperation for the spread ot the gospel, the care of aged ministers, and tfie care of Uie orphans. Is your church measuring up to this? Why? "What kind of a church would my church be If every member were Just like me " ? Albert N. Corpenlng. WANTED First class cotwn farmer either for wages or on shares, good dwelling, tine land, good neighborhood, tor a part of Prestwould Farm, Mecklen burg County, Virginia. Expect to be in Loulsburg Saturday until noon. See me or write W. T. HUGHES. 8-2- 1 1 Jeffress, Va. ANNOUNCEMENT Having purchased the store and business of Mr. J. B. Debnam, who has moved to Raleigh to operate a gas flllftig station, just south of Louisburg on the Tarboro road, I especially In vite all the former customers and all others to cs^l in to see me and let me show you that I can save you money and inconvenience on your purchase. I win appreciate your pa tronage. S-22-1C J. T. FINCH. 1 TO ASYLUM Deputy Sheriff's D. E. Cone and J. S. Rowland and Policeman C. E. Pace took Dock Young to the insane asylum at Raleigh on Monday evening. NOTICE! Tax Payers of Louisburg Town LAST CALL FOR DELINQUENTS At a meeting ot' the Board of Commissioners of the Town of Louisburg held in Town Hall August 11th, the follow ing resolution was unanimous ly passed: "That all deliquent Tax Pay ers be notified by publication that unless all taxes now due the town of Louisburg, includ ing paving assessments be paid by September 1, 1924, the pro perty liable for same will be ad vertised for sale and sold at public auction Monday October 6th, to satisfy said claims. Take due notice and govern yourselves accordingly. FRANK B. McKINNE, Clerk JU8T RECEIVED A SHIP MENT of O'Sullivan Rubber Heels, guar anteed for comfort and long wear. Pan co Soles, outwear leather two to one. We repair Shoe*, Hame??, PI r jelet, Rewin* Maehhte* ud Talking Marklaeii. L0U1SBT7RO REPAIR SHOP Jnttas Mbmi Proprietor I door* below r. A. Roth'e Store CARS FOR BALD? ON? K88BX TOUR lnc car. one Ford toarlng ear. ud on* Ford Coach, all In lint clam condition. WUI Ml) at bargain prleaa ranh or good baskabl* paper. Saa me at onc?. O. T. 8TBOA.LL, Loulaburg. N. G HS-1< ? ? I Millet Saad and Vetch Saad at U P. Hick*. .. ?i.|t Crin*OB Ctvnr. WteMr ?M Abkrart Ry? ?t i? p. rmscr ?4Mi L ? garden I* t NmUM book. wiHUB by the Angara of Ood;rr?ry ud erery ImI ta t ftrroM. Thara ought M ?parking In thla NEW THINGS ARRIVING DAILY = Mrs. A. M. Hall aod our buy ers are now on the northern markets purchasing our new Fall stock. Each train brings new dresses and novelties. You are invited to inspect the new mer chandise, we will be glad to show you and you are under no obligations to buy. Remember our entire Spring and Summer stock is greatly re duced to make room for the fall goods we are receiving daily. L. Kline & Co. When Seen or Advertised Elsewhere It's Always Cheapest Here locisbi;bh, NOKTH CAHOLIVl FOUNDED 1838 CHARTERED 1359 TRINITY COLLEGE DURHAM, N. C. The following groups of study are offered, ail leading to the degree of Bachelor of Arts: General; Business Administration; Religious Train ing; Engineering; Pre-Medical; Teaching; Pre-Legal. Graduate Cour ses in all departments. Schools of Engineering. Education and Law. REGISTRATION FOR NEW STUDENTS? September 22. For Catalogue and illustrated Booklet, Address R; L. FLOWERS, Swty. Our Motto is "Sell 'em cheap and sell 'em a heap." L. W. Parrish, Jeweler Louisburg, N. C. We Are Believers in Guaranteed Goods ? AND we believe in them because we wknow it is our duty to give you every posstble assurance, in advance, concern ing anything you may purchase in thi? Store. Guarantees are of added impor tance where jewelry is concerned. This store is one of the city's INSTI TUTIONS. It's purpose is cloaelv allied with sentiment, of gift-giving, of birth days and weddings, anniversaries and other occasions of sentimental value. You will be interested in our announce ment, therefore, that we have contracted to act as exclusive agents fAc the very well known line of W. W. W. | goods, such as PWI Nscklscss Si ftSSft TV mim hcnnr iMml; GVAM ANTF.FS than, and tkm arm* of dk W.W.W.GgmUHiaio*! TIm w:

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