Mit? Elinor D. Gregg Miss Elinor D. Grace of Hampton, V?l. who baa just been appointed su pervisor of field matrons and nuraea by Secretary of the Interior Work. With the appointment of Miss Gregg, the bureau of Indian affairs completed the organization of a new division of field welfare work among the imoi can Indians. Helen Wills Is Champion Helen Wills, rational end Olymplo | aln*les tennis champion, aa the vaa : returning on the Aqultanla after b?r ] successful tour abroad. No Worms in a neaithy Child X All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, which Indicate* poor blood, and as ? role, there Is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood. Im prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will than throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child will be to perfect health. Pleasant to take.- 60c per bottle. FBOG OR TffBl'8H The bullfrog never croaks except when the shadows begin to (all. The thrush never warbles except when sitting in the top of the tree In the full light of a bright sun. Each has to have Its peculiar en vironment in order to express itself. One needs a gloomy atmosphere in the swamp around where he can make that dismal noise expressive of Its surroundings. The other needs the invigorating sunshine to produce the sweet music that tills Its beings. Do you belong in the frog or the thrush class? If you associate with grumblers and kickers and never hear the bright and optimistic side of public questions, you will never be anything but a complalner. If you select as associates, people who never see anything but the stiver lining, you will be influenced by their optimism and become like them. Always be sure to stay away from the frog-minded people, and get In the crowd where some good Is seen in everything. You can't radiate good cheer and be a booster for all things that will improve the community, unless you have those kind of thoughts. Therefore, imitate the thrush and warble, but never croak. BESISEKCK 1'OK SALE, ? One Good nice Cottage with good sized lot on Kenmore Avenue. Cash or easy tremB.. See 8. A. NEWELL, Loula burg, N. C. 7-11-tf WHY SUFFER SO? Get Back Your Health u Other Louis burg Folks Hare Done. biiu rneuioauc acnes and pain*. Utten | this is doe to faulty kidney actiofl and there's danger of hardened arteries, dropsy, gravel or Brlyht's disease. Don't let weak kidneys wear roa out. Use Doan's Pills before it is too late! Doan's are a stimulant diuretic to the Id4?ey?. Doan's have helped thou sands. They should ledp you. Here le of many Loulsburg eases: fa. W. M. Pleasaqts, Cedar St., I "I had severs paipj la toy back, a lameness and soreness. H I ' sharp pains shot through roe. dncys acted too freely, toy head and I was nervous, boap's from the Aycock Drug Co., r* my back and regulated my kid and 1 l! nays. JgVBfi THREE YEARS LATER, The less garrulous a man Is, the bet ter hearing he is certain to get. FOR RENT? ONE 3 HORSE FARM, one mile from Justice, one-halt milo from new church. Also two IB-acre farms for sale ? one fourth cash bal ance in one, two and three years. Apply to J. N. WESTER. R 1 Loulsburg, N. C. 8-22-4t NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of N. F. Yarborough, de ceased, late of Franklin County, all persons holding claims against said estate are hereby notified to present them to the undersigned on or before ,the 8th day of August 1925 or this 'notice will be ple?d In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This 'August 7th, 1924. I W. F. LEONARD, 8-8-6t Administrator. The best thing about the South 'American revolutions is that they pro vide good ploU for the musical comedy writers. FOR SALE We have listed for sate several val uable farms, among which are (1) about 84 acres Cedar Rock T. S. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres Hayesvtlle T. S. known as part of Whltaker lands. For prices and terms, see FRANKI.1N INS. & REALTY CO. (Over First National Bank) To Cure a Cold la One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets ) It ?tops the Cough and Headache aDd works ofT the Cold. E. W. GROVE'S signature un each box. 30c. The man who attempts to stand up for his rights against the speed maniac generally finds his principal support In crutches. FOR FIRST CLASS JOD PRINTINU PHONE 283 A TONIC drove's Tasteless chlH Took: restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how I it brings color to the cheeks and how J it improves the appetite, you will then | appreciate its true tonic value. 1 Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply | Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So I pleasant even children like it. "Hie blood ! needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to I Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and ' Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor | ating Effect. 60c. Wc Have It Can Get It Or It Isn't Made Anything in the iine of drugs, stationery, tine candies, smokes, toilet accessories, etc. Prescriptions a speciality. Serv ice at the fountain at all times. SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. W. D. FULLER 0- B. KEARNEY Come To See Us We will do our best to supply your wants, all seasons of the year, in Merchandise suit able for Family, Home and Farm. W. D. Fuller & Co. PHONE 1B0B V \ WOOD, N. 0. Harvest Money Is.Safe ith This Bank When you get your money for your crops open an account with us, de positing all that you do not require for immediate needs. It will be safe earning money for you while it is here and when you need it for investment or otherwise it is ready and waiting for you. We are opening new Accounts daily and we welcome you to take advan tage of this service we are so well equipped to render. The First National Bank LOUISBUEG, North Carolina Wm. H. RUFFIN, President, F. J. BEASLEY, Cashier Wm. B. BARROW, Assistant Cashier $1.00 Worth Alice Dale Talcum Powder for 25 Cents A 25 cent bottle of Quadruple strength Perfume will be given with each purchase of Talcum Pow der. fOR TEN DAYS Beginning Saturday, Aug. 1 6th, 1 924 Now is your chance to get the best makes pow der and perfume at a big saving as an introduc tory offer in Louisburg. The hudson Store Co. I fU : ( NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK L? ' Pu > ? Louisburg, IN. C.

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