JOTICE OK SALE OP VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Under and by vrtue of the power vented In the undersigned by an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County made In that pro ceeding entitled Wiley J. Perry, Ad ministrator, against Mary E. Perry, J. Fred Perry and others, the under Signed Commissioner will on Monday the 15th day of Beptember, 1924, be tween the hours of 18 o'clock m. and 1 o'clock p. m? In (rant of the Court House door In the town of Loulsburg, North Carolina, offer to rsale to the highest bidder (or cash the follow ing described real estate: Beginning at a stake, corner ot Mrs. L. M. Griffin In the line of H. H. tleddlngfeld; thence along the line ot Mrs. L. M. Griffin N 8 degrees E 2.2SS feet to a small oak on the north side o fthe Tarboro road; thence along said road N 86 degrees 30 min utes E 648 feet, S 89 degrees E 492 feet to a stake 10 feet north ot the center of said road, corner of store lot; thence N 3 degrees E 105 feet to a stake, corner ot store lot; thenoe S 89 degrees E 105 feet to a stake In the line ot school lot; thenoe E 3 de grees W 2,319 feet to a stake, corner of E. A. Moody, in the line of H. H. Beddlngfleld; thence N 85 legrees W I,283 feet to the beginning, contain ing 70 acres as shown by a surrey and plat made by Plttman Stell, C. E? October 31, 1922. Any one desiring to see plat and property will find the same at my residence Pine Ridge school, Wake field, Route 1, N. C. This the 14th day ot August, 1924. WILEY J. PERRT, 8-15-5t Commissioner. Most anyoooy would prefer being talked about to being redlculed. NOTICE OF BALE OF HOUSE AND LOT IN FRANKLINTON Under and by virtue or authority In a certain -deed of trust made tile 6th day of December, 1922, by and betwe?n Mrs. Maggie H. Speed (party of the first part) and J. W. Bailey, Trustee, of Kalelgh (party of the second part) same being nn'.Je to secure debt to Miss MoHle 8. Hollowuy, and default having been made In the payment of said debt; the undersigned Trustee will offer for sale to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court-house door, Loulsburg, Franklin County, at or about the hour of noon, on the 8th day of September, 1924, the following de scribed real estate: In Franklinton Township, adjoining the lands of T. J. Hlght and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake In Cheatham Street, T. J. Hlght and Speed's corner and running along said Cheatham Street north two hundred and ten (210) feet to a stake, T. J. Hlght and Speed's corner; thence west along T. J. Hlght's line two hundred and ten (210) feel to a stake, T. J. Hlght's cor ner; thence so -th along T. J. Hlght's lino two hundred and ten (210) feet to a stake, T. J. Hlght's and Speed's cor ner; thence east two hundred an ten (210) feet to the beginning, said lot to contain one acre, more or less, being the land conveyed by T. J. Hlght and wife to said Mrs. Maggie H. Speed by deed dated January 17, 1901, and re corded In the registry of Franklin Countfr in book 124, page 257, refer ence to which is hereby made. The deed of trust under which this sale is had is recorded In book 244, page 591, records of the ofice of Regis ter of Deeds, Franklin County. J. W. BAILEY, 8-8-6t . Trustee. Subscribe to The Franklin Time* HARRIS CHAPEL R. Y. P. U. Topic for the week of August 31, 1924. Victory through Christ: Hymn ? 201. Prayer ? James Murphy. Hymn ? 190. tjuli ? Afar y Eaves. Scripture reading ? James S. Eaves Introduction ? Htlder Pearce. The Minister's son ? Mrs. W. F. Ed wards. Choosing a profession ? Audrey Young. Off for Africa ? Virginia Young. Road building through Africa ? Char lie Frailer. Arriving in Uganda ? Charlie Fuller. The white man of work ? Winston Pearce.. Last days ? John Morris. Open discussion of topic for week. ?ocretarys report. Hvmn? 327. Dismissal. Several of our young people attend ed the Second annual B. Y. P. U. meet lug at Wakefield Baptist church. Sun dav August 24th. It was a wonderful rieetlng and I am Bure all who went will be better for going. We have a great lesson for next Sun day night. The study of the life of ,-.n other one of our great missionaries. Alexander Mackay. We are learning more and more of the missionaries who gave their lives In service for the Master's cause long years ago. It should make us more willing to help support the mlssionarys who are on the foreign fields today. Lets do our best to pay our pledges and so help to spread the Gospel of Christ. Pay by the month If you must. Pay by the weejc if you can ; If you flndjt a task to do either, Try the pay-every-day plan. 4> Lets not put It off until April. And make It a last minute atftilr; But honor our Lord by looking ahead, For we're sure of His love and His care. ? 1 CRIME IX THE PKESS The Judicial hearing of the evidence of Robert Franks in Chicago by Nathan Leopold Jr., and Richard Loeb has Tevlved the oft discussed question of whether newspapers should publish clrme news. The Detroit News made an exhaust ive survey of leading papers through out the United States and found that) less than ten per cent of the news space was devoted to crime. Taking into consideration the many crimes committed, this is a very small percent of the newspaper space given to" the subject. It should gl\'e pause to the reform ers whose business would be destroy ed if crime disappeared. Publicity is a greater deterrent agen cy than all of the reforms ever con ceived in the mind of man. It stays i the hand of the criminal when fear of I the consequences of the law would j n?t' I Newspapers would be recreant to | their trust if they did not publish crime news. Suppressing crime news would be placing a premium upon I crime. The American newspaper reader j does not subscribe to such a policy. Many read of crimes because of I the thrill that it provides, but the | lesson Is not lost, no matter what he might in reading might be. Newspapers will continue to fulfil I their mission so long as they ferret | out crime and draw conclusions as to I the lesson taught. Have you ordered your pecan .trees? Bread, butter and beefsteak are furn ished by nuts in an airtight package, concentrated and uncontaminated. PJant a few trees this fall, advise hor ticultural workers of the State College Extension Division. Certo Fruit Jars, Jelly Glasses. Jar Tops, Jar Rubbers and Parowax at L. P. HICKS. S-29-2t Catawba County farmers make mon ey by saving and selling good crim son clover seed. This year they have from 6000 to 8000 pounds for sale. FORECLOSURE SALE lly virtue of the power contained In a Deed of Trust exeruijists refund mooey (f PAZO OINTMENT till? to cure Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding PUe* I aitatft : y relieves Itching PUes. ami yon can set restful sleep after t he first application. Price 60c FOB BEST ? Oar good two-home (arm near Moulton, good dwelling and out houses la good community (or rent (or 1925 (or the fourth or (or money rent. Apply to MRS. W. L. THAR HINOTON. Louisburg. N. CV li. F. D. 2. 8-8-tf Subscribe to The Frauklm Times NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified as Administrator, c. t. a. of Dr. J. B. Williams, late ol Franklin County, Npfth Carolina, this Is to notify all persons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of July. 1925, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. V! persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settlement. This July 25. 1924. G ROVER C. PARRISH. Administrator, c. t. a of J. B. Williams, deceased. Gupton, N. C. Wm. H. and Thos. W. Ruffin, Attya. Louisburg. N. C. 7-25-6t There may be an Increase In child labor, as claimed, but not many par ents ha%-e been able to notice it about the house. ? Colds Causa Grip and Influenza LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablet! remove the cum. There to only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S tiflnetnre on boa. 30c. When evil doers get done, thera la a terrible howl. Gifted children , ,e not so rare now adays since they have everything given to them. INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSUBANCE ACTUiXLX DEALS WITH EVEEY HONEST BUSINESS CNDEB THE SUN Fire insurance has come to to not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter must guard his household goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their property Investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a community against financial loss from flr? Is Its Insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OVEB THE FIBST NATIONAL BANK New Turnip Seed of all assortment, just arrived REASONABLE PRICES We ean save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions. Give us a trial and be convinced P. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. 0. It Is Less Work . To Do More Work A properly equippel Kitchen means that you can do more work with less effort, so why not make the small investment necessary to pu into your kitchen one or more of these labor-saving Articles. You will be surprised how many useful items you can get for very little money. Convenient terms of payment nrrnnged if you desire. Our Undertaking Department is always up to the minute. W. L White Furniture Co. : - _ . t ?* Blinding Headaches atiw trac: ?nd tey^rork. Thedford's IUCK-DRAUBHT School Time For your money's worth buy your Tablets, Composition books, etc., from A. J. Jar man Cooper Gin Corner. \ I ! TUCKER'S | HOTEL and CAFE |Main Street - LOUISBURG, N. C. t... > The best of jnealg the mar ket affords and prepared In the best of faBhlon. Plenty of rooms for the acoommodatlon of all who wish to spend the night, all well furnished. J. C. TUCKER I Proprieto AHfc YOU INSURED J What Would B? Yonr Condition If Your Property Were To BURX Have you ever considered what It would mean to start all orer again T That Is what a loss by fire with out Insurance means. But with Insurance, you are protected by the resource* of the strong com panies we represent and a fire means nothing more than an ln oohvenlence. Let us explain the kind of insur ance service we give. We write all kinds, Llfs, Fire, Health and Accident. Bonds. Don't wait un til it is too late. Several good farms for sale. THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Bennett Perry Manager. A reliable, settled man to work aboit house, look after stock, tardea etc. Tkc smaller the family the bet ter. Can glie Immediate and steady employment to rhrht party. A. F. JOHNSON, Franklin Times, Louisburg, N. C. Do You Want a Home OF YOUR OWN, THE STANDING AND SATISFAC TION IT GIVES? A BANK ACCOUNT STARTED NOW, WITH REGU LAR ADDITIONS, INTEREST CREDITS, ETC., IS ONE SURE WAY TO MAKE IT POSSIBLE. THIS BANK IS PARTICULARLY INTERESTED IN AMBITIOUS PEOPLE. WE WILL LEND YOU ANY AID IN OUR POWER. YOU CANNOT MAKE THE START TOO SOON. loutsauM, NmivCmmjJ WHITE 'ARftQW Whether as driver or occupant, a woman ap preciates its added safety and comfort. Let us ex plain just why a Hood means that extra amount of satisfaction to passenger and driver alike. Cord