Tlffi FMNKtlN TIMES A. f . J0HJS05. Editor aad luuin ?TAB I?OPB ? ? ? MIsb Maude Ashley tics taken a position as bookkeeper to r L. P. Hicks. ? Mr. C. G. Pe&rc<9 and Miss Susan Landon, of Ralegh, whlj the North Carolina Cotton Association, addressed the Co-op County meeting In the court house Saturday afternoon. ? Mr. W. Norwood Fuller Is plac ing the material tor a nice seven room two-story residence on the corner of Elm and Middle streets. The construc tion will begin about September 1. FA.KM A?EST At a meeting of the Business Men's Association on Tuesday night a com mittee composed ot Dr. A. H. Fleming, Messrs. M. S. Clifton and K. K- Align were appointed tcr take Board ot County Commlsionert the Importance ot securing a Farm Dem onstration Agents Mr.. E. H. Malone was appointed as chairman of a ?com mittee to be selected by himself trom the Klwanls Club for the. same pur pose- 1 >?"- ? B. Y. P. COTVEJiTIOJi The annual convention of the Tar River ABsoclational B. Y. P. U. will be held at the Baptist church at Wise the fifth Sunday. It will be an all-day meeting and the delegations from the various churches will be expected to bring their picnic dinners. Former State President Bryce Little, of Wil son, and anumber pf others are ex pected to speak. The Wise union Will provide good music. It is going to be a great occasion with1 profit to all who attend. There are abont thirty unions. In. the. association and It is hoped that every one of these will send a good delega tion and a report to this convention and thus extend its benefits. Helen Retains Title. Helen Will*, 18-year-old Cart lorn ia girl, is shown holding the Rational tennis championship cujf vbtch vas presented to her when she defeated Molla MaOory at Forest Hills, Long Island, last ?reak. thereby retaining her title. Sudanese Restless I.orxfon ? Maj. Genv fSlt Lee Stack, British commander in the Sodan, has asked for reinforcement* to maintain ordeT at A thorn, where the British garrison was flreH upon by native troops. Geii. ' Stack's |*ioto is shown above. ? ? m> ? . 0 " ? '+ . The child -bftro with ft silver spoon in Its mouflt/Mll never too* the lor that contaV^lM# converting the pewter l?to sllvil#5? ? j (Anyway, a campaign without a Bry an In It Juet Wouldn't he a campaign, tjiat's all.^ i , , People who haven't well developed] common sens^ usually look the part. | Held for Killing St. Joefrpts, Mvcteigan ? T"*r - ??*? ?Kotoi gbow Px>?r.ce McX vu-) cad Emile Zopkt\ confess*-; tri..yn ?1 ZupkoV o^tnf nreet-beiud. t& ?Uy kttber. Zopfce, in his o? "v* ?t?n, 4r?fW?3 th*l Florence w. at the wVre' of his car whflc L-? thokad the BaWr grrl to death <-nj tb^ Mp?l Itim JUpose erf Uv? 1 1 ? r ? ? * . f ? ? ? * ? ? ?' ? fi. X, P. V. COBNKR . ? fi r- The 8pfrK' 0( W?t?liJj^ ? Do yon feel that you are serving God when you come to church? Do ypu have a feeling of reverence for the House of God? Let's be as reverent as we know how to be and at least be quiet and respectful for we ftiust re member that there are ' others that look to us as an example. Would you ? be willing to have someone Bay that aj B. Y. P. U. member whispered or laugh; ed in church? Do you realize God's presence any more at church than ypu do elsewhere? Do you pray tor and help the Pastor or do you think H is his business to see that all church work goes on Juft as it should with out your help? Our pastors are to ttach and guide not to bear the bur den of the church that is the very rea son so many churches die or lose their pastor. A pastor no matter how good ? or consecrated he may be or what a wide awake worker he can't carry a' church on his shoulders. How do you feel about your church and your pas tor? Let's put our whole soul into the work and worship God in Spirit and ' in Truth. By answering the call of the Spirit you can be so guided that you will understand what you should do and not be asking as a lot of our young people do "what is the harm in this or that" but you will know by the very Guiding Spirit that is within you. So let us obey the .call of the Bplrtr and worship God in Spirit and In Truth. Dally Bible Headings. Topic for the Week: Important Practical Teachings. Mon. Sept. 1. Paul's Hope for his People and the World. Read Romans 11. Key verse 16. For if the casting away of them Is the reconciling of the world, what shall the receiving of them be .but Ute from the dead? Tues. Sep. 2. Personal Consecra tion. Read Romans 12. Key verse 1. I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of GOd, to present you bod ies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable to God, which la your spiritual service. Wed. Sep. 8. The Christian Cltlien. Read Romana 13. Key verse 1. Let every soul be subjected to the higher powers; for there Is no power but of God, and the powers that be are or dained of God. Thurs. Sep. 4. Question of Con science. Read Romans 14. Key verse 13. Let ua not therefore judge one an other any more; but judge ye this ra ther, that no man put a stumbling Mock in his brother's way or an Oc casion 6f falling. Frl. Sep. 6. Christian Fellowship. Read Romans 15. Key versa l. Now we that are strong ought to bear the InflrihlUes of the weak and not to please ourselves. Sat. Sep. a. Paul and Hi* Friends. Read Romana 10. Key verse 20. The Grace of our Lord. Jesus Christ be with you. TB08. 8. COLLIE. 00W8 FOB SALE? 1 hava several fine thorough bred milk ?otrk fresh to pall for sale. R. P. TAYLOR 8-29-Jt ! . ? 1 The fallow who Is never troubled with a bValn storm has something' to be thankful for, ' 1 Wood Department LOCAL NEWS Miss Faitle Aliurd and Mrs. H. B. | Jrlffin, of Nashville, spent last week' A lth Jhe latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. S. Shearin.. Mr. Weatherford, ot Petersburg, ] ipetit several days of last week with llr. Junle Wilder. Kev. Caldwell accompanied by his ? wife, from Wake Forest, preached his i irst sermon Sunday night since being :alled as pastor. Mr. and Mrs. C. Blount with their laughters, Mises Nellie and Bessie, j ?nd Mr. Harris motored from Ply- j nouth last Friday to spend the week- 1 >nd with Mrs. M. F. Parker. Mr. Raymond .Shearin and Miss Suth Gupton attended services at | Vntiarch last Wednesday. To hear Mr. J. S. Shearin's family :alk you would think their coasts. Mrs. Buck Collins, of Cedar Rock, :ooked everything in the community 'or her birthday dinner last Saturday. They came back Satur-lay night so lull that they didn't eat anything for some time. Mr. Harold Raynor, of Rocky Mount, Is spending this week with his cousin. Wilbur Raynor. Mr. W. D. Fuller made a business trip to Raleigh Monday. * Mr. Bob Strickland, of near Youngs ville, spent last Saturday night with Mr. J. S. Shearin. His wife came Sunday accompanied by her sister and famHy to spend the day. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. F*uller spent last Sunday in Weldon. Mesdames Stephen and Charlie Lew is with their families, spent last week with their mother, Mrs. John Shearin. of Rocky Mount. Messrs. Kenneth Ayscue, Henry Radfprd and Cleacy Gupton were Zeb ulon visitors Tuesday. "Sfr.- WlttW Eeonara ? Went- to Rocky Mount Wednesday. Mr. Raymond Shearin rendered spec ial music Tuesday afternoon and night (Turing the revival services at Antlarck churfcX-' ' Mr. and Mrs. George Hedgepeth and family, of Whitakers, were visitors here Tuesday. Mr. Edgar Harris and family, of Youngsvllle, were guest of parents. Mr. and Mrs. N. C. Gupton last week. Messrs. Will Tucker. Gus Wester and Floyd Griffin were visitors of Louisburg Wednesday. Messrs. Cleveland and Cleacy Gup ton and Ivey Coley went to Rocky Mount Wednesday. Messrs. Johnnie Leonard, G. C. Langsdale and Morris Griffin went to Rqleigh Tuesday oc- business. Messrs. E. J.. Fuller and R. J. Bur nette were business visitor? of Louis burg Tuesday. . Mesdames Ctarlie and. Stephen Lew is-, -and .iaoMteft. ylsltetL relatives in Itocky MotMiT-ljfst week. " Mr. and Mrs. Barney J. Uohageu, Mrs. Haithcock and Mrs. MOlIle Mus tlen, of Ine2, were guests of Mr. and Mtb. M. F. Parker last week Miss Bessie Lou and Master Clinton Hamlett, of Whitakers, were guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. S. J. Hamlett last week. Miss Ruth Gupton and Mr. Ray mond Shearln attended revival servic es at Antlarck church "Wednesday, where Mr Shearln rendered several special vocal selections. It is with pleasure that we note that Mrs. Rosa Oupton .SClup .has bt-oa sick for some time is somewhat im proved. We hope for her a speedy re covery to healt^. Mr. and Mrs. J. G. Johnson and family who recently moved to Hoilis ter. returned Tuesday, we welcome | them as citizens of our community.. Mr. Will Tucker went to Warrenton Thursday on business. Messrs. John Heath. Elijah Gupton, Saint Denton. Major Gupton ami Ray mond Shearln attended the Ham-Ram sey meeting In Henderson Thursday evening. Mr. Sam Harris and Dr. Harris, of Henderson, were here on business Thursday. Miss Pattie Alford and Mrs. Bunnie Griffin and family, of Nashville, spent several days here last week with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Shearin. Mr- and Mrs. Pepper and family, of Hopewell, Va., were visitors of Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Parker last week. Mr. M. F. Parker was a visitor of Loulsburg Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. Blount, of Plymouth, visited Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Parker and Miss Ruth Parker last week. Mr. John Henry Holden, of .Moulton, aad Miss Beatrice Jones, of Sandy Creek, visited Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Jones last week. Mr. H. Jones, of Sandy Creek, spent last week with Mr. and Mrs. It. P. Jones. Mr. and Mrs. T. J- Mosley anil Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Denton, Jr., went to Embro last Monday. ? ? W. M. S. Neva Circle met with Mrs, M. ti. Oupton. Aug. 16. 1924. and rendered the following program: Subject. The Negro In our midst. Opening prayer, Psalm 101 r<ad In ttntaon. Bible study, John 3:2 ? by Mrs. M, L. Oupton Song No. 2ft. Sentenc? prayer for practical appli cation of Christian principles. Song No. 25. A study In bl?ck and white, by Mrs. ft. M. OUpton. The Negro's white problem, by Dell Oupton. Inter-Racial Co-operStT6fl, by Beu* lah Coley. The Migrant Negro, by Ida Coley. Negro Education, by Bertha Bur- < netto. The Law of Kindness, by Leila Co our Doors, by Mrs. A. A. Oupton . Song No. 44. Clotting prayer, by Bertha Burnette. Report of Neva Circle: present 6;! new members 1; visitors8; visits to l the sick 63; boxes of fruit carried the' nick 7; flowers carried the sick 1; col-; lection 00 cents. Mrt* E. J. Fuller, r Mrs. M. L. Gupton, Mrs. B. B. Bur- 1 nette. Miss Bertha Burnette, were ap. r l*ointed as a committee to go to Hen- J lerson to the convention. After the program Ice cream and Lake was served. Neva Circle meets next with Mrs. B_ M. Gupton Sept. 20th, 1924, at 3:30 o'clock . ? ? Self-Control. Can you control yourself when you (jet angry? A man says to me, "When i I get mad all over. The more I cuss, i he madder I get.'' Do you have any | trouble In controlling yourself when | you get angry? Do you say things that you regret later? Do you do things that cause you to be ashamed of yourself later? Then you under stand what 1 mean by speaking of self control. Solomon says that the man who rul es himself is greater than the man who takes a city. This is eternally true. A coward might take a city. An arrogant, self-willed, godless gen eral might take a city. But it takes eminent and wise statesmen to rule a city well. The individual members of the body are to be compared to indi vidual members of society. Each one cries out for Its own rights. Each is eager for recognition; each has its desires and sends constant signals to the seat of government, the mind, ma king ljnowu Its wishes. Some of them try to rebel. Some refuse to work. The man who can bring these mem bers under his control and make them do bis will has accomplished a great deal. It takes self-control to make one's self work. How many people yield to the members of the body that say. "1 don't want to work". Laziness calls for cessation of labor. Can a man make himself work when his body says that it wants to sleep on the lob? That is a test of your self-control. It takes self-control to eat well. There is a desire to eat more than Is good for one or less than Is necessary. There is a temptation not to let the food go around, but be greedy. There is a temptation to abuse the cook even when under the circumstances the food is prepared the best possible. To eat well requires self-control. To get up in time in the morning re quires a certain amount of self-con trol. Not t? permit a lazy or stub born mule to get you angry and abus ive requires self-control. Not to drink strong drink when there is a craving for It -requires self-control. Not to cheat when there is a chance ot gain demands self-control. To be of a good temper in the home and help make the home happy calls tor self control. To render to Caesar and to God what should be rendered to each requires Bell-control. The question Is can you master your self? The man who cannot control himself Is to be pitied. The man who does not try to control himself Is much more to be pitied. He is a menace to both man and beast. He has no res pect for the feelings of associates and constantly lets loose a volley of lan guage that no one enjoys hearing but himself. "He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that ruleth his spirit than he that taketh a city," 1 ? Proverbs 16:32. j ALBERT N. CORPENJNG. duct n-a* ? r. ... 1 U ?.vo.'d v.r.?:c *... . oc ? ? . ? ? ? ? ? r.t < : r. r ? - . . ? * ar.j %:? r x - ?An ; i r. > t ? ne**cr lir.d r~ I ? ^ . it's b* - i aiocl *r<?- i '.*.i ; It's ?c _ J* -? ?-??.?.? # | the ecmpa;.v h? >;.?;>* ??*? ? ? heart-ar.-har. J defender.; :i trie ? Eye that never A::S ! while my stern ; r*n; ? be cjumsy r*r pro!!r., I'd ^ \ ? " , my frieiid3 from ruixin' up wit? * dirty politics! I 4 It has been computed that the earth weighs tlx trillion tons. Wonder If Hercules was asked, tot an estimate. Scientists are firm la their belle! that, no one lives on the moon. So the man In the moon must be a lonesome soul. There Is a new Invention which will give fifteen minutes' notice of aa earthquake. How would you utilise that fifteen minutes. Henpecked husbands should worry. The trailer has no power, but 1* gets there providing the connection doesn't break. ? i V If? twdkt* wtwt OB lUI-tN wnkLi inc. elMtrlo ll|Ml. ?to? and church, on good rem jUdkfeoiid Mid P?Wab?r| font to troll?y Mae and nl NEW THINGS ARRIVING DAILY Mrs. A. M. Hall and our buy ers are now on the northern markets purchasing our new Fall stock. Each train brings new dresses and novelties. You are invited to inspect the new mer * _ chandise, we will be glad to show you and you are under no ? obligations to buy. Remember our entire Spring and Summer stock is greatly re duced to make room for the fall goods we are receiving daily. L. Kline & Co. When Seen or Advertised Elsewhere It's Always Cheapest Here LOCISBCBG, NORTH CAKOL IN 4 FOUNDED 1838 CHARTERED 1859 TRINITY COLUEOE DURHAM, >\ C. The following groups of study are offered, all leading to the degree of Bachelor of Art3: General; Business Administration; Religious Train ing; Engineering; Pre-XIedical; Teaching; Pre-Legal. Graduate Cour ses in all departments. Schools of Engineering. Education and Law. REGISTRATION FOR NEW STUDENT?? September 22. For Catalogue and Illustrated Booklet. Address R. L. FLOWERS, Secty. Our Motto is "Sell 'em cheap and sell 'em a heap." 'L W. Parrish, Jeweler Louisburg, N. C. * n J rp/ ? We Are Believers in Guaranteed Goods? AND we believe in them because we .know it is our duty to gire you every possible assurance, in advance, concern ing anything you may purchase in thi? store. Guarantees are of added impor tance where jewelry is concerned. This store is one of the city's INSTI TUTIONS. It's purpose is closet J allied with sentiment, of gift-giving, of birth days and weddings, anniversaries and other occasions of sentimental value. You will be interested in our announce* ment, therefore, that we have contracted to act as exclusive agents for the vary well known line of W. W. W. guaranteed goods, such as PmvI Nacktoeaa The m?nuf?tw*r ANTEE3 >k?, Utf itk'Mw* of t Mm W. W. W. Gu ?ver finer je The W. W. W. tjg, fc pried u moderately m ilw WITHOUT (UUUlMl,Udo<M priced LESS than you raid m b

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