nmnSMKl COLUMN i RmMmm Phone M a. uwood mwiuk. AHwaaj il Uw. Loo Is burg, N. C. Phone No. 116 1 WW la First National Bank Bonding BH. W< B. BOBTOH By* 8p?cUHit OtBBa'tn Hotel Bnlldlng lx*Mrarg, North Carolina - I wish tD sdrtse my patients and the public generally that attar the ltt of 8eptaaiber my buatneaa will be on Cub baals when work ta completed . DR. ARTHUR HYNE8 FL.KM1NU 8. P. BOUT. a. D. Loulsburg, N. C. Office* orar Scoggln'a Drug Store I Hours tl a. m. to 1 p. m.. and 4 to | 6 p. m, DR. n. R. BASS. Veterinarian Loulsburg. N. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. , Phone Office 33 6- L Residence 336-J Special Attention to Small Animals. | ok. d. c. uonwic?~' OBce In the First National Bank Uulidlag on Main and Nash 8ta. . w. a. person. - ATTORNBY-AT-LAW Leataharg. North Carolina rrastlea BO uuaita Office oa Male Street G. JL BEAB Atlornej-at-Law Offl over Poet Office Pr?c.?..- in ail cowrta. 1)R. J. B. BAYI8 Physician and 8?rgeon Office at Residence, North Main St. Telephone: " Hours: . Night 64 8:80 to 10:30 a. m.| Day 64 12 to t p. m. 6 to 8 p. m. I K. B. White E. H. * 1. E. Hal one | WHITE M BALOlfB LAWTBB8 Loulsburg, North Carolina . ?an era! practice, settl&men t of aa talaT funds taVaaua. (Ma aaeanher ol | iae BMh always In tha oHce. BR. II. G. PEBRY Physician and 8arg?oa LaatobMg, Hartli Carellss Officer Adjoining Ay cock Drug Oo. Telephones : Day W7; Night tsi 0B. J.B. 1ALBHB. Loal shore, North Carolina <Saa>ta Aycock Drug Btores Market MMC Offlee Practice Oajgaty and consultation DB. H. H. JOHHSON Physic laa and Oaignaa . H Loalsbarg, North Car* Una Office tnrer Aycock Drug Co. Telephonea: Day and Night both No. 10 J. O. NEWELL, H. B. Loalsharg, *. ?. Office In First National Bank Building Day ? Phone 149 ? Night Phone M-i Wni HT Boffin, shoe. W. Raffle WM. H. * TH08. W. BUFFI H Atteraeys-at-Law tatfMNlK t North Caratlaa BanarW- practice, both ctrll and erte 1K( WMtMlil and adjoining coun tk?, Sapreme and Federal Courts. OBeaa In' First National Bank CAM. PHONE 1M FOB CLEANING, PRE 881*6, ULUNDRY THE SERVICE SHOP W. B. Hanford, Propr. I.odtbmf, X. 0. NOTICE We are glad to announce to our cus tomers and trlenda that wa hare first claaa line of bar be re aad are in batter ahape to nerve our cost mers than we have aver been. A trial la all wa ask. Thanking your (or your patronage. Wa are yours to serre, STBOALL B OS. SKABOA&D A1& LINK BY, Effective July 13, 1924 Louit-tj tauji K, 0. Trains Daily Exoept| Leave Sunday No. 330 8:30 A M. No. 312 " 11:50 A.M. No. 384 500 P. M-| ^ Trains Diaily Except Aftive Sunday No. 831 10:15 A. M.| No. 811 3:20 P.M. No. 385 6:45 P.M. For information regarding] rates and Bcheduloa apply toj P. A., N. O. 7mi& Mate* W?i A* Ktlward Cochran. 23. hJK l?i ido of 60. Mm. Mury MeGfamtft C?K-hnm, yfh*> wrn> rwi'nily rr.firtic*! n L? s A:<ct?Ks. claim thirt0 a lot. was the reason for this sti ?t.*v nwtch. (Vxhsan, formerly ar oil ft.wl ^worker i? now manager of n'.s wife's ?ipartineut houses. WRIGLEYS JtfUrjncni meal j\ AllHNM ssiraf; l-l-l-l-l-B-f kcntlll ?? wen. Gooa Ur zhuzzz ??Sfftft t" ????? DCIlCTi Most anybody would prefer being talked about to being rediculed. Demands Redress \\ ? Mr*. Stan- Harding, Br.tish journalist, who was kept' Id a Soviet prison, tn 1920. on' cb&rgea of espionage brought bjr Mn. Margperlte Harrison, mo Ataerteon. English statesmen now; demand reparation for Mn. Hud ing'a Incarceration. ' ARE IOC IHSURKDl What Would Be Tour CondttkHi If Your Property Were To BURN Have you ever considered what it would mean to start all over again? That is what a loss by tire with out Insurance means. But with Insurance, you are protected by the resources of the strong com panies we represent and a (Ire means nothing more than an In convenience. Let us explain the kind ot Insur ance service we give. We write all kinds, Llfs, F1re? Health and Accident, Bonds. Don't wait un til It la too late. Several good farmB for Bale. THE FRANKLIN 1MB. AND REALTY 00. Bennett Perry Manager. TUCKER'S HOTEL and CAPE Main Street LOUISBURG, N. C. The beat of meali the m?r k*t afford* and p^ptnd In the best of tuhlon. Plenty of roomi for the [i i Mooaunodation of all who wlah to apaftd the night, all wall fnraMe*. D ' J. C. TUCKER [ Proprietor Practical None TeOt tssJ^m^L for more Qua w? I mUL, J*"r I u P- hicks a"a p?'-ow?^j -4 lOTIUIB OF SALE! OF VALUABL&I REAL ESTATE Under and by vrtue of the power esud In the undersigned by an order of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County made In that pro ceeding entitled Wiley J. Perry, Ad ministrator. against Mary EL J. Fred Perry and others, signed Commissioner will the 16th day of September* i ween the hours of tt- o'? 1 o'clock p. m.. In from ?t to C??rt House door In the to?m..?* .LoulBborg, North Carolina, offer (t?'irMHe to -lite highest bidder tor cMfc the follow ing described real Bectonlng at a iHIm corner -ot Mre. L M. Griffin to the line ot JH. H. Ueddlngfeld; thence along the line of Mrs. L. M. Orlffln N 3 degree* E 2.288 feet to a small oak on the north side O fUe IkMro r*M{ 'I along >?otd ro>d.H!8? <Je|(^|.|i utes B MB feet. 8 88 di? MstjUiM I feet to a stake io feet north of 'the center of sa?d .read, corner ot jMMe I lot; ttNM* N 3 degree E 106 feet to a stake, corner of store Ml - S 89 degrees ? 106 feet to?4. the ltaaOf sahootlot; thence grees W1,!J? feet to a stake, aermer | of E. A Moody, In the line ot H.'H. I Deddlugtleld; dMMce N tg'HtHM W | I,283 feet to the beglnnUy, ei ing 70 aeres ^ M .?hown fear <4 ? and plat made by Plttman Stell, C. E? | October 31, 1922. Any one doMrlng to see plat and I property w?l ftnd the ssne ray residence Pine Ridge school, Wake-] field, Route 1, N. C. This the 14th day ot August, 1924. WILEY J. PERRY, 8-l6-5t Commissioner. | ? ? f n W Wl M ? NOTICE Having qtaallfltd as atofeMatrator | of the estate ofThos. Mltehlner, deoe ed late of Franklin County, notice Is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersiaaad on or before the 14th day ot August 1926 or this notice will be plead In bar ot thte re covery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please com* forward and make immediate settlement. This Au gust 14th, 1924. JAMES MITCFINER, 8-15-6t Admr. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. C. Journegan, de ceased. late of Frank Un County, ndtloe is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersign eed on or be fore the 22nd day ot August, 192S or this notice will be plead in bar ot their recovery. All persons indebeted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate -settlement. This August 21st, 1924. WILLIE HARRIS, Admr. Thos. W. Ruffin, Atty. 8-22-4t| [MOS1CC or HALS Or HOW AMD LOT INjnUNJOJNTON Under and by virtue of authority In a certain deed of trust made the 6th day ot December, 1822, by and between Mr*. Maggie H. Speed (party of the first part) and J. W. Bailey, Trustee, of Raleigh '(Party of the second part) same being made to secure debt td Hiss Molllaiflk-Jllolloway, and default having been made In the payment ot said debt; the undersigned Trustee will otter for sale to the highest bidder, tor cash, at the court-house door. Loulsbugil JTanklln County, at or about t)S-Mar ot noon, on the 8th day ot 8ep)Mp*r, 1924, the following de BcrtbocG *e*l estate: In rraifr llnton Township, adjoining the lands ot T. J. Hlght and others and bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake In Cheatham Street, T.-J.-Hlgfrt and Spea4'?.?orner and rrsalag along said Cheatham Street aorvr rtwo hundred . Ml ten (2l4>"JMt to a -stake, T. J. Hlght And Speed'* corner; -thence wast along T. J. Hlgbt'n line two hundred and ten (210>-lMK'toa stake, t. J. Hlght'a oor ner; thswee so".th along T. J. Right's line two JMn?dr<d and ton, MM) to et to a BttmtP. J.A fflgfct'8 and-Spaed's cor ner) theace east two hundred an ten (219) feat to the beginning, said lot to confeia ene acre, more or lea*, - being the , lajsd< co*nn*a by T. J. Hlght and witt to" said Mrs. Maggie H. Speed by deed dated January 17, 1901, and re corded In the registry of Franklin County In book 124, page 267. refer ence to which la hereby made. The deed of trust under which this Bale Is had Is recorded In book 244, page 591, records of the oflce ot Regis ter of Deeds, Franklin County. J. W. BAHiBT, 8-8-6t Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator c. t. a., ot the eBtate or K. J. Perry, deceased, lata ot Franklin County, notice Is hereby given all persops holding claims agalnBt said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of August 1926 or this notice will be plead In bar ot their recovery. All persona Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settlement. This August 28, 1924. W. L. LUMPKINS, 8-29-6t Admr. c. t. a. FARMS FOR RENT.? I have several farms for rent for 1926 to parties owning their ownteam. Will rent for cotton or--on shares ? furnishing all fertiliser. See or write me at once. J. R. WILLIAMS, Loulsburg, N. C. . 8-29-tf ; WASTED ? Refined middle aged white I woaaaa tD-aet aa .companion, and as sist in house work tor two. Both town ai*d country residence. Reference I required. Apply giving salary want ed to MRS. W. H. PLEASANTS, JR., ? Loulsburg, N. C. 8-29-2t bale of land Pursuant to tJM autnorlty contained In that de?d of trust eiecut?d by Oj A. Radford and wife on the 18th day of May, 1923,' to D. E. Radford, trustee, which is duly registered In the office ot the Register ot Deeds of Franklin county, In Book 233 at page 504, de Imsnd having tMO made npon me by the holder ot wM Indebtedness secur ed thereby to foreclose Mid deed ot Mjust, I the undersigned trustee will OO MONDAY the 8th DAT Of SEPTEM BER, 1924, at or about the hour ot noon at the court house door ot Frank lin county, sell at publla auction 'to the highest bidder tor 4Mh that tract or parcel ot land sltuateUn Gold Mine township, Franklin cooafty, N. C., ad joining the lands ot J. D. Qupton and others. Beginning at Root branch and ex tending west shout 6 aores deep; thenoe south about ten seres deep to within shout 160 yards <ft Sandy Creek Joining the laqds of D. T. Holllngs worth on the south and east; thence east about five scree cornering on Root branch at a Big Sycamore tree, thence up Root branch as it meanders to the beginning. This the tth d ay of August, 1924. 8-8-6t D -BT RADFORD, Trustee The QtfStas Ihsl Dess Net Affect The IM by eayooe without caoalns nervtweMee or rtatlsS ka the heed. tW.GKOVE'S iUa?mr?ou boxHSa RESIDENCE i'OR KALE One Geed nice Cottage with good sized lot. en Kenmore Avenue. Cash or essy trems.. See 8. A. NEWELL, Louls burg, N. C. 7-11-tf COWS FOB SALE? I hare several fine thorough bred milk cows fresh to pail for sale. R. P. TAYLOR. 8-29-2t Even pointed remarks sometimes will not penetrate Ivory. Subscribe to The Franklin Times FORECLOSURE SALE By virtue of the power contained In a Deed ot Trust executed by Jas. S. Jones and Ellen D. Jones recorded in the office ot the Register ot Deeds of Vance County In Book 244, at page 231-232, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby se cured, on request of the holder of the same, I shall sell for cash, by public auction, at the Court House door in Henderson, N. C. to tho highest bidder, on the 11th day ot September, 1924 the following described property. It Is the tract ot land in Sandy Creek Township, N. C., bounded by the lands of Solomon estate, J. R. Mosley, John Jones and Henry Hayes, being the same landB conveyed by R. E. Clements see deed on record and being part of the place known as the (Plummer Jones place). Henderson, N. C.. Aa gust 11th, 1924. R. E. CLEMENTS, 8-15-4t Trustee. Tim is Your Opportunity To Get 4 Copy of The Life ?l Woodrow Wilson s by Hon. Josephus Daniels *?/ . Who is undoubtedly the best fitted to portray the life of the Greatest President of the United States. if With every Four Tear Subscription to the Frank- \ lin Times we will give a copy of this book absolute- : ly free. With a Two Year Subscription to- the franklin . Times and $1.00 we will give a copy of this great . ? Get your order in now before the supply is ex haosted. ' This offer appttee to renewals as well as new ;jattaeri9tftonB. 'JEBtttr iouftap. I THE fmm TIMES Mms m 'U<*e|,'EC

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