A Bill to Be Entitle* an Art to Vali date the Formation and Incorpora tion of Epsom School District la * Franklin and Vaaee Counties mid to Empower the Board of Trustees of Epsom School District to Call an Elec tion and to Isiae School Bonds The General AssetnDiy of North Caro llna do enact: - Section 1. That the formation, cre ation and Incorporation of Epsom 8chool D tartlet, comprising contigu ous portions of Franklin and Vance Counties be, and the game la validat ed, ratified, approved and confirmed and said Epsom School District as at present constituted and defined U de clared a Updy corporate by the name and style of Epsom School District, with oil the authority, rights and pow ers and prlvlledges and the same plan of covernment conferred upon other joint.school districts by and under the provisions of Article 17 of Chapter 136 of the Public Laws of North Caro lina, Session of 1923. Section 2. That In addition to the powers mentioned above the Board of Trustees of Epsom School District, for the purpose of erecting or other wise providing adequate public school buildings or other necessary school property and equipment for the maln tennnce of the public school or schools of said district Is hereby empowered and authorized to call a special elec tion, to be held In said district at such time and place as said board may tie tignate after the ratification of this act. to ascertain tt*e will of the peo ple of said district upon the question of issuing bonds for the purpose or purposes above set forth, not to exceed Fifty Thousand Dollars, and the levy ing of a sufficient advalorem tax tor the payment of said bondB and the in teroat thereon. Section 3. The Mid Board of Trus tees shall designate the polling place, appoint the registrar and two poll holders who sbajl constitute the Jud ges of election, and the said Board shall canvass and Judicially determ ine the result at said election when the returns have been tiled with them oy the oUlcers holding the election and shall record such determination on their records. The notice ot the elec tion shall be given by publication at leust three times In some newspaper published or circulated in the territory It shal set forth the boundary lines of the district and the purpose ot the election. The first publication shall be at least thirty days before the election. A new registration ot the qualified voters of the territory shall be order ed. and notice of said new registration shall be deemed to be sufficiently giv en by publication once In some news paper published or dlrdulated In said district at least thirty days before the close ot the registration books. This notice of registration may be consider ed one of the three notices required ot the election. Such published notice ot registration shall state the days on which the books will be opened tor-registration ot voters and the place or places on which they will be open on Saturdays. The books of such new registration shall dlose on the second Saturday before the election. The Sat urday before the election shall be chal lenge day and except as otherwise provided In this act such election shall be held In accordance with the law governing generaf elections. At the election those who are in favor ot Ahe issuing of such bonds and the levy ?nd collection ot the taxes necessary for the payment of said bonds shall ?vote a ticket on which shall be print ed or written the words "For School Bonds" and those who oppose shall ' vote a ticket on which shall be- printed I or written the words "Against School Bonds." All other details of said elec tion shall be fixed by the said board and the expenses of holding and con ducting the election shall be prorid ed by the said boafd out of the local tax of said district. Section 4. If a majority of the qua lified voters of said district shall vote In favor of the lssuappe of said bonds then the said board of trustees shall have power to Issue the said bonds which bonds shall be Issued in tfae name of the Epsom School District and shall be Issued in such form and de monstration and with such provisions as to time, place and medium of pay ment of principal and Interest aa the said board may determine, subject to the limitations and restrictions ot this act. The bonds shall be serial bonds and shall so mature that the principal amount of the issue shall be payable in annual Installments or series, be ginning not more than three years after date of the bonds of such issue and ending not more than thirty years after auch date. No such Installment shall be more than two and one-half times as great in amount as the small est prior Installment of same Issue. The bonds shall bear interest at the rate of not more than six per cent per anum, payable annually and may have interest coupons attached, and may be registrable as to principal or as to both principal and interest. They shall be signed by the chairman of the said board of trustees and the seal of the district shall be affixed to or Im pressed on each bond and attested by the secretary of said board; and the interest coupons shall bear the print ed lithographed or etched facsimile signature of such chairman. The de livery of the bonds, signed as afore said by officers in office at the time of such signing shall be valid not withstanding any changes in office oc curing after such signing. Section 5. Said bonds shall be sold by the Board of Trustees of Bald Ep som School District by and with the approval of the County Superintend ents of Public Instruction of the conn ties of Franklin and Vance, after such advertisement as the said ounty Su perintendents shall deem proper and necessary, but said bonds shall not be sold for less than par and accrued interest. Section 6. The proceeds derived from the sale of said bonds shall be turned over to the Treasurer of the County 8chool Fund of the ounty in which the school building is or is to be located and this shall be held as a separate fund by the treasurer and placed to the credit of the district and shall be disbursed or paid out by said treasurer upon order or voucher signed by the chairman and secretary th? board of trustees of Epsom School District and countersigned by the Superintendent of Public Instruc "?" ?f the County in which the school building or buildings is or is to be erected for the purpose or purposes set forth In this act. Section 7. In the 'event the issue of said bonds is authorized by the vot ers as above provided and when the same are issued the boards of County Commissioners of the counties, Frank lin^ and Vance are hereby authorized and uirectgd to levy annually- a special faX' "^valorem, on all taxable proper ty within their respective counties sit ,w.ithl" the 8ai,l Epsom School i iCi',8 ent t0 pay the Princi pa ahd Interest of said bonds as such princlpad and interest shall become due. Such Bpecial tax shall be in ad dition to all other taxes authorized to be levied in such county or district. Kn ai*e8 pr0Tide<1 for in this section shall be collected by the officer or In ooilf ??HfctinS the special taxes said district and paid over by him or them to the treasurer of the county School Fund of the County in which the school building, or buildings, is or Is to be located, and stiall be held as a separate fund by said treasurer in th* payment of said bonds and inter est as the same become due and the said bonds or Interest coupons shall be, when paid by said treasurer, vouch ere in accounting for the disbursement of said taxes so turned over to him. Section 8 Said Board of Trustees of Epsom School District are here bT authorized and directed to adopt a corporate seal of such design as It may aeein fit and proper. Section 9. All laws and clauses of laws in conflict with this act are. inso far as they may affect this act, here by repealed. fJtOCt,OV0 ~Th,s act 8han be full ratification. 601 fr?m and af,"r ,U A Bill to B? Eatltled an Art Prohibit lag Um County Hoard of Education or th? Board of Commissioner* For the County at Franklin, or the Board ol Aldermen of the Town of Loalabarv, Said Coaaty, Pledgtag the Cre dit ol SaM Coaaty or City With Hit First Sab mlttlag the Qaes tloa to the Qaali fled Votern Thereof The General Aaaembly of North Carolina do enact Section 1. That It ahall be unlaw ful for the county board of education' or the'board of commiaaloners for thai county of Franklin of the board of, alderman of the town of Loulnhurf, aald county to pledge credit of or laaue bonds whereby the aald county, town, or any township or district In aald county, la pledged for any purpoae other than to pay existing floating In IdKMadaaaa of aald county, town, town ilp or dlatrlct, heretofore Inc-urrjed r neceaaary expenaea of aald county ?, township, or dlatrlct, without submitting the question of pledg . the credit and teaulng auch boada ,_T the anallHed roters of aaid county, lt?.w*, township or dlatrlct. at an elto tton t? ha held aa hereinafter provided : I Prorlded, heweTsr, that tbta act shall | not prerent. aald board of education borrowing snftdsnt money In antldpa tlon of the collection of taxes to oper ate the public achoola of aald county the total amount of the money bo bor rowed x'.iall not exceed eighty per cent 'of the taxes levied for public schools for the current fiscal' year in which such lean la made and the amounrso Ljirovn <i tliall b" repaid out of the taxes levied for such Ileal year: Pro l viUvd luiilier, that the board ot com missioners for the county of Franklin or the board of aldermen of the town of Loulsburg without such election, may borrow money to pay necessary current expenses of said county or said town, as the case may be, in an ticipation of the collection ot taxes levied by said board of commissioners or by said board of aldermen daring any fiscal year not exceeding eighty per cent of the total amount of taxes levied by said county or town and uncollected during such fiscal year, and may Issue notes or other eviden ces ot Indebtedness tor the amount bo borrowed, and the money so bor rowed shall be repaid by said board ot commissioners or said board of aldermen out of the taxes collected tor said fiscal year by said county or town; Provided: that In case of any emergency such as the loss of public buildings or other property by fire, flood or act of God, the said board of commissioners and said board ot al dermen, respectively, may birow mon ey and Issue notes or bonds of said county and town, respectively, to meet the necessary expense of such emergency: Provided further, that nothing herein Bhall restrict or abro gate the right of the board of com missioners to contract or pay any in debtedness for necessary expenses, aa provided by the general law. Section 2. That other than the week ly pay roll of said town, all bills, ac counts or claims against said coun ty, town or board of education shall be presented Before payment to the board of commissioners of said county or to the board of aldermen of said town or to the said county board of education as the case may be, at a reg ular meeting ot such boards, and shall be considered and approved by a ma jority of the board to which said bill, claim or account is presented before the same shall be paid, and co bill, clai mor account shall be paid except upon the proper warrant Issued for the payment thereof. Section 3. The said board of alder men shall not contract to spend nor spend the money of said town In viola tion of the provisions of the Municipal Finance Act. one thousand nine hun dred and twenty-one., as now or here after amended. Section 4. The said board of com missioners for (he county of Franklin shall enter into no contract concern ing the purchase of property or sup plies for said county for an amount exceeding five hundred dollars with out first advertising for bids for the same by posting rt'tice thereof for ten da?s at the county courthouse door. Section 5. If a resolution of said board of commissioners or of said board of alderment or of said board o( education provides for the issuance of bonds or other evidences of indebt edness for a purpose other than the payment of "necessary expenses of said county, town, or township, or district, the approval of a majority of the qualified voters of the county, town, township, or district as required by the constitution of North Carolina, shall be necessary in order to make the resolution operative. Whenever the taking effect of a resolution authoriz ing the issuance of bonds or other evi dences of Indebtedness Is dependent upon the approval of the resolution by the voters of said county, town, township or district, the governing body may submit the resolution to the voters at an election to be held not more than six months after the pass age of said resolution. The governing body may call a special election for that purpose, or may submit the reso lution to the vpters at the regular county or town election next succeed ing the passage of the resolution, but no such special election shall be held within one month before or after a regular election. Several resolutions or other matters may be voted upon at the same election. 8ectlon 6. The said board of com missioners or Raid board of aldermen in their discretion may order a new registration of the voters for such election, the books for such new reg istration shall remain open In eaeh precinct or ward from nine a. m., to six p. m., on each day except Sundays and holidays for three weeks beginning on. a Monday morning and ending on the second Saturday evening before the election. A registrar and two judges of election shall be appointed by the board of comlssloners or the board of aldermen, as the case may be. for each precinct or ward: Provided, that the hooka shall be open at the polling places on each Saturday daring the registration period. Sufficient notice .ah&U be deemed to have been given of such new registration and of the appointment of the election officer* If a notice thereof be published at least thirty days before the closing of the registration book*, statins the hours and days tor registration. It shall not be necessary to specify In said notice the places for registration. In case the registrar shall tall or refuse for any cause to perform his duties, it shall be lawful for the clerk of said board of commissioners or said board of al dermen, as the case may be, to ap point another person to perform such duties, and no notice of such appoint ment shall be necessary. Section 7. A notice of the election shall be deemed suflclently published If published once not later than twen ty days before election. Such notlds shall state the maximum amount Of the proposed bonds and the purpose thoreof, and the fact that a tax will b i levied for the payment thereof. The data of the election shall be stated therein. Section 1. A ballot or ballots shall be furnished to each qualified roter at said enaction, which baljots may contain the words Tor the resoltttlo* authorizing dollars bonds (briefly Mating the purpose) and a tax therefor," and ' Aguiuat the. resolution authorizing ? ? ? ? dollars bonds (brleffly stating the pur po?c) and a tax therefor," and ft one ballot contains the two alternatives, 1 m. . y contain squares in one of which 'the voter may make an (x) mark, but |th:s form of ballot Is not prescribed. | Section it. The officers appointed i to hold the election In making returns 'of the result thereof shall incorporate therein not only the number of votes I cast for and against each resolution submitted, but also the number of voters registered and qualified to vote in the election. The board of commis sioners. if it be a county, township or district election, or the board of alder men, If It be a town election a&aU canvass the returns, and shall Include in their canvass the votes cast and the number of voters registered and qualified to vote in the election, and shall Judicially determine and declare the result of the election. Section 10. Except as herein other wise provided, the registration and elections shall be conducted in ac cordance with the lav, a then governing elections for countty officers in said county if It be a county, township or district election, or governing town election if it be a town election, and governing the registration of the elec tors of such election of officers. The said boards shall prepare a statement showing the number of votes cast for and against each rfsolutlon submitted and the number of voters qualified to rote Id the election, and declaring the result of the election, which statement shall be signed by a majority of the members of the board canvaaa the returns and delivered to the clerk of such board, who shall record It in the record book containing the minute* of such board and file the original In his office and publish it once. | Section 11. That all laws and Claus en of law* In conflict with this act are hereby repealed. I Section 12. That this act shall be In force from and after its ratification. An Act To Prevent the Sale of Cider On Snnday In Franklin^ Loanty ? The General Assembly of^ North .Carolina do enact: Section 1. That any person who shall be guilty of selling cider at any place within Fraklln county on the j Lord's day, commonly called Sunday, .shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not more than $50 or mprlsoned not more than thirty days in the discre tion of the court. Section 2. This act shall apply to Franklin County only. Section 3. This act shall be In force from and after its ratification. Ratified this day of August, 1 AO * Screen Wire, Doors, Windows. In sect Powder and Fly Paper at L. P. HICKS. 8-29-2t Pickling Spicea, Pure Apple Vine gar, Stone Jars at L. P. HICKS. 8-29-2t INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSURANCE ACTUALLY DEALS WITH EYEBY HONEST BUSINESS CNDEB THE SUN Fire Insurance has come to ne not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter must guard his household goods. 1 , Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their property Investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a community against financial loss tram fir* Is its Insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OVEB THE FIB8T NATIONAL BANK New Turnip Seed of all assortment, just arrived REASONABLE PRICES We ean save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions. Give us a trial and be convinced F. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. 0. It Is Less Work To Do More Work A properly equippel Kitchen means that you can ' do more work with less effort, so why not make the small investment necessary to pu into your kitchen one or more of these labor-saving articles. You will be surprised how many usefnl items you can get tor very little money. Convenient terms of payment arranged if you desire. Our Undertaking Department is always up to the ' PUP W. t White Furniture Co. p.- ^ " I- . - i ? -* Tobacco and Cotton Markets Are Soon to Open We hope the opening will mean another era of prosperity for our friends, and we offer the fa cilities of this Bank to them for the handling of their business. We cash checks for COTTON and TOBACCO, whether OPEN mar kets or CO-OPS. Loans made on approved securfty, and invest ments made for idle funds. Make OUR Bank YOUR Bank. Yours for better farming and better prices, FOR SALE 30 50-Gallon Steel Oil Barrels $2.00 each 20 Ford Wheels, demountable $2.00 each

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