THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. r.JOHHSOH. Kdllor bd4 l(U|?r ' **?AR DROPS? F! ? Wednesday reminded one of fall of the year. ? Town property ie being ?adver tised for taxes. Is yours among the lot? ? Work Is progressing nicely on the Jail ? the wall being up to tho sec ond floor. ?Mr. L. W. Parrlsh is pushing the Improvements on his residence on Nash and Cedar Streets and it Is tak ing on proportions that point to a most pleasing residence when com pleted. ? We are requested to ..announce that Dr. W. B. Morton will conduct religious services at Schloss school house on next Sunday at 3 o'clock p. m. Everybody Is cordially Invited to atteni). ? The c%i.!se of the darkness In town on Tuesday night was due to a tree being blown down across the wires making it necessary for the cur rent to be cut off long enough to re move the tree. HOME DEMONSTRATION DEPT. Conlrlbnted Weekly By Miss Daisy Caldwell, Agent Program for week September 8-13.. Tuesday, Maplevllle. Wednesday. Thursday, White Level. Friday, Moulton Hays. Saturday, Office. Popes' Wbrnlins Club Meerts Mrs. Hubert Holmes was hostess to the Woman's Club Thursday after noou. Ten members and several visi tors were present. "What this Club has accomplished," was reviewed briefly by Mrs. Conyers. The new home agent. Miss Caldwell was Introduced to thet club members and spoke for a few' minutes on the posiblllties of the woman's club. It was reported that the committee had riven the old school house to be used by the club as a club house, and a committed was appointed to see that the furniture was returned. Does any other woman's club In the county own cne? After adjournment a number of the new members called on Mrs. B. P. Hln ton who was too ill to attend the meet ing. Mrs. Powell Entertains Sehloss Clnb Sixteen members of the Sehloss Home Demonstration Club were pres ent at the meeting at the home of Mrs. Powell September 2nd. The president being absent, Mrs. Mary Person pre sided^ was voted to combine the Gold Sand fend Sehloss clubs, the next meet ing to be at the Oold Sand Bchool. Miss Caldwell, home demonstration agent gave a talk on standard white fabrics and some tests and counts were made with samples. After the program delicious pine apple ice and home made cake were served and the social half hour was much enjoyed. My Favorite Recipe." Club women in the county were asked by Mhja Wilson to give "My Favorite Recipe." We shall publish one or two pf tfcese each week. Only a few have been received so far. Anyone who has a.' recipe she thinks will be helpful to others please send it to Miss Daisy Caldwell, home demonstra tion agent, and they will be published. Marbled Chocolate Cake 4. By Mrs. J. C. Davis 1-2 cup butter, 1 cup sugar, 1-2 cup milk. 1 and 1-2 cup flour, 4 eggs. Take one cup of the mixture and add to it Ave tablespoons grated choco l^te wet with milk. Put a layer of white batter in. then drop chocolate batter and cover with white batter. Serve with cream or fruits. Uncooked Icing Mrs. A. B. Inscoe, White Level. 1 egg white, 2 tablespoons cream, confectioners sugar. 1-2 teaspoon bak ing powder, flavoring. , Put unbeaten egg white in bowl and mix in cream. Stir In sugar until thick enough to spread. Add baking powder and flavoring. Beat until smooth. SUNDAY SCHOOL CONVENTION TO HE HELD SEPTEMBER BOTH AND 21ST WITH CEAB BOCK BAPTIST CHUBCH It is announced by officers of Frank lin County Sunday School Association that the annual County Sunday School Convention will be held on Saturday and Sunday, September 20 and 21, In the Cedar Rock Baptist church. Taking a prominent part In the pro gram will be the following well known Sunday school workers: Miss Flonf Davis, Raleigh, Associate Superinten dent North Carolina Sunday School Association, and Miss Daisy MoGhee, Raleigh, Children's Division Superin tendent North Carolina Sunday School Association. In addition to these outside speak ers a number of the most prominent pastors and Sunday school workers in the county will take part In the various sessions of the convention. In charge of the arrangements for the convention are lb. T. H. Sledge and Miss Ola Bliss Lewis, President and Secretary of the County 8unday Bchool Association! These officer's are requesting the oooperatioh of all pas tors, superintendent* and other Sun day school leaders in the effort to make the convention a success. Following a plan started at the county Convention last year, the of ficers hare announced that again this year a pennant will be presented to the Sunday 8chool having present In the convention the lartest number of representatives sixteen years of age or over, according to the number of miles traveled. The number of repre Wanted A reliable, settled man to work about honse, look after stock, garden etc. The smaller the family the bet ter. Cun glTe immediate and stead]- employment to right party. A. F. JOHNSON, Franklin Times, Louisburg, N. C. sentaiives from each Sunday school | will be multiplied by the number of miles from that church to the con-, ventlon church, and the Sunday achool having the largest total will receive the pennant. It 1b expected that there will be much lrlendly competition for the pennant among the Sunday schools of the county. The Sunday school with which the convention Is held and others within one mile, will not compete for the pennant. i ? B. f. P. V. COBJiEB ? ? ?????*.*????? Faithfulness Maybe you say that you can't Blng, you can't make a talk end you can't pray publicly, It you can't do either of these why go anyway. Be faithful by being present. Go to all the meetings, help your group by being present, on time, attending preaching and by do ing your dally Rible readings. When you have been thus faithful you will desire to help out In other ways. When you read your dally Bible readings memorize .the Key Verses they will help you so much; and speak out and answer the questions the quiz leader asks he Is not there to cram the read ings down your throat but to give you an opportunity to show people what you know about the Bible. "Study to show thyself approved unto God a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of Ood." This is a great quotation for us to follow it is the purpose of the B. Y. P. U. to prepare for the service we may render God for all His tender mercies. Another thing to be faithful in is our contributions, let's help spread the Gospel by sending others even if we can't go. Remember to be faithful In carrying out the commands of God, for Jesus Bald, "If you love me you v.ill keep my commandments.' Dally Bible Readings: Topis for the week: HigheBt type of personal life. Monday September 8. The greatest wisdom and strength. Read Cor .1:1-31. Key Verse 25. Because the foolishness of Gqd is wiser than men; and the weakness' of God is stronger than men. Tuesday September 9. Hindrances to the best life. Read Cor. 2:1 to 3:9. Key verse 3:1 and 1. Brother could not speak upto -you as unto spiritual, but as to carnal, even as unto babes In Christ. Wednesday September 10. The only abiding foundation. Read Cor. 3:10 to 4:21. Key Verse 3:10. For other foun dation can no man lay than that Is laid, which is Jesus Cbri3t. Thnrsday September 11. Only such will inherit the Kingdom. Read Cor 5:1 to 6:11 Key Verse 6:9. Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the Kingdom of God. Friday September 12. This life will make the happiest home. Read Cor 7:10 17 and 39:40. Key Verse 7:3. Let the husband render unto the wife due benevolence; and likewise the wife unto the husband. Saturday September 13. Will be the greatest blessings to others. Read Cor. 8:1-13 to 16:27. Key Verse 8:12. But when ye sin so against the brethern, and wound their conclence, ye sin agalst Christ. THOS. S. COLiLIE. T. B. COOKE DEAD Thomas Blacknall Cooke, aged 46, died In the Protestant Hospital In Nor folk Sunday night at 9:10 following an operation for ulcer of the stomach. His death was a shock to friends and relatives here, for be had been 111 for only a day. Mr. Cooke was born In Franklin County on January 29 1878. On No vember 20, 1907, he married Miss Mary Wood, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. Q_ A. Wood of Elisabeth City. He Is a member of the First Methodist church of this city and Is connected with the Elizabeth City Buggy Company. He Is survived by his wife and two sons, Blacknall and Billot; by a brother, Ernest C. Cooke of Mount Airy; by two uncles, A. J. Cooke of Beaufort and Q. F. 'Llttlejobn of Baltimore; and by one aunt, Mrs. E. 8. Foster of Loulsburg. , ? The funeral Will be conducted at the First Methodist church at five o'clock by his pastor, Dr. N. H. D. Wilson. The pallbearers will be Dr. C. B. Wll jffams, Dr. I. Fearing, J. O. Fearing, H- 8. Overman, 3. B. Venters, B. F. Spencer, Miles Jennings, and J. N. Wh^tehurtt. ? Advocate Elisabeth City, Freedom ot speech, reduced to Its simplest terms. Is one argument after another. ? What we need Is some novels tell ing about life after marriage Instead of before. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND IN THE | "1 OWN OK LOL"Si.L"i'.U. N. C. FOK uti.::?yit.NT P/.VING ASSESS MENTS. At or about the hour of noon at th? Courthouse door in Louiabur*. N. C. oq Monday, October Oth, 1924, It being the first -Monday in October, I will ??)1 at public auction to the highest bid der for cash, pursuant to the laws- of North Carolina and especially the Public Laws of 1915, Chapter 56, Sec tion 10 and acta amendatory thereto, ail lands In the Town of Loulsburg, N. C.. on which paving assessments for the years 1921 and 1922 and prior thereto, remain due, with costs add ed as provided by law, described as follows: Mrs. R. W. Hudson 1 lot S Main St. $ 23.61 W. M. Freeman 1 lot S Main St 21.03 F. W. Wheless 1 lot S Main St 21.03 Di-. J. B. Davis 1 lot S Main St 67.18 W. O. Joyner l lot S Main St 66.78 G. W. Ford Est. 1 lot S Main St 106.43 J. S. Place 1 lot S Main St 22.60 Q. \V. Ford Est 1 lot E Nash St 14.72 O, W. Ford Est 1 lot E Nash St 20.92 W. B. Morton 1 lot ? Nash St 41.12 T. B. Wilder 1 lot E Nash St 54.34 W. F. Beasley 1 lot E Nash St 68.60 M. C. Pleasants l lot E Nash St 18.30 P. B. Griffin 1 lot E Nash St 87.42 J. C. Tucker 1 lot E Njsh St 6.76 J. W. HollingBworth 1 lot S Main St. 22.29 F. H. Allen 1 lot Main St. Res 23.76 F. H. Allen 1 lot Main St Elljs 61.94 J. M. Allen 1 lot Main St Res 134.76 A. B. Allen 1 lot Main St Res 37.19 P. G. Alston 1 lot Church St Res 26.36 L. W. Parrlsh 1 lot Nash St Res 47.03 W. E. Bartholomew l lot Kenmore Ave Res 18.02 Mrs. S. P. Boddie 1 lot Main St Res 26.19 Mrs. G. D. Taylor 1 lot Main St Res 84.61 Bickett & Yarborough 1 lot office Main St 10.96 F. B. Freeman Est. 1 lot Kenmore Ave 63.39 W. M. Freeman 1 lot Kenmore Ave Res 18.76 J. M. & W. H. Allen 1 lot Main St. Warehouse 72.33 Farmers Union 1 lot Main St. Warehouse 34.32 E. S. Ford Est. l lot Main St Res 43.76 ?G. W. Ford Est. 1 lot Market St I 1-2 Riverside Wh 10.79 1 G. W. Ford Est 1 lot Market St ! 1-2 Aycock Drug Store 12.91 G. W. Ford Est .1 lot Market St ' 1-2 Hall & Ford store 5.49 G. W. Ford Est 1 lot Market St I 1-2 Wheless store 10.97 G. W. Ford Est 1 lot Nash St. I Cobb's corner store 30.18 iG. W. Ford Est 1 lot Nash St. Pleasants stores 14.42 : G. W. Ford Est 1 lot Old Ware house block, 1 lot vacant cor I ner, 1 lot Freeman & Co. store 326.15 G. W. Ford Est 1 lot Nash St. I Ford and Wheless 1-2 23.43 G. W. Ford Est 1 lot Main St I Cobb Grocery store 32.47 G. W. Ford Est 1 lot Main St u | Hotel and P. O. 34.13 i G. W. Ford Est 1 lot Main St | Residence 4S.07 ?A. H. Fleming 1 lot Middle St 58.16 J. Allen Harris 1 lot Church St I Res 15.10 . C. C. Hudson 1 lot Church St Res 33.29 'Griffin & Beasley 1 lot Court and I Market St 2S.93 i J. C. Tucker 1 lot Main St store 9.34 O. H. Harris 1 lot Maiji St Res 22.73 B. T. Holden 1 lot Main St Res 33.41 P. S. & K. K. Allen 1 lot Nash St Garage 25.99 J. M. & W. H. Allen 1 lot Nash St. Foster 29.19 |S. A. Newell 1 lot Main St Res 37.43 | S. 3. Meadows 1 lot Main St l:?.50 I N. B. Tucker 1 lot Main St f.S.19 :N\ B. Tucker 1 lot Middle St 25.95 I Mrs. A. W. Person Est 1 lot Main I St. 31.32 Mrs. W. M. Person Est. 1 lot Main St. ' 1-7.70 Leslie T. Allen 1 lot Main St 24.37 "A. H. Fleming 1 lot Main St Res 37.96 I J. M. & W. H. Allen 1 lot Nash St I Planters Warehouse 47.42 Mrs. J. J, Person 1 lot Main St lis. 30 |C. A. RaKland 1 lot Main St 71.79 St. Mathlas Church 1 lot Main St. 20.44 W. B. Tucker 1 lot Church St Res 29.11 J. A. Turner Est lot Middle St 34.80 Mrs. Alice Uzzell 1 lot Main St Res 17.59 J. M. Allen 1 lot Kenmore Ave 24.64 Allen Bros. Co. 1 lot Nash St store and vacant lots 105.88 Q. W. Ford Est 1 lot Market St 1-2 Hall ? 5.48 Mrs. R. W. Hudson 1 lot Kenmore Ave Res 25.69 Episcopal Church 1 lot Church St. 57.51 Episcopal Church 1 lot Middle St 51.26 Malcolm McKinne 1 lot Kenmore Avenue 53,96 F. J. Beasley 1 lot Church St Res 32.7S Mrs. E. S. Foster 1 lot NaBh St 43.97 S. 8. Meadows 1 lot Court St 13.85 A. H. Fleming 1 lot Court St N.S9 C. B. Kearney 1 lot Kenmore 33.47 J. W. Hollingtf*. orth 1 lot Kenmore Ave 20.77. Mrs. W. H. Yarborough 1 lot Main St. Res 44.10 Mrs. W. H. Yarborough 1 lot Church St 39.89 Mrs. O. W. Cobb 1 lot Church St 38.86 B. T. Holden 1 lot Main 8t Res 53.04 D. W. Splvey 1 lot Main St 35.86 R. W. Hudson 1 lot Nash 8t Oar age 10.82 E. 8. Ford Est 1 lot Nash St 12.38 F. R'. Pleasants 1 lot Church St - Res 14 94 F. A. Roth 1 lot Middle St 24 84 F. B. McKINNK, Town Clerk and Tax Collector, Tlios. W. RuRIn, Town Atty. 9-5-6t L08T A pair of library glasses with tor toise shell frame In leather case on last Friday morning between Bunn and Louisburg or !n Lonlsburg. Finder will please return to me snd recelre reward. 9-s-2t b. m. o. Mullen. FOR F1R8T CLAH8 JOB PRINTINO PHONE 288 School Time ! For your money's worth buy your * Tablets, Composition books, etc., from A. J. Jarman Cooper Gin Corner.'? Piles Cured In 6 Wl 4 Days >ruggi?t? refund money ff PA20 OINTMENT fail* ro cure Itching BUod. Bleeding or Protruding Piles, 'astaitiy relieve* Itching Pile?, and yoo can get restful sleepafler the LrK anoUcatioo. Price toe. Order from \Vashlngton says all dances by Indians must be respectable. White folks may go ahead dancing as they please. Subscribe to The Franklin Times LOST One black and white male hound, with scalded scar on back. Lost about ten days ago. One large black, white and tan male hound. Has been missing for about seven months. One white female hound with a few yellow or brown spots. One large red male hound with white ring around neck, white feet, white blaze in face. Gone about a year. Reward of $25 offered for return of each dog. W. H. ALLEN. 'J-5-tf Lonlsburg, N. C. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND IN THE TOWN OF 'LOUISBURG, N. C. FOR; DELINQUENT TAXES. At or about the hour of noon at the Courthouse door i:i Louisljarg, N. C? on Monday, Oct. 6th i^24, it being the first Monday in October, I will sell at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash pursuant .0 . of North Carolina and the Charter ot the Town ot Louisburg, X. C. as set out in the Private Acts of 1899, Chap ter 243, and Acts amendatory thereto, all lands in the Town of Louisburg, N. C. on which taxes for the years 1921, 1922, 1923 remain due with costs added as revised by Section 8009 Con solidated Statutes 1919 and amend ments thereto; described as follows: 1921 Hines-Hodges Motor Co, 1 lot Church St. $ 43.00 W. T. Person. 1 lot Ice plant 159.40 1922 Hines-Hodges Motor Co. 1 lot Church St. 63.75 Sam A. Harris 1 lot 94.10 1923 J. D. Hines 1 lot Church St. 63.73 | J. D. Hines 1 lot garage 76.50 i Leslie Allen 1 lot Main St. Ma [ chine Shop 45.90 | Mrs. W. E. Bartholomew 1 lot Ken more 13.77 W. Y. Bickett part office Main St. 103.00 W. R. Bass 7 lots B:.ker 13.11 Mrs. J. R. Collie 1 lot Main St. 91.80 C. M. Cooke Est. 1 lot Main St. Home 240.21 M. S. Davis 1 lot Middle St. 37.46 A. H. Fleming 1 lot Main St., 1 lot Middle St, 1 lot Court St 187.02 Freeman & Co. 3 stores Nash St. 299.62 F. B. Freeman Est. 2 lots Ken more Ave., 1 lot Main St. 63.75 W. M. Freeman 1 lot Kenmore 49.83 Freeman & Fuller 1 lot Railroad Balance 3.19 E. S. Ford Est. 1 lot Main St. Home, 1 lot Baker Heights, 1 lot store 243.88 P. B. Griffin 1 lot Nash St. Home 60.69 Mrs. C. C. Hudson 1 lot Church St. Home 61.20 Mrs. R. W. Hudson 1 lot Kenmore Avenue 71.40 R. W. Hudson 1 lot NoBh St. Oarage Bal. 57.55 C. B. Kearney, 1 lot planer, 1 lot J. B. Davis, 2 lots H. Mann 232.05 Mrs. W. B. Morton 1 lot Nash 8t. Res 71.40 J. 8. Place 1 lot Main St Res 30.60 Mr*. W. T. Person 1 lot Middle St. Res 58.65 | W. T. Person 1 lot Ice Plant 171.21 1 W. H. Rudd 1 lot Kenmore C. T. Stokes 1 lot Main St Boone, 1 lot storage. 1 lot Main St M. C. Pleasants 4 lot* Main St Strother, Bai 294.27 | J. C. Tucker 1 tot Main St store, 1 lot Baker, 3 lot* Reavls row 208.18 ' Mr?. J. W. Weaver 1 lot fiedar gt ? 42 84 ' Mr*. W. H. Yarborough 1 lot Maltr St Home 218.26 W. M. Alston 1 lot Re*, 1 lot 20.40 Mr*. J. W. Alston 1 lot Home 22.95 Elmo Alston 1 lot - 10.71 John Bnllock 2 lots Baker 11 23 IS. R. Brame 1 lot Slabtown 4.17 Nannie Bowden 1 lot Main St 9.18 Dallas Blotuit 1 lot Main St 1 lot Elm St * 64.15 Eddie Bridges 2 lota Blacktown 11.35 Harry Dunston Est 1 lot Tar R 13.64 Dr. J. B. Davis J lot Main St, 1 lot River Drive 60.31 James D. Davis 1 lot Mln Sprg 19.61 Washington Davis 1 lot Kenmore 11.83 James Davis 1 lot Ford 11.09 Jno. W. Davis l lot Ford 1:53 Geprge Egerton 1 lot Tlmberlake 8.10 Mattle Egerton Est 1 lot Tarboro Road 9.18 Jennie Egerton 1 lot home 2.55 Thurston Foster l lot Main St Bal .. 33.88 Mary Oreen t lot Blacktown 13.76 Austin Oreen 1 lot Mln Sprg 11.71 Rickey Hill 1 lot Raflroad 8.35 8. P. Hawkins 1 lot 12.M W H. Hawkins 1 lot Main St. 1 lot River Drive 45.38 J: A. Hawkins Est 1 lot Halifax St S 08 Ben Halite 1 lot Halifax St 8.1J Eutrlct Haselwood 1 lot Main St 11.71 Htcksle Hazel wood, 1 lot Tarboro Road jVj 4.59 Oarlaml Harris t lot ltiver Rd 5.(1 Sam Harris 1 lot store Tarboro Road. 1 lot Home, l lot Rail road. 2 lots Jno. Green, 1 lot P store. 1 lot W. Splvey 115 00 Louis B. King 1 lot Railroad 10.71 Louis King 1 lot Main St t&M Anthony King 4 12a Slabtown SI. 42 Charley Manley 1 lot Halifax Road &1S William Martin 1 lot Railroad . U.71 Lazarus N'eal 1 loll . UJ1 Jack Shaw 1 lot Kommore COM Richard Skinner 1 lot RaUro?i ltii Flora Thomas 1 lot \ (4 t Helen Thomas 1 lot TftWtt M lit Rosa White 1 lot Railroad 1M Town Thos W. NEW THINGS * 22 ARRIVING DAILY Mrs. A. M. Hall arid our buy ers are now on the northern markets purchasing our new Fall stock. Each train brings new dresses and novelties. You are invited to inspect the new mer chandise, we will be elad to show you and you are under no obligations to buy. Remember our entire Spring and Summer stock is greatly re duced to make room for the fall goods we are receiving daily. L Kline & Co. When Seen or Advertised Elsewhere It's Always Cheapest Here locisbi:kg, .\oeth caeolin v Our Motto is "Sell 'em cheap ind sell 'em a heap." X. W. Parrish, Jeweler Louisburg, N- C. We Are Believers in Guaranteed Goods ? AND we believe in them because we Jinow it is our duty to give you every posstbls assurance, in advance, concern ing anything you may purchase in this ?tore. Guarantees are of added impor tance where jewelry it concerned. Thia itore it one of the city's INSTI TUTIONS. It's purpose is closely allied with sentiment, of gift-giving, of birth day* and weddings, anniversaries and other occasions of sentimental value. You will be interested in our announce ment, therefore, that we have contracted to act as exclusive agents for the very well known line of W. W. W. guaranteed goods, such as Paarl NacklacM (in complimentary Ww*l caeee) Ortn??WnBth ^rtidhit Dtamood Jtin*e~ A Splendid Variety of C?a S>t Rlntf* IXtmond MouoUata la 1SK ?hit*|oU Th? manu/*c turer absolutely GUAR ANTEES them, and the new of dot W. W. W. Guarantee is r frnmtn akli erer finer jewdryia told. TKe W. W. W. Guaranteed Um to priced as moderately as those WITHOUT guarantees, and often you will Cod t htm priced LESS than you would pay fas unknown lines.

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