PLANTERS WAREHOUSE WILL OPEN T uesday, Sept. 23, 1 924 FOR THE SALE OF THE 1924 CROP OF TOBACCO. WE ARE GLAD TO SAY THAT LAST YEAR LOUISBURG MAINTAINED A MARKET SECOND TO NONE ANYWHERE? PRICES AND ACCOMMODATIONS CONSIDERED? AND WE EXPECT TO HAVE A BETTER MARKET THIS YEAR. THE BUSINESS MEN OF THE TOWN HAVE AGAIN JOINED HANDS WITH US AND ALL ARE DETERMINED THAT LOUISBURG SHALL SELL MORE TOBACCO THIS YEAR THAN LAST AND WE REALIZE THAT IT WILL TAKE HIGH PRICES AND GOOD ACCOMMODATIONS TO DO IT. * , . WE WILL HAVE OUR SAME CORPS OF BUYERS THIS YEAR AND WE ARE ASSURED THAT ALL GRADES WILL BE IN STRONG DEMAND WHICH WILL INSURE LIVELY BIDDING AND GOOD PRICES. WE WANT YOU TO BRING YOUR TOBACCO TO LOUISBURG BECAUSE LOUISBURG WILL BE THE BEST MARKET. NEXT, WE WANT YOU TO BRING YOUR TOBACCO TO THE PLANTERS WAREHOUSE YOUR OLD FRIENDS, SAM MEADOWS, WILL ALLEN AND BEN WILLIAMSON, WHO HAVE BEEN WITH YOU ALL SUMMER AND ASSISTED THOSE WHO NEEDED ASSISTANCE, WILL BE IN CHARGE. WE BELIEVE THAT WITH OUR LIFE LONG EXPERIENCE WE ARE AS WELL PREPARED TO GET YOU THE HIGHEST DOLLAR FOR YOUR TOBAC CO AS ANY WAREHOUSEMEN ANYWHERE. AND IT IS UPON OUR ABILITY BASED ON THIS EXPERIENCE THAT WE EXPECT TO WIN YOU TO THE PLANTERS WAREHOUSE BY GETTING YOU THE MOST MONEY FOR YOUR TOBACCO. THE PLANTERS WAREHOUSE IS SO ARRANGED THAT IT OFFERS YOU ALL THE ADVANT AGES OF A MODERN WAREHOUSE. G?'T A LOAD READY AND BRING IT ON TO THE PLANTER? WAREHOUSE ON THE OPENING DAY. START WITH US AND YOU WILL STAY WITH US. REMEMBER-Thc Opening Date, Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, and ? ' V - ? ? ? '? YOUR FRIENDS, Sam Meadows Will Allen Ben Williamson Proprietors rOR BAJJI OR RBNT B?T?r?f nice h'omee In Franklin Count/ and In UnUaburg. /ppljr to V B. 0. FORD. Frankllnton, N. 0. NonoMi The pin* and Bum Umber on the property of Trinity church will I ? aold at public auction on the church (round*, on Saturday, Sept Sth, at 3 p. m. , ?' i a L a B. TlLBOtf. 8-8-Bt ' Beer, and Treaa. prahkiih ma. m nun of. LOlira An IHfHTKAHCB -ntf Kale Seed, Spinach Seed, Vetch Seed and Collard Beed it u p, IHCKS 8-if-it To Stop a Couth Quick tato HAYES* HEALING HONEY. a .A,JJ? of GROVE'S O-PEN-TRATE &ALVE for Chert Colds. Head Gold* and Qmplf jnetOMd with rury bottle of HAYES* HEALING HONEY. The talvo bm tabbed on the cheet and throat Croat ? Oold or Ckoop. HEALING Uffir. Subscribe to Tba Franklin Ttmaa Day Books, Time Book*, Memo Book*. Order Books, Receipt Books and Journal* a't L. P. Hicks. / 8-29-St NOTICK Having qualified as Exocutors, with the will attached, of the estate of J. C. Pearce, deceased, late of Franklin county, notice la hereby given all per sons holding claims against said ee tate to present them to tho undersign ed on or before the 22nd day of Au gust. 1925, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persona Indebted to aald estate will pleaae come forward and make Immediate settlement. This Aug. 21st, 1924. J. J. PEARCE, J. a L. PEARCE, 8-22-et * Executbre. COWS FOB 8ALB? I have several One thorough bred milk cows fresh to pall for aale. R. P. TAYLOR. g-M-St FOB FIHBT CLAIM JOT PRINTING FOB HALE ?100 acre farm, Rood dwell Inc. electric lights, doe* to school And church, on rood road between Richmond and Petersburg, conven ient to trolley line and railroad sta tion. good tobacco, cotton and pea nut land. Uust sell promptly, right price, easy terms. W. C. TRUK t HEAR. Chester. Va. g-M-Jt k . . 1 ^ Lunch Basket", Market Baskets. Clothes Baskets. School Tablets, Pen cils, Ink, Drinking Cups. School paste. Crayons and Lunch Rolls at U P. stats. ; iwk " (i t Turnip Seed. Lettuce Seed and Cab bago Seed at L. P. HICKS. 8-S9-* Nature Is a groat . balance wheel. Europe has all the wars and we have ?11 of the automobiles and telephone*. NOTICE TO CREDITORS Having qualified an Administrator, c. t. a. of Dr. J. B. Williams, late of Franklin County, North Carollna.thla la to notify all peraons having claims against said estate to present the same to the undersigned on or before the 2Sth day ot July, 1125. or thla notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settlement. ThU July 86. im. OROVKR C. PARRI8H. Administrator, c. t. a oC J. B. Williams, deceased, | Oupton, N. C. Wm. H. and Thoe. W. Ruffln, Altya.1 Loulfburg, N. C. 7-i?-?t Colds Causa Olf Mi LAXAHVS Ahmo ?e Is ' TRUBTKE'8 WALK OF LOU18BOBO WAREHOUSE LOTS By virtue of that deed of truM made by W. H. ana J. M. Allen to Win. H. Kuffln, Truatee, dated Nor. 1. ltn, and recorded la Book >41, pace 11&-1* default having been made In Ue iay ment of the debt thereby seemed, and demand having been made on the eald Truatee for foreclosure, by til* holder of the debt thereby secured, the un dersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1924, at the noon recess of Court at the court bouse door In Loulsbnrg. North Caro ina, offer for sale at public auction to tile highest bidder for cash that warehouse lot and eaaementa known aa the Farmers Co-operative Com pany's Warehouse situate In the town of Louleburg, North Carolina, and more particularly defined aa follows: First. That certain lot or parcel of land altuate on the east aide of Lfcln street In the town of Loulsbnrg, boun ded and denned as follows : Begin ning at the corner of the J. F. Jo*e s lot (now Farmers Co-operative Com pany's lot) and the C. B. Cheatham lot, formerly the Boatwrlght Prixe House lot (now Allen Machine Com pany a lot) on Main street an iron stake; thence along the C. B. Cheat ham line (now Allen Machine Com panys line) S 58 E 234 feet more or less to the corner of the Tar River Manufacturing Company's lot, formjr . Co?P?r l?t (now John 8. How ell s lot) In the line of the 8. A L. Rail way Company; thence along the line of the 8. A. L. Railway N 26 S-4 W 279 feet more or less, to the corner of said rallyay on Main street; thence along Main street 8 33 1-4 W 144 feet more or less to the point of begin Ung. it being the lot upon which la now sit uate an old dwelling house and a part of a brick Warehouse building. And also together with the afore descr bed lot an descendible, trana ferable and assignable easement in and to and upon that atrip of lan on the Southwest side or margin of the Depot site of the 8. A. L Railway more particularly described aa fol lows; Beginning at the Northwest corner of the foundation wall o:. Main street of the Warehouse now situate on said land, and running thence along Main street 23 feet to the line of the S. A. L. Railway; thence along the 'ln,e ?f f;h? said 3. A. L. Railway N 26 3-4 E the full length of a Warehouse formerly on said lot 17X feet more or leas; thence a line parallel to Main street and the first named line 23 feet to the northeast corner of the founda tion wall of the said warehouse; thence a line parallel to the 8. A L Railway line along the foundation wall of said warehouse 171 feet more or less, to the point of beginning, upon which was formerly located a mew hat Jones Tobacco Warehouse building and upon which Is now a portion of more than one-half in width of the said brick warehouse building, said easement being, however, limited to warehouse purposes only by tha decis ion of the Supreme Court In the case of Ruffln vs. Railroad 151 North Car olina Report, 330, which setUed the title to the above described lot and right of occupancy under said ease ment. The said lot and easement be ing the same conveyed by Farmers Co-operative Company to W. H. Allen and J. M. Allen. This Jan. 18. 1924. l-18-6t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned from week to week until Monday, Sept. 1. 1924, and is again continued by con sent of all parties to Monday, sept 15, 1924, at about the hour of Noon This Sept. 1, 1924. 9-5-2t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. COWS FOR SALE ? I have several fine thorough bred milk cows fresh to pall for aale. R. P. TAYLOR. 8-29-2t FORECLOSURE SALE . By virtue of the power contained In | a Deed of Trust executed by Jno. Jones and Ethel J nes recorded In the office 0 the Register of Deeds of Vance Coun ty in Book 244, at page 230-231, de fault having been made In the pay ment of the debt therein secured, on request of the holder fo the sane, 1 shall sell for cash, by public auction at the Court House door in Hender son, N. C. to the highest bidder, on the 11th, day of September 1924 the fol lowing described property: It Is that tract of land In Franklin County, Sandy Creek Township, N. C., bounded by J. 8. Jones, J. R. Mosley. Blount Solomon containing 100 acres being part of the tract of land known as the (Plummer Jones place! this land was conveyed t>y R. E. Clements by deed registered, Henderson, N. C, I August 11th 1924. R. E. CLEMENTS, 8-16-4t Trustee Thermos Bottles, Alarm Clocks, Watches. Rasor Blades and Electri cal fixtures at L. P. HICKS. 8-29-2t JUST RECEIVED A. SHIP MENT . ; of 0' Sullivan Rubber Heels, , an teed for comfort and we&r. Pan co Soles, outwear two to one. :c JalhU I