Tobacco Selling High Each day brings higher averages for tobacco on the Mangum Warehouse floor, Rocky Mount. ^ Our sales are highly satisfactory to those who are selling day after day. We feel now is the right time to market first trimmings. Don' hesitate to begin grading and marketing tobacco, our buyers are ready to buy all grades with prices much higher than last year. ''Sfei-", Let Rocky Mount be your .market, MANGUM WAREHOUSE the place to sell your crop. Our market stands first in high averages over all Eastern markets. We expect to keep it so through the entire season. GET YOUR TOBACCO READY, WE WILL MAKE THE PRICE TO SUIT YOU Your Old Friend, I. W. MANGUM TRUSTEE'S RE-SALE OF LANDS B> virtue of an order of re-sale made by the Superior Court of Frank lin County upon a re-sale made on August 18, 1924, and an upset bid there on; and by virtue of the power and authority conferred by that deed of trust executed by C. A. -Long to Wm. H. Ruffln, Truptee, dated December 21, 1915, and recorded in Book 210, page 26, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure hav lng been made upon said Trustee by thejiiolder of the indebtedness so se cured, the undersigned will on MONDAY SEPTEMBER 22,1924 at the noon recess of court offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash, that tract of land in said deed of trust conveyed and de scribed as follows: Situate in Cedar Rock Township, Franklin ounty, North Carolina, being that tract of land conveyed by M. M. Gupton to -Mrs. Emma Stallings, by deed dated December 16, 1990, and re corded in Book 85, page 510, and by Mrs. Mabel Suiter and Mrs. Elizabeth Stallings and O. B.H. Stallings, con veyed to C. A. Long, bounded as fol lows: Beginning at a hickory, O. M. Stallings corner, running thence S 88 1-2 E 123 poles to a small white oak, Coppedge's corner, in W. D. Cop pedge's line; thence S 1 E 94 poles to two white oak pointers, W. D. Cop pedge's corner; thence S 89 1-2 W 100 poles to a poplar and gum; thence N 81 W 29 poles 18 links to a red oak, R. R. Burnette's and G. M. Stalling's corner; thence N 3 1-2 E 85 1-2 poles to the beginning, containing 74 3-4 acr<-9, more or less. his August 30, 1924. Wm. H. RUFFIN, 9-5-3t Trustee. NOTICE North Carolina, In the Franklin County. Superior Court. Laura Bobbltt V?. Will Bobblti The defendant above named, will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior Court of Franklin County. N. C., to obtain absolute divorce from the defendant on statutory grounds; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to np pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of, Franklin County at Loulsburg, N. C., on the 16th day of October 1924, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed In said action, within the time requir ed by law, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This September 6 1924. J. J. YOUNG. C. B.C. Franklin County, N, C. Wm. H. A Thos. W. Ruffln, Attorne^s^for plaintiff. ^^__9-12-4t NOTICE North Carolina, In the Franklin County. Superior Court. George Smith Vs. Blanche Smith The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superior court of Franklin County, N. C? to obtain absolute divorii from the defendant on statutory grounds; and the said defendant will further take notice that ahe is required to appear ?I the Office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Franklin County at Loulsburg, N. C. o n the 16th day of October, 1M4. and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff filed . In Mid .action, within the titoe requlr *m by \aw, or the plaintiff win apply to the Court for the relief demanded U^aaid n? plaint. This September 6. j. i. rovm, C. 8. C. Franklin County, N. C. ft*. H. * Thee. w. Baffin. Attecfteys for plaintiff. ttMlL-V .1 . . . NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of tho estate of Thos. Mitchlner, deceas ed late of Franklin County, notice Is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 14th day of August 1925 or this notice will be plead in bar of thte re covery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This Au gust lith, 1924. JAMES MITCKINER, S-15-6t Admr. Colds Cause drip and Influenza y LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets remove th. cause. There la only one "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVE'S lioann on boa. 30c. ARE YOU INSURED t What Wonld Be lour Condition II Your Property Were To BURN Have you ever considered what It would mean to Btart all over again? That Is what a loss by fire with out Insurance means. But with Insurance, you are protected by the resources of the strong com panies we represent and a (Ire means nothing more than an In convenience. Let us explain the kind of Insur ance service we give. We write all kinds, Lifs, Fire, Health and Accident, Bonds. Don't wait un til It Is too late. Several good farms for sale. THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO, Bennett Perry Manager. TUCKER'S HOTEL and CAFE Main Street LOUISBDRG, N. C. The bait of nmli th? mar ket afford* and prepared in the beat of tub ton Plenty of rooma for tbe accommodation of all who wlah to ipend the night, all well furnlahed. J. C. TUCKER w. ' ? - * % ' 'vV 1 v tProprleto- # John E. Martineau Judge John K. Martlneau of Little Rock Is the Democratic candidate (or the governorship of Arkansas. He has strongly denounced the Ku Klui Kla*. I ? IV hmUIb' at ? W* ain't actual? dlsafTMakta y? to th' weda ? memln,. -? ? ttn, h> U Thg enemies some' men have are a credit to them. Old Folk*' Ailment* ar sSsJS-sw morti ft Gtvfl W?T W>UM xotfmwr VivcinltB. I# m?&h4 >???*?? v> r>?d i-y Thedford's BLACK-DRAUBHT H5S MH New Style Points In Coat Detail i In describing ottt styles for tell, "straight and iUb" almost gees with out saying. Tkla silhouette may be taken for granted la Bl*?tj-nlno eases oat of a hundred. la the hundredth can "allm awl flaring" will tell the story. It la In details ef cut. shape of sleeves, color, methods ef decora tion and choice of fabric that we find feature* that dlatlngulah this fall's ?models. PUe fabric* coitflnoe In great favor, bat the; have bean Joined b7 heavy ribbed silks and certain novelty weaves In woel materials. la colore all the warm browns, dark greens, some deep red* and castor shades are araeng the rivals ef black. A handsome bieeu cent Is pictured, with dyed sqalsrel cellar and banding en the modish aleeve. It la farther enriched by a hfald embroidery la self color. Fifty-two farmers, members of the Randolph County Farm Bureau, have ordered 17,350 pounds of the new government explosive. Pyrotol, for blowing stumps and rocks on 365 acres. This is the first order receiv ed by Hie extension division of State College tor this cheap explosive. Habitual Constipation Cured \ \/ in 14 to 21 Days ? V ?LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieves promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulates and Regulates. k Very Pleasant to Take.e 60c per bottle. D. B. Batten of Anson county re fused to lay by his cotton when others did about the last of July. He kept plowing and indications are nowthat he will make 50 per cent more cotton as a result, reports county agent J. W. Cameron. 1 Men succeed only through the value of ttheir products. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator c. t. a., of the estate of K. J. Perry, deceased, late of Franklin County, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present th^m to the undersigned on or before the 29th day of August 1925 or this notice will be plead in bar ot their recovery. All persons indebted to Bald estate will please make immediate settlement. This Au.UBt 28, 1924. W. L. LUMPKINS, 8-29-6t Admr. c. t. a. FARMS FOB KENT. ? I have several farms for rent for 1925 to parties owning their ownteam. Will rent for cotton or on shares ? furnishing all fertilizer. See or write me at once. J. R. WILLIAMS, Louisburg, N. C. _ 8-29-tf RESIDENCE FOR SALE. ? One Good nice Cottage with good sized lot on Kenmore Avenue. Cash or easy trems.. See S. A. NEWELL, Louis burg, N. C. 7-11-tf TH2 FRANKLIN TIMES 91.60 Per Tear In Advance. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and pursuant to an order o< Court in that certain special proceed ings before the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin coullty entitled "Ab raham L. Cooke, et al., vs Abraham L. Cooke, Administrator of J. L. Grant Cooke, et al?" the undersigned Com missioner In pursuance of said Order will on Monday, the Blxth day of Oc tober, 1924, at 12:00 noon, at the Court house Door of Franklin County In the Town of Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale and Bell to the highest bidder for cash the following described lots or parcels of land, lying and being In the Town of Loulsburg, and moro particularly bounded and described as follows: . FIRST TRACT: Beginning In the center of Louisburg-Ralelgh road at an iron stake on the west side, Annla Green's corner; thence North 79 de grees West 10 poles to a cedar stake in Annie Green's line; thence North 11 degrees East 6 poles 4 unities to a cedar stake; thence South 79 decrees West 16 poles to the center of the road, a cedar stake in West side; thence along the road South 50 degrees West 8 poles 18 links, to the beginning, con taining one-half acre, Recorded In Book 179, Page 482, Register of Deeds office of Franklin County, and being the property conveyed by C. E. Tlm berlake, administrator of J. P. Tim berlake, to Grant Cooke, SECOND TRACT: Beginning at a rock or stake Northwest corner of lot of Lazarus Neal; thence North about 64 feet to a rock or stake on said Ri l eigh road, William L. Wllllaihs' corn er; thence East a straight line to Juli us Hayes' line; thence South along Julius Hayes' line about 64 feet to Lazarus Neals' line; thence along Laz rus Neal's line West to the beginning, containing a dwelling house, and be ing the land conveyed by D. F. Mc Kinne, S. P. Burt an dMrs. J. A., Turn er, Administrators of J. A. Turner, de ceased, to J. L. Grant Co"ke. This is a sale for partition under order of the Court and subject to con firmation of the court. This 30th day of August, 1924. J. M. BROUGHTON, 9-5-4t Commissioner. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. C. Journegan, de ceased, late of Franklin County, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigneed on or be fore the 22nd day of August, 1926 or this notice will be plead In bar of | their recovery. All porBons lndebeted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This August 21st, 1924. " ILLIE HARRIS, Admr. Ruffin, Atty. 8-22-6t Thos^wT Ruff tfht Quinine in Quinine I tut Does Dot Affect The Head Because of iu tonic and laxative effect, LAXA TIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets) can be taken by anyone without cm lifting nervousness or rinAlag In the head. L.W. GROVE S situturooo boxTToc. II ?llaalalM appetite and ?Ida dlgcatton. II aakti your ?ooddoyoaaor* good. Note how It relieves thai ? fully tceHa* alter hearty eatlna. BE A WINNER I $75.00 To Be Given Away Absolutely fREE DECEMBER 23rd, 1924, THE DAY. at 2 o'clock p. m. To the persons holding the Lucky Num. hers at the drawing will be given prizes as follows: , _ . ? t FIRST PRIZE $25.00 SECOND PRIZE $15.00 THIRD PRIZE $10.00 FOURTH PRIZE $10.00 FIFTH PRIZE $5.00 SIXTH PRIZE $5.00 SEVENTH PRIZE $5.00 Be one of the winners. Everybody will have a" equal chance. Get a Ticket From now until December 23rd 1924, at 2 o'clock p. m., I will give a coupon ticket to each customer bringing a bale of cotton to my gin, two miles south of Louisburg to be ginned or one ticket for each bale. On the 23rd of December 1924 at 2 o'clock p. m., all coupons that have been deposited ip a box provided will be stirred up and seven tickets will be drawn out, and will constitute the seven winners, the first re ceiving first prize and so pn. Bring your cotton to me to be ginned. My gin is one of the latest improved Mon ger system gins, and you will get the best turn out possible. In addition I will pay you the highest market prices for your cot ton, either in the seed or li?>t, or will buy your seed a the top price. And in addition you may win a prize. If you haul your own cotton I will furnish bagging and ties free, or I willhaul your cotton and charge you for bagging and ties. LET ME GIN YOUR COTTON J. P. TIMBERLAKE 2 Miles South of Louisburir. N. C.