THE FRANKLIN TIMES A. r. JOHNSON. Editor and ?aaager ?TAR DROPS? ? Mrs. C. K. Cooke returned the past week from a visit to relatives at Frankllnton. ? ? ? Get a load of tobacco ready for the opening sale next Tuesday and bring it on b 'Louisburg. ? m ? Mrs. Mary Bunn died at her home near Pine Ridge on last Saturday and was buried in the cemetery at tfie old John Weathersby place on Sund.y afternoon. ? m ? Rev. G. C. Williams, pastor of the Tar River circuit, has moved his family to Louisburg and is occupying rooms at the home of Mr. R. H. Strick land on eastt Nash street. ? ? ? Attention is called to the adver tisements in this issue of the Union Warehouse and the Cooperative Ware house announcing the opening sales for next Tuesday. a , LETTERS The following letters under date of Sept. 15jh has been received for pub lication. Dear B. Y. P. U. Folk: I have been thinking of you quite a bit since I left, and wishing I could be back with you. X am enjoying being a member of this B. Y. P. U., although, I miss the one at Wood. I am glad that you have reorganized and I hope you will soon be an A 1 Union. It means so mnch to me to have bee n a member of the Wood Union. I can now see many things that I could have done while I was there that I dldn'i) do. I regret that I didn't mean more to you than I did. If I ever have the opportunity of working with you again, I shall try to serve better. I hope you will like your new teach ers this winter. I konw you will have a great winter together In botjh church and school. We will soon have a new gymnasium in which we can take exercise. With love and best wishes I am, ELIZABETH FULLER. Dear friends: * * Although there are quite a few miles between us in reality, yet, in my imagination, I am often with ?ou. It is needless to tell you -that it made me happy to know rthat the W. | M. U.. of Wood Baptist church won the banner at Henderson, for you are all aware of the fuct that any for ward movement at Wood always brings joy to me. ?) Our revival is In progress here, now Brothef Hpneycutt. of Landrum, South Carolina is helping pastor Owen dur ing the meeting. For the past tew nights, afijer the preaching service, groups of boys have been going to the mountain side to pray for God's pres ence and power in our meeting. The girls too, have been gathering in some quiet spot in God's beautiful outdoors in the early morning hours for prayer meetings. One morning there were sixty present. A wonderful message was brought to us yesterday morning, t(he topic being home ties, There seemed to be hardly a person in the audience whose feelings were not deeply stirred, and many eyes were filled with tears, when their obligations mother, dad, other ldved ones, were pointed out to them, i f. t The christian atmosphere and in fluence of Mars Hill College Is won derful, and one should consider It a privilege to be a student here. "I will lift mine eyes unto the hillB from whence 'cometh help," seems Indeed applicable" to this school. The majority of the boys and girls here, worp their way through. I? is said that a boy started to school one year with nothing. He worked his way through apd came out at| the close of school with all expenses paid, and thirty-five cents clear. Isn't that a challenge to any boy or girl who wants an education. whether they have money or not? You know, "what has been done, can be done." My very best wishes for your sue AI^ONG THE VISITORS SOME YOU KNOW *M) SOME IOC DO SOT KNOW. Pergonal Items About Folks An i Their friends Who Travel Here And There. Mr. Sidney Edens visited Benson Saturday on business. ? ? Mr. C. C. Byrne visited friends in Lenoir county Sunday, ? ? Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas visited relatives in Virginia the past week. ? ? Miss Mary Spencer returned Friday fro m a visit to her people at Greens boro. ? ? Miss Effie Taylor left Wednesday for Greensboro, where she will enter N. C. C. W. ? ? ford, are^vlsiting relatives in Louis burg. ? ? Dr. A. H. Fleming and Mr. Ben T. Holden visited Martinsville, Va., the past week. ? ? Misa Emma Lawrence Joyner left Friday for Southport, where she will teach In the public schools. * ? Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Holden went to Richmond, V., Monday, where Mrs. Holden underwent an operation at a hospital. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Kelly and family of Petersburg, spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs. C. Hatfon the past week. ? ? Mr. J. H. Boone returned Monday Irom Chapel Hill, where he had been to take Mr. Frank Wheless, Jr.. and Mr. Earl Murphy who entered the Uni versity. ? ? Messrs ,W_ H. Rufftn, E. H. Ma lone. T. W. Watson, M. S. Davis, W. D. Egerton, W. D- Fuller, C. A. Rag land, M. Mc. Furgeroon, J. S. Maesen burg and A. F. Johnson, went DCCEME>TS MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN Eastern Carolina Chamber of Com merce. October 6 to 11. To stimulate interest In the forth coming section-wide membership cam paign of the Eastern Carolina Cham ber of Commerce Vhe week of October 6th the following prizes have been an nounced by Chairman Felix Harvey. Jr. The county that reports it quota raised first on She morning of October 6th, will be given a full page ad in the Manufactorers Record, free; to the first town of less than 1,00 popula tion that raises t$ie largest amount, per capita, population, will be given a full page ad in the Manufacturers Record, free; and to the town of more than 1,000 population, 1hat raises the largest amount per capita, will be given a full page ad in the Manufac turers Record. This, ip the opinion of the committee, will serve to put "pep" In the campaign. All the towns and counties are looking for advertising. ! and this will make it possible for these ipwns and counties to get some real good advertising free. Chairman Harvey and the steering committee are very much pleased with the responses that are coming from all over the district in the interest of this campaign. "We want the peo ple to think of it as their own cam ;'4i?U," said Chairman Harvey. The slogan, "Do it for Eastern Carolina" is the way to undertake this task' he continued. W. B. Harvey, Chairman of of the publicity end of the campaign is keeping the public Informed as to all iietalli incident to this campaign. There are about seveniy newspapers on the mailing list and they are be ing sopplied with the data. Jule K. Warrjn, prominent lawyer of Trenton and Cnalrmao of the Speaker's Bureau, is going to launch an active speaking campaign, beginning trtie week of Sep tember 18th that will rival the N'a |tional election promoters that are now ( holding forth over the country. Every thing points to a real successful cam laign. I A man without a country Is in a sad plight, but pity the man without a J conscience. SALE OF LAND ?Under the terms of that deed of trust executed by John Williamson and wife to Ben T. Holden, trustee, on the 15th day of February. 1922, duly re corded in book 234 at page 373, de fault haying been made in tiio pay ment of the indebtedness thereby se cured and demand mado upon mo by the holder thereof to~ foreclose, I will on MONDAY, 20TH DAY OF OCT., 1924 ?jt about the hour of noon at the court house door of Franklin County a?U at public auction to the highest bidder for cash the following described real estate: ' i h 1st Tract: That trtet ot land lying In Loulsburg Township, Franklin County. N. C., bounded on the North by John Williamson and GK W. Ford, on the East by the lands of Mrs. Wallace Neal, ofi the South by the lands of Billy Perry, and Ob the West by the lafcds ot A. W. Perry, Jr., and W. H. Allen, containing 184 1-4 acres more or less and being the lands con teyed to John Williamson. by W. S. 91edge. rommiwlon^r. 2nd Tract: 'Beginning at Elm. Mrs Overton's corher, Sledge line, thence N 8g W 44 poles 5 links to aa ashi thence N" 34 W 70 to a sutt' on Syca more creak. Sledge's corner) thence up said creek aa It meander* 142 polea to Wllder's corner; thencs S 88 W poles B S3 poles to an elm. ttr*. Or?r ton's corner: thence S 184 polea 10 link* to the beginning, (Xfttatnlng 08 acres more or lesa. ~ This the 18th day of SaptJaabaa. 1M4. r . ?-19-St BKN T. HOLDKN. Traataa. There Is little bo?4 Mr SJM4 tW . won't admit his own wlllltpi The bathing leaaon haa MH Mik ?d by mora ?hrlnklng bathlig jnMM and fewer shrinking teDta* jU New Giant U. S. Dirigible Makes Triumphant Test Flight in Germany ??* . <**>* f " WM# Th? dirigible ZR-a, (00* to twHh the prapoity af the United Stetea Nary, mad* lu third- trial flight, and the largaat crowd ITU aawmbUd to greet a dirigible welcomed the ihip'a return to Fradarichihafan, Germany, after eight Mara in the air. The ZR-8 paaeed over Shaffhauara, Baala, St. Gall, Lucarne and Zurich, tha moit intaraatlng paaaengara being the grand children of .the Ute Gaunt Zeppelin. SjT?Bt7 BW ?hov4. Y)*W ahowa thd Zeppelin plant, , ~ ' . *? ^ HOME DEMOXSTBATIOS DEPT. Contributed Weekly By Miss Daisy Caldwell, Affeut N O T I C E! Announcing the Opening of J\ The Tobacco Market AT LOUISBURG, N. C. ... ON ... TUESDAY, SEPT. 23 To Our Farmer Friends of Franklin and adjoining comities: THE UNION WAREHOUSE wishes to thank you for your patronage of the past season. And trust that we may again serve you with as good or better prices this season, as we have the same good set of boyers with us again. You will always find us working for your interest, and we * will assure you that when you sell your tobacco with the UNION WAREHOUSE, that you are getting the highest dollar possible for your tobacco. We are, Yours to serve, THE UNION WAREHOUSE D. T. CURRIN, Prop. Our Motto is "Sell 'em cheap and sell 'em a * heap." #L W. Parrish, Jeweler Louisburg, N. C- It AND we believe in them because we Jtnow it is our duty to give you every possible assurance, in advance, concern ing anything you may purchase in this store. Guarantees are of added impor tance where jewelry is concerned. This store is one of the city's INSTI TUTIONS. It's purpose is closely allied with sentiment, of gift-giving, of birth days and weddings, anniversaries and other occasions of sentimental value. You will be interested in our announce ment, therefore, that we have contracted to act as exclusive agents :for the very well known line of W. W. W. guaranteed goods, such as Pearl Necklace* In complimentary lew*! cases) Omnje Wreath Wedding Rings - Diamond Rings A Splendid Variety of Gem-Set Rings Diamond Mounting* In 1 8K white gold The manufacturer absolutely GUAR ANTEES them, and the news of tikis W. W. W. Guarantee is now known wher ever finer jewelry is sold. * The W. W. W. GuarWkte^d Line J S priced as moderately as those WITHOUT guarantees, and often you will find them priced LESS than you^wouJd pay for unknown lines./ ^ We Are Believers in Guaranteed Goods ? THREE REASONS Why Our Grocery is One of the Best in This Section Good Goods Efficient Service Reasonable Prices Get our prices on staple and fancy groceries and fresh fruits and vegetables and you will be con vinced that what we say is true. We tell nothing inferior and our service is prompt and satisfactory. Make our store your dally mar keting place. Our Hoe of C61d Drinks is always satisfying. You'll never regret it. JOHN W. HARRIS Under Union Warehouse III I" . ? .Ml ???