Fulghum Rust Proof Appier $l.o? Per Bushel / We have just received a solid car load. The Oats are good. The Price is low. McKINNE BROS. PAY CASH and PAY LESS Louisburg Tobacco Market Opens Tuesday, Sept. 23rd, 1924 Sell your tobacco on this mar ket and open an account with the Farmers National We cash checks on any%ank, and you will find Farmers Ha* tional service useful in many other ways. T. fi. rfrCKENS, President H. M. 8TOVALL, Cashier E. M. PARHAM, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS: T. H. Dickens, Ohas. N. Sherrod, H. M. ^ Btovall, J. B. Howell, O. M. Beam Short ipMchM n *?r fftf *Bybodr to ||M(. Tber?for?, tluN nq b? fUhefmen who tell bif tUh itorlea ?1 ?9- ..vi ?: i A b?tch?lor m?y hMtl Mgu fflNnt M?<" 'Who I* ffolpf to M fcto tMtck SMt drtrlngT ? 8AL.E OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of sale conthlned in that certain deed fit trust executed by C. A. Ixmg and wife to E. H. Malone, Trustee, dated February 26th, 1921, recorded In Bo6k 124, page 499. Registry of Franklin County, N. C., default having been made la the paymd&t of tfh? bonds thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been mad*, upon the under signed trustee by the holder of said bonds, I will on Monday the 2tth dgy of October, 1*24, at or abodt fie hSSr of noon at the Courthouse Door .la Louisburg. N. O.; offer for sale ftt pubMc auction to the highest bldfltr lor c?gk. Quit certain tract Or par?el of laid being the "first Tract" mi scribed la the above mentioned deed Of tnM* and described ,fcs follows. That tr^ct or parcel ' of land conveys ed to C. A- Lou> by dsed of O. B. H. Millings and wit*. Caleveatta Rta? iags/ dated Oct. '17th, lilt, and daty recorded in the Registry of FraftUB' County, N. C.. at Book 192. fcage 5M, said tract of land containing thl<% oae acres X?l), more or less and be ing fully described in aforesaid deed, reference to which is here made for further description thereof. Excepted from the above describe tract?, how b k, " ever, la so much ot that portion there of conveyed by deed of C. A. Long, et alrf to Greenleaf ? Johnson' Umber recorded In Book 211 at page 116. ?aid Registry, for ft Railroad Right of Way, ?-l?-6V E. H. MALONE, Trustee. MORTGAGE BALE IBy virtue of the power of sale con tained In that mortgage deed made by J. D. Ray and wife, to J. C. Pearce. dated Nor. 8, 1919, and recorded In Book 210, page 265, default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made upon Um undersigned, the undersigned ex ecutors of the said J. C. Pearce, de ioaaaed. mortgages, will on ' , MONDAY OCTOBER 20. 1924. E about the hour of noon at the court Ue door in Lou Is burg. N. C.j offer ?ale at public Auction to the high bidder for cash, the land* in (aid mprtgage deed conveyed and there de scribed as /oilowir A certalri piece ot Iract of land lylof and 'bMhg in Franklin County, State aforesaid, in Harris township, 'and described aodbouadedaefellows : to- wit T Bounded on the North by the Uads of Dr. J. 1L Parker, botinded on the West by the lands of Robert John eon. bounded on the But by the land* of E. L . Perry, and oh the South by the lande of J. D. Baker, containing sixty (60) acres. The land to be ruil by eastern and western line, the North era end of said Baker land being de scribed and conveyed herein. This September 19, 1924. J. J. PEARCE, J. R. L. PEARCE. Executors of J C. Pearce deceased, Mortgage. Wm. H. A Thos. W. Ruffln, Attys. 919 St NOTICE Haying qualified as Execntors of the estate of F. N. Egerton, deceased, late of Franklin county, notice U here by gives all persons holding claims against said estafi to present them on or before the 19th day of Septem ber 1925 or thla notice Hill be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This September l?th, 1914. F. N. BGERTON, JR. ' W. D. BOERTON MB ?. r. *. UMPERHIU, 9-191* tuT 31 . . r i ; Executors. Subscribe to The FTisklta Times TTATEB REPORT The following la a report on the con dition of the city water for Ixralsburg: Reported ? 9-16-24. Sediment^? Heavy. Color ? Blight. Turbidity ? Slight. Odor, Cold? Slight. Alkalinity? 30.00. Chlorides ? 8.0. Nitritea? 0. pH? f8. B. coli in 1 c. X!.? 0. ' . ?" B. eoll in 10 c. c. ? 0 B. coli in 50 c. c.? 0. Total bacterial count per o. c. at M C.? 25. Count on lacfoae litmus agar per c. WKUI. M. U B., Analytt We take thta i onr nelghborg kindnea* and ?: bereavement, m d?aw *11 at aa of Ood. MRS.' W. ft BOQMI W +Xni THE ' __ " ? ' Franklin County Pair SEPT. 30, OCT. 1 -2-3-4 LOUISBURG, N. C. ? The Best County Fair held in the State will be held in Louisburg, beginning Sept. 30, and continuing through Oct. 1-2-3 and 4. THE NARDER BROTHERS SHOWS WILL FURNISH THE ATTRACTIONS FOR THE MID WAY AND A FINE LOT OF CLEAN SHOWS AND NEW RIDES WILL FEATURE THIS PART OF THE FAIR. ' THE PREPARATION SO FAR IS GREATER THAN IN ANY PREVIOUS YEAR AND THE MANAGEMENT PROMISES THE BEST FAIR IN THE HISTORY OF THE .ASSOCIATION. THE PEOPLE ALL OVER THE C0T7NTY ARE PREPARING EXHIBITS AND THE LARGEST DISPLAY EVER SEEN IN THE COUNTY WILL BE AT THE FAIlCTftjNDREDS OF DOLLARS WILL BE PAID OUT FOR PREMIUMS AND EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD CAN GET SOME OF THE MONEY. GET A PREMIUM LIST AND MAKE SOMETHING TO BRING TO THE FAIR. THERE IS A PREMIUM FOR EVERYTHING RAISED ON THE FARM, AND IT ONLY TAKES A LITTLE TIME TO ARRANGE IT AND GET SOME OF THESE PRIZES. TAKE THAT MUCH INTEREST IN YOUR HOME COUNTY. LET YOUR NEIGHBORS SEE HOW WELL YOU DO THINGS. DON'T FORGET THE DATES, SEPTEMBER 30th, OCTOBER 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, AND COME EVERY DAY AND ENJOY A WHOLE WEEK OF REAL FUN. ON ACCOUNT OF THE SHOWS BEING LARGER THAN AT THE PREVIOUS FAIR THE SECRETARY WILL NEED A FEW MflRE YOUNG MEN TO WORK AS TICKET SELLERS AND TO MANAGE THE NUMER OUS SHOWS. THOSE RANTING THESE PLACES SHOULD REPORT TO A. H. FLEMING, SECRETARY OF THE FAIR AT ONCE. THE FAIR WILL BEGIN AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK, SEPTEMBER 30TH. ' WEDNESDAY WILL BE SCHOOL DAY AND A PARADE OF ALL THE SCHOOL CHILDREN IN THE COUNTY WILL BE THE FEATURE OF THE DAY. THE K. K. K. WILL ALSO BE A PART OF THIS PARADE, AND THE KIWANIS CLUB AND BUSINESS MEN'S ASSOCIATION WILL HAVE A BEAUTIFUL FLOAT IN THIS PARADE ALSO. THE FAIR WILL,QPEN AT ELEVEN O'CLOCK EACH DAY AND CONTINUE UNTIL TWELVE AT NIGHT. MAKE YOUR ARRANGEMENTS TO COME AND ENJOY IT. Admission 50c Children 25c Night 25c Season Ticket $2.50 A. h. FLEMING, Secretary