HATS H. R. H. Completely Captures New-York With His Hat. A most sensible style, full crown and plenty of brim. Real new shaded, bluestone, carbon, pearl, polo tan, sable. Prices range from $3.50 to $10.00 - Stetson Hats in new shapes and styles from $7.00 to $10.00 FALL SUITS Real tasty patterns in roomy styles for the young man ^ m fjf? and the man who still fells young, with two pairs of g J pants The McGhee=Joyner Co. FRANKLINTON'S BIGGEST & BEST STORE PHONE 47 PHONE 47 NEW CAFE We wish to announce to the people of Loulsburg and Franklin county that we have arranged and fully equip ped and newly furnished a modern cafe In a room next to our barber shop. Wp have secured the services of Ada Stegall, who Is one of the best cooks In town to have charge of the cook ing. Wo expect to Berve the best bill of fare that can be made up In Louls burg. You can order what you want and have It served right. We expect to make a specialty of a business mans lunch. The cafe will be run exclusively for white people and every courtesy end accommodation will ,be extended those who pay us a visit. 8-5- Bt STEGALL BROTHERS. Subscribe tn The Franklin Times WHO IS TO BLAKE? The tendency of boys and girls to lose their respect . (or parental au thority Is the occasion for some alarm regarding t|ie future. Many parents complain that as their children grow older, they cast qff their obedience to the rules of conduct they once followed. But all too oftfen the child Is not to be blamed. The parent who does not demand respect and obedience in the beginning will not receive It in the end. Humoring and scolding does not produce either. Instead, it| creates sel fishness, ingaratitude and ultimate indifference. People we dislike most are people we know least. When MUs Mattle Lee Cooley, home agent ofNorthamp|on County weigh ed and measured 2,098 children last year, she found that 1427 were under weighed and only 671 were o f proper weight or slightly above. She advised them to quit drinking coffee and to drink milk, and of the 1427 which were underweight. 985 made definilie gains. It was remarkable, reports Miss Cooley how the children took an In terest in their health when t/he matter waen, bat ths r u are other mountain* which faith ens remove which are quite aa high aad liaysasahla aa UtM mt?? ftj earthquake* of formed by erosion and which atop our progress a* completely There are qjountaina of dlacourage ?at, mountains of diSralty, naoon tatn* of temptation and sorrow which faith to ourselves, faitA to Rhw Ma, or faith la blgk? and tins ess things can make a* easy of traversing aa a paved highway. Oarvsr ka# brain*, an excellent pre llminajy training "H* * Mklthy body, bnt he 1* OofeM b??Ugioe and const dare thoee who find help and comfort In Us teachings weakly and rupentltleus. Bl* own character la guided largely by expedient rather than principle. Ha has nothing higher than hi* own selfish Interests to guide him or bold him In the path of rectitude. He Is, of oeorsa, discreet, for h* hss no de afro to come under the ban either of the law or of public opinion, but vTfcatsvor ean be done rah rosn Is In his mind legitimate. Be has Us npa and downs, ha hss bis periods of ela tion followed by the deepest depres sion. he to pretty largely what the people are with whom he associates. People do not betleve tn htm because he dees not believe la people, ney do not trust him ; they do net bring him their business. Bis character Is % weak character because It Is not founded upon any definite moral or religious principles. Be has ne faith In man; he has no belief In Qod. Iks "evidence of things not seen* makes no appeal to him. Be hss virtually failed. But te him who has faith In himsalf. in his fellow men and in the Creator of all thinn, the mountains are suite Intel/ ts disappear. (? kr Wsstsra Xivmtn t7au?.) Two hundred tons of lime have been ordered cooperatively by farmers of Anaon county to use with legumes ;|ils tall. Oh for the day when the neighbor with a horse would mow your lawn for the grass. FRANJUJIT IKS. * REALTY CO. L0AM8 AMD INSURANCE -Jltf NOTICE Haying qualified as administrator of the estate of Joe 91ms, late of Frank lln County, notice Is hereby given all persons holding claims against his estate to present them ta the under signed on or before the 5th day of September 1925 or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This September 4th. 1M4. \ ILEY SIMS. 9-S-6t Administrator. To Stop ? Coofh Quick take HAYES' HEALING BOOTY. a TRUSTEE'S BALM OF LOC I8BURO WAREHOUSE UOm By virtue of that (load of trust mad# by W. H. and i. U. A Ll?Il to Wm. H Huff In, Trustee, dated Nor. 1, 1*20. and recorded In Book >41. page default having been made la the I ?7 mint ol the debt thereby aeenred, and demand having been made on the said Trustee for foreclosure, by the holder of the debt thereby secured, the un dersigned will on MONDAY, FEBRUARY 18, 1924, at the noon recess of Court at the court house door In Louisburg. North Caro lina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that warehouse lot and easements known as the Farmers Co-operative Com pany's Warehouse situate In the town of Louisburg, North Carolina, and more particularly defined as follows: First. That certain lot or parcai of land situate on the east side of lAin street In the town of Loulsburg. boun ded and defined as follows: Begin ning at the corner of the J. F. J. Railway N 26 3-4 E the full length of a Warehouse formerly on said lot 171 feet more or less; thence a line parallel to Main street and the first named line 23 feet to the northeast corner of the founda tion wall of the said warehouse; thence a line parallel to the 3. A. L. Railway line along the foundation wall of said warehouse 171 feet more or less, to the point of beginning, upon which was formerly located s mewhat Jones Tobacco Warehouse building and upon which is now a portion of more than one-half In width of the said brick warehouse building, said easement being, however, limited to warehouse purposes only by the decis ion of the Supreme Court in the case of Ruffin vs. Railroad 151 North Car olina Report, 330, which settled the title to the above described lot and right of occupancy under said ease ment. The said lot and easement be ing the same conveyed by Farmers Co-operative Company to W. H. Allen and J. M. Alien. This Jan. 18, 1924. 1-18- 5t WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned from week to week unfil Monday, Sept. 15,. 1924, and is again continued by con. sent ofall parties to Monday, Sept. 29, 1924, at about the hour of Noon. . This September 15, 1924. 9-19-2t WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as Executors, with the will attached, of the estate of J. C. Pearce. deceased, late of Franklin county, notice is hereby given all per sons holding claims against said es tate to present them to tho undersign ed on or before the 22nd day of Au gust, 1925, or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This Aug. 21st, 1924. J. J. PEARCE, J. R.U PEARCE, 8-22-6t Executors, NOTICE ' Having qualifle das administrator of the eBtate of J. C. Winston, deceas ed, late of Franklin County, notice is hereby given all p?rsons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 5th day of September, 1925 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This Sep tember 4th, 1924. S. B. WINSTON, 9-S-6t Administrator. 10,000 Cow Hides and Calf Skins Wanted HKHKKT XAJUtKT P?K'FS . Kilt tor tho CowmH Tmnnlnc Co. W? wAU tu w kind at kid* or tar. fir rat*, LwHh fur BOtta, matt* ?Mk ?iac?a ?t riyoMlli jtIcm, D0N1 FORGET Our Tobacco Market ...OPENS... TUESDAY, SEPT. 23 AND DON'T FORGET that we have opened a new and up-to-date cloth ing and shoe store. Men's, Young Men's and Boys Sttits, Overcoats, Pants, Hats and Caps, in the lat est styles. i We have one of the best lines of Men's and Boys work shoes that can be found anywhere. We have a guaranteed all leather line of Children's shoes, can fit them any size. Satisfaction guar anteed. Oome to see us, you will find the quality and prices right. Plenty of Cold Ioe Water for' everybody. . y 1 " * * ? ' J ' ? ' ? ?~7 1 ! ? 1 J . ' ? Hear the Bridge mfi LOUISBUBG, H. C. MULE FOR SALE One mare mule, scale weight 1025 pounds. Eight years old. Guar anteed perfect. As pretty as a picture. Cheap for Cash W. Furney Edwards New Hope P. 0. Louisburg, R. 1