Have You Seen our new line of Fall and Winter dress goods and trimmings, t'lso the staple and novelty lines of laces, buttons, rib bons, handkerchiefs, collars and cuffs, scarfs, towels, table linens, stamped goods, etc. SWEATERS FOR ALL THE FAMILY GOME TO SEE US this invitation is especiall for "you. THE LADIES SHOP Louisburg, N. C. Mrs. R. R. Harris, Prop. Mrs. J. A. Turner, Mgr. INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSURANCE ACTUALLY DEALS WITH EYERY HONEST BUSINESS CNDER THE SUN Fire Insurance has come to T>e not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter must guard his household goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations ipuat protect their property Investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a community against financial loss from Is Its Insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OVER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK We can save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions. Give us a trial and be convinced. F. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBURG, N. 0. It Is Less Work To Do More Work A properly equippel Kitchen means that you can do more work with leas effort, so why not make the small investment necessary to pn into your kitchen one or more of these labor-saving articles. You will be surprised how many useful items you can get for very little money. Convenient terms of payment arranged if you desire. Our Undertaking Department is always np to the minute. W. E. White Furniture Co. ! !?t I f ?>' vf t X ... ' CroictSk &? odS*3 In tb< old d*yi was r?c*rd*6 M s thrtll, but now It'a mora MCttnif to ?Ujr *t bom# wad pro** thf ?tr?ft, t , i?? HIGH SCHOOL INSTRUC TION MANDATORY Board of Education Has -No Choice In Matter ? Ruling of State Board of Education Clears Up Gold-Sand Con roversy ? Board Not Requir ed To Provide Transporta tion The following letter recently Be:it out by the State Superintendent of Pub lie Instruction explains Itself. It also explains the action of the Franklin County Board of Education In establish lng the six months high school of Oold-Sand In Sandy Qreek and Gold Mine Townships. The {question has arisen by lome of the residents in the above territory, why this school was established after the p?oP,e bad voted it down. The Board of Educa tion emphatically denies that this was done and further states that It has never put any proposition on any Dis trict when the District had voted against the measure. On the23rd of June. 1923. the people In Sandy Creek and Gold Mine town ships voted on a fifty cent local tax i to be used as follows: To pay one-half, of a high school building and to run | the high school beyond the nlz months I term. A majority of the registered ' voters, voted against the fifty cent i tax and the tax was therefore not I levied. This did not, hpart of the public school system when authorised by legislative enactment. The Authorisation la Law Is there any direct authorisation and requirement In law to furnish high school instruction for the con stitutional term of six months to all that part of the school population qualified o receive It? Section M, Chapter 136. Public Laws of 1828, reads as follows: "It Is the datyof the county board of education to pro+lde an adequate school system for the t*n*flt of All the children o' the county, as direct ed by law. The Board of Education shall so district the county and locate the schools that elementary and high school instruction may be available forall the children in the county." This section restates the fundamental and constitutional right of every child of school age to an opportunity to go to school. The Klirhts of a Seventh (irade 4? m ? well mm plfliirt. SEW XEHBEK.H S Hi >1*0 Raleigh. Sept. 23. ? An average of ten new members for every day is the record made by the North Caro lina Cotton Growers' Cooperative As sociation. said T. W. ( hamblls3> Di rector of Information, last night. Con tracts are coining to the Ralejgh head Quarters by every nfcil and many of these are from farmers who are landlords. The Association has now over 35, 500 members and the spirit of loy alty shown by these men, according to their letters, is stronger than at any time during the life of theAs sociation. The cotton crop is consider ably later this season than it was last year but the deliveries of the new crop by the membership Indi cates that the receipts of the Asso ciation will be exceedingly satisfac tory. Warehouses are reporting steadi ly growing receipts and members of the Association are expressing their satisfaction .with the Associaton ad vances on the new "crop. No one has succeeded yet going clear through life hitting on high, No Worms in a neaitby Child All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, which indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there is more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood. Im prove the digestion, and act as a General Strength enlni Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and the Child wlli be in perfect health. Pleasant to take." 60c per bottle. Malaria . Leaves A v Heavy Mark Malaria, an fortunately, does not nd with th? breaking of Chills and redactaf o t Fever. Even after the patient is free mmi actual illness, the marks on his arm pUatOMt. Vitality is weak, appetite poor, weight fallen off, spirit* low. In each con ditions Wintersmitn's Chill Tonic, a reliable anti-malaria prescription is invaluable. Wintersraith's Chill Tonic builds op tad restores what the malarial ferer has taksn away. It enriches and purifies the blood, aids the appetite, tones up the system, hastens the return of health and strength. Taken as you feel Chills and Ferer coming on, Wintersraith's Chill Tonic give* prompt and certain relief; and a long siege of Mala ria can often be avoided. Its beneficial effects have been proved in thousands of cases, over 56 years of continued use. At your drug store. Popular sise, 60c, mam moth size, $1. Made only by the Winter r.mith Chemical Co., Inc. Louisville, Ky. Tom Tarheel says that the only way to improve the soil In a large field is to grow and turn undor le gumes. It's necessary to have a cash balance to be properly weighed in the social scale. CONFIDENCE -Xo transaction between buyer and seller is satisfactory ?unless a muual confidence exists. Confidence is the foundation of business. And confidence is the growth of years ? the child of the square deal and the father of success. It is because we recognize these facts that the FARM ERS AND MERCHANTS BANK has endeavored to treat each depositor as we would be treated ourselves. Balloon Tires Be sure you get the Genuine Balloon if you expect balloon ease of riding and comfort. Genuine Goodyear and Hood sold by Cranfonf Motor Company