1AUH BOVS TO 8PE >' 1) TWO DAYS AT STATE Fill Raleigh, Sept. 22.? Over six hun dred farm boys who are students In the agricultural high schools of the State will spend two days. October 16-17, at the State Fair to Judge live stock and farm crops. Coming from eighty schools and representing sixty counties, these boys were selected from over three thousand contestants In local high schools. This is the fourth annual judging contest for Vocational agricultural high schools and It will bring together the largest number of farm boys ever assembled In North Carolina for such an occasion, says Roy H. Thomas, State supervisor of agricuHural edu cations who has charge of the pro gram for the boys. A consolidated vocational agricul tural high school display, put on by the high schools of the State in which vocational agriculture, is taught, will be one of the features of the State Fair this year, Mr. Thomas announ ces. Probably the most interesting of all the exhibits in this display will be the one in which the farm shop work will be shown. Boys from the various schools will give demonstrations in this section. <' ? ffll Liberal prizes are offered for all contests. Over two hundred dollars in money will be given in the livestock contests and the same amount has been allotted In the crop judging. The boy who makes the best score In Judg ing livestock will be given a pure bred Jersey calf by the department of animal husbandry of State College. TKS boys will be guests of State College while at the fair. One of the features of the entertainment will be the banquet on Thursday evening, October 16. At this time the farm boys will be the guest of President E. C. Brooks. Mrs. Vanderbilt, president of the State Fair, will be one o* the speakers at the banquet. FULL LINE SCHOOL STATIONERY A few more 260 pat^e tablets at 5c. Rugs 25c to $7.50 A good Japanese Rug Ox!) ft. for $4.50 Don't forget your Gesco Suit $12.50, wears like leather. S NAv lot Sublime and Wizard Flour just received. Full line groceries, priced right. A. J. Jarman Cooper Gin Corner.'! An executive Is a man who can take a day off whenever he feels like It without stopping the plant. Have You a Bad Back? Then tke Advice of This Loulitmrf Resident Will Interest You. Does your back ache night and day; Binder work; destroy your restT Are you tortured with stabbing pains When you stoop, lift or bend? Then likely your kidneys are weak. Mors troubles may goon appear. Headaches, dizziness, nervousnefs; Or uric acid and its ills. Help your weakened kidneys with ? ftlmulant diuretic. Use Doan's Pills. Read this Louisburg testimony: W. B. Cook, prop, of general store, Court House Square, says: "My back hurt me and mornings a dull adhi settled across it, and I felt tired. My Kidneys acted too freely during the night and had sit up several times, to I lost my rest. I got Doan'* P(Ils At Plaasant's Drug Store, and they soon relieved me of the trouble." Price 60c, at all dealers. Dojrt simply ask for a kidney reiged?? jpt Doan s Pills ? the same that Mr. Cook had. Foster-Milburn Co., Mrri* Buffalo, N. Y. THE FRANKLIN TIMES 11.60 Per Y ear In Advance. FOR RENT? ONE 3 HORSE FARM, one mile from Justlco, one-half mile from new church. Also two 15-acre farms for sale ? one fourth cash bal ance In one, two and three years. Apply to J. N. WESTER. If LouisJjurg, N. C. 8-22-4t Black seeded cotton reduces yields and la always 4ominant over the fuzzy seed, states Dr. R. Y. Winters, plant breeder for the State College Experi ment Station. This is one additional reason why it is necessary to select seed to keep and build acre yields. A worn out field in Catawba county planted to vetch, soybeans, cowpeas and crimson clover for three years doubled its yield of cotton from 300 to 600 pounds of lint, reports County Agent J. W*. Hetrdricks.. The alibi squad is In training so as to b? able to explain the election re turns. Subscribe to The Franklin Times FOR SALE We have listed for saie several val uable farms, amoug which are (1) about 84 acres Cedar Rock T. S. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres Hayesvllle T. S. known as part of Whltaker lands. J For prices and terms, see FRANKLIN INS. & REALTY CO. (Orer First National Bank) To Core a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets! It stops the Couflh and Headache and works off the Cold. L. W GROVE'S signature oq each box. 30c. nniij u unumu ynuiun, ( iwiicu. I 11 Couflh and Headache and works off the ' W. GROVE'S signature oa each box. 30c. I Another tine thing about a vacation is that it ^quires work to save up for t#ie next one. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 283 A TONIC A Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how )X brings color to tke cheeks and how it improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by it3 Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. Work Your Dollars on a "Night Shift" too The dollars you put in the bank are hard working double duty dollars. They work a "day shift" #and a "night shift." Twenty four hours a day they are busy piling up inerest for you. How large a "force" of dol lars is working for you? Start your savings account here today. The First National Bank LOUISBURG, North Carolina Wm. H. RUFFIN, President, F. J. BEASLEY, Cashier Wm. B. BARROW, Assistant Cashier We Have It Can Get It Or It Isn't Made Anything in the line of drugs, stationery, tine candies, smokes, toilet accessories, etc. Prescriptions a speciality. Serv ice at the fountain at Jill times. SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. "CLINIC" The free "clinic" la one of the most beneficial of the Institu tion* get up In recent times. The word "clfiilc" I? derived from the Greek through the French "cllnlque" which means "reclin ing." The clinic patient, prop erly speaking, Is one who Is con fined to bed and who is treated In the presence of students of medical daase*. -If* fun fer a kid what gits spaakad fraquent to grow up til' have kids of bis 6wn t* spank. Accomplishing the big things de pends on the way little things are bandied, W. D. FULLER 0. B. KEARNEY The Season Is here And We Are Ready To Gin Cotton Our machinery is in first class condition. We have our same force employed. ~ ? T We want to handle your seasons business. 1 -- We buy cotton#and seed. We trade meal for seed at oil mill exchange and charge you nothing to haul both ways. We furnish you storage for both cotton and seed as long as you want to use it free. We receive cotton for members of the Northe Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative ^Association and cash your draft same as any bank. Those of you who have been gin ning with us know how we treat you one and all the same way. ? We have no pets, but do the best we can for each customer, with one hundred or one bales of cotton brought to our gin. \ 4 "? * I Ask any fo our pas seasons customers. vV '' " " We can also supply your wants for yourself and family at our store, where you will always find merchandise and prices as good and as cheap as can be sold. Your friends at all seasons of the year. y > S ~ , W. D. Fuller & Co. PHOtfE 1505 ' . ma^rT , r WOOD, N. 0. BUY QUICK Our carload of High Grade Peerless, self-rising Floor has just arrived di rect from the mills. We sold Wednes day 36 barrels. Only have 110 more barrels on our 800 barrel contract "* --t bought at low prices. Eat the best and save Doctor's bills. The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK. ' Louisbug, N. C. , . 7 .:^ ? \ . ti ::7. . 1*13 f, . M . l - -V. i-akiM