Mavcr^You Seen our new line of Fall and Winter dress goods and trimmings, ?-'.so the staple and novelty lines of laees, buttons, rib bons, handkerchiefs, collars and cuifs, scarfs, towels, table linens, stamped goods, etc. SWEATERS FOR ALL THE FAMILY COME TO SEE US this invitation is especiall for you. THE LADIES SHOP Louisburg, N. 0. Mrs. R. R. Harris, Prop. Mrs. J. A. Turner, Mgr. INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSURANCE ACTUALLY DEALS WITH EVERY HONEST BUSINESS CNDEK THE SUN Fire insurance has come to De not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter must guard his household goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their property Investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a community against financial loss from flrrt Is Its Insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OVEB THE FIBST NATIONAL BANK We can save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions. Give us a trial and be convinced. F. R. Pleasants ' DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 22*J. LOUISBURG, N. 0. VT It Is Less Work To Do More Work A properly equippel Kitchen means that you oan do more work with less effort, so Why not make the small investment necessary to pn into your kitchen one or more of these labor-saving articles. Yon will be surprised how many useful items you can get for very little mottsry. Convenient terms of payment arranged if yon desire. ' ** *' i y Our Undertaking Department is always up to the minute. , ? W. E. White Furniture Co. rvwwr* lii Mtff fMTtf Oh*** Ikxrd g>ota ?t. L. P. Hlcki WH . toHrti H IB* BUMkl Stop iWiNlfcD WhlM unst wtttcd tor ? tool term BMr h*r?. Addrou D. P. Bear. \S& HSS9i N. & ? i MHf roVl'HOLOUU'AL (OMUT10SS OF Stl'OXDAKV SCHOOL riflUS I IB)' Irene Uuptou First of all and tru'y the most im portant phase of secondary eilucatiou is the physical being of the child. All precautions should be made so that the pupils can grow splendid health ful lives. There are Innumerable rea sons for the above statement with which any clear thinking person will agree. No person can. will or should studq If he Is unwell. On the other hand, boys and glrla with sound bodies will bring to their task minds more alert, spirit more cheerful and with more energy. Particularly is It true in adolescence that many who have un healthy bodies, entertains morbid fears which better health can do so much to banish. The means we have at our hands help children retain health, are: Instruction In Hygiene, gymnastics, sanitary surroundings and athletics. There Is a training In volition and 'discipline In obedience to order. For the timid nature athletics and gym nas les afford excellent means of de veloping self control. Thus boys and girls are helped In athletics not only by making them healthy and vigorous but because df the self trust Inspired Into them. The aim also of our education from every aspect should be >> equip our pupils as fullya s possible with the habits, insights and Ideals that will enable them to make America more true to its best 'faditlons and hope. In the eighties, the Herbartlan con ception of education, with Its empha sis on proper psychological procedure and on character building as the aim of education, began to reshape our educational theory, PsycHology has become the specific science of the day. It gives us both outward and in ward views. Theoretically, educators believe that health is more Important t|han quantity of knowledge. Much Is being done to meet the needs of the pupil. Desks are being adjusted for the phy sical well being of Ihe child. That is one of the first essentials, tor health la definitely related to the vigorous use of the trunk and legs. Instruc. tlon should be given In exercises and games which will bring Into play these large fundamental muscles, and Bhould be pushed far eirought to stim ulate circulation, respiration, and pers plration. Methods o I study should be | devised which will allow more free dom and bodily movement even in academic work. The following list are health Items: A careful health exami nation which will Include (1) medi cal inspection (2) mental examination (3) physical examination. Other points which a teacher should stress are; a healthful envlroment at home, instruc tlon in health problems and a large amoun) of physical activity. If the above program Is adherred to. first one must discover how nature has endowed the Individual. As has been stated, medical inspec tions should be made at the school to discover Infectious diseases defects in the pupil and lmprovemen V of the sanitary conditions In the school room. The medical Ineaeetor siiould cooperate with the physical instruc tor in the correction of physical de fects. and with -(he regular teacher or trained psychologist In the diag nosis and treatment of mental defects. When the physical aspects of the pupil has been considered, the moral and men '^1 aspect of the child is next to be considered. Mental examination should seek to ascertain the mental health of the pupil and his nervous and mental con stitution. The health of an Individual depends In large measure upon a normal cen tral nervous system and upon his at titude of mind toward his work. The time of entering the junior high school (seventh grade) is the most critical time in adolescence. Much stress in psychology Is laid upon the necessity of correlating the program of the pu pil with his dominant Interest. It is probably unnecessary to give mental 1 examination to every pupil. It is how? [ ever necessary to give such an ex j amlnatlon to the subnormal and sup | ernormal pupil. For the other pupils an! examination of their grades In j their subjects correlated with their I grades In physical education and man ual training, will give a very fair In dex of their nervous and mental health and constitution. Carte should be taken to differen tiate between manual training and physical education. Manual training calls for the use of the small mua Cles of the eye and hand. In physical education the large muscles of the arms, leg* and trunk should be used vigorously. The types of exercise used should be those which develop the large muscles, which are related to the development of vigor, endurance and power. This exercise should b? supplemented by skill, grace and alertness. In every class room tka teacher should gtve tthe cor r eat amount of attention to good postural habits, while standing sitting and ex aretahv g. Thirty tiro states have adopted a physical education program and others are preparing to do so. This Is not a new wrinkle or tad, since physloal education 1* the survivor of many oenturles. Tha ancient Greeks divided tMir subjects of study Into music aad gymnasttc*. Bach yoqth was train ad In tha gymnasium. The heroes of Oteek literature Vara those who ra Oahrad tha olive crown as tha winner of *qma avent la the Olympic gamja. Physical education Is Ucassartlyaq tufltfral part of general education. The whole body of tha child goes to school. V+dS? urtt* to develop tha mind of tha Individual without thought of the body. Tha mod ern physical tduoay?* pro*r?R oftilft j after A?ver^m?al Cleanse*- month and teeth and aids digestion. Believes tbal ovar eaten feeling to4 acid month. Its I-a-s-t-l-n-ff flavor satisfies the craving |?r sweets. Wrloley's Is doahla value la the benefit aad pleasure If provide*. i* its Fmrity for games for all, for games which call into play the fundamental mus cle groups Involved In running. Jump, lng. throwing and climbing; all form a large part of the program. Short story plays, rhythmic action plays and running games for the very tiny tots; folk dancing, competitive athle tics. organized games and stimulating' drills, for the older, are the tools with which a teacher has to work. Physical education through games makes for the sociRl and moral developments of the child. The play ground knows no race* class or social distinction. Recogni tion. and acknowledgement of the rights of others must be observed in all team work. Cooperation and team work are synonymous. Where but on the play field does the child leaiu the elements of tru-! sportsmanship.' Ttc successful team 13 the one in wtich all members are working together in close cooperation. Physical education centers the attention on poSitivchealth habits. Physical education concerns itself directly with the growth and development of the child. The period of secondary education coincides very closely with the first half of that term of years between the ages of 12 to 14 years and ma turity which is known as the period of adolescence. It is a period of growth for the body and mind. And it is with children who are passing through this adolescence state that we have to deal primarily. During childhood the boy is -slightly larger than the girl who is the same age but during adolescence the girl seems to sur pass him for about two years, there girls grows slowly a few years and stops, while the boy grows to a great er size than the girl. During the pe riod of adolescence the rapid growth of the body and mind do not concide. The central nervous system matures unevenly and thus we have a corres ponding growth by parts in the men tal life. During adolescence tho bones grow rapidly, thus changing the features of the body, giving decided change in facial expression. The heart and lungs grow rapidly which lessens the chest capacity. There is a great change In the voice of adolescence so the teacher should be careful to ehcour age the practice of pleasant tones. The brain unlike most of the bodily organs, does not increase much In weight at adolescence. However there are alterations In psyclln life ? the new Instincts, feelings, Ideals, mo tives and the general ripening of in tellectual grasp that make up the psychological picture of adolescence, point unmistakably to corresponding brain activity. Many careful observers believe that there is a pejlod of a year or so Just puberty when children, especially girls, show a surprising and Irritat ing stupility. If this observation be correct, it would seem to be connect ed in some way with the physical al terations of the period, as If brain growth stagnated while the body was undergoing tronsformatlon for the function of mature years. It is not true altogether that the mind is stag nant during adolescence for at this time memory expands and reaches it maximum at 16 or 17 years. There Is not only one kind ot memory, but there is visual memory, auditory memory, memory of facee, memory tor poetry etc. The increase of the nervous system cause the adolescence to deal with greater concepts than the child. There Is a very close connection between the body and mind so when the body Is being made healthy, Just so the mind is being developed dur ing pdoleecence that the mind la reach ing oat desiring a story with an ex citing plot It la at this period that the youth has such great imagina tion, desires, tastes and preference*. The teacher ia in a position to an swer these longings. The question is, la the teacher going to fill the pupils mind with the essentlala and uplift ing things of lite? The mind has the brain for Ita physical basts and as the ?kind thinks, impreaalona are made by Indentations on the brain. The Impreaslons of youth are more last ing because the lines and curves are capable of being mad* dee pi that la *hy the beat training should be given. Also It Is a tine of habtt fenwUoo sad the teacher can be an Importaat factor In deteraslng tha future attest of tha adolesoeacs. Writ* quick tot your cow of the Lgricultural Bulletin on "Culling and uHnral ^dit^N AC^rt!I^^S ?ice, Raleigh asking for Department hi list In ot August 1*14 will get a wpr. . . . ? > u.?, ? kuhinatim; the detoiks When a railroad Is built font one city to another, engineers strive to make the Ihie .*? ?trolght a* possible When you start someplace, )ug want to avoid all the detours and travel the straightest rood to be found. Business provides a parallel ?a*e ? the line between the man ?h<> sells something and the man or woman who wants some thing. Advertising Is the short cut between the seller and you. Ad vertising makes It possible to tell you In a few minutes all you want to know when you get ready to make a purchase. A glance through this paper enables you to sift out the things that Interest you, and In a com paratively short time you know Just where and when to go for what you want. Figure out how many steps, how much needless walking and talking the advertisements save you and your neighbors. Then yon will realize the great econo my of advertising. Avoid the detours by reading the advertisements. They play a necessary part In your life. For 56 Twri the standard rem edy for Chills, Fever and Afue. Dwpi? and other fmrt haa btn Wintersmith's ChilLTonic. Taken at the first sign of thaaa trooblee. it ward a them off. Flna to take after aliDoat any illnaaa; rta tocno affect ia always good. At yoor draM store; popolar size, 00c; mamanta ?ue big value, f LOO. L WMitk CkmmUml Co.. be. . w Lnwiwilh. Kaatacky UJintersmiths L Chill Tonic J Money never makes a man. but it unmakes a lot of them. FOR SALE Building lot 75 feet front on Elm street, adjoining the home of Mrs. E. S. Foster, Apply to Miss Virginia Foster, Louisburg, N". C. 9-26-2t CONFIDENCE Xo transaction between buyer and seller is satisfactory unless a muual confidence exists. Confidence is the foundation of business. And confidence is the growth of years ? the child of the square deal and the father of success. It 'is- because we recognize these facts that the FARM ERS AND MERCHANTS BANK has endeavored to Ireat each depository we would be treated ourselves. Balloon Tires Be tore you get the Genuine Balloon if you expect balloon ease of Hding and comfort. Genuine Goodyev and Hood soldW