The Fashion in FALL JE WELR Y Mesh Bags are as popular as ever and will b? worn all the coming season. Vanity Cases a convenient and attractive piece of Jewelry that is always handy to have. Compact Cases That indispenslble little article that really completes Miladie's dress. Beads You find here only the better grades, and new designs In cut cubes and Venetian Necklaces. W. D. LEONARD, Proprietor Formerly Fred A. Riff Jewelry Co. "THE <;IFT SHOP OF LOriSBl'BS." When the punishment is meted out in the Leopold-Coeb trial, the judge ?would do well to include some of the expert witnesses for the big words they have been using. The season is approaching when all good citizens are willing to come to the aid of their country, pnovtding they can get a free ride to the polls. Pugilist McCoy, charged with mur der. is going to plead insanity in his trial at Los Angeles, and all he will have to do is prove he was married eight times. "Take care of the farm machinery now," says E R. Raney, farm engineer for the Extension division of the State College, "for although thieves may not break through and steal, the rust will sure get them, which is just as bad." 1 Perhaps it is because you don't no tice the silliness in a pretty girl as you do in homely ones. Oil Cook and Oil Heating Stores at L. P. Hicks. 9-26-2t Don't judge a profession by its quacks and misfits. Lots of folks looking for their share of Joy are mislead by decovs. O Cabbage Seed, Turnip Seed. Vetch and Lettuce seed at L. P. Hicks. 9-262 Folks who use preventatives seldom have occasion to call for a cure. Abruzzi Rye, Winter Rye and Seed Wheat at L. P. Hicks. 9-2J^2t No Worms in a neaitby ptllld . JLU children troubled with Worny liarr an im hr*l(iy color, which Indicates pogrT4ood. and as a rale, there Is or less stomach disturbance. GROVE'S TASTELESS chill TONIC tiren retBlarir tor two or three weeks wiU/enrich the blood. Im prove the digestion, and an as a General Strenfth enini Toole to the who^e system. Nature will than throw off or dispel thrworms, and the Child wtii be la perfect health. feasant to take. " 69c per bocti*. Put a Part of It i Away As you receive money as a reward for your ser vices, whether you get it daily, weekly or monthly, make it a habit to put part of it in a Savings Account. There will come a day in yjur life, sooner or later, when the possession of money will mean the difference between suc cess and failure. If you have saved, have the money when you need it, then you can tak? advantage of oppor tunity when it is open. foaMrat 9. It. StOVALt, CuhUr m ?ARHAM, Ant. Otthtor H.K NORTH CAROLINA STATE FAIR October lith to 17th, 1924 HOMK-COMIX. WEEK Annual Vacation Time An Educational Opportunity A Social Event A Reflection of Agricultural An Area* of Krlendlj Competl- Optimism tion An Annual Census of Pro'->u 1 ?>** ?' ? *