New Furnishings for the Home Tkli It tke season to mart back Indoors. You will ured new cvtalas and draperies, pillow tops, upholstery, table runnerg, bed spreads, dlnlnir room linens dresser corers, towels, blankets, etc. Large Line of stamped good* to be embroidered these long winter erenlng*. Cotton and silk embroidery threads. Wool to knit the popular sweater and scarfs. All This besides a large line of dress foods and trimmings can be bought remarkably cheap at 4 ' ' *" ' ii.,1 THE LADIES SHOP Louisburg, N. 0. MRS. R. R. HARRIS MRS. ISA ROl'SE MRS. J. A. TCR>EB MISS VIRGINIA FOSTER INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSURANCE ACTUALLY DEALS WITH EVERY HONEST BUSINESS CNDER THE SUN Fire insurance has come to t>e not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect his tamlly and provide shelter; the renter must guard his household goods. $u8lne*s concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their property Investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a community against financial loss from flri Is Its Insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OVER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK We can save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions. Give us a trial and be convinced. F. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222-J. . LOU1SBUBG, N. 0. It Is Less Work To Do More Work A properly equippel Kitchen means that yon can do more work with less effort, bo why not make the small investment necessary to pu into your kitchen one or more of these labor-saving articles. You will be surprised how many useful items you can get for very littljs money. Convenient terms of payment arranged if yon desire. Our Undertaking Department Is always up to the minute. W. E. White Furniture Co . ^ANtEC 1 Whlte tenant wanted (or a food (am near here. Addreia D. O. Egor. te* *K9i H. Q. r HH< The Rocky Mount Tobacco Markejt has sold one million more pounds of tobacco so far this year than it did for the same period last year. Our warehouses have been enlarged and we have one additional house in op eration. Our warehousemen have had considerable experience in selling tobacco and they know how to get you the highest possible price. Farmers from all sections within fifty miles of Rock y Mount are bringing their tobacco here for they know vhey will be fully repaid by the HIGHER PRICES received. Bring us your next load and you will always "~j sell your tobacco on the Rocky Mount market. The following banks and bankers of Rocky Mount urge you to sell your tobacco on this market for they know you will be satisfied. NATION At mUZ THOS H. BATTLE, President. - _ . J. L. SUITER, Cashier. PLANTERS NATIONAL BANK J. C. BRASWELL, President. MILLARD F. JONES, Cashier. FIRST NATIONAL BANK JOS. B. RAMSEY, President. FRANK F. FAGAN, Vice-Pres. & Cashier. ROCKY MOUNT SAVINGS & TRUST COMPANY j W. HINES, Vice-President. F. P. SPRUILL, Cashier & Trust Officer. FIRST BANKING TRUST COMPANY T. A. AVERA, Vice-President. W. M. SPEARS, Secretary. LOUISBUBG HIGH SCHOOL DEFT (Continued from page two) shining through U e trees showed him an Indian killing a man with a toma hawk. Paul watched In great horror, feeling sick and faint at the sight, It soon appeared plain that the women and children were being passed orer and only the men murdered but Paul waa easily the size of a man. Aa he aaw thla horrible death awaiting him ha determined to escape. Terror gave him strength and after a difficult struggle his hands were free, after another rigorous and pulling battle with the ropes tying his feet they wera liberated al-o, at that moment the Indian approached him and h* sank back on the ground, as th? In dian bended over him he sprang up and aelaed the murderer by the tlyoat, grabbing the tomahawk he struok him twice and then, still retaining hla Weapon, made for hla escape, hla ac tion was discovered by some Indians and swiftly pursued he ran on and on. Finally ha threw himself down be neath a tree far from the Indiana camp and panted for breath. Ha had evidently escaped from the Indians so he climbed the trea and slept there until dawn when he atart ad for Stoneaboro, being familiar with the region miles around Stoneaboro It waa an easy Job and he soon ar rived there and told his knxloua pa rents hla story. ?fr? SW ?iolT rtfai Stt? I would NOTICE North Carolina, In Superior Court Franklin County. Before the Clerk. Elnora W. Morris, Vs. Arthur Morris. The defendant above-named will take notice that an action entitled as above has b^en commenced in the Superior Court of Franklin County, North Carolina, by said plaintiff against the said defendants for a di vorce from the bonds of matrimony upon the grounds of desertion and having lived separate and apart from plaintiff for more than Ave years; and the said defendant will further take notice that he Is equlred to ap pear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Franklin County on the 1st day of November, 1924, and answer or dfimur ?, the complaint in said action on that day or within twenty days thereafter, or the plain tiff will apply to the court for the re lief demanded In the complaint. This the 2nd day of October, 1924. J. J. YOUNO, 0. S. C.. Franklin County. O. M. BHAM. Atty. for Plaintiff. 10-3-4t like to add that a party of men wanll out and rescued the victims of thef Indian's attack. Wise is he who knows when to put the brake* on Mi bravery Mid begin to hedf* . i. ' : V Balloon Tires Be sate you get the Genuine Balloon if you expect balloon ease of riding and comfort. Genuine Goodyear and Hood sold by y ' Cranford Motor