THE FRANKLIN TIMES i. K. JOHNSON, Editor and Manager ?TAR DROPS ? ? Cottoi^ sold for 23 1-2 cents a pound on the Louisburg market yes terday. * ? Franklin Superior Court for criminal cases will convene next Monday with Hbn. J. Loyd Horton, presiding. * ? ? Attend Court next week and call In and subscribe to the TIMES. ? ? ? It's a fine boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. D. G. Pearce. ? ? ? Hon. Tasker Polk, of Warrenton. will speak to the people of Franklin County in the Court House next Tues day. NEGRO STATE FAIR The management of the Xgro State | Fair announces that the forth coming Annual Exhibition October 21, 22, 23, 24 will be the greatest In Its history, no effort or expense Is being grudgely given in making the effort marked and memorable. Features fresh and i novel are being worked out that will be new and strange to the eyes of those who see them. Five thousand dollars will be given away in premiums this year, and the exhibits are expect ed to be the best and largest brought together ever before by the colored people. Running races will be added to the racing program for this yoar and horses ow-ned by colored men will be here from four states. Miller Bros. Exposition Show feature the midway with five different rides and about twenty different shows. Eats will be furnished by a host of our own peo ple. " . It's better to be lied about than to lie about somebody else. Subscribe to The Franklin Time* ? NOTICE! I have thiB week commenced my Kindergarten class and have room "for a few more pupils. LELi^t McClelland. Phone No. 61. 10-10-lt NOTICE SPECIAL TAX ELECTION Upon the petition of more than the required number of Free holders In the Wilder special school tax district, Cedar Rock Township, Franklin Coun ty, said petition being in the form and duly approved and endorsed by the county board of Education of Franklin County, It is Hereby ordered that an election be held within said district in accordance with the pro visions of article 17, chapter 125 the public laws of North* Carolina, session of 1923 at which election shall be as certained the will of the people witl} in the said district, whether there shall be levied in said district a spe cial tax of not more than fifty cents on every one hundred dollars valu ation of property to supplement the public school fund, apportioned for said district. The said election shall be held on Monday the 17th day of November 1924. The polling place shall be at Wllders school house in said district., A new registration shall be made and J. T. Wilder is hereby appointed registrar and Robert Lay ton land Ben Hayes arehereby ap. pointed poll holders. The boundaries of the said special school district as fixed by the county board of education of Franklin Coun ty are as follows: Beginning at the junction of the Justice special tax district No. 2, Cy press creek, with the Nash County line thence northward, along the Nash couqty line to the line of Cedar Rock academy, special tax district No. 2, Cedar Rock; thence along said Ced$r Rock academy line westwardly and southwardly to line of said Justice dls trtct; thence along line of Justice dis trict southwardly and eastwardly to the beginning, being the district known as Wilder District No. 1 Oedar Rock. * vflfim If a majority of the qualified voters shall vote in favor of said Special tax, the same when levied shall' be in lieu of all other special school taxes In said district. The registration books shall be open from the 18th day of October, 1924 to the 8th day of November 1924, and the registrar will have said books at the said polling places each Sat urday during said period from the 18th day of October 1924 to the 8th day of November 1924. By the order of the board of Coun ty Commissioners of Franklin County this 6th day of October 1924. ARTHUR STRICKLAND, Chairman. Attest: S. C. HOLDEN, Clerk 10-10-#t NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY Under and by virtue of the powers and authority contained In a certain Deed of Trust from A. L. Oarlyle to A. R. House, Trustee, which Deed of Trust is recorded In Book 281, at page 234-36, Registry of Franklin County, N. C? and default having been made In the payment of the note secured thereby, the undersigned Trustee, will offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, at the courthouse door, in Louis burg, Franklin County, N. 0., on Wed. neday, November 6, 1924, at It o'clock noon, the following decrlbed . *eal property : Adjoining lands of J. H. Massey, H. P. Jeans, J. B. Alford, A. R, Carlyle and others. Containing 3 1-4 acres, more or less. Deeded to A. L. Carlyle by his father, A. R. Carlyle, and be ing part of land deeded by J. B. Al ford to A. It. Carlyle. This the 2nd day at October, 1924, 10-l<Mt ___ A. B. HOUBB. Trnstee. NOTICE SPECIAL TAX ELECTION L'pou the petition of more than tbe required number of Freeholders la the Pearce Special tax school district, Dunns Township, Franklin County, said petition being in due form and duly approved and endorsed by the county board of educatlbn of Franklin County it is hereby ordered that an election be held within said district In accordance with the provisions of Article 17 chapter 13. the public laws of^ North Carolina, session of 1923 at which election shall be as certianed the will of the people within said district whether there shall be levied in aaid district a special tax of not more than fifty cents on every one hundred dollars valuation of pro perty to supplement the public school fund, apportioned for said district. The said election shall be held on Monday the 17th day of November, 1924. The polling place shall be at E. O. Pearces store In said district. A new registration shall be made and Henry Baker is hereby appointed re gistrar and J. R. L. Pearce and D. M. Pearce are hereby appointed poll holders. The boundaries of tbe said Special school district as fived by the County Board of Education of Frunklin Coun ty as follows: Beginning at W. K. Phillips mill pond where it cor#ers with the Riley school district; thence down said pond branch to corner with the Pilot school district line; thence In a north, erly direction ajong the Pilot school district line so as ?o include the lands of Jack Privett and John Medlin to the head of the mill branch at the old pond; thence down said mill branch as it meanders to Norris creek; thence up Norris creek in a westerly direction to Kearney Perry's corner; thence In a northerly direction along Kearney Perry's line at a point in the Tafboro road, corner far Little John Baker line; thence in a north northerly direction along the Little John Baker line to the corner of Har ris and Dunn Township, line; thence along Harris and Dunn Township lines in a westerly direction to the Halifax road; thence along the Hali fax road In a south westerly direction along the path of Perry Phillips place to a white oak nejuc Henry Rod gers; thence In a westerly direction along the line of Henry Rodgers to Moccasin creek; thence down Moc. casin creek to RAtlas Martin's line; thence in a southerly direction to Adison Pearce's line; thence in a south westerly direction along Adison Pear ces line to the head of the W. K. Phillips mill pond or the beginning; this being as the Pearces school dis trict in Dunns Township. If a majority of the qualified voters shall vote in favor of said special tax the same when levied shall be in lieu of all other special school taxes in said district. The registration books shall be open from the 18th day of October, 1924 to the 8th day of November, 1924 and the registrar will have said books at the said polling place each Saturday during said period from the 18th day of October J 924 to the 8th da y of November 1924. By order of the Board of CounXy Commissioners of Franklin Counfc this 6th day of October 1924. / ARTUR STRICKLAND, Chairman. Attest: S. C. HOLDEN, Clerk. NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL PROP ERTY Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in a certain Mortgage Deed, from A. R. Carlyle and wife, Lizzie Carlyle, to Zebulon Supply Company, which Mortgage Deed is recorded in Book 250 at page 306, Registry of Franklin County, N. C. to secure the payment of a certain note, and default having been made in the payment of the note secured thereby, the' undersigned mortgagee, will offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash at the courthouse door, In Louisburg, Franklin County, N. C., on Wednesday, Novomber 5, 1924, at 12 o'clock noon, the following de scribed real property: Bounded on North by J. H. Massey, on the East by the lands of C. H. Bunn's heirs, on the South by the lands of Henry Palm Jeans, on the West by A. L. Carlyle, containing 8 3.4 acres more or less. This being same parcel of land con veyed by J. B. Alford and wife, Bettie Aiforjl, to Arch Carlyle, less 3 3-4 acres cbnveyed to A. L. Carlyle. Said, J. B. Alford Deed registered In the office of the Reflster of Deeds for Franklin County, Book 227, at page 286. This the 2nd day of October, 1924. ZEBULON SUPPLY CO. 10.10-4t W. C. Campen, Manager. FOR BALE Extra fine Colliepupples, pure bred, | apply to Joe Mumford, R 2 Louisburg, N. O. 10-10-Jt HOW DOCTORS TREAT COLDS MID THE FID To break up a oold over night or to cut short aa attack ol grippe, influenza or (on throat, physician* and druggists are qow recommending Calotabs,- ike nausealea* Calomel tablet, that U purified from dan geroui and sickening effect*. Those who have tried It say that It acts like magic, by far more effective and certain than the old style calomel, heretofore recommended by ffcrnMaaa. One or two Calotab* at bed time with a swallow of water,? that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest Interference with eating, work or pleasure*. Neat morn ing your cold has vanished and ysta* sys tem feels refreshed and norlfied. Calotab* are sold only In original sealed packages, price ten cent* for the vest-pocket sue; thirty-five cents for the large family pack age. Recommended and guaranteed by Your money hack If you are not r ~ .ir ** . Forestall Dreaded Chills and Fever No one need suffer the seasonal recurrence of Chi] la and Fever, with ita terribly weak ening effect. Wintersmith'a Chill Tonic will till your Chills and take all the klalaria out of yoor system. If you are subject to Malaria the Beat plan la to take V? inter smith's Chill Tonic beforehand. It will often prevent development of the disease. It puts rich, red blooa into your veins, gtr m g you the strength necessary to ward off Malaria. Fifty six years of continued success have made this the standard tonic in thousands of homes throughout the malarial districts of the United States, Central and South America and elaewhere. The system easily assimilates Winter smith's Chill Tonic ajid there are no bad effects on the stomach or nerves. Yoo should have a bottle in your home. Popular size, GO cents; mammoth size, $1.00. All drug stores. Wintersmith Chemical Com pany, Inc. Louisville, Ky. - ? Adv.. NOTICE OF SALE OF LAND AND PERSONAL PROPERTY By virtue of the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by C. S. Merrltt, to Wm. H. Ruf fln, Trustee, dated Feb. 12, 1921, and recorded In Book 241, page 277, et seq: and pursuant to a decree of the Superior court of Franklin county made In that action entitled C. -S. Merrltt vs Wm. H. Ruffin, Trustee, et al., default having been made In the payment of the debt by said deed of trust secured $nd demand for fore closure having been made upon said Trustee by the holder of the debt thereby secured; and upon a trial of said action in the Superior court of FVanklin County the said Trustee having been authorized and directea to foreclose the same, the undersigned will on MONDAY NOVEMBER 10, 1924 at about the hour of noon at the court house door in Loulsburg, N. C. offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash the lands and personal property In said deed of trust described as fol lows: FIRST TRACT; Known as the "Old Merrltt Home Place" adjoining the Foster, land. Dement, Mrs. Pernejl, T. H. Inscoe, and Mrs. Strother, bound ed on the North by the Foster land, on the East by Francis Merrltt, and Mrs. Dink Pernell, on the South by William Pearce, and on the West by Home Tract, the dividing line between this first tract to be North and South so as to leave one hundred sixty acres herein conveyed, the excess over and above the 160 acres herein conveyed to constitute the Home Tract of said C. S. Merrltt, and the same is here by expressly excepted from this con veyance, and the same is to be 35 acres, the Home Place being that de vised to C. S. Merrltt by Morris Mer ritt. <NOTE) -The dividing line be tween the 160 acres to be sold and the 35 acres reserved will be run be- j fore the sale and the boundaries an nounced at the sale. t Second Tract. Known as the Pearce | Tract, bounded as follows: Beginning V a stake near a pine and cedar on oVd road, T. H. Inscoe's corner; th^pce A 1 1-2 W 117 poles 9 links to \ pines T. H. Inscoe's corner ; theiKe N 76 1.2 W 60 poles 10 links to au-ock, corner of No. 2 in Inscoe's line ;y thence N 1 1-2 E 100 poles 17 links \o a rock, on the old road, corn er forylo. 2 In Merritt's line; thence along tAe old road an Easterly direc tion to The beginning, containing 40 acres, more or less, known as the Per. son or Pearce place, conveyed to C( S. Merrltt by deed of E. M. Merrltt clWed February 18, 1909, recorded In Hook 170, page 10. Third Tract. The Bickett-Kelly Tract, situate In Sandy Creek Town ship, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, corner for lots Nos. 1 and 2 of the land fortnerly owned by T. W. Blckett in O, W. Ford's line; thence S 78 15 E 11.78 chains to a stake and pointers; thence S 60 45' E 20.90 chains to a stake and pointers, corner for said No 2 and lot sold to James Williams 1^ Ford's lino; thenoe S 19 40' W 6.10 chains to a big dead pine at edge of woods, James William's line; thence 8 10 40' E 34.10 chains to willow on Richland creek; thencc up rlchland creek with Its various courses 29.50 chains to a stake and pointers, corner for No. 1 In Cottrell'a line; thence N 9 15" W 59.12 chains to the point ot beginning. containng 1J4.9 acres being that tract conveyed to C. S. Merritt by T. W. Blckett and wife, by deed dated January 17, 1919, and recorded In the Registry ot Frank lin County in Book 227, page 79. PERSONAL PROPERTY Also the following described per sonal property: 1 Black Horse Mule six years old. name Tom; 1 Black .Mare mule eleven years old, name ljueen, 1 Black mare mule eight years Itild, name Mag; 1 two-horse Chat tanooga wagon and double harness; 1 one-horse Chattanooga wagon and harness, and all farming utensils and toola. This 10th day of October, 1924. 10-10.4t Wm. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. FOR RENT Twenty five acres of highly Im proved cotton and tobacco land, will rent for money or cotton ror the year of 1925, Joe Munford, R 2, Loutsburg, N. C. 10-10-2t Smart men make good use of their experience; tools never do. TAX BOOKS Now Open for Collection of 1924 TAXES 1 per cent Discount will be al lowed on all taxes paid dur ing October. They will be paid to W. N. Fuller, at the Sheriffs office as usual. | F. W. JUSTICE, Tax Collector. NOTHING LIKE TRADING AT KLINE'S You are always WELCOME and we are glad to serve you. Whether you buy a spool of cotton or a dress you receive our same courteous treatment. $8.30 value all Wool Dresses, Serges, Flannels, Etc., all sizes, newest styles, special $4.95 $16.50 value Ladies Dresses, newest models, dirct from New York, new shades, all sizes, special ? $9.95 $1.50 value Ladies Waists all sizes special 98c $4.00 value, H. u. Godman, special all leather bladx_and brown Oxfords, all sizes, special $2.95 7oc value !)-4 Bleached Sheeting, best grade, special , 53c $4.00 value Boy's Star Brand, stronger tlian the law "Work Shoes, all sizes special $2.95 Men's Dress Shoes, new lasts, extra fine shoes, special $3.45 25c value Heavy Outings, solid and fancy patterns, special 17 l-2c "25c value Pee Dee Hickory Shirting, new patterns, special 19c L* Kline & Company * a. ' i ' Louisburg's Biggest and Best Department Store "When Advertised or Seen Elsewhere It's Always Cheapest Here" LOUISBURQ, NORTH CAROLINA ANNOUNCEMENT ! MOVING PICTURE SHOW ...To... OPEN IN LOUISBURG < We wish to announce the opening of a Moving Picture Show SATURDAY, OCT. 1 1 , 1 924 In the Opera House This house has been newly wired, painted and many other new changes made to make it ABSOLUTELY FIRE PROOF The balcony has been well elevated with new en trance and outlets, and equipped with opera chairs to accommodate the colored people. SHOW EVERY MONDAY, TUESDAY, FRIDAY SATURDAY NIGHTS, 7:30 to 10.30 O'clock Matinee Every Saturday at 2 o'clock P. M. $5.00 in Gold will be given free Oct. 13th, for the first test name for the Theatre. Second best will receive 10 free tickets to the Theatre. Mail your In to the Manager, or can bring it in Mondfty night and hand it to the Manager or some of the Judges. COME OUT AND SEE A GOOD SHOW R. R. KISSELL, M&n&gor ?t vr * * " r- 4?- ? ' ? T 7#,* JifJ w>jd|nH , ittm ADMISSION: 10 and 25 Cents

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