GETTING OUT OF SNARLS Br THOMAS ARKLE CLARK of Man, Uainnltv mf IUIboU. r -? uuniaiaA, a little twelve-year ^ old neighbor of mine this summer, bad bad her hair washed, and now a> I (at outside on the porch of our cot tage trying to compose a letter, she was inside with Nancy getting the snarls out. This was a result wrought with no little expenditure of time and pain, for the child's hair waa long and heavy and furnished Infinite possibil ities for tangles. I gathered from the conversation as It came to me rather disconnectedly through the open window that Cor nelia had an engagement that required her Immediate attention. She was going horseback riding, or was driving Into the vlllaje for a sandwich, or had aomethlng much more pleasant Is mind than getting th$ sna^s out o{ bar Hair. She was of the opinion that If the surface were brushed lightly ul timately the deeper seated tangles would work themselves straight She objected to sticking until the work wjyi dope. But Nancy wag firm. It's got to be flone now," she Insisted. "If you don't get 'em out at the start, they get worse and worse, and they hurt mors by and by." And soCornella sub Bitted and cams ouftBTJtue time, her blond hair all wavy and shining. There sre a good many peopls wtio hate to get all the snarls out st the beginning. There was HIggtns, for ex ample, drifted along at the first of the semester slighting his conjugations and his declensions and paying Uttla attention to his Idioms and his Irreg ular verbs until finally bs found him self In such a mental tingle that the snarls wouldn't come out, ant he lg nomlnlously flunked the course. . It was the same way with Simons. He was a fine athlete with every pros pect of making the team, but be didn't quite understand the beginning of bis analytics. Be trusted to chance to work out his dlficultJes, aad the re sult was that when fall came be was Ineligible and his sbsence probably lost us the conference championship. The time to do a piece of work Is Is when It Is assigned. The time to solve a difficulty la wben It arises. Well begun Is often very much more than half done, and this Is especially true of the beginner In business. If there are any snarls In your work get them combed out Immediately. Other wise the result Is failure. (G, 1114. Wutern Newipip?r UnlOB.) No Worm* in a ncaithy CbUd All children troubled with Worms have an un healthy color, .which Indicates poor blood, and as a rule, there Is' more or less stomach disturbance. GROVE S TASTELESS chill TONIC given regularly for two or three weeks will enrich the blood, im prove the digestion, and act as a Genera] Strength ening Tonic to the whole system. Nature will then throw ofT or dispel the worms, and theChlld will b? In perfect health. Pleasant to take.- 60c per bottle. FULL LINE SCHOOL STATIONERY A few more 2GU page tablets at 5c. Ruga 25c to $7.50 A good Japanese Rug OxD ft. for $4.50 Don't forget your Gesco Suit $12.50, wears like leather. New lot Sublime and Wizard Flour just received. Full line groceries, priced right. A. J. Jarman Cooper Gin Corner/! Good luck baa a nasty habit of fol lowing people who have already had more than their share. Another Louisburg Case! Time-tested bjr ? Louisburg Resident. Just another report of sickness and suffering relieved by Doan's Pil^s. Another Louisburg case that tella ot lasting benefit. What can be mors convincing? Thousands recommend Doan's for backache, rhaumttic pains, headaches, dizziness and distressing urinary disorders. Doan s a tp a stim ulant diuretic to the kidneys. Ihey have helped thousands ana should help you. A Louisburg case: Mrs. F. L. Herman, Church St.. says: "My kidneys bothered me m lot. I heard a great deal about Do(H% Pills, so I got some at the Aycock Drug Co.. and they cured me of all the trouble." OVER THREE YEARS LATER, Mrs. Herman said: "Sinoa Doan's cured me I haven't been botlyered wito [ By kidneys." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't aimply ask f r a kid^jy remedy ? t Doan a Pills ? the same tlifft Mrs. Herman had. Foster-Milburn Co, fifrt., Buffalo, N. Y. i THE FRANKLIN TIMES II . 60 Per Year La Advance. FOR RENT? ONE 3 HORSE -FARM, one mile from Justico, pne-half mile from new church. Also two 15-acre farms for sale ? one fourth caBh bal ^race in one, two and three years. Apply to J. N. WESTER. R Louisburg, N. C. 8-22-4t We Have It Can Get It Or It isn't Made Anything in the line of drugs, stationery, tine candies, smokes, toilet accessories, etc. Prescriptions a speciality. Serv ice at the fountain at all times. SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. W. D. FULLER The Season Is And We Are Ready To Gin Our machinery is in first class condition. We have our same force employed. We want to handle your seasons business. We buy cotton and seed. We trade meal for seed at oil mill exchange and charge you nothing to haul both ways. We furnish you storage for both cotton and seed as long as you want to use it free. We receive cotton for members of the Northe Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Association and cash your draft same as any bank. Those of you who have been gin ning with us know how we treat you one and all the same way. We have no pets, but do the best we can for each customer, with one hundred or one bales of cotton brought to our gin. ! Ask any fo our pas seasons customers. , . ; We can also supply your wantB for yourself and family at our store, where you will always And merchandise and prices as good and as cheap as can be sold. Your friends at all seasons of the year. W. D. Fuller & Co. PHONE 1505 ^ y"" WOOD, N. 0. C. B. KEARNEY Here Cotton Laying Away for the Future What better pr?of do we need that a Savings Account is a really vital part of our existence than to watch the squirrel lay away, in the way nature lias taught him, the surplus of his efforts, to be used when lie can not longer gather food. 1 here conies a time into every life when the need of a teserve is felt. Start saving today, then when yon reed th" money you will have it. The First National Bank LOUISBURG, . North Carolina Win. H. RUFFIN, President, F. J. BEASLEY, Ca"kier Wm. B. BARROW, Assistant Cashier TO THE PUBLIC I take thH method of stating that I have soi'l my entire Interest In the mercantile business located on South Main 3tro-'t. Ic'iisbuig, known as Holmes ? Ashley to Messrs. R. S. Cash AU'l It. AT, A'.l '?y who hare as sumed al! liartlltles of Holmes & Ash ley an 1 tc'.II ciiii'uc' tte business 'it the samo place I appreciate the business you have given us in the past and I will ap preciate It if you will patronize the new firm. You will find me with them until October first. R. E. CASH, R. W. Ashley, 9-19-5t C. H. Holmes Subscribe to The Franklin Time* FOR SALE We have listed for sate several val uable (arms, among which are (1) about 84 acres Cedar Rock T. 9. known as Cooke land, on State highway; (2) about 135 acres Hayesville T. S. known as part of Whltaker lands. For prices and terms, see FRANKLIN INS. & REALTY CO. (Over First National Bank) To Cure a Cold in One Day Take LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets.) It The folks who are long on promises and short on cash contributions never help a cause very much. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 283 A TONIC ^ Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic restores Energy and Vitality by Purifying and Enriching the Blood. When you feel its strengthening, invigorating effect, see how it brings., folor to the cheeks and how it , improves the appetite, you will then appreciate its true tonic value. Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic is simply Iron and Quinine suspended in syrup. So pleasant even children like it. The blood needs QUININE to Purify it and IRON to Enrich it. Destroys Malarial germs and Grip germs by its Strengthening, Invigor ating Effect. 60c. Two Big Sales Starting Saturday Your Chance to Make a Big Saving Five carloads of Flour will be put in this sale, bought before the big advance in wheat. Will be sold for from $1 to $1.50 per barrel under new prices. Every barrel guaranteed to be satisfactory. The first car for this sale left the mill on September 29. Everey pair of Shoes in the store will be put on this sale. All shoes are absolutely new and the best lines we could buy. . utat- * '? ?-? Owning to the lateness of the fall we are compelled to put on this sale in order to move the stocks we have on hand in time for the opening of our Toyland lines. Will be glad to quote carload price to any merchant. The Hudson Store Co. NEXT DOOR ABOVE FARMERS & MERCHANTS BANK Louisbug, N. C ? t *. .- *: q .UJi 't tVJ U*ar- a r! B*k"r

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