SA1.E OK VALUABLE FARM LANDS by virtue of the power of ?ulo con tained la that c retain deed of trust made by J. J. Barrow, and wife to 8. A. Newell, Trustee, dated January 17, 19*3, and recorded In Book 234, at page 472, and by virtue also of an order ot the Superior Court of Frank lin County made In the Matter of J. J. Barrow, Receiver, default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby (secured and order for fore closure having been made by said Superior Court as aforesaid, upon said TrustBo the undersigned will on MONDAY* NOVEMBER 3, 1924, ut or about the hour of noon at the Court House Door In Loulsburg, N. C? offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder these tracts or par cels of land situate In Cedar Rock Township, part of the Dr. Bobbltt lands, lu said deed of trust conveyed und iher^-ilescrlbed ar- follows: Beginning at a corner, Lots ? and 3, on the lvey road, thence along said road northerly 1200 feet, more or less to a corner, lot No. 6, near a church, Hobbltt and Stone's -corner; thence N 85 W 350 feet to a stake; thence N 80 W 382 feet to a stake; thence N 89 \V 2330 feet across the creek to a slake; a corner; thence S 36 E 645 feet to a stake on the creek; thence alonb said creek Southwardly 2870 feet, more or less, to stake on the creek, Stone's corner; thence 8 88 1-2 K 1060 feet to a stake, corner In Stone's line; thence N 1-2 fe 379 feet to n stake, corner in Stone's line; ihenceN 30 E 1270 feet to a corner In Nos. 2 and 3; thence S 80 E 2800 feet, more or loss to the beginning, con taining 122. acres, more or less, It being 4 lots. Numbers 3, 4, 5, and 6, according to plot and map of E. H. Bobbin land recorded In Book of Maps l_ page 92, Registry of Frank lin County, which is referred to for full description Sale, however, will be made of two tracts ijj separatte parcels described according to the plot and survey of the 15. H. Bobbitt land, recorded in Book of Maps 1 page 92 as follows: Lots 3 and 4. under common boun daries as one tract, described as fol lows: Beginning at a stake, |>n 'be Hen derson and Cedar Rock or Ivy or Ivory road, corner for Lot No. 6; thence N 89 W 2800 feet to a stake; thence C 30 W 2200 feet to a stake on creek or branch; thence down said branch sonthwestwardly 430 feet to a utake; thence S 88 1-2 ? 1060 (vet to u alake; thence N 1 1-2 E 37V feet to u stake; theooe N 30 E 1270 feet to t4 slake; thence B 89 E 2800 left to a stake on said road, corner (or W. C. Stone; theace along said road N 12 W 600 feet to the point of beginning, containing 60 acres, more or lesa. and being Lots Nog. 3 and 4 in th$ plot or map of the E, H. Bob. , bltf farm as surveyed by A. Corey, C. 12., and recorded in the lteglstry of Franklin in Book of Maps 1 page 92, reference lo Vhlch Is hereby had, be ing the same trac t of land convey d to J, J. Uarrow by Wm. H, Huffln, Trustee, by deed dated August 4, 1922, recorded In Deed Book 233, at page 301. This sale will be subject to a first lien deed of trust made to the Raleigh Bank & Trust Co., to secure the First Carollnas Joint Stock Land Bank of Columbia, S. C., $1400, on the amorti zation plan, recorded In Book 244, page 629, Franklin Registry, and terms of sale are as follows: Cash, or at the option of the purchaser, one fourth cash on the confirmation of sale, and the balance January 1, 1925, with interest. Lots Nos. 6 and 6 according to map 'and survey described under common boundaries as one tract as follows: Beginning at a rock on the Hender son and Cedar Rock or Ivory road, corner of the church lot; thence N 85 W 360 feet to a stake; thence N 88 W 382 feet to a stake and post oak; thence N 89 W 2330 feet crossing the creek to a stake; thence S 36 E 645 feet to a stake on the creek or branch; thence down said creek or branch Bouthwestwardly about 2440 feet to a stake on the creek; thence N 30 E 2200 feet to a stake; thence 8 89 E 2800 feet to a stake on said road; thence along said road about N 12 W 700 feet to a rock, the point of be" glnnlng, containing sixty two, (62) acres, more or less, and being lots Nos.. 5 and 6, according to plot and map of the E. H, Bobbltt Farm made by A Corey, C. E., In the Registry of Franklin County, in Book of Maps 1, page 92, reference to which Is here by had, being the same tract of land conveyed to J. J. Barrow, by Wm. H, Ruffln, Trustee, by deed dated August 4, 1922, and recorded In deed book 233, page 301. This sale will be subject to a first lien deed of trust made to the Raleigh Bank and Trust Co.., Trustee, dated October 4, 1922, and recorded in Book THREE REASONS Why Our Grocery is One of the Best in This Section Good Goods Efficient Service Reasonable Prices i Get our prices on staple and fancy groceries and fresh fruits and vegetables and you will be con vinced that what we say is true. We sell nothing inferior and our service is prompt and satisfactory. Make our store your daily mar keting place. Our line of Cold Drinks is always satisfying. You'll never regret it. JOHN W. HARRIS Under Union Warehouse Our Motto is "Sell 'em cheap and sell 'em a heap." i * 'L. W. Parrish, Jeweler Loubburg, N. C Sxclusive Jfeadquariers Wa Are Believers in Guaranteed Goodt? AND ?? believe in them because w? xVkaaw It b oar doty to glra joa tij possible aaaurance, In advance, concern ing ahything jrou may purchase in thia -Man. Cuaranreea are of added lmpor taac* where jewelry U concerned. ? Thla MOT* I* one i( the city's IKSTT TUnONS. It's purpose ia doerly allied with mlisaiat, of fiic-flviaf, of birth days and wadding*, tnamnuia and other occasion* of aantiaaaatal valoe. You will be incareated in oar announca ment. Moo, that wa hare contrmctad to act aa adusta agent* Ifoc the tarj wan known line of W. W. W, r+sfsascsd goods, each a* 244, pact) 527, to iccure 11400 on the amortization plan; Terms of ?a'e aro each, or at the option of the purchaser one .fourth cash upon the confirma tion of sale, and the balance January 1, 1925, with Interest. This September 26, 1924 9-26-6t 8. A. NEWELL, Trusts*. Red .Spiders did much damage to cotton in North Carolina this year. "They winter on violets, polk weed, and Jerusalem oak and late* spread to the cotton. Destroy the host 'plants and they will be little trouble from these insects next year." Biting off more than yoa can chew Is not halt so bad as continuing to eat when you can't swallow. Colds Cause Qrip and lanmnn//' LAXATIVE BKOMO QUININE T.bltu reman tks cum. There k coir cot "Brama Quinine" E. W. GROVE'S ?fcoatin* an be*. Mb. ARE YOU INSURED! What Wonld Be Toar Condition If Your Property Were To BURN Have you ever considered what It would mean to start all over again? That is what a loss by fire with out Insurance means. But with Insurance, you are protected by the resources of the strong com panies we represent and a tire means nothing more than an In convenience. Let us explain the kind ot Insur ance service we give. We write nil kinds, Llfs, Fire, Health and Accident, Bonds. Don't wait un til it Is too late. Several good farms for sale. THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Bennett Perry Manager. TUCKER'S HOTEL and CAFE Main Street LOUISBURG, N. C. .? ?' * u The best of meals the mar ket affords and prepared in the beat of faahlon. Plenty ot rooms for the accommodation ot all who wish to spend the night, all wall furnished. k J. C. TUCKER (Proprietor GARDUI Til flan's TNb SALE OF FARM LANDS By virtue of the power of sals con tained in that certain deed of trust Biade by 11, Lt, Aiford to J. L. Palmer, Trustee, dated April 13. 1921, and re corded in Franklin Registry, In Book 134. page 251, and by virtue of an or der of the Superior Court at Franklin County in the matter of J. J. Barrow, receiver, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby se cured and demand for foreclosure having been made on the undersg^ed by the holder of the debt thereby se cured, the undersgned will on MONDAY NOVEMBER 3, 1924. at about the hour of noon &l the Court House Door in Louisburg, N. C., offer for sale to the hghest blddar, at public auction, the lands conveyed and de scribed in said deed of trust as fol lows: Situate In Dunns Township, Franklin County, N. C., and more par ticularly defined as follows: Connecting In Hagwood and Glov er's corner; thence N 3 E 114 poles to two pinea. Glovers corner In the Bell line; thence S 86 1-2 E 23 4-5 poles to a pine root; thence N 2 1-2 W 59 poles to B. M. Alford's corner; thence S 88 1-2 W 28 poles to a stake, thence S 3 W 1T4 poles to a strke In Hag wood's line, thence N 81 W 49 poles to the beginning, containing 43 3-4 acres, more or less. It being the land conveyed to Aiford by Wm. H. Ruffln, Commissioner, in 1920, by deed record ed in the Registry of Franklin Coun ty and the land pnrhased of J. J, Bar row by said B. B. Aiford. TERMS OF SALE; Cash, or, at the option of the purchaser, one fourth cash, on confirmation of sale and the balance payable January 1. 1925, with interest. This September 25, 1924 9-26-5t J. L. PALMER, Trustee. When it comes to a kick, there is no brew like home. NOTICE Having qualified as Executors of the estate of F. N. Egerton, deceased, late of Franklin county, notice Is here by given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them on or before the 19th day at Septem ber 1925 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons -indebted to said estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This September 18th, 1924. F. N. EGERTON, JR. W. D. BGERTON MRS. F. E. UNDERHILL 9-1916t Executors. Habltuai Coanipatlon Cured t '/ In 14 to 2 1 Day* ? ' "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" Is a specially prepared Syrup Tonic-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It relieve* promptly but should be taken regularly for 14 to 21 days to induce regular action. It Stimulate* and Regulate*. . Very Pleasant to Take.* 60c per bottle. SALE OF REAL ESTATE Under and by virtue of the power of little combined In that certain deed of trust executed by C. A. Long and wife to E. H. Malone, Trustee, dated February 26th, 1921, recorded in Book 224. page 499. Registry of Franklin County, N. C.. default having been made in the payment of Jh? bonds thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made upon the under signed trustee by the holder of said bonds. I will on Monday the 20th day of October. 1924, at or about qbe hour of noon at the Courthouse Door In Louisburg. Nr? 6?, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, ifeat certain tract or parcel of land being the "First Tract" de scribed in the above mentioned deed of trust and described as follows. That tract or parcel of land convey ed to C. A. Long by deed of G. B. H. Sellings and wife, Caleventia Stall lngs, dated Oct. 27th, 1913, and duly recorded in the Registry of Franklin County, N. C.. at Book 192, page 538, said tract of land containing thlrHy one acres (31), more or less and be ing fully described In aforesaid deed, reference to which is here made for further description, thereof. Excepted from the above describe trace, how ever, is so much of that portion there of conveyed by deed of C. A. Long, et als to Oreenleaf ? Johnson' Lumber recorded In Book 211 at page 116. said Registry, for a Railroad Right of Way. 9-19-51/ E. H. MALONE, Trustee. Tbe Quinine that Does not Aftact The Head Became of its tonic snd laxative effect. LAXA TIVE BXOMO QUININE (Tablet!) can be taken NOTICE Having qualified as administrator c. t. a. of the estate of C P. Thome, deceased late of Franklin county, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of September, 1925, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. AH persons In debted to said estate -will please come forward and make immediate settlement. This Sept. 24th, 1924. 9-26-6t J. B. PRITCHARD, Admr. FARMS FOR KENT.? I have several farms for rent for 1925 to parties owning their ownteam. Will rent for cotton or on shares? furnishing all fertilizer. See or write me at once. J. R. WILLIAMS, Louisburg, N. C. 8-29-tf RESIDENCE FOR SALE. ? One Good nice Cottage with good sized lot on Kenmore Avenue. Cash or easy trems.. See S. A. NEWELL, Louis burg, N. C. 7-11-tf THU FRANKLIN TIMES IL60 Par Year In Ad vane*. NOTICE ? Having qualified an executor of the estate of Henry May, deceased. Late of Lynchburg. Vs., notice Is hereby given all persona holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 26th day of September, 1925 or tkls notice will be plead In bar of tfcalr recovery. All persons indebted to MLd estate will please come forward and make Immediate settlement. This September 2oth, 1924. 9-26-6t J. 0. MAY, Extr. NOTICE North Carolina In Supertor Court Frankln County Before the Clvrk Fannie Harris ? 8 Garfield Harris The defendant above named wtll take notice that an action entitled as above has been commenced In the Superor Court of Franklin County, N. C., for a divorce for adultery, and the said defendant will take notice that he Is required to appear In S? perlor Court in the Clerk'B office on October 27th, 1924, and answer or de mur to the complaint herein or the plaintiff will apply to the ourt tor the relief demanded In said complaint. This Sept. 19, 1924 9-26-4t J. J. YOUNG, C. S. C. TRUSTEES SALE OF LOUISBURO LOT By virtue ot the power of sale con tained in that certain deed of trust made by 0. Y. Yarboro, to Win. H. Ruffln, Trustee, dated July 24, 1917, and recorded In Franklin Registry Book 210, page 264. default having been made In the payment ot the debt there by secured, and demand for foreclo sure having been made on said trus tee by the holder of the debt so se cured. the undersigned will on Mon day, 27th day of October, 1924, at or about the hour of noon, at the Court House door in Loulsburg, otter for sale at public auction, to the highest bidder for cosh, that lot ot land In said deed of trust conveyed and fur ther described as follows: Situate on the West side Qf Elm street In the town of Loulsburg, and more particularly defined as follows: Beginning at the corner of Mrs. R. Z. Egerton on Elm street, (formerly Bobb Yarborough corner) and for lot herein conveyed, thence Westwardly along Mrs. Egerton's line, to old Bobb Yarborough line 222 feet, more or less to corner o' Mrs. R- Z. Egerton, F. "N. Egerton and the Ut herein conveyed; thence outhwardly along F. N. Eger ton line 113 feet, more or less, to his corner; thence Eastwardly along his line 222 feet, more or less, to Elm 1 sereet; thence Northwardly along Elm street 113 feet more or less, to the beginning ; This September 26, 1924. 9-26-5t Wm. H. RUFFIN, Trustee Bad turns cause more trouble than collisions. ^ BE A WINNER $75.00 To Be Given Away Absolutely FREE DECEMBER 23rd, 1924, THE DAT. at 2 o'clock p. m. To the persons holding the Lucky Num bers at the drawing will be given prizes as follows: ? ,? ? M ' 4 *? I'*- *1 " ihl FIRST PRIZE $25.00 SECOND PRIZE $15.00 THIRD PRIZE $10.00 FOURTH PRIZE $10.00 FIFTH PRIZE $5.00 SIXTH PRIZE $5.00 SEVENTH PRIZE $5.00 Be one of the winners. Everybody will have an equal chance. f u Get a Ticket From now until December 23nl 1924, at : 2 o 'clock p. m., I will give a coupon ticket to each customer bringing a bale of cotton to my gin, two miles south of Louisburg to be ginned or one tioket for each bale. "On the 23rd of Deoember 1924 at 2 o'clock p. m., all coupons that have been deposited i? a box provided will be stirred up and seven tickets will be drawn out, and will constitute the seven winners, the first re ceiving first prize and so on. Bring your cotton to me to be ginned. My gin is one of the latest improved Mon ger system gins, and you will get the best turn out po?Sit)le. In addition I will pay you the highest market prices for your cot ton, either in the seed or lint, or will buy your seed a the top price. And in addition you may win a prize. If you haul your own cotton I will furnish bagging and ties free, or I willhaul your cotton and eharge yon for bagging and ties. LET ME GIN YOUR COTTON 2 Miles South of

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