SATURDAY MGHT iow Ends The Big Extra Vote Offer In order to help each and every member of THE FRANKLIN TIMES "Salesmanship Club" get a good start and as a special inducement for new members to enter the following Extra Vote Offer is in effect: 175,000 Bonus Votes in addition to the regular votes shown on the cover of the Receipt Books will be credited on each and every $30 worth of subscriptions turned in before November 22nd, 9 p. m. Sub scriptions already turned in count to_apply on this offer. Positively at no time during the campaign will subscriptions count as many votes as they will now. CLP OUT THE COUPON It Starts You in The Race With 5,000 Votes. NOMINATION COUPON GOOD FOR 5,000 VOTES / NAME / ADDRESS This coupon will count for 5,000 credits 'when pro perly filled out and sent to the Campaign Manager. Only four of these coupons will be credited to each candidate. THE RACE IS JUST STARTING Get In And Win. There Is a Prize in The List For You. FIRST RIZE DURANT TOURING Value $995.00 PURCHASED FROM AXD ON DISPLAY AT BECK'S GARAGE, LOUISBURG, Jf. C. SEND /IN / YOUR NAME TODAY SECOND PRIZE FORD COUPE Value $595.00 PURCHASED FROM AJfD ON DISPLAY AT LOUISBCRG MOTOR CO, LOriSBlRG, N. C. On the plains of HESITATION bleach the bones of countless millions who at the dawn of victory sat \ j / down and waited ? and waiting died. Don/t wait. Send in your name nowl -VOTE SCALE AND SUBSCRIPTION PRICE 12 months .$1.50 2,000 '24 months 3.00 5,000 36 months 4.50 10,000 48 months 6.00 .20,000 60 months 7.50 30,000 72 months .... 9.00 50,000 All subscriptions must be paid in ad vance. The Earlier The Bird he Bigger The Worm GET BUSY Address all Nomination Coupons, Request for Information, Etc. to Manager THE PRIZE LIST Durant Touring Car, Value $995 Ford Coupe, Value 595 Radio Set Complete. Value 150 Radio Set " Value 50 One $25 Cash Prize 25 10 Per Cent to those who do not win a prize. THE FRANKLIN TIMES "SALESMANSHIP CLUB" Louisburg, N. C.