"Around The World in 18 Days". . Chapter No. 6 ~ Also a Good Feature Picture EVERY FBI I) AY X1GHT Same Pricc CHILDREN 10c AT THE Winner Theatre A Checking Account The really big things in life on which you have set your heart can be accomplished only with t laying by a part of your income regularly. If you once get the habit of depositing a fixed sum each week, you will soon find it is no long er a task and a checking account will be step ping a stone to a saving account. TRY A STRONG FRIENDLY BANK Promotes and Wealth T. H. DICKENS, President H. M. STOVALL, Cashier E. M. PARHAM, Asst. Cashier DIRECTORS: T. H. Dickens, Chas. N. Sherrod, H. M. Stovall, J. S. Howell, O. M. Beam NOTICE North Carolina, IaA.be Franklin County. SupeAor Court W. L. Lumpkin, Adjnr. c. t.fe. of K. J Perry Rotate. * T. O. Perry, Nellie P. Biorte, C. W. Perry* et als / The defendants^ T. O. terry, Nellie P. Boone anfl cJ W. Psfry will take notice that an a? Superior Court In th? said Ccnnty In the court house In Louletrarg/N. C. on the 23rd day of December, W24, and answer or demur to the comjMaint In said action within the time avowed by law or the plalnttff will apply to the court for the relief demanded In said complaint. This l?th day Of-Ne* 1824. J. J. YOUNO. C. 8. C. U-2t-5t of Franklin Co., N. Car. - Boys Co at t* P. " "oSXer Wurnn and Bicycles Hlckg^<^ ll-14-2t e hound. Lost about LOST One black and ytilte with scalded scar ton bac ten days ago. One large bla?k, whlrf and tan male hound. Has Jf?en mj^slng (or about seven montl One wfity femal^hound with a few yellow or fr own KK>tn. One larM red vale hound with white ring aropd rwtk, whit* feet, white blaze in Tace^lone about a year. , Reward OtA 26 offered for return of each dog W. H. ALLEN, 9-5-tf " Loulsburg, N. C. y guild P' No Worm* in a neaitlyj All children ?kh Wotjb* h>v*an>? virt ytl iwwvr 1011 ...? ! * : *i ill i? tt?il jt( deed >r fniM i i? '?.? 1' h Sy : I and utheri to ?: M IS. -.tin* Tru*' diced April 11. t 1 1 . a i'l recoiled n Franklin Colin- ? ty H'tiMry, book j-il. i?ug?- 002. de ft. ;lt having ^e.i made hi the pay , i! - ni of the indoTJta^ness due by said 1 1* I). Speed and secured by sai^deed of trust, and demand for foreclosure having been made on me by the hold er of the debt so secured, 1 will on MONDAY. DECEMBER 15TH. 1924. at or about the h*ur of noon, at the I courthouse door In Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale atv ublic auction to the highest bidder for ?g8h the following described property, %ix: A one-seventh undifided interest in and to that certain tract or lot of land situate in Pr^Allnton Township. Franklin County, North Carolina, and bounded on the i the lands of the B. F. Bullock estate; on the S by the I. G. Stanton estate? on the E by E. J. Cheatham and being lot No. 1. The above land is a part- of the Dickerson Dower, being Jots 2. 3, and 4, and con taining 33 acres, more or less. This Nov. 12. 1924. ll-14-5t G. M. BEAM. Trustee. Electric Llg^' Byrtja/anrt Electrical Fixtures- at -C PT ^Hlcks. ll-14.2t i - ? - " . TRUSTEE'S RESALE OF LAND By virtue of an order of re. sale made by the Superior Court of Frank lin County, North Carolina, upon a sale made on Monday the 3rd day of November, 1924, and an upset bid thereon and by virtue of the power and authority conferred by that cer tain deed of trust of Henderson Per son to J. L. Palmer, Trustee, dated July 19, 1921, recorded in Book 241, page 510, Registry of Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, default having been made In the payment of the in debtedness thereby secured and de mand for forcloture having Deen made ut>on the undersigned trustee by the holder of the bond representing said indebtedness, the undersigned trustee will on Monday, the let day of De cemeber, 1924, ?t the Courthouse Door of Franklin County, Ni C.. at or about the hour of noon, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that tract of land situate In FVankllnton Township, Franklin County, said state and described as follows : | Beginning at a sycamore corner of i lot No. 4; thence N 42 degrees W 1 | chain 39 links to ? stone; thence N ,66 1-4 degrees E 3 chains and 5 links to a stone; thence S 46 degrees E 3 chains and 94 links to the center of Main Street; thence along said street |S 25 degrees W 3 chains and 18 links; thence N 66 degrees W 3 cnalns and 1 88 links to a stone; thence N 25 de grees E 1 chain and 33 links to the i beginning and containing about one | acre, more or less, it being the iden tical lot conveyed by N. Y. Gulley, . Commissioner to Henderson Person by deed recorded in Book 139 at page 448, Register of Deeds office. Franklin County, dated 5th day of January, U98, which deed Is hereby referred to and made a part hereof. This 12th day of Nov., 1924. J. L. PALMER, Trustee. I White & Malone, Attys. ll-14-3t Dally arfirtal8 of Plalij, <5aH?, Layer Cake, A?^orted GHfesr atul'Bread at L. PyHlcks. r / ' ll-14-2t MORTGAGE SALE By virtue of the power of sale con tained in the mortgage deed made by J D. Ray and wife to J. C. Pearce. dated November 8, 1949, and recorded in Book 210, page 265, default having been made in the payment of the debt thereby secured and demand for fore closure having been made upon the ! undersigned ; and by virtue^ of an or der of re-sale made by the Superior .Court of Franklin County Upon an ad j vance bid made on the Bale of Nov. 10, 1924, the underslgned/Executors of | J. C. Pearce, deceased, mortgagee, will I on . MONDAY, DECEMBER 1, 1924 . at about the hour of noon at the Court | House Door to Loulsburg, N. C., offer (for sale at public auction to the high est bidder for .cash, the lands in said mortgage deed conveyed and there de scribed as follows! A certain piece Or tract of land ly. lng and being to Franklin County, State aforesaid, fn Harris Township, [and described and bounded as fol lows; to-wit: Bounded on the North ? by the lands bt Dr. J. H. Parker, bounded on th? East by the lands of | Robert Johns^b, bounded on the East I by the lands; of l,. Perry, and on the South by. the lands of J. D. Baker, Jcontalnlng ilxty acres, (60). The di vision In t#e south between said J. D. Ray lairt and J. D. Baker land to be run bj? an Eastern Knd Western line, the ^Northern end of the said Baker laid being described and con veyed hneln. ' This Mov. 14. 1924. J. D. PEARCE and J. R. Lv PEARCE. Execujjbrs of J. C. Pearce, deceased. Wm. H. & Thos. W. Ruffln, attys. 11143 Fresh arrival^ Buckwheat Flour Pancaka/Ftotfr and Sundown Flour at L. /P^/Hlcks. Il-14-2t KC-tiCiS J Having qualified uui adulterator c. t a., of the estate o| W. q^njilkenr de ? , notice holding to present them to thk unda^ffgndfl on or before the 4th day of ftHvan/fer, 1925, or this notice wlllih^pleif In bar of their recovery. AJrperaMs Indebted to said estate wUrpleajIt come forward and make IMtnejfa|i settlement. This Novejrter 13th. 1924. W. H. PERNBLL,, Admr. |G. M. Beam, Atty. ll-l4-6t ?a? Heating Stoves, Ranges at L. P. Mall Bo/en and Moll *L. P. HJCks. ng Stoves, and ll-14-2t 11 ??? Loci / "? Locks at 14. 2t : 1 " ' ; \ t / AnTRffTarar NOT}' l>l*gOt.t'T!ON OK l'AUT NKUSllII* Th i-r-htp roni|ioPi'.| ?_?t O* ? ar 1 I uiiil Vl tj.T St ' toTor 'i.'- ?.'!Ttn^ fii 01s" Vs now iwiu-(; and will In- ^\ij > i>v Osiar T. SteKall, u i : ? l? ? rji.^form nunie of th< Americ an Barber Shop. The Cafe. for merly run and-rondurted by said firm 4s dow nwce^ and will be run and conducted by Major Stegali and wife. Ada Sti'fcall. Thi? rlu* llfh dav of Nov. 1924. O. T. STEGALL. 11.14-41 MAJOR 3TEOALL Leav?? your order for Tha;>fc#fctvinK Fruit ('ake with L. P. HicJeV 11- 1 4-2t oaiT w o oeTw anted ~ Five o ten cords of >f)lit oak wood or goo Having qualified as admhmtratrlx of the est^e of J. A. MIUHn er. de ceased. late^f Franklin CMnty. notice is hereby giHn all pej4>ns holding claims agalnsraald ^Cate to present them to the unnrsiawl on or before the 21st day of^^Fember. 1925, or this notice will mL plead In bar of their recovery. ^uVpersons Indebted to satd estate JH11 fltatse come for ward and mum lmme|Uate settlement. This November 20th 924 MRS WJ?lIK H. Mf^CHINRR. K. H. Melons, Atty. \ Admr. 11-21-St I The fee* remains that most men dl# l poor However rich or well to-do. they may b** at some tiuie in life, after their ?M>ts art? |) ft ill very !? ..? Uaveartythlng left for themselves I it old uKf or for their f * nfter tUey are gone. Court records show that out of 100 men who die. " leave estates p? 510. 000 or more ; 1^ leave estates of $J.OOO to $l?j.000. arid S2 leave no income producing estates at all. Out of every , 1U0 widows :i are left in comfort, 15 I are only temporarily provided for. 47 'are obliged to work and 35 are in ab j solute want. And when we add to this the unfortunate children of these wid ows. we have a picture that should cause any man to think; a picture that no reasonable, thoughtful man could view and not he impressed with the immediate need for life insurance. Death is never a pleasant subject at best, and unless we keep our house in order, it will haunt us day and night. Yours for better service, NORTH CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY JOHN P HOGWOOD. Agent. ll-7-4t Louisburg, N. C. Swee Pea seed, ?abb6ge Plants and Lettuce Seed at^t^K. Hicks ll-14-2t Enabia Dy*poptic*4b oat |WI?? I irwywah Cauaefood urfuimtUia. I Nourish the Body, D^VtLOP FLESH They ?ay nobody loves a fat man. bill he ueemn io get a lot ofpleasure out of life just the same. NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of James E. Malone. col ored, deceased, late of FraalUin Coun ty. notice Is hereby fftven All persona holding claims against *aid estate to present Uiem to the undersigned on t r before the 21st day of NovemBeY. 1925 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebt ed to said estate vrill please come for ward and make immediate settlement. This November 4th. 1924. G. M. BEAM. 1 1-21-61 Administrator. WOOD- FOR SAL? I Dr? Ptn^jSp r conk^^tfed Slats j$4. and n>ffcea?^Aj?^^r6od. See W I P. BEASLEY, Lo?ffS3ff^wN. C. 10-31-* * WATCHES THE modern idea In watches is FIRST a good "Time Piece". Afrer that comei refinements of manufacture and design . Time has made clear to us, for example, that when a father buys a watch, he wants ic to last more than huOWN life. He want! to give it to his son, in turn. This stofe-has always specialized in 4*Time Pieces". As the minutes tick off, we care less about adornment than accuracy. Here you will find the dependable makes ? proul acquisitions for the generations to come. And there are the daintiest, prettiest watches for women, too ? models, new designs. Ic wfll be worth your while to come and see I. ne _ them. L. W. Parrish, Jeweler ON TO CHARLOTTSVILLE Special Rates and Sleepers From Raleigh Via SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Account THANKSGIVING DAY FOOTBALL GAME CAROLINA VS. VIRGINIA THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 27th, 1924 t. Account oi the aboie occasion special rate of one and one-hull fare for the r6und-trlp will he authorized from Monroe, I.umberton. Palelgh, Durham, Henderson and Intermediate stations. Tickets on sale NoTcmber 26^h with fin^l limit to reach original starting pi Int before midnight \orember 2Sth, 1991. SPF.CIAt Fril,*A\ SLEEPERS wm be operated from Raleigh lc CharlnttSTllIe and retnrn on the following schedule: Lv. Raleigh 11:55 A. M. Wednesday, Nov. 26th Ar. Charlotteville 9:45 P. M. Wednesday, Nov. 26th (oesseigers may remain In sleepers until 7:30 A. M.) Lv. Charlottsville 7:00 P. M. Thursday, Nov. 27th Ar. Raleigh 5:48 A. M. Friday, Nov. 28th (passonrerj may remain in sleepers at Ralefjh until 7:30 A. M.) Ronnd trip railroad fare from Raleigh 11144; proportionately low rate* from other stktlonft Pullman lower Wrtk rate* from Raleigh Cone way) M.&0| upper tS.60; drawing nrtai Make Pullman reserraUaas promptly. Those desiring to at t' nd the riat will react Chariottsillle algkt before aad get a good rights rest.. Returning reach Raleigh early Friday morning, loslag (,nly one half day from huataes*. For reseryatlons In these special sleepers apply to ae*r?et Tl'ket Agent, or JOHN T. WEST, . Division Vaaamgwr Agent. Raleigh, N. 0.