This Is Blanket Time i ? We h??e them In cotiou from Wo to m.?i. la w ool from W.OH to All of these are full six* bed blanket". A full line of Buster Brown and luikderho-e StoekJns for tbe chlld en. All guaranteed. ?w Sweater* for all the family. Our Ihie of baby sweaters and cap* are\?tip?elally pretty. JioTelty Stripe Serge In bloe^ browns and gr?7". M-lnches wide at 39c yard. J BUTTONS! / BUTf^NS! BUTTONS! Come In to see us. / THE LADIES SHOP Loulflbura;, N. 0. MBS. B. B. BABB1S JIBS. J. A. TUBNEB MBS. IMA BOUSE MISS VIBGINIA FOSTEB INSURANCE A NECESSITY insurance" actually deals with ever? honest BUSINESS CNDEH THE SUN / Fire insurance has com* to t>e not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. Tfce home owner mus/ protect his family and provide shelter; the rentWf must guard hla' houiehold goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their property InvottmerUs. The man who can thus provide the security of a ctaunynlty against financial loss from fir* Is Its Insurance agent, thromp his Companies. See T. W. W/VtSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OVER THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK We can save you 15 per cent on your r prescriptions. Give us a trial and be / convinced. F. R. Pleasants DRUGGIST TELEPHONE 222 J. LOUISBXTRG, N. 0. NEW VICTOR RECORDS NOVEMBER 21, 1924 Red Beal The Sweetest Story Ever Told _Jl -/.Hulda Lftohanska Ma Curly-headed iiabby A ^L.-Hulda l*a?hanBka I>a alegrla del Bttallon A J Jcmp NTardoneH TrlBtes Amorea \ /- Jope Mardones Concert Punchinello . y-Royal Dadmun Shipmates o' Mine JL U Royal Dadmun Light Vo Drifting to You ^--Matela Freer ? I* win James At the End of the 8unset Trail -I. Harbia Freer ? Lewis James Everybody Loves My Baby 1. A Alleen Stanley De Clouds Are Qwlne to Roll ^way \ Vernon Dalhart Dane Tchestra of Chicago Benson Orchestra of Chicago Warlng's Pennsylvanlans Go, Emmallne ? Fox Trot - Words? Fox Trot Have a Llttl* Fun ? Fo* Out of a Million You're Until Tomorrow ? Tango Fo* Trot International Nevelty Or. Clorlta ? Tango Fox Trot ..jL International Novelty Or. Favorite Irish Jigs ? Medley ^..McConnells Four Leaf Shamrocks Favorite Irish R?els ? Medley__McConnells Four Leaf Shamrocks A full line of Edison's and Victrolas and Columbia records at reasonable prices. w- E. ffite furniture Co. TWO WINNERS IN SPELLING MATCH Alma Vester and George Wav-1 er Each Make Perfect Score In Annual Contest Raleigh. Nov. 8. ? Two ported score!* I one by a boy and one by a gl r 1 came _ out of the second annual spelling con. test of the North Central District Con vention of the State Education Asso ciation at State College yesterday af ternoon. and gave to Alma Vester, of Spring Hope and George Weaver, of Raeford, the distinction of being the best spellers In 18 counties. The next best scores, made by William Mltchl ner, of Frankllnton. and Euzelia Hill, of Loulsburg, completed list of four Btudents from this district to compete j In the state spelling contest In March. > The spelling contest is one of the features of each of the district meet- 1 ings. and comes to a climax at the State Convention, when the spelling champion of the state la decided. While in Raleigh yesterday the child ren taking part In contest, were j taken on a tour of the city by Col. Olds. The oontast wao held at 3 o'- 1 clock In PullerfTfttl. The participants In the contest were: Euzelia Hill. Loulsburg; Bes sie Lee Dlckerson Inglcslde; Lee Vlck ers, Durham; Ada Gilchrist. Cameron; | Emma Gene Holloway, Durham; Mar lon Holleman, Rich Square, Flossie j Best, Pikevllle; Alma Veoter, Spring j Hope; Hugh McLean, Broadway; Sex i ton Rhew, West Durham; Alice Bur- 1 well, Warrentorv, George Weaver, Rae_ for; Annie May Duffle, Seaboard; j Frances HugHp?. Jackson, Winifred | Clark, Holllster; Mirrion Powfcrs. J Cary; Clara Hayes. Norlina; Mildred Allen, Norlina; Tom Walker, Chapel Hill; William Mitchiner, Frankltnton; Lucy Cobb, Raleigh; Avey Jones, Rox boro; Maybell Macon. Mt. Hope; Claudia Lewis. Middlesex. T4ie wfords used in the spelling match Saturday were: people, album, famine, kodak, hesitate, estimate, re lative, management, unless, envy, ten dency, census, thelete, striking, rais ing, recede, recess, epidemic, essen tial, anything, chill, griddle. ivory, awhile, violet, crisis, confident, ap- . parent, inquiry, extension, financial, fertility, arithmetic, ticket, except, history, picture, bother, bonnet, quote, thinness ability, validity, dialogue, positively, summary, tunic, using, bureau, curious, museum, until,' tri umph. uniform, almost, holy, gymnas tic. buggy, deny, defiant, scribble, tyranny, prophecy, machinery, Janu ary, yesterday, varnish,, carpenter, psalm, martial, parcel, particle, far ther. promenade, thermometer, mucil age. fifth, mohair, careless, weaver heirloom, prayer, anecdote, knight, pasture, answer, gnarled, attic, real, realize, vinegar, request, major, reign, neighing, ailing, radiator, preference, collect, sopranos. FROM WOOD fiThe Womana Missionary Society. of_ ood Baptist church wishes to an-~ nounce there will be supper served, cafe style, in the, tyank building every Saturday p. m., from 4 to 11 o'clock, i The proceeds will] be used for the benefit of the church. Don't forget the hour. Come over and enjoy a good supper once a week. Rev, Caldwell, of Wake Forest, fill ed his appointment at the Wood Bap tist church Sunday. Miss Hortense Hohorne. principal of W< od school ueing elected a delegate of this CO iity intended the te.-chers ajf.<,*nbly in Rale gh Saturday. Dt. M. H. Beam was a welcome g'jost of many friends here this week end. Dr. Beam resided here for quite a while, but on account of illness has been out of our midst for several months. We all are looking forward to his return. Miss Irene Gupton. who Is teaching near Durham, spent the week end with her mother. Mrs. Nancy Gupton. Among those who attended the "Covered Wagon" at the Winner The atre Friday night were Mr, J. P. Leo nard. Mr. Morris Griffin. Mr. Raymon Shearln. Mr. Raymon Sturges. Mr. Wll bur Raynor. Miss Ethel Sheffield and Miss Thelma Blanchard. The Womans Missionary Society met with Mrs. S. J. Hamlet. Saturday afternoon. An Interesting program was rendered, there was much business transacted; just after which refresh ments were served, which was enjoy ed by all. Friends of Mr. and Mrs. Bryant King will be glad to know their little daughter, Pattle Jane, Is recovering Night Coughing ? How ta Stop It Night coughing which, through loss at valuable siqtp, often makes you feel utterly worn-out and use less during the da#, and by quickly weakening the jQrstem lays you open to Ute most dangerous infec tions, can now ba promptly checked by a very simpli treatment. Peo ple who h?vo hardly been able to rest on accAjnfc* of coughing spella have found they can sleep the whole night 'ttrough undisturbed often after thanrery first trial. The treatmentlm baaed on a remark* Sble preacrlptlo? mown as Dr. King's New Dlacovary. ?Tdb simply take a tes apoonful at blAit Wort retiring and hold It In yourJthroM for 15 or 24 eeo onda before nulloim It. The pre scription haa doubft action. It not only eoothea a fl healiPthe eor?n*Ra and Irritation, but ft Qulckli looeena and ra roorea the Bhl?m and ^pn???tlon which Is the real sfnss of tBs coush. Ths rssult Is that 2u usually M??p a a aqundtr aa a babe th# rery flrst^lfrnt. and t hs couth soea la -a ?ery ahoA time. Ths p rescission ooataliuflpo opiates ST harmful druA. Bxoellentyor children aa well aa srirn-upa. Fo r Spu*h?. cheat ?old a, hotrMSaa, aore t>W?i SPMSilk ^fssfr^sra ?tbss# A*5 Man Among Business Men / s It is the man who has a B&eJs Aeeranl that is welcome among other- b??iire"ss men. . .It is a mark of reliability, thrift, "ability and equajity that is respected Through f ? - out the "business worUT. If you want the respect and - 4* confidence of the business men of this community prove yourself worthy of it by building an Account with us. The First National Bank LOUISBURG, ' North Carolina \Vrii. H. RUFFIN, President, F. J. BEASLEY, Cashier W'm. B. BARROW, Assistant Cashier from several days illness. The Ray muu Class uf Wuod Baptist i hurch entertained the Harper class at a weenie roast given on Beautiful Rock near Centerville, last Thursday night. Everyone reported an enjoy able time. Miss Ethel Sheffield and Miss Thel ma Blanchard visited frt?nds at Weke Forest ^College Saturday. Mr. "Dob" Dixon, of Stantcnsburg. was the guest of Miss Ethel Sheffield last Sunday. Miss Thelma Blanchard. Miss Ethel Sheffield, Mr. Raymon Sher.rin and Mr. Bennie Lancaster motored to Nash ville Sunday afternoon. JCSTICE COMXIMTY HAS BH; CO-OP MEETING Justice community put on a com munity programme Friday night, Oct. 31st that might well be imitated by other communities. We have had a number of these meeting in Franklin County that have been more or less a success, but this was the best ever. 300 people enjoyed the most inspir ing. soul-stirring, heart thrilling meet ing that we have had in this com. munity. There was a composition contest by the school children, four pupils con testing. Cooperation was the subject of the compositions. The contestants were Misses Ruby Wheless. Virginia Cooper of the senior class. Maude Stallings ninth grade and Martha Fowler seventh. Miss Ruby Wheless winning first prize of $3 and Maude Stallings second. $1. The contest prov ed beyond doubt that the younger generation is going in strong for co operative marketing. Mr. Homer H. B. Mask made a very interesting: talk and introduced the speaker Mr. L. P. McKay, secretary of ?the American Cotton Growers Ex chaonge. Mr. McKay who haa made an extensive study of cooperative marketing gave us an outline of the possibilities of cooperative marketing based on the success of other coopera tive. Mr. T. R. McLean cotton grower of Aberdeen made one of the most in spiring speeches on cooperative mark eting urging the non-member to join hands with the members of coopera tive marketing and help put this thing I across. After the speaking refreshments were served. The programme was under the di rection of Mrs. B. S. Rice who is wide ly known in Franklin and adjoining counties tor her splendid community work. GET VOl)R SHARE WHILE IT LASTS Our Sale lasts until Saturday night Nov. 29th. Real bargains on Men's and Boys* Clothing, Shoes, Overcoats Sweaters, Underwear, Hats and Caps. In fact from head to foot wear is what we sell. Don't forget the free gold prizes given away every Satnrday at 3:30 p. m. Come and see is what we ask. Shoes for Men, Women and Chil dren guaranteed solid leather. F. N SB I Phone 322 Near $ Louisbnrg,

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