USED CARS FOR SALE One Dixie Flyer, One Franklin Roadster, One Star Touring Car, One Cadillac Racer, One Durant Coupe One Ford Touring Car / Can sell cheap. All in good condition. ?r When in need of Auto, Supplies or work, call on us. We will appreciate your business and give you SATISFACTION / Star and Durant Cars Exide Battery Service . the Lon<* Life Battery Bcck's Garage, Louisburg, N. C. Louisburg's Oldest Garage ' _ Phone 311 PKOCD TO BE DEMOCRAT To the Editor: I am sending a clipping from The World (N. Y.). I want to tell you I am from the State of North Caro lina and am a Democrat (Southern) and this clipping has made me mad enough to fight the one that wrote it if I was a man. I do not think that Mr. Coolidge was elected, but appointed and if these reports are true isn't it so? These are the reports from a man in Mont clair, N. J., to my husband. This is as he said it: "We could not ex pect anything else when Mr. Coolidge went to the leaders of the Republi can party before they met at conven tion and said, Nominate me and have me elected president for the next four years. If you don't I will put you behind the bars'," So to do this they have spent fifteen million dol lars to buy votes and closed down Edison's factory here in West Or ange, factories in Trenton, Js'ewark, Chicago, Detroit, and Cleveland. Three or more weeks before election with this remark: "Come back to work November 5 if Coolidge is elect ed; if not don't come back." They' are for the laboring man. In that way they forced them to vote for Coolidge. Thank God! the South could not be bought. They went around and told that Mr. Davis was a Catholic to gain votes. Mr. Daniels, are we going to sit still and let this go on? I do think he ought to be made to do something with those rascals of Washington. But he is afraid now, for If he did they would squeal on him. I am coming back South, where honest, upright people live. I just felt like I wanted you to know how the devil was at work up here. MRS. H. L. FREEMAN. GOLD SAND HONOR ROLL The following is an honor roll for Gold Sand school for week ending November 7th: Grade 7 ? Blount Egerton, Rachel Garbee, Clarence Jones, Helen Thar rington. Grade 6 ? Aileen Cooper. Alwin Coop er, Irma Gupton. Helen Parrish, Gra. cie Stainback. ^ Grade 5 ? Myrtice Upchurch, Bettie B. Marshall, Sue Egerton, Estelle Woodard, Thomas Speed, George Johnson, Pattie Johnson, Wilson Par ! rish. Grade 4 ? Lessie Harris, Sam Per son, Newell Breedlove. Grade 3 ? Maggie Lee Tharrington, Paul Stainback, James Speed, Bryan Harper, Wilson Harper, Page Depriest George Hiint, Bruce Gupton Lucy S. Parrish, Elliott Breedlove. Grade 2 ? Hubert Poster, Llnwopd Gupton, Ruth Powell, Halbert De priest, Junius Edwards. Robert Speed, Mary P. Ayscue, Wllber Edwards, Henry Edwards, Clement Woodard, Grady Tharrlngton. Grade 1 ? Alice Pernell, Ruth Thar rlngton, Mollle Tharrlngton, Luctle Poster, Helen Burnette, Janle EdwardB David Parrlsh. Mack Gupton. PARTY TO BE AT CENTERYILLE SCHOOL Pinal arrangements have been com pleted and all Is in readiness for the Thanksgiving party to be held at the Centervillle school on Wednesday, November 26th. There will be on sale boxes- punch, candy, peanuts, etc. Children will be delighted with the grab bag. Two of the most interesting features will be voting on the prettiest girl and the guess box. There will be several qd dlers on hand to furnish the music. A cordial invitation is extended to everyone to attend and join in the fun. Habitual constipation Cured ' la 1 4 to 2 1 Days ? "LAX-FOS WITH PEPSIN" is a specially ve for Habitual tvfelieves promptly but legularly for 14 to 21 days action. It Stimulates and r Pleasant to Take. ? 60c r W. D. FULLER C. B. KEARNEY The Season Is Here And We Are Ready To Gin Cotton / Our machinery is in first class condition. f We have our same force employed. ;; y ; j We want to handle your seasons business. / . We buy cotton and seed. We trade meal for seed at oil mill exchange and charge you nothing to haul both ways. ^ f We furnish you storage for both cotton and afced as long as you want to use it free. We receive cotton for members of the Northe Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Association and cash your draft same as any bank. Those of you who have been gin / V ning with us know how we treat you onf and all the same way. We have no pets, but do the best we can for each customer, With one hundred or one / ' V bales of cotton brought to our gin. I / * \ Ask any fo our pas seasons custoxqftrs. \ W? can also supply your wants for. 'yours elf and fami)y at our store, where you will always find merchandise and price! as good and as cheap as can be sold. Your friends at all sflMoaa of th* year. - \ W* D. Fuller & Co. it ? ? PHONE 1505 I f f S ^ WOOD, N. 0. PROFESSIONAL COLUMN UK. 11 K. YAKBOliOLUH t'lij ?li'lun and SiriMQ Loulaburg, X. C. Ofllct- la Blckett and Yarborough BullMag. Office I'hoD? 2K6 Residence PUone 28 B. AT WOOD JIKWKLL. A Horsey -A> Law. Loulsburg, N. Phone No. 115 Office In First Njrflonal Bank Building (itiml Practice DH. H. B. MCJiTON Eye Specialist office In Uriel Building Loulsburg, North Carolina 1 wish to advise my patients and the public generally Uy?C after the 1st of September my btpfness will be on Cash basis when Work la completed. DH. ARTHUR HYNES FLEMINO 8. P. BUST, M. D. Loulsburg. W. C. Offices oTer Sroggia's Drug 8 tor* Hours 11 a. m. to 1 p. m., and 4 to 6 p. m. BE. W. H. BASS. YetrrlaarLa* Loulsburg, 15. C. Offices and Hospital East Nash St. Phone Office 33C^L Residence 335-J Special Attention to Small Animals. DR. D. f. SMITH WICK. DeatlsW Lealsbitsr, I, C. Office In the First National Bank Building on Main and Nash Sts W. FERB05. ATTORNEY -?T - LA W Loulsburg, Narth Carolina Taetle* in all oonrts Office oa Mala Street G. M. BEAJ< Attornej Off! oyer Post Office Prrc. .v . tn an courts. UK. ARCH H. PERKY General Practice WM, N. C. Office In Service Drug Co. 1)11. J. B. DAVIS Physician and Burgeon Office at Residence; North Main St. Telephone: Hours: Night 64 8:30 to 10:30 a. m. | Day 64 12 to 2 p. m. 6 to 8 p. m. R. B. White E. H. & J. E. Malone WHITE * M ALONE LAWYBR8 Loulsburg, North Carolina ?eneral practice, settlement of m jtes rands Invested. Onj member of ? ? firm always In the office. X II K. U. G. PERRY Physician and Surgeon Loulsburg, North Carolina Offices Adjoining Aycock Drug Co. Telephones: Day 287;, Night 287 DR. J. B. ulom. Loulsburg, North Carolina ?ee In Aycock Drug Store, Market Street, Office Practice Surgery and consultation. 1>K. II. U. JuHNSON Physician and Sargeon Loulsbnrg, North Carolina J Office over Aycock Drug Co. (Telephones: Day and Night both No. 10 ] J. 0. NEWELL, M. D. Loulsburg, ? Office in First National Bank Building ' Day Phone 249 ? Night Phone 249-2 : 17m H. RuBln, i oos W. Ruffln W*. M. & TH1VS. W. HTFFI N Loaisbarg, t North Carolina I General practice, both civil and crlm- | ' nal, In Franklin and adjoining coun | 'lea. Supreme and Federal Courts. Offices In FlratjNatlonal Bank ? Building. JOHN E.?MJCK Registered Engineer Assoc. Mem. Am. S^. C. E. County I and Municipal Wo^k. Maps and Land Surveying. f Box 108, . Warrenton, ?f. C. 10-31-tf Phone 5 or 6 and 26. CALL PHONRJOS FOR CLEANING, PRESIDING, LAUNDRY THE SEBWlCE SHOP W. B. Jfunford, Propr. Lonlsbnrg, N. C.] NOTICE We are glad to anncufhce to our cus tomers and friends Ufa t we have flrat claaa line (if bar he and are In better J sljaupw'fo serve oivcust mera than we |Kave ever been, fh trial Is all we aak. Thanking yo^r for your patronage. We are yours to serve, ST KG ALL B OS. SEABOARD AIR LINE RY.| Effective ? Nov. 16th, 1924 Loufcburg, N. Trains \ Dajfy Except | Leave \ Sunday No. 330 \ / 8:30 AM. No. 312 \ /ll :50 A.M. No. 334 \j 5:00 P.M. Trains yDaily Except Arrive A Sunday No. 331 /\ 10:15 A. J*L| No. 311 / \ 3 :40 P. M. | No. 335 / \ 7:05 P. M. For information^ regarding] rates and icheduleA apply to | L. L. JOYKER, Age) Louinburg, N. 0. JOHN T. WEST, h. P. A.,! Raleigh, N. 0. Are You Tired, Achy ? All Run Down? / This Louishurg Retiideftt Tells You How to Get Well. Tired all the time? Lame, stilfvnd achy? Tortured yvith nagging backache? Knife-like twinges when you stoop or lift? Miserable with headaches, dizzy spells and bla^dfcr Irregularities? All are signs; of kidney sickness 1 Use Doan's Pi Us ? a stimulant diu retic to the kidfwys. Here's Louisbarg testimony: Mrs. Lelia Williamson, says: "My kidneys didn't act properly, and my ankles and limbs swelled. My back fiatned and this steady, dull mis?ry n my back easily tired me out. I couldn't get about very well and I had to force myself along. Doan's Pills cured me and I have had no return of tha trouble." Price 60c, at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney remedy ? jak Doan i Pills ? the same that Mrs. Williamson had. Foster-Milburn O*, Mfn? Buffalo, N. Y. MONEY TO LEND ON IMPROVED farm lands. 6 per cent Interest. No commission, no bonus . May run for 33 years or be patf at option of borrower^ Only ? short time re quired to gel the money. 7-14-tf B. A. NEWELL. LOOK! Morris Supreme Homs 30c lb Morris Supreme Breakfast Bacon 2Hc Cllftons Meei. ovington'* Extra Fancy Molasses Mullets 20c lb. .White Fish 12 l-2c lb 200 page Tablets 5c eacte Full Supnly School Stationary. Little Fellaw Peas _ 25c can Baby Lima Bean ; Strtngless Beans 20c can. . Van Camp's $oups; College Inn Cream of Chickefc; College Inn Chelcic en Noodle Soup. $ cajs for 25c. Van Camp's Homing fcrge size; Gor ton's Clam Chowder, tfc can. Mavis Face Powder, l*iesh, 25c box Mavts Talcum, tall can, -25e Black and White Face Ponder, High \ Brown. 25 c box. Full stock heavy and fancy groceries at all times, priced to MOVE. Yours to pleaat A. J. Jarman [Opposite P. O. Phone 118 c Have It Can Get It Or It Isn't Made Anything in the line of drugs, stationery, tine candies, smokes, toiltt accessories, etc. Prescriptions a speciality. Serv ice at the fountain at all times. SERVICE DRUG CO. Wood, N. C. Use it when you need it OUR X Exchange Bulletin is for the use of oui? friends. ? / 7 ? / K, / ? f No to post notices^ iost and found / s articles Church, School and Community meetings, plays and sodals will find good advertising space. Lis^'what you wish to buy, sell or exchange ifcail or bring us your notices This servidp is FREE. \ /