l'nder and by rtrtm of the power ?ad authority contained in that d??H of truat executed by Albert Harris and wife Margaret Harris to Ben T. Holden, trustee and duly registered in the ( ((Ice o( the Register o ( Deeds (or -Franklin County, state o( North Carolina, in book 162 at page 501. De fault bavins been made In the pa/, ment ot the lndebtedneaa thereby se cured. aiid demand made upon me to (orecloae, I will on MONDAY, ISth day j{ DECEMBER, 1924, at or about the hour o( noon at the court house door ot Franklin County, In the town o( Loulsburg. North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder tar cash, that tract ot land situate In \oungsvllle Township. Franklin Coun ty. North Carolina, bounded as fol lows: Bounded on the North by the lands of L. C. Mitchell and others; on the East by the lands o( T. S. Gill and others; on the South by tne lands o( W. T. Harris and A. W. Harris; on the West by the lands o( A. W. Harris, being the lands devised by th? last will and testament ot James Harris deceased to Sarah C. Harris and de scribed in the agreement made be tween Sarah C. Harris and Albert Harris on the 23rd day o( February, 1892 and recorded in book 288 at page 500 re(erence to which ts hereby made, said tract ot land containing 143 acres more or less and situate on the county road leading (rom Wake Forest to Loulsburg. direct. There is excepted (rom the above tract two small tracts which have been released, one containing 2S.71 acres and the other containing 11.87 acres, both of which were conveyed to Lewis H. Perry. Jr.. leaving to be sold hereunder 104.42 acres more or lesf>. This the 11th day of November. 1924. 11-1 4 -5t BEN f. HOLDEN, Trustee. O Subscribe to The Franklin Times Colds Cause Grip and Influenza /' LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE Tablets removwtha cause. There h only or e "Bromo Quinine." E. W. GROVETS signature a ? box. 30c. ARE TOD ISSURED! What Would Be Your Condition If Your Property Were To BURN Have you ever considered what it would mean to s'art all over again? That is what a loss by fire w^h out Insurance means. But with Insurance, you are protected by the resources of the strong com panies we represent and a tire means nothing mere than an In convenience. Let us explain the kind of Insur ance service we give. We write all kinds. Lifs, Fire, Health and Accident, Bonds. Don't wait un til it is too lite. Several good farms for sale. THE FRANKLIN INS. AND REALTY CO. Bennett Perry Manager. TUCKER'S HOTEL and CAFE Main Street LOUISBURG, N. C. The best of meals the mar ket afforda and prepared In the best of fashion. Plenty of roomi for the accommodation of all who wish to spend the nlcht, all wall furnished. J. C. TUCKER Proprietor T" A TONIO / drtn'i TutaUu chill Toalc/'raatofaa Eiwflr and Vitality by Porifytng and EnrichlnJ the Blood When yon feel iu etraagthenlng. Invigorating effect, aee how It Mn# color to the cheek* wad bow H jyWW the appetite, yoo will then Vfnehu ha tree took value. ?W?'i Tiitilm chill Tonic to almpty >? ? d Qririw i?pandid In ryrop So . k. 1W bioed QUMNE to Parity It and ISDN I Jh ~ Jrt? NOTICE or SALJt or LAND AND PERSONAL PROPERTY By virtue ot th? power of uli coo. tallied ia that certain deed ot txnil made by C. S. Merritt, to Wo. H. Rut tin, Trustee, dated Feb. 12, 1921, and recorded In Book 241. page 277, et sen: and pursuant to a decree ot the Superior court of Franklin county made in that action entitled C. S. Merrltt vs Win. H. Ruftln, Trustee, et al., default having been made In the payment ot the debt by said deed ot trust secured ?nd demand for fore closure having been made upon said Trustee by the holder of the debt thereby secured; and upon a trial ot said action in the Superior court of Franklin County the said Trustee having been authorlted and dlrectea to foreclose the same, the undersigned will on MONDAY NOVEMBER 10. 1924 at about the hour ot noon at the court house door in Loulsburg, N. C. otter tor sale to the highest bidder tor cash the lands and personal property in said .deed of trust described as fol lows : FIRST TRACT: Known as the "Old Merritt Home Place" adjoining the Foster, land, Dement, Mrs. Pernell. T. H. Inscoe, and Mrs. Strother, bound ed on the North by the Foster land, on the East by Francis Merrltt, and Mrs. Dink Pernell, on the South by William Pearee, and on the West by Home Tract, the dividing line between this first tract to be North and SoutJt so as to leave one hundred sixty acres herein conveyed, the excess over and above the 160 acres herein conveyed to constitute the Home Tract of said C- S. Merritt, and the same is here by expressly excepted from this con veyance, and the same is to be 35 acres, the Home Place being that de vised to C. S. Merritt by Morris Mer riU. (NOTE) The dividing line be tween the 160 acres to be sold and the 35 acres reserved will be run be fore the sale and the boundaries an nounced at the sale. Second Tract. Known as the Pearee Tract, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake near a pine and cedar on old road. T. H. Inscoe's corner; thence S 1 1-2 W 117 poles 9 links to 2 pines T. H. Inscoe's corner; thence N 76 1.2 W 60 poles 10 links to a rock, corner of No. 2 in Inscoe's line; thence N 1 1-2 E 100 poles 17 links to a rock, on the old road, corn er for No. 2 in Merritt's line; thence along the old road an Easterly direc tion to the beginning, containing 40 aorc. More or less, known as the Per. son or Pearee place, conveyed to C. S. Merritt by deed of E. M. Merrltt dated February IS. 1909, recorded in Book 170, page 10. Third Tract. The Bickett-Kelly Tract, situate in Sandy Creek Town ship, bounded as follows: Beginning at a stake, corner for lots Nos. l and 2 ot' the land formerly owned by T W. Bickett in G. W. Ford's line; thence S 78 15 E 11.78 chains to a stake and pointers; tl^nce S 60 45" E 20.90 | chains to a stake and pointers, corner ! for said No 2 and lot sold to James Williams in Ford's line; thence S 1 19 40' W 6.10 chains to a big dead pine I at edge of woods, James William's jline; thence S 10 40' E 34.10 chains j to willow on Richland creek; thence up richland creek with its various courses 29.50 chains to a stake and pointers, corner for No. l ln Cottrell's line; thence N 9 15' W 59.12 chains to the point of beginnnig, containng 134.9 acres being that tract conveyed to C. S. Merritt by T. W. Bickett and wire, by deed dated January 17, 1919, and recorded in the Registry of Frank lin County in Book 227, page 79. PERSONAL PROPERTY Also the following described per sonal property: 1 Black Horse Mala six years old, name Tom; 1 Black Mare mule eleven years old, name Queen. 1 Black mare mule eight years old, name Mag; 1 two-horse Chat tanooga wagon and double harness 1 one-horse Chattanooga wagon and toohjeSS Snd a" farmin8 "Snails and This 10th day ot October, 1924 k Wm' H' RUFFIN- Trustee The above sale was continued by k' a" partles concerned to tmJ v' 7, " 1924 'at about noon. This Nov. 10th 1924. . WM H ROFTCN. Trustee, above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned to Thi" ?tov ? ir24.1924' at ,bout n? 11-28-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. mortgage sale of land Under and by virtue of the power of gale contained In that certain mort gage deed executed by W. J. Shearln and Lillle Shearln, hla wife, to Brant ley, Wood and Griffin, on the *th day of January. 1919, and recorded in Book 221, on Page 263 of the Frank lin County Registry, default having been made In the payment of the debt thereby secured, the undersigned will on Friday, the 12th day of December, 1924, at or about the hoar of noon at the Court House door In the town of Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash, the lands heretofore referred to and described as follows: Lying and being situated In Cedar Rock Township, Franklin County, State of North Carolina and adjoining the lands of T. A. Collie, the Cooke land, George Boone, LOulsburg and Nashville Road, containing 33 1-S acres and known as the J. D. Shearln old Home Place. One other tract adjoining the above tract and on the opposite side of the Lonlabnrg road, known aa the old Ar rlngton Oln Lot, bounded on the West North and East by the Shearln lands and on the South by the Lou Is bur* Road, containing one-half acre, more dr lest. This November 7th, 1924. BRANTLEY, WOOD and GRIFFIN, Mortgagees 0. B. Mom, Attorney. 11-14-tt FOR 9TOST auun JOB printing phohb ??o. MS. BALE OK LAND Undsr ud by rirluc of III* power And authority contained in that teed of trust executed to J. A. Williams, trustee, by J'\ T. and E. L. Aiken, and their wives, and duly registered In the office of the Register of Deeds for Franklin County. North Carolina, in Book 193 at page 280. Default hav ing been made in the payment of the Indebtedness thereby secured and de mand made upon me to foreclose, 1 will oc MONDAY. 8th day of DECEM BER. 1924. at 12 m., on the premises in the town of Youngsvllle. Norm Carolina. sell at public auction to ilie highest bidder fir cash, that tract of land p'tuate in Ycungsville Township. Frui, khn Cour y. North Carolina, bounded as folic ws: Beiug loi No. i of map No. 1, of sui y*y m-tdi. of the J. S. Timber a&c property by R. G. Ball, C. E., January. l!-20, so Registry of Franklin Cour. ty, North Carolina, book of maps at page 102. This the 6th day of November, 1924. J. A. WILLIAMS. Trustee. Ben T. Holden. Atty. U-7-ot SALE OF LAND Under and by virtue of the power and authority contained in that deed of trust executed to J. A. Williams, trustee, by F. J. Timberluke and duly registered in the office of the Register of Deeds of Franklin County, in book 193, at page 271. Default having been made In the payment of the Indebt edness thereby secured and demand made upon me to foreclose, I will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1924, at 12 m.. on the premises In the town of Youngsvllle. North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, that tract of rand situate in Youngsvllle Township. Franklin Coun ty, North Carolina, bounded as fol lows: Being lot No. 6 of map No. 1 of the survey of the J. S. Timberlake proper ty made by R. G. Ball. C. E? January 1920, see Registry of Franklin Coun ty, book of maps page 102. This the 6th day of November, 1924. J. A. WILLIAMS, Trustee. Ben T. Holden, Atty. ll-7-5t NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of J. J. Barrow, deceas ed late of Franklin county, notice is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 7th day of November, 1925, or this notice will be plead in bar of thefr recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settlement. This Nov. 6th, 1924. 11-7 -6t W. B. BARROW, Admr. NOTICE OF SALE OF AUTOMOBILE UNDER MECHANICS LEIN Lee Morris will take notice that under and by virtue of section 2017 of the Revisal of 1915 of North Carolina and the lein thereby given to mechan ics for repairs on personal property, the undersigned will on Monday, Dec. 1, 1924 in front of the courthouse in Loutabiwg, N. C., at about the hour of noon, offer for sale to the highest bid der for cash that Ford roadster car placed by him for repairs with the undersigned and th.-.t sale vrlll be made to pay the repairs thereon made. This Nov. 6th, 1924. BEASLEY'S GARAGE, 11-7 -4t By W. L. Beaslejr ? NOTICE Having qualified as Executors of the estate of Jerre E. Ellis, deceased, late of Franklin County, notice is hereby given persons holding claims against bis estate to present them to the un dersigned on or before the 7th dav of November 1925, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and make immediate settlement This November 6th, 1924. OSSIE ELLIS ll-7-6t W. B. ELLIS, Executors. LUM.MISSIONEIVS sale of land Under and by virtue of a decree ot the Superior Court of Franklin County made In the Special Proceeding entitl ed Nannie Pippin and J. A. Pippin vs A W. Pippin, Charlie Pippin et als, the undersigned commissioner will on Monday, the 1st day of December, 1924, at the hour of noon. Bell at public auc. tlon at the Court House door In Louls burg, N. C.. to the highest bidder for cash the following described real es tate: 1. One fourth undivided Interest In and to a certain tract or parcel of land situated In Dunns township, Franklin County. North Carolina, boun ded on the North by the lands of Per cy Watklns and Harry Robinson, on the East by Crooked Creek, on the South by the lands of C. T. Cheeyes, and on the West by the lands of Qeorge Floyd, and containing fifty, five acres, more or less. 2. The reversion after the life es tate as doweress of Mrs. Nannie Pip pin In and to the lot of land assigned to said Mrs. Nannie Pippin as dower, the same being sltnated in Old Bonn,1 In Dunns township. Franklin County, North Carolina, and described as fol lows: Beginning at a stake, J. A. Pip pin's corner on the Tarboro road, thence along said road in an easterly and southerly direction around the bend of said road to B. M. C. Mullen's corner on said road ; thence along Mul len's line to J. A. Pippin's line ;thence slong J. A. Pippin's line in a w eaterly and northerly direction back to the be ginning, and containing two acres, more or less, and betng the lot of land whereon Is situate the dwelling house and outhouses and the store house occupied by E. U Pippin at the time of his death This October 21st, 1924. W. H. YARBOROUOH, 10_31-Kt Commissioner. N0T1CM . I forbid any and all persons from hunting, fishing or trapping with gun or dog on my plantation, under pen. alty of the law. 10-U-tf ? H- H. HARRIS SOTICK or SPECIAL TAX KLKC 4 TION Upon the petition of mora than the required number of free-ho)d?r? In the Bunn Special School Tax Dlatrlct. franklin County, said petition being In due form and duly approved and sudoraed by the County Board of Edu cation of Franklin County, It la here by ordered that an election be held within Bald district In accordance with the provisions of Article 17. Chapter 136. the Public Laws of North Carolina, Session of 1923 at which election shall be ascertained the will of the people within the said district, whether there shall be levied in said district a special tax of not more than fifty cents on every one hundred dol lars valuations of property to supple ment the Public School Fund, appor tioned for said district. The said elec tion shall be held on the 22nd day of December. 1924. the polling place shall be at Bunn In said dis trict. A new registration fhall be made and M. A. Stalllngs is hereby appointed Registrar and B. M. C. Mullln and J. R. Wright are hereby appointed pollholders. The boundaries of the said special acnool District as rixea by the county Board of Education ot Franklin County are aa follows: Beginning at the mouth ot Crooked Creek thence up said creek to the mouth ot NorrlB Creek; thence up Norrls Creek to the Bob Qrlftin mill site; thence along the road In a north erly direction to the intersection of the mill road leading from Bob Grit fin's mill and the road from Poplar Springs to Youngsville, N. C.; thence along the Western line of W. T. Wil liams property to the Gethsemlna Church; then up the Louisburg Tar boro road to Hall's Cross Roads; thence south along ? the Loulsburg Bunn road to the Dunn's township line; thence east along the Dunn and Harris township line to Tar River; thence down Tar River to the begin ning. If a majority of the qualified vot ers shall vote In favor of said special tax. the same when levied shall be In lieu of all other special school taxes in said district. The Registration books shall be open from November 22nd, 1924. to December 13th, 1924, and the Regis trar will have said books at the said polling place each Saturday during said period from the 22nd day ot No vember 1924, to December 13th, 1924. By order of the Board ot County Commissioners of Franklin County, this the 3rd da y ot November, 1924. ARTHUR STRICKLAND, Attest: Chairman. S. C. HOLDEN, Clerk. ll-7-7t NOTICE OF SPECIAL TAX ELEC TION Upon petition duly endorsed bv the governing school boards of at least a majority of the school districts within the special school taxing district, to be known as the Cypress Creek and Cedar Rock School Taxing District, said petition having been duly approv ed by the County Board of Education of Franklin County, it is ordered that an election be held in accordance with the provisions of Article 18, Part 7, Chapter One of "An Act to Amend the Consolidate Statues and to Codify the Laws Relating to Public Schools" en. acted by the General Assembly of North Carolina at its regular session in -1923, at which election shall be Ascertained the will of the people in said Special School Taxing District ?>'uether or not there shall be levied a special annual tax of not more than fifty cents on the one hundred dol. lars valuation of property to supple ment the public school fund, which may be apportioned to the proposal special school taxing district by the Board 6t Education; and in case such special tax is voted it shall operate to repeal and abolish all school taxes heretofore voted in any local tax or special charter district located within the said special School Taxing Dis trict. The said election shall be held on the 22nd day of December 1924, the polling place to be at Bud Stones store in said district. A new registra tion shall be made and Spencer Dean is hereby appointed Registrar, and are hereby appointed poll-holders in satd election. Beginning at a point where Syca more Creek crosses Halifax road ; thence in a North Eastwardly direc tion, along said road to old R'. H. Strickland line; thence along the old 'Strickland line to S. H. Joyner line; thence back to Halifax road; thence down said road to Lawrence Oupton's corner; thence from thla corner to the right down Oupton's Mill Path to the W. J. Dennis line, t > the White Level District line; thence along the northern line of the White Level Dis trict line as the same now runs to a point where said line crosses Gold Mine, Cedar Rock township lines; thence 1 n a South Eastwardly direc tion, along the said township line to Nash County line; thence i n a South Westwardly direction along the Prank lln.Nash County line to Tar River; thence up Tar River to the MaplevlUe School District line; thence along the east boundaries of the MaplevlUe School District to the corner of the Hickory Rock school district, a point on the West fork of Sycamore Creek; thence up Sycamore Creek to the Hali tax Roadto the point of beginning. The Registration hooka shall be open from the 22nd day of November ltS4, to December 13th 1*24, and the Registrar shall have said books at the said polling place on each Saturday luring the period from the *tnd day of November 1*24, to December ISth, 1M4, By order of the Board of County Commissioners, this the 2rd day of November, 1)24. ARTHUR STRICKLAND. Attest : Chairman. B. O. HOI. DEN, Clerk. >t-7-7t trust rors sal* or louisburo WAREHOUSE LOTS By virtue of tbat d??d of trust mad* by W. H. and J. M. Allen to Wm. H. Ruffin. Trustee, dated Not. 1, 19*0, and recorded In Book 241. pace 116-16, default having been maoe In tho 1 ay ment of the debt thereby secured, and demand having been made on the aald Trustee for forecloaure, by the' Bolder of the debt thereby secure<f, the un dersigned will on MONDAY. FEBRUARY 18, 1924, at the noon recess of Court at the court house door In Loulsburg, North Caro lina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder tor cash that warehouse lot and easements known as the Farmers Co-operative Com pany's Warehouse situate in the town of Loulsburg, North Carolina, and more particularly defined as follows: First. That certain lot or parc?l ol land situate on the east side of IX in street in the town of Loulsburg, boun ded Und defined as follows: Begin ning at the corner of the J. F. Ja?es lot (now Farmers Co-operative Com pany's lot) and the C. B. Cheatham lot, formerly the Boatwi-lght Prite House lot (now Allen Macklne Com pany's lot) on Main street an Iron stake; thence along the C. B. Cheat bam line (now Allen Machine Com pan'ys line) S 68 E 234 feet more or less to the corner of the Tar River Manufacturing Company's lot, formor ly the Cooper lot (now John S. How ell's lot) in the line of the S. A. L. Rail way Company; thence along the line of the 6. A. L. Railway N 26 3-4 W 279 feet more or less, to the corner of said railway on Main street; thence along Main street S 33 1-4 W 144 feet more or less to the point of begin' Jng, it being; the lot upon which Is now sit uate an old dwelling house and a part o I a brick Warehouse building. And also together with the afore described lot an descenOlble, trans ferable and assignable easement in and to and upon that strip of lan on the Southwest side or margin of the Depot site of the S. A. L. Railway, more particularly described as fol lows: Beginning at the Northwest corner of the foundation wall o:. Main street of the Warehouse now situate on said land, and running thence along Main street 23 feet to the line of the S. A. L,. Railway; thence along the line of the said 8. 4, L?. Railway N 26 3-4 E the full length of a Warehouse formerly on said lot 171 feet more or less; thence a line parallel '0 Main street and the first named line 23 feet to the northeast corner of the founda tion wall of the said warehouse; thence a line parallel to the S. A. L. Railway line along the foundation wall of said -warehouse 171 feet more or less, to the point of beginning, upon which was formerly located s mewhat Jones Tobacco Warehouse building and upon which is now a portion of more than one-half in width of the said brick warehouse buildidg, said easement being, however, limited to warehouse purpoBeB only by the decis ion of the Supreme Court In the case of Ruffin vs. Railroad 161 North Car olina Report, S30, which settled the title to the above described lot and right of occupancy under said ease ment. The said lot and easement be ing the same conveyed by Farmers Co-operative Company to W. H. Allen and J. M. Allen. This Jan. IS. 1924. I-18-5t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. The above sale was continued toy consent of all parties concerned from week to week until Monday, Nov. 24th, 1924, and is again continued by con. sent of all parties lo Monday, Dec. 1st 1924, at about the houi of Noon. This Nov. 24, 1924. II-28-lt WM. H. RUFFIN, Trustee. SALE OF LAND Pursuant to the authority and di rection contained in that Judgment of the Superior Court of Franklin Coun ty, made and entered in the case of A. F. May et als and O. J. CJoppedge et als, the undersigned commissioners will on Monday the first day of De cember, 1924, at or about the hour of noon, at the court house door of Franklin County, in the town of Louis burg North Carolina, sell at public auction to the highest bidder for cash that tract or parcel of land lying and being in Cypress Creek Township, Franklin County, North Carolina, de scribed as follows: Bounded on the North by the lands of W. I Stalllngs, on the East by the land of John Prlrett and B. 8. Rice, on the South by 8. N. Strickland, es tate, and on the West by the lands of O. T. Moses and W. F. Moses, con taining one hundred and eighty nine (189) acres and being the tract of land whereon the said O. J. Coppedge and wife now reside. This the 28th day of October, 1924. BEN T. HOLDEN O. B. MOSS Commissioners 10-31-5t W. H. YARBOROUOH EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of the estate of Louts Kline, deceasod, late of FMmklln County, North Carolina, this Is to notlfr all persons having claims against the estate of the said deceased to exhibit them to the under signed on or before the 81st day of October, 1826, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate payment. This 31st day of October, 19X4. JACOB KLJNK, Executor of Louis Kline, deceased. W. H. Yarhorough, Atty. 10-?l-6t To Stop HAYES" SALVEl Qwp b~ HAYES' J fhMUWl ofrhllf &2l\ JVd * M HONEY. HOMEY; a| ifcr O-PEN-TRATE Hm4 Cold* tad rbcttU of Tm u uhra I nitk* far HAYES", TKUflTKI'8 KS4UU OF LOUIS. - BUBO LOT By virtue of an order of r?-nl? mule In the matter of the sal* of the ,ot of O. Y. Yarboro on Kim Street, jpou hq advance bid, and by virtue of :be power ot sale contained In that ;ertaln deed of trust made by O. ,Y. Varboro to Wm. H. Ruffln, Trustee, iated July 24, 1917. recorded In Frank lin Kegistr/. In Book 210, page 264, de fault having been made In the pay ment of the debt thereby secured and ilemand tor foreclosure having been made on said Trustee by the holder of the debt so secured, the undersign ed will on MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1924. at about the hour of noon at the court bouse door In Loulsburg, N. C., otter for sale at public auction for cash, that lot ot land In said deed of truBt conveyed and fully described as fol lows. Situate on the West side of Elm St. lu the town ot Louicburg, and more particularly defined as follows. Beginning at the corner of Mrs. R, Z. Egerton on Elm St. (formerly Bobb Yarborough corner) and, tor that lot herein conveyed; thence Wostwardly alcng Mrs. Egerton'g line, to old Bobb Yarborough lino 22 ft. more or less, to corner of Mrs. R. Z. Egerton, F. N, Egerton and lot herein conveyed; thence Southwardly along F. N. Eger ton line 113 ft., more or leas,' to his corner; thence Eastwardly along his line 222 ft. more or less to Elm St., thence Northwardly long Elm 8t_ 113 ft., more or less, to the beginning. This November 7, 1924. 11.7-3t WM. H. RUFFIN, Trusee. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LANDS By virtue of the power of sale con ained in that certain deed of trust made on August 4, 1924, by A. G. Faulkner and wife, Emma Faulkner, to J E. Thomas, Trustee, recorded In Book 251, page 136, Registry of Frank lin County, N. C., default having been made in the payment of the indebted ness thereby secured and demand for foreclosure having been made on said Trustee by the holder of the said Indebtedness, the undersigned will on MONDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1924, at about the hour of noon ct the courthouse door in Loulsburg, Frank lin county, North Carolina, offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, a certain tract or parcel of land si'uate in Franklin county, Sandy Creek township, North Carolina, and described in said Deed of Trust as follows: Bounded on the North by tho lands of Frank Williams, on the East by the lands of C. B. Kearney, on the South by the lands of Bob Debnam, and on the West by the lands of C. B. Kearney, containing 38 acres, more or less, being the lands conveyed to A. O. Faulkner by C. B. Kearney. This November 7, 1924, J. E. THOMAS, Trustee. Thos. W. Ruffln, Atty. ll-7-5t NEW ORDIANCES The following ordiances were pass ed by a meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners on Friday, October 24, 1924. Be it ordained: That all automobiles traveling ton Nash street be required to stop at intersection of Main street, and all cars approaching Main street from Court street be required to come to a full Btop, under penalty of $1 for e?ch offense. Be It ordained: That all varklng space be suitably marked allowing am pie space aud proper angles for eaeh car, and that all drivers be required to occupy apace as marked under pen rMv of jl for <aeh offense. By order of the Board of Tcwd Com missioners. L. L. JOYNER, Mayor, |F. B. McKIN.NE. Clerk 10-31-5t COMMISSIONERS RESALE OF FARM LANDS Under and by virtue of an order of re-sale made by the Superior Court of Franklin County, dated October 20th, 1924 in that Special Proceeding entitled "W. A. Stalllngs et als, vs Joe S. Stalllngs et als," the under signed Commissioner will on Mon day the 24th day of November, 1924 at or about the hour of noon at the Courthouse door in Loulsburg, N. C., offer for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, the follow ing described land: Lying and being In Cypress Creek Township, Franklin County, Stat? of North Carolina, adjoining the lands of Raffln Collie, the Arrlngton land, the Sherrod Oay land and the Munroe Raines land and containing 93 acres more or less, and being known as the W. B. Stalllngs land. This 20th day of October, 1924. 10-31-4t E. H. MA LONE. Commissioner The above sale was continued by consent of all parties concerned to Monday, Dec. 1st, 1924, at about noon. This Nov. 24, 1924. * 11-28.lt E. H. MA LONE, Com. NOTICE Having qualified as Administrator C. T. A. of the estate of Zaney Bal throp, deceased, late of Franklin Conn ty, notice Is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to preient them to the undersigned on or before the- Slit day of October, 1(25, orchis nolle i will be plead In Jaw of their recovory. All persona in debted tc said estate will please make Immediate settlement THh Olober 31st, IK*. WILSON OAY, Administrator. C. T. A. 0. B. Moss, Attorney 11-14. #t FOR SAL. J! We hay* listed for sate several val uable farms, among which are (1) about 14 acres Cedar Rock T. B. known as Oooke land, on State highway; (? ?boat 115 acres Hay Seville T. B. known ii part of Whl taker lands. For prices and terms. M FRANKLIN INS. * REALTY 00. (Over First National Hank)

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