This Is Blanket Time V ? We ha?e them In cotton from ?Sc to In wool from ?.?K to All of these are full "lie bed blankets. A fnll line of Buster Brown and lunderhose Stocking for the child en. All truaranteed. Xew Sweaters for all the family. Our line of baby sweaters and caps are especially pretty. >'orelty Stripe Sersre In blues, browns and (frays, 36-lnches wide at 38c yard. BUTTONS I BUTTONS! BUTTONS! Come In to see as. THE LADIES SHOP Louiaburg, N. C. MBS. H. B. BABBIS MBS. J. A. TUBNEB MBS. INA BOUSE MISS VIBGINIA FOSTEB INSURANCE A NECESSITY INSURANCE ACTUALLY DEALS flfTTH EVEHY HONEST BUSINESS CNDEB THE SUN Fire insurance has come to De not only a householder's security, but a national necessity. The home owner must protect his family and provide shelter; the renter must guard his household goods. Business concerns, factories, churches, schools, colleges and cor porations must protect their property investments. The man who can thus provide the security of a community against financial loss from flr-j Is its insurance agent, through his companies. See T. W. WATSON, for your Insurance Needs. OFFICE OVEB THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK We can save you 15 per cent on your prescriptions. Give us a trial and be convinced. F. R. Pleasants DRUOQIST TELEPHONE 222-J. LOUISBITRO, N. 0. NEW VICTOR RECORDS NOVEMBER 21, 1924 Red Seal f The Sweetest Story Ever Told Hulda I-nshanaka ! Ma Curly-headed Dabby Hulda I^ashanska ' f La alegrla del Batallon Jose Mardones (. Trlates Amores Jobo' Mardones Concert Songs ' f Punchinello Royal Dadmun I Shipmates o' Mine Royal Dadmun Light Vocal f Drifting to You . - Marcla Freer ? I^ewls James I At the End of the Sunset Trail Marcla Freer ? Lewis James ' [ Everybody Loves My Baby Alleen Stanley I De Cloudn Are Owlne to Roll Away Vernon Dalhart Dance Records Qo, Emmallne ? Fox Trot The Benson Orchestra of Chicago Words ? Fox Trot ..The Benson Orchestra of Chicago Have a Little Fun? Fox Trot Warlng's Penniylvanlans Out of a Million You're the Only On* ? Fox Trot " " Until Tomorrow? Tango Fox Trot International Nevelty Or. Clovlta ? Tango Fox Trot ......International Novelty Or. Favorite Irish Jigs? Medley? -McConnells Four Leaf Shamrocks Favorite Irish Reola? Medley. -McConnells Four Lenf Shamrocks A full line of Edison's and Victrolas and Columbia records at reasjpnable.prices^ Judge Jacob H. Strahl Judge Jacob H. Strahl of Use Am?r Ican Palestine line, Inc., bead* a syti dlcate of American Jews who par chased tbe S. S. President Arthur from the Emergency Fleet corporation. Tbe ?hip wax bought for the purpose of arranging pilgrimages to the Holy Land. Tbe President Arthur was for merly the enemy ship Princess Ma totka. The purchase price Is said to be $60,000 and added thousands will be spent to give the ship comfortable cabin accommodations throughout. The Week Ender By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dtao of Mcd, UniTenitf of Illinois. TJE CAME Into the office Monday morning listless and heavy-eyed, making excuse for his absence. He had been home over the week-end and he Bald he had Rot back late, but had missed nothing Important, of course. He could make up the time easily If only the bos* would be reasonable. He had lind a marvelous time, he admitted, yawning wearily as he told me about It, but It had left him wrecked. He had intended to get up s liitle back work, but ? well, there had been a dunce, and a dinner party, and he had slept until noon Sunday, and there had been something doing until he started back, so. of course, there was no time for anything else. He went out not exactly in a good humor, because I unreasonably could net ?et his point of view. It Is a ?> custom, this spend ing the week-end at home or out of town, but It plays havoc with a man's work. There are, however, adequate reasons to Justify the practice ; tie quite Influence of the home and the the home folks, the taking down of the screens for winter or putting them up In the spring, getting the teeth filled or pulled, or the tonsils In or out. There Is always the emotional pull of the sweetheart. One would be cruel Indeed to object to a man's visiting her occasionally. Often the home folks think It Is a good thing for a son to try to get home week ends. "Are you going to the Michigan game?" I asked another. "No," was his reply. "I'd like to, tremendously, but a trip like that upsets me for two days and leaves me a mental Junk heap for a week after I get back. .1 can't afTord It I rested this after noon for two hours And then got up my back work." The week-ender U usually not do ing so well in his workj and not much Interested In It. The explanation la simple. He has a doable Interest and does Justice to neither of them. HI* week-ends give him pleasure, but he comes back to his duties tired, unin terested and bored. (?, If 14, WmUtb N?wap*p?r Untom.) A Man Among Business Men It. is the man who has a Bank Account that is welcome among other business men.. .It is a mark of reliability, thrift, ability and equality that is respected Through out the business world. If you want the respect and confidence of the business men of this community prove yourself worthy of it by building an Account with us. The First National Bank LOUISBURG, North Carolina Win. H. RUFFIN, President, F. J. BEASLEY, Ca'bier "VYm. B. BARROW, Assistant Cashier THE RIGHT PRINCIPLE Raleigh Nov. 10. ? "Cooperative mar keting may not be necessary for me, because I have already established myself and can market my cotton in an orderly manner If I choose, but Cooperative Marketing is the right principle and the farmers of this State need the organization and I will give it my personal support." In such strong and forceful language did the late M. C. Braswell of Edgecombe county speak of the North Carolina Cotton Growers Association. Mr. Bras well was one of the foremost business men and a large farmer an'* until his death stood as one of the leaders in the oooperative movement. Yesterday, ihere cacw to the office in Raleigh the marketing contract signed by Mrs. M. C. Braswell, the widow of M. C. Braswell. Mrs. Bras well will continue the policy of her husband and will market her cotton through the association. She is one of the largest cotton growers in the State and has over 800 acres in cot ton and the farm manager makes a conservative estimate of 600 bales for this season. The same mail brought a number of other new contracts and among them were the contracts of Edgar Riley of Hoke county, J. D; Mclnnis of Moore eounty. E. J. Woodley of Moore county and Farloe and Wil liams of Ellerbe. Just a few days ago, Mrs. E. J. Hair of Cedar Creek, joined the association and delivered 111 bales of 1923 cotton and expects to deliver at least sixty 'bales of this season's crop. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE SSS3 NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix oC the estate of J. A. Mitchlner, de ceased, late of Franklin County, notice Is hereby given all persons holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or before the 21st day of November. 1925. or this notice wjll be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please come for ward and make immediate settlement. This November 80th, 1924. MRS. WILLIE H. MITCHINER. E. H. Malone, Atty. Admr. ll-21-6t To Cure a Cold In One Day fake LAXATIVE BROMO QUININE (Tablets.) It stops the Couflh and Hcadache and works off the Cold. E. W. GROVE'S signature on each box. 30c. GET YOUR SHARE WHILE IT LASTS Our Sale lasts until Saturday night Nov. 29th. Real bargains on Men's and Boys' Clothing, Shoes, Overcoats Sweaters, Underwear, Hats and Caps. In fact from head to foot wear is what we sell. Don't forget the free gold prizes given away every Saturday at 3:30 p. m. Corpe and see is what we ask. Shoes for Men, Women and Chil dren guaranteed solid leather.