La Franklin Count/ 37 cattle were found to hare tuberculosis In the cam paign against this disease which hu Jolt been completed by the State Vet erinary Department. This means that 3T cattle which might hare given tu berculosis to us or to our chlldrea hare been killed. All the cattle In franklin County were tested. 7.352 in number. Tuffs Pills Indue* rMuUr hafrtt mood . " dilution. R?IUv? Um dysptpttc and rtrtiKatod aod ton* up ttM tywtma AGAINST MALARIA Early in August. 1921, a grade Holstein wa? received at the Larro Research Farm, cr.J c>vrn Q number? 158. In 270 days, which constituted her first milking period, she prcducod 5,651.2 lbs. of milk. In the fir^t 270 days of her next milking period she produced 10,643.3 lbs. And in the first 270 days of h*T third milking period ahm gavo LfrflO? .1 lbs. Thinlcof it ? an increase of 130 % in milk production in "wo years |t And during her first two year-, on the Larro Farm her weigHPincrcased from 843 lbs. to 1226 lbs. ? or 45%. There is real profit in such a cow a3 No. 158 is today. Yet it docs not cdft much more to feed and maintain h;r now than it did when her production was less than half what it is. Tfoe important point to you is that many of your own cows may ahow equally sctisfartory results with the same manage ment and care ? plus Larro. You can easily prove that Larro is a money -milker by trying it on your nera ana keeping records 01 mute produced per dollar spent for feed. m The SAFE Ration for Dairy Cows McKINNE BROS. PAY CASH and PAY LESS A. Tonkel's Department Store Just received 150 Ladies Dresses on sale at $3.95. $4.95 and $6.95. These Dresses range in price up to $15.50. Don'tfail to see them at 3.95 4.95 and 6.95. One big shipment of Ladies beautiful Coats Fnr trimmed and Felt Collars at 6.95, 9.95 and 12.95. These Coats range in price up to 25.00. Don't fail to get yon a coat now. New Millinery arriving daily in Satins and Silks, prices from 1.95 np. Shoes and Oxfords at special hol iday reduction. Hen's and Boys Clothing greatly reduced. Don't fail to see Ton kels bargains before buying. ft ' * - ?*' Tours to serve, HOMHOAHOIHIA NORTH CAltOUNA WEEKLY ? IN Dl'STHlAL REVIEW ? Taxes do ffx>t soa^HAto the akin of I the taxpayer and stay there; they are spread butter llk.e. on the bread we poorer poople e*t- If one? no matter how poor. Is innocent enough to think he escapes paying his full share of every tax levied, he cretainly has another think coming ? The De troit Edisoa Synchroacope. Sanford? right of way being cleared for construction 06 Boone trail to Greepsboro. Kinston? Building construction for year, expected tov exc.eeH $1,200,000. Shelby ? Movement under way for establishment of furniture manufact uring plant. -nigh Point ? South Main street to be widened between Commerce and Russell streets. Raleigh ? More than $4,000,000 paid members of North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Association this season. Andrews ? New power plant placed in operation. \ Goldsboro ? $25,000 campaign laun ched to complete memorial building, ing. Chapel Hill ? New hotel completed at cost of $200,000. Elizabeth City ? Movement under way for construction of bridge across Chowan river. Hickory ? New hotel building to be erected. Lumberton ? Thompson hospital, re cently destroyed by fire, to be re built. Elizabeth City ? Winekream Compa ny Installs electrically driven ma chinery in creamery. Sanford ? D. Pender Grocery Com pany of Norfolk. Vjl, open branch store here. Charlotte ? $100,000 bond election to I be held for establishment of city and county tuberculosis hospital. Durham ? Cornerstone laid for new hotel building. Hickory? Pigglv Wiggly Grocery Company opens new store here. Hendersotrrille ? Contract let for pav ing Fifth avenue. Walnut Cove ? Valuable coal depos its found in making excavations for water and sewer pipes. Rutherfordton ? Contract let at $23, 400 for construction. of muntcipal hall. North Carolina launches drive for establishment of eastern national park. Blaine ? Highway to be constructed from Chandler's Grove to this place. Goldsboro? Route established for Goldsboro-Wilson highway; hard sur facing to begin in few weeks time. I Creed more ? New truck shed to be erected at high school building. Cumnock ? Contract awarded for construction of bridge across Deep river, connecting Lee and Chatham counties. Andrews ? New Baptist church com pleted. Spindale ? Spencer mill being great I ly enlarged. Raleigh ? Bridge and highway con tracts let involving expenditure of $1,155,397. Sanford ? Effort being made by Chamber of Commerce to secure es tablishment of cotton mills here. j AX Ol'TSTA.NDlSU SERVICE The case is reported In the press of a letter, written by a soldier dur ing the Civil War, which was deliv ered a few days ago to a relative of the one to whom It was addressed. Such instances are unusual. The postofflce department functions with great precision and provides splen Jid service for the people. The circumstance which * as giv en widespread publicity, because it was rare, might be contrasted with ihe thousands and thousands of cases where mail Is delivered promptly. The postoffice department Is in re ceipt of frequent letters commending the mail service, but none quite equals he record which a Utah woman re-, porta. ' For ten years she has been main taining a weekly correspondence with her sister in England, and up to Au gust 1 of this year, ealh woman had written 520 letters to each otheer, not one of which had been lost. This record reveals a state of per fection that Is seldom reached and though It Is uncommon, It Indicates that the postal service is very ef ficient branch of the government. During the holiday season It is put to the supreme test and every one who can do anything to relieve (he burden will be performing a worthwhile service. Nulling gifts early Is one way In whlfc every per son can help. I HE WAITED IT BEAD The Franklin Times has often car ried short notices calling attention to the value of advertising In this paper but a recent experience of an editor as reported by a paper In South Dakota again shows that newspaper advertising Is more effective than that secured through the use of bill-, boards. This experience as given by the Division of publications of the State College Extension Service Is as fellows : 'An editor and a merchant were dis cussing the virtue of billboard ad vertising. The merchant contended that more people read the billboard* than the newspaper. After a lengthy conversation In which neither man would give In, the men parted. /? The next week the merchant came tearing down the street to the news paper office wanting to know why the obituary of his wife's mother was yot In the paper, especially after he had seen that a copy was taken to the newspaper office. I "Well," said the editor. " I know to 0 wanted the obituary read by the people, so I took It out aad nailed it jl The budget system In housekeeping means tailing your SKmey where W I go Instead of asking where H went, say horns demonstration warkers. '?.?% ie ? NOTICE Harlot qualified as executors of the will of 8. C. Vann, deceased, thl? la to notify all persona holding any claims against the estate of the aald S. C. Vann, to present the same to the undersigned executors within twelve months from date hereof or this notice will be plead In bar of their re covery. 3 This December 16th, 1924. A-iH. VANN. J. -A. MOORE. Executors. R B. White, Atty. I?-19-6t MORTGAGE SALE OT IMPROVED LOTS IN WOOD By virtue of the power of sale con tained In that deed of trust made by G. M. Raynor, single man, to Wm, H. Ruff In. Trustee, dated April 17 1920, recorded In Franklin Registry. lA.Book 234. page 109. and by virtue also of a decree of the Superior Court of Franklin County made In that action entitled O M. Raynor vs George W. Pearce and Wm. H. Ruffln. Trustee, default having been mad# In the pay ment of the debt thereby secured, both under the terms of said deed of trust and of said decree of Court, and de mand for foreclosure having been made upoq . the said trustee byt the holder of said debt; the undersigned will on < MONDAY, JANUARY 19, 1925 at about the hpur of noon at the (nurt House Door in Louisburg, N C.', ?ff?r for sale at public auction, to the high est bidder for cash, the property In said deed of trust desclrbed and con veyed as follows: Lots numbers 50 and 51 situated in the Town of Wood North Carolina, on plat of property formerly owned by C G Wood as surveyed and plotted, by J O Craig, C E, which caid plot 'or map Is recorded in Book 192, page 596, of the Public Registry of Franklin County, reference to which Is hereby had. ? This December 19, 1924. 12-19-5t WM. H. RUFFIN. Trustee. NOTICE Having qualified as administratrix of the estate of J. A. Mltchtner, de ceased, late of FrankHn County, *otioe is hereby given all persons uhdlng claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on or befocA the 21st day of November, 1925, of this notice will be>. plead In bar of their recovery. Alt persons -indebted to said estate will please come for-. ward and make immediate settlement. This November 20th, 1924. MRS. WILLIE H. MITCHIKERs E. H. Malone, Atty. Admr. ll-21-6t NOTICE Having qualified as administrator of the estate of James E. Malone. col ored, deceased, late of Franklin Coun ty, notice Is hereby given all i>erson3 holding claims against said estate to present them to the undersigned on ? r before the 21st day of November, 1925 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persona Indebt ed to said estate vrill please come tor. ward and make immediate settlement. This November 4th, 1924. G. M. BEAM, -v ll-21-6t Administrator. PROCRASTIXATTON Do It today and do it right. Thos* who make this a rule of life find success is not so difficult. MfOst of the failures in the business wfr'd are due to short sightedness and ^procrastination. Putting it off um)Uv tpmorrow in many cases means that It is never done, and It Ib the things that are not done which cause the receipt to dwindle until the bus iness is eventually wrecked. Doing it today 1b just as easy as putting it off and it is far more pleas^ ant and produces , more satisfactory results. (-? The world is Mil of physical and commercial wrecks The man who is a physical has-be#n waited too long before he attempted to correct the 'trouble and the fellow who is down at the heels financially as a rule depend ed upon a tomorrow that never came. Do It today. Sideache Backache *1 hmr4 Um it down la bad huE , ?t In waight ui 120%?ni ia ti_ ?Tj _ ? ^ ? "It Hill llh It did me ft>od tlced an Improvement. I eoo H?liito oh and I got tot Ur and bettar, The paint In It to my Large stock monuments to aclect from on oar yards at reduced prices. HENDERSON GRANITE AND MAR BLE WORKS. 12-19-4t Club (Iris are now studying how to make Christina* candles. Club boys are happy at thu results ot their sla ter's toll. No Worm* la a naattfty CWld All children troubled with Wcmi hare as u? beat tbr color. wh)cb Indicates poor blood, and ac a rale, there U more or nomach disturbance. GROVE S TASnXKjrfhillTONIC llvcortrM for two or ttyfejH"! will enrich the Mood. Im prove the dV^cmi. and act as a General Strength ening Tut^frfo the whole system. Nature will then throw off or dispel the worms, and tbe Child will oe to perfect beaiu*. tiem*iki*l lo mke. ?c per bottla. MONEY TO LEND 6 per cent interest. 33 years time. No bonus. Loans placed in two weeks. See Thos. W. Ruffin Louisburg. N. C. Regardless of Price * I am going to sell my stock of Shoes regardless of f rice, so be sure to look them over before you buy. Every pair is guaranteed to be as represented. If ?hey don't fit will exchange them for you. If you don't want them will^ take them back. A big lot of Overalls, Work Shirts, Overall Coats, Hosieiy and Men's Underwear. A full line of feed and groceries all the time. Yours truly, J. w. PERRY Pick Your Dealer With the same consideration for courtesy, serv ice and ability to completely satisfy that you do in selecting your physician or your lawyer. Our service satisfies where people are most par ticular as to price and quality. f If you will examine the wearing apparel, dry goods, shoes and notions values that we are of fering, you will satisfy yourself thaty can't be jqnaled elsewhere. HOLIDAY GOODS When you prepare to go on your Christmas chopping tour, make a mental memorandum to visit this store. The multitude of articles suitable for gifts will make your shopping much easier than you had tnticipated. THE STORE WHERE PRICES ARE LOWER AND QUALITY HIGHER . - . 4 s. w NASH STREET