on. i tLM m TUB Ol ADYAHCB The Franklin Times WATCH LABEL 01 &MJB PAPEB?Sead la JAaawal B?f*rc TIm Elf 3>. A. F. J0H580N, EiiUr u< luim THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION 8CBSCKIFTIOR $IM Far Im YOLUMH?L1IL . _ LOUI8BURG, H. C, FRIDAY, JANUARY M, lttS ' (18 HAWKS THIS WEEK) NUMBER W SATURDAY'S ECLIPSE SCIENTISTS JUBILANT AT RESULTS ACHIEVED FROM OBSERVATIONS Clear Atmosphere Throughout Area, of Totality Except For Parts of Michigan and Wis consin and Canadian Pro vince of Ontario; Men of Science Throng Observato ries, While Number of Them Take To Airplanes and Gi ant Dirigible Los Angeles To Photograph and Study the Heavenly Drama; Ordinary Laymen Craned Their Necks and Strained Their Eyes Throught Smoked Glasses; Business and Traffic Come To Standstill; Partial Eclipse Seen By Sections Not So Fortunate Sol and 'Luna held ^ l?n* an ticipated rendezvous yen Their trysting place was a Heaven t rtained with dusk and fr'^Bed wlth . clouds. The occasion was a t. solar eclipse ot such ma?^ ? "JSSiAS? , Ec.utlt on ISu. iWJJj ed it the most perfectly executea SS ZSZ.'SSSi ? tally' they6"peered'through cavernous arasssSi'S1? stared through smoked glass, awed ?W'^szzrs: nsu J&fSSZf Bu't'^mX b?y8t forDlt wu" t^8 ?rstgltr"str oftun t?o centuries before they meet there agaln' Weather Perfect perfect throughout most of the fixed observatory ana ???? oTuteS-ecords were ft ^S^WS^SJSS felt justified In declaring that a huge fuiidtf information undoubtedly ^ 'heed 'added to their store-of and specific knowledge about such mvsterles as the content of the sun s foropl the composition of eclipse um bra and penumbra, the explanation of "Jumping Jack Rabblf -of the moon s eclipse shadow, the deflection of light as related to the Elnstein theory the effect of eclipse's upon earth s climate and tides of gravity, audita ???* unon radio activity, upon the earth s magnetic centers, 1U thermometers "?^SSST'n.. Poughkeepsle and Buffalo they had Been notably successful in recording this eclipse, M were otters of the thirteen fixed sUtlons wlt-Jn .. 1/u) mile psth the moon l&id down ^m R^ i^e, Minn., to Nantnckst U*ht Airplane Pictures Astronomers ascending by airplane to great heights took what ttey ex nected would develop Into o hi to graphs of all phases o< the phen 2n?oon. They had, they said, made the first pictures ever obtained on the moon's 100 mUe circular shadow as, tt bounded across the continent at ^Other'sriators aboard tt# dirigible, UM Angeles which had maneuvered in the sky all night prior to the J?u?>se reported all observations aad nhotography had been auocessful. t?%?%*r sponsored ecllpee ex mwUtions on land recorded every coa celvable phase of the ipectalce from the scientific standpoint. Thers ware whole regions, however, ?here vagrantclouds and over cast 25? brought disappointment to of scientists and thousands of leymen. In soms case, tto sun rose Ifdear apace, only to be obscured f. be mounted the path to ooajunc *( n with the moon. In others the SSJct 0tT glimpse of tt* ecllpee SSf^ver prswnt, and the deprsds Z SSJB **? ??c.tg; *. ENJOYABLE CHICKEN DINNER IN CELEBRATION OF COMPLETION NEW . WATER FILTER PLANT Mayor L. L. Joyner Makes Fine Toastmaster; Many Splendid Responses; Large Number Enjoy Delightful Repast v. Marking the completion of the new filter plant for Louisburg a most en. Joyable old time chicken supper was given at the new plant on Wednes day night by the Louisburg Fire De partment, Mr. B. W. Harris and Supt. C. Hill to quite a large number of guests. Although the wtather was possibly the worse that has been ex perienced here this winter, a large number were present to enjoy the delightful repast, which was served in a most appetizing and pleasing manner. Mayor Joyner acted as toastmaster and after the invocation " was mode by Rev. John Archie Mclver, guests responded with toasts on the follow ing subjects. Rev. O. W. Dowd, on the morals of the town. Mr. B. T. Holden, on the new water works. 4. Mr. S. A. Newell, on the general town conditions. Pres. A. W. Mohn, another aspect on the general town conditions. Dr. A. H. Fleming, on unveiling the Tablet in the name of the Louisburg water works and on fire fighting. Mr. W. H. Yarborough, on the abili ty of the Louisburg firt fighters. Mr. W. H. Ruff in. the oiliest fire man, on fire fighting and equipment. Mr. H. E. Miller, of the State Health Department, Raleigh, on filter plant operations. Mr. Wm. M. Pyatt, of Durham, on the engineering end of filter plants and water systems. Mr. B. W. Harris, on filter plant construction. , Mr. T. W. Ruffin on the town finan ces. The toasts were all of high and complimentary order and contained much valuable information for those whose privilege it was to be present. The evening was a most successful and enjoyable one to the delight of many. * , ESTEBTAINS BOOK CLUB ? < > Miss May Fisher, of the graded school faculty, most charmingly on tertained the Twentieth Century Book Club in the domestic science rooms on Wednesday afternoon. The- guests were received in the hall and usher ed into the7 sitting room where an in teresting program was rendered. Mias Robinson presided at the meeting. Mrs E. W. Furgurson read a paper on Switzerland. Miss Susie Hayes a poem and Miss Glenn Dunevant gave the current topic which dealt with radio and the approaching eclipse of the sun. The guests were then aaked into the dining room and shown to their places at a beautifully appointed ta ble. The place cards and favors, as well as the flowers and candle*, car ried out a color scheme In red and white. A lovely four-courso luncheon was served by some of the girls of the domestic science class who show ed in their ease od capable servico the good training they have received. The guests voted Miss Fisher a de lightful hostess and her young help ers charming aides. Miss Fisher, dur ing the two years in which sha hao taught In Louishurg, has proven a splendid addition to the social and educational life of the town, and Ik is always with pleasure any Invita tion to visit her rooms and enjoy her work is received. t. r. r. nnD? Friday evening at 1:30 o'clock tW Young People's Fellowship of St. Paul's Episcopal chnrch held a social meeting at the home of Mrs. R. C. Beck. The meeting was called to order by the president, Edward Yarboroegh and the following program waa ren dered: The New Year?Edward Yarbor ""^stronger hold est yoursoU?Ade laide Johnson. . The page of tossorrow?Lacy Clif ton Boddtm Original poem. School Marks?Kemp Yarbo rough. A letter concerning the reports ?f the activities of the T. P. P. iicefnd H. Kimball, ef Ba by Mies Mary k Bp?car gave a to the " Then, after a brief akin, a mints were