VALUE YOU ALWAYS GET IT WHEN YOU BUY HERE The housewife who markets here knows that every' time her groceries are placed on the scales, they regis ter full value in quality and satisfaction. The tempting, delicious assortment of canned goods, truits and vegetables we carry make buying hero easy and pleasant because you can find what you want at prices that are not exorbitant. Fresh Country Produce at Lowest Market Prices Heavy Groceries, Grain and Feed J. ALLEN HARRIS LOUISBURG, North Carolina MONEY TO LEND 6 per cent interest. 33 years time. No bonus. Loans placed in two weeks. See Thos. W. Ruffin In Louisburg Mondays and Thursdays In Raleigh at 401 Raleigh Building & Loan Build ing other days. What Every Man, Woman and Child in This Community Heeds WE HAVE IT A complete line of quality mer chandise makes it possible for this store to satisfy the wants of every member of the family.' Wearing Apparel and Shoes We invite an early inspec tion of the spring stock we are showing at very moder ate prices. Furnishings A large and complete as sortment of underwear, hos iery, hats, shirts, ties, col lars, caps, suspenders, belts, handkerchiefs. Dry Goods The home dressmaker will be able to find just what she wants here. All of the de sired materials for. spring dresses. ? : v A. S. WIGGS NASH STREET LOUISBURG, N. C. Thinning patches will laoroase quality and profits, finds C. D. Mat thews, hortlcultrlst for the North Caro. Ima Agricultural Experiment Station Tom Tarheel ears he la going to leave hi* cotton twelve Inches apart In the row this rear and try out thla thick spacing Ids*. Habitual Conaiipattoo Curod la 14 to 21 Day* ? "LAX-rOS WITH PEPSIN" U ? racially prepared Syrup Tonlo-Laxative for Habitual Constipation. It reUevi* promptly but abould be taken regularly tor 14 to II daya to Induce regular action. ItStlmuiateaaod Regulate*. .Vary Pleaaant to Take. ? Mo THE REARING OF PARENTS By THOMAS ARKLE CLARK Dni of Man, Ulifwiilr of Illlnoia. *"pHERH has been a great deal writ ^ ten In recent year* on the proper rearing of children, bnt when It comes to the bringing up of parents, a prob lem that Is quite as difficult and as harassing as the rearing of a child, the Inexperienced youth la left without a pilot to steer his difficult and rock Infested course. There Is a crying need for a full and reliable text on this subject The work should include, also, helpful suggestions for the con trol and direction of obstreperous maiden aunts, or Indulgent grand mothers, and should show how to In hibit persistently generous and soft hearted bachelor uncles. The writer ?f such a text. If he has given the proper study to the subject will have recognized at a glance the added diffi culty which the child of a single par ent encounters In properly rearing his Charge, as compared with the youth who has under his control the nor mal number of progenitors. The child with but one parent to look after will find it next to Impossible to de velop In him the normal amount of selfishness and the proper backbone, and If he Is also burdened with a couple of maiden aunta or a grand mother, the situation for the youth la all but hopeless. My greatest sod roe of troable, as an executive officer, comes from the overindulgence and badly-brought-up parent or guardian. For example, take (be case of Hay. He was looked upon as a selfish, Irregular, purposeless stu dent, when In point of fact he would have been a credit to himself If it had not been for his badly reared parents. His mother was so spoiled that she could not live without se< ins him once a week or so. She was afraid he was ill fed, so she gave him dinners; she did not feel that he had the right amount of the right sort of social life, so she made him week-end parties; and the father sent him morn mjmey than any boy In college can safely spend. There are all sorts of Hl-tralned and badly spoiled parents. Usually the worst trained parent of all is the self made man. He Is either like Ever harfs father, stern, stubborn and de termined that since he himself got where he Is by rigid economy and sac rifice, without education and without help from any source, his son must travel the same road. So Everhart -fires furnaces and washes dishes for his board and dunks in his studies, while his father Increases an already generous bank account, and prides himself that he is helping his son to be democratic and self reliant Or, perhaps, he Is like Wiley's father, who got through college by the most me nial sort of toll, who scarcely bad enough to eat or to wear, and who now coddles lils boy in college until he is one of the laziest and most selfish prigs I know. Both Everhart and Wiley have suffered from badly trained par ents. (A 1111. WMttrn NawipaiMf Ualaa.) Some farmers are reporting a se ilous shortage of tobacco plants. - A number of growers in Nad? County state that they are getting only fifty percent of a stand. FOR FIRST CLASS JOB PRINTING PHONE 283 Fashion Indorses the Ensemble Suit Hrldeatly the coma to ?toy tor i haps tt will place, aloof with mannish tailored suits, In the mod*. Jut bow It flta In with the triad of fashion, which haa set toward feminine stylos and ?way from smelly of Das or soceber ness In color. Hero Is aa ensemble salt that Is practical and adaptable. Mads op of twills, kasha or flaaael, sad ta one of the season's popular colors, the long coat will serve for wear with other frocks as well as with the companion piece. Printed silk sad material like that In the coat are combined la the dress pictured, the colors la the dross, selected to hamoalso with that chosen for the coat Tan, navy, wood, sand, fey, light green and all the nat ural shades aft recommended tor the HOW DOCTORS TREAT COLDS AHD THE FLU mm iwrm^n ww short an attack of grippe, influenza or rare throat, physicians and druggists are now recommending Calotabs, the nausealess Calomel tablet, that is purified from dan gerous and sickening effects. Those who hare tried it say that it acts like magic, by far more effective and certain than the old style calomel, heretofore recommended by physicians. One or two Calotabs at bed time with a swallow of water,?that's all. No salts, no nausea nor the slightest interference with eating, work or pleasures. Next morn ing your cold has vanished and your sys tem feels refreshed and purified. Calotabs are sold only in original sealed packages, price ten cents for the vest-pocket sue; thirty-five cents for the large family pack age. Recommended and guaranteed by druggists. Your money back if you are not delighted.?an*. Lincoln County farmers are plann ing to ship spring chickens to the cities of the section again tls year. Last spring tehy sold 8,000 fryers at a good profit and one farmer now as 800 ready, reports county agent Gra ham Morrison. Spring cleaning is not over until the poultry house has been thoroughly cleaned, made free from lice and mites and put in shape for the coming of hot weather, say poultir experts of State College. For All The Family "Ve use Black-Draught In oar family ot six children and find It a good liver and bowel regulator," says Mrs. C. 53. Nutt, ot Mineral Springs, Ark. "I have taken It my self In the last two or three years tor indigestion. I would teel dizzy, have cms and sour stomach, also teel a tightness In my cheet. I'd take a good dose ot Liver Medicine when I felt that way, and It wonld relieve me, and I wonld feel better for days. "My husband takes It for biliousness. He says he has never found Its eauak When he has the tired, heavy feel ing, he takes Black-Draught night and morning for a few days and he doesn't complain any more. I sure do recommend Thed ford's Black-Draught" Your liver Is the largest organ In your body. When out of order, It causes many complaints. Put your liver in shape by taking Black Draught Purely vegetable. Sold Everywhere e-uil BLACK-DRAUGHT WINNER THEATRE LOUISBURG, N. C. Program Changed Daily With Comedy Each Night MONDAY ? THE LIGHT THAT FAILED" A George Melford Production With Jacquline Logan and Percy Marmoht A Paramount Picture With Educational Cameo Comedy' ' TUESDAY JACKIE COOGAN in "THE RAG MAN" Jackie's Newest Picture Something the whole family will enjoy with Aesops Fables WEDNESDAY "STEVENS STEPS OUT" With Douglas Fairbanks, Jr. A Paramount Picture With Comedv THURSDAY REGINALD DENNY, in . "THE FAST WORKERS'' A New Universal Picture This is full of Pep with a Comedy FRIDAY A New Serial, "GALLOPING HOOFS" No. 1 News Reel Aesops Fables Jack Deinpsev Comedy and Hal Roach Comedy SATURDAY HOOT GIBSON in "HIT AND RUN" You can rely on Hoot Also a Pathe Comedy Two Matinees on Every Saturday, 2 to 5 o'clock Admission: 10c and 15c Two Shows at Night Admission: 10c and 25c YOUR PATRONAGE APPRECIATED Winner Theate LOUISBURG, N. C. Tarheel dairymen are fit-ding that t pays to test their cows. One Guil qrd County dairyman told county igent J. I. Wagoner that he could af ord to build a new barn now that he mew what hs cow were doing. Subscribe to The TTanUln Times I 'Because their cotton seed was dam aged by constant rains last fall, farm ers of Scotland County have ordered more than 3.300 bushels of improved seed this spring, states S. E. Evans, county agent. $1.50 Per Year In Advance . .I . .' Gflte easiest iw> fetts tobuya car- , ?down payment," so often a handicap, is your depository and allowa interest on your depoaka. 165,000 famines have already secured their cart by this easy method Enroll ments axe now being made at the fate at 800 a day. Ad the nearest Authorised Ford Dealer about this practical plan or write us direct bbss* See The Nearest AUTHORIZE!) FORD DEALER TOVRIN0 ?290 ? ? I ? <?N cw<- . . ? ?0 MrMb . K? - M* SW MAKE 8AFETY YOUR RE8PON8IB ml

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