The WATCH LABEL 01 MVB | PAPER?Seat to Befara Tiaa EiA ta. A. P. JOHSSOlf, E Altar ul JUaafar THE COUNTY, THE STATE, THE UNION SUBSCRIPTION HAO Par law YOLUMN LIY. L0UI8BUK6, II. Cm PWDAY, MAY 13, 1933 (10 PAGES THIS WEEK) NUMBER IS boswell case DISPOSED OF George Jones Guilty Burning House Munjr Minor Cnttes Disced Of?Judge Daniels Makes Fine Charge To Grand Jury?Solicitor Evans Hold tag Up States Interests. Franklin Superior Court criminal term convened Monday morning with Hon. Frank A. Daniels presiding and Solicitor W. F. Evans in charge of the prosecution. After the usual for malities of opening Judge Daniels made a powerful and exceedingly plain charge to the grand Jury, tell ing them that the trial by Jury was one of the fundamentals of liberty of the citizens of this country, and that the grand Jury is the only means we have to Investigate the conduct of in dividuals. He denounced strongly the spirit of mob law and pointed out that the man who allowed himself to become a party to such was a crimi nal himself. He instructed them to make investigation of all criminal matters within their knowledge and make presentments of all violations. This, he said, is the only proceedure that will protect society. He spoke particularly of the liquor traffic, showing where it was at the bottom of the majority of the crimes now be fore the courts. He also instructed them to look into the management of t! e county's affairs and moke a full ii.ort of their findings. His charge v :.s In part a lecture that will reflect a g. U influence over the large num ber resent who heard him and en Jcyed a most excellent charge. The grand Jury 'is composed of the following gentlemen; J. T. Baker, Foreman, W. W. Tucker, W. J. Pearce, H. B. Conyers, J. W. Bartholomew, Matthew Gupton, J. B. Hunt, G. M. Raynor, J. R. Minga, D. N. Nelms, A. M Cooke, J. E. Pernell, H. L. Bur nett?, J. W. Alford, B. B. Massenburg, J. C. Nowell, S. F. Holden, S. B. Mul len. J. I. Pleasants was sworn in as officer to the grand Jury. After the grand Jury had reUred the docket was taken up and dispos ed of as follows: State vs Dock Young, distilling, discharged he being in State Hospi tal. State vs Jack Harris, adw, alias, capias and continued. State vs Early Mitchell, forgery, nol pros. State vs Elijah Hargrove, illegal re ceiving whiskey, continued. . State vs Wm. B. Harris, vpl, alias, capias and continued. State vs Oscar Butler, adw, not a true bill. _ State vs Oscar Butler, ccw, trial guilty, 6 months on roads, hired to G. B. H. Stailings at *20 per month, to pay costs. State vs Tom Green, upw, not gull ty. State vs Percy Foster, vpl, not gull ' State vs Louis Thorpe, Jr., false pretense, motion to move to another county dented. State vs Richard Jeffreys, HB and L pleads nolo contendere, prayer for Judgment continued upon payment of costs. State vs Charlie Jeffreys, HB and L pleads nolo contendere, 6 months on roads, execution stayed for 2 years upon payment of costs and *8.50 to Beddingfleld tor ham, and upon good behavior. State vs Robert Little, adw, with intent to kill, continued. State vs Clifton Dlckerson, distill ing. called and failed, nisi sclfa, de fendant having surrendered to the sheriff and begun sentence, forfeiture of bond was ordered stricken out. State vs George Jones, house burn ing, guilty, 8 to 14 years in State prls on. State vs C. W. Boswell, fraudulent kidnapping, pleads guilty, 2 years on roads in addition to time already oon flned in Jail, execution stayed for 2 years to show good behavior,. upon payment of coats. State v? C. W. Boswell, seduction. nol pros. State vs Manuel Mullen, house breaking and larceny, pleads guilty, I! months on roads, upon payment of costs, sentence is stayed for 2 years, conditioned on good behavior State, vs J. H. Holden and Hubert Holden, distilling, not guilty. State vs Floyd Wood, wreckless driving, not guilty. The Grand Jury completed its work Wedneeday and filed the following re port* ? To His Honor F. A. Daniels, Judge presiding at May Term Superior Court, Franklin County, North Car olina. We have passed on all bills present ed to us to the best of our knowledge and belief. We have visited the various Ooun tv offices and find them in good con dition and Records well kept We recommend two office chairs, center filing desk and repairing old chairs for Register of Deeds office. We And the Jail in good condition and sanitary. _ We visited the County Home and find it kept as well as equipment will allow and reoommend that be built near enough to town to be convenient to lights and water. We riaited the stockade for Boad K1WAMS CI.PB HOST TO BUSINESS MEN OF FKANKLINTON The Louiaburg Klwanls Club en joyed one of its best meetings of the year as host to the business men of Franklinton, Friday evening in the domestic science room of the Frank linton Qraded School. In music, food and speeches everything was carried out in the most pleasant manner. The meeting was presided over by Ai'ther Fleming who fulfilled the po sition with dignity as well as wit. The Klwanis orchestra furnished the mus ic in conjunction with Mrs. Cooke and Miss Cower of Franklinton. The table was in the form of the let ter "K" the emblem of the Club, and the meal was delightfully served by the Domestic science class of the school. The program carried out, other than musical numbers, included in a speech by James Massenburg on the funda mental principles of the club and what the club stood for. He empha sised the words "We Build." The building of the community, the coop erative spirit which all members should hare relative to town and county affairs, building of character and other feature of building. Mayor Joyner of Franklinton made a short talk. He was followed by Mr. Buch anan who explained the activities of the excellent work shop in the hand scme school building which was dona ted to the boys and girls of Franklin ton by Mr. Sam Vann?It, In itself Illustrated a factor in Klwanis as it Is an institution "To Build." The real talk of the club was made by Hoy Taylor who illustrated that such a meeting was a beginning of closer | contact between the business and pro fessional men of the two towns; that when such meetings bring to gether men they would not be suspic ious of one another and that each I would realize that the best for build ing can be obtained by all working 'together and knowing oue another better. Ben Ballard talked for a few minutes on how glad he was that we were over in his town, and that he surely was disappointed in the meet ing since he thought the Loulsburg men wanted to put over some propo sition. In his usual good nature he stated that he and the other men of Franklinton were exceedingly happy to have us over. A1 Vann talked straight from the shoulder about cotton mills and said that the best way to succeed in busi ness was to have a definite thing to do in the respective business and do that thing well. All In all the sixty men and three young ladies enjoyed themselves to the fullest extent. There can be no doubt that if many such meetings should be held the business men of these two towns would learn to know and understand one another better and pull together for their respective towns and for the county. That is the spirit of Klwanls. One for all and all for one?To Build. The club is in debted to the domestic science class of Franklinton for the fine luncheon and all were in for "congratulations relative to their service. *???*???*? * TO AKBANOE FOB MEMORIAL * SERVICE * All members ef the FraDklln County Memorial Association, and especially the Chairman of each committee and officers, are by this Informed that a meeting of the Association has been call, ed to meet In Lonlsburg at the Court House at 1 P. X. on Wed nesday, May 80, lHi, for tho purpose of making the neees. sary arrangements for the pro per observ ance of Memorial Day. Ton are especially urged to be * present. N. P. BUDDIE, Pres. A. F. JOHNSON, Sec'y. in a very deplorable condition, poor deeping quarters, no ventilation, and no adequate comforts tor working people. The prisoners report being poorly fed. We recommend better quarters and equipment at once. Respectfully submitted. J. T. BAKER, Foreman. The Solicitor made tho following report to the Court: North Carolina, Franklin County, Su perior Court, May Term, 1925. To the Hon. F. A. Daniels, Judge Pre siding. The undersigned Solicitor of the Seventh Judicial District respectfully reports to the Court that he has ex amined at this term of said Court in to the condition of the office of J. J. Young, the Clerk of the Superior Court of said County, that he finds said office well administered In all respects, that said Clerk keeps in his office all the books required by law, properly indexed for speedy and con venient reference. He further reports to the Court that, so tar as he can ascertain, the ac counts of the said Clerk are regular and correct. Reepectfully submitted, W. F. EVANS, Solicitor. Seventh Judicial District Examined, approved, and ordered F. A. DANIELS, Judge Presiding. Court adjourned on Wednesday evening In order to allow the farmers to take advantage of the spletdld sea ?A far Mttlnf tobacco. NEW OFFICERS TAKE HOLD Set Thn'SdH} Night ax Time to Elect Officers find Appoint Committees. The New Town officers took hold of the City government formally Tuesday at noon when the new May or and Board of Commissioners were sworn In by Clerk of the Court J. J. Young. All were present except Dr. A. H. Fleming, who was absent at tending a Dental meeting at Pine hurst No business was transacted other than setting Thursday evening at 7:30 o'clock as the time for the election of the police force, eierk and Superin tendent for the Light and Water plant, and the appointment of committees through which the business of the Town will be transacted. Each of the officials are free In their statements that with the proper cooperation of the people of the town they hope to give a good progressive and economical government. HAS TWELVE FINGERS AND TWELVE TOES Little Son of J. 0. Mill lams Gets Extra Share?All Well Formed and the Youngster Doing Well A most peculiar freak of human na ture was discovered Sunday morning [when a little son was born to Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Williams, of Dunns town ship. The little fellow had five well developed fingers, and a thumb on each hand and six well developed toes on each foot. He weighed nine pounds and was well and perfectly formed, and both he and his mother were do ing welt. Mr. Williams informs the TIMES that this instance is unlike anything he has ever seen or heard of In that each of the fingers and toes ere perfectly formed and placed, the same as any persons fingers and toes who have only the right number. Most other cases the extra member shows decidely a deformity. The little fellow is lively and do ing as well as could be wished for and Bhows every sign of growing up to full maturity. MBS. IDA S. PEABCE DEAD Mrs. Ida S. Pearce died at the home of her son, Mr. R. A. Pearce, near town, on Friday morning at 8:15 o'clock after a short illness. Mrs. Pearce was 76 years of age and leaves two sons, Messrs. R. A. Pearce and D. G. Pearce, both of near Louis burg, and one daughter, Mrs.' John A. Tucker, of Klnston, all of whom were present when the end came. She is also survived by one sister, Mrs. T. A. Sills, of Nashville, and two broth ers, Mr. Scott Thompson, of Nashville, and Dr. Baird Thompson, of Florida. The deceased was the widow of the late J. J. Pearce, and before her mar riage was Miss Ida Outlaw and was a grand daughter of Governor David Stone. She had a large family con nection and leaves many relatives and friends who extend a deep sym pathy to the bereaved. She was a faithful and consistent member of the Methodist church of Loulsburg and always rejoiced in the service of Christ. Her life was such that made for her a noble character, a friend to all and one loved by all who knew her. "God touched her with His finger, and she slept" wrote the poet. So may it be said of this grand woman? "God touched her with His flngeV and she slept," but not until a beautiful life was lived, a noble example of pa tience, fidelity to truth and faith were given. Not until visions of a heaven ly life, had cheered and illumined the valley of the shadow. And now that she sleeps, memory takes up the harp of life, and smiting the strings, finds that her virtues melt Into music. So it ever is, when a life Is nobly and divinely lived. The funeral was held from the home of her son near town, on Saturday morning and was conducted by Rev. ,0. W. Dowd and was largely attend ed. The interment was made at Oak lawn cemetery. The pall bearers, were as follows: Active?Dr. J. O. Newell. S. C. Holden, S. P. Boddle, T. W. Watson, D. F. McKlnne, W. T. J. Baton. Honorary?Capt. P. G. Al ston, W. E. Murphy, P. B. Griffin. N. M. Perry. N. B. Tucker. M. 8. Clifton. The floral tribute was profuse and beautiful, speaking a silent message ot love and esteem. AMERICAN LEGION AUXILIARY TO MEET The Woman's Auxiliary of the Am erican Legion will meet at the- home of Mrs. El F. Thomas on Tuesday May 19th, at 4 o'clock with Mesdames 8 C. Holden. H. H. Hilton and E. F. Thomas as hostesses. MRS. T. C. ALSTON, Sec'y. MEMORIAL DAT OBSERVED Memorial Day was observed by the Daughters of the Confederacy of the Joseph J. Davis chapter and otho-t on last Snuday, May 10th. All gathered at the Monument at 9:90 o'clock In th? afternoon and want to the ceme tery in a body and decorated the graves of the deceased soldiers and members of the chapter with beauti ful ' 1 TOBACCO CO-OPS OFF TO RALEIGH I Annual Meeting On May It To Hear | Members from A11 Bel s In Three | States (S. D. Frissell) Headquarters of the Tobacco Grow ers Cooperative Association at Ral eigh promises to be the Mecca for members of the Association trom three states next Tuesday, May 19, when the annual meeting of the Association will be held in Pullen Hall at the North.Carolina State College. Lively Interest has developed among the tobacco farmers of Virginia and Scuth Carolina in this annual meet ing of the Tobacco Cooperative ow ing to the fact that the directors have urged attendance from every state and it possible from every county of the three states in which it operates. The policy of wide-open publicity whit h the Tobacco Association has adopted since inviting and publishing the report of public officials from three states on its affairs and policies wlR be the feature of the annual meet ing next week, at that time a full report by Richard R. Patterson, Man ager of the Association is to be fol lowed by a frank discussion from members representing ever y tobacco belt in the Carollnas and Virginia, as to the plans and policies for the sea son of 1925-1926. It is expected that next week's meeting will be the largest gathering ol tobacco planters who have ever met together as representatives of the tobacco belts of the three states.. It will unquestionably have much influ ence in shaping the policies of the new board whose election will be confirmed at this meeting by the members. This will be the first time in the history of tobacco growing when farm ers from the swamps of the Pee Dee in South Carolina and mountaineers from the dark fired tobacco district of Virginia meet face to face with North Carolina growers, in large num bers to draw up plans for their mu tual benefit. It is known that members of dele gations from Virginia and South Caro lina are already being formed to at tend Tuesday's meeting at State Col lege. and as a majority of the To bacco Co-ops live within less than a hundred miles of -Raleigh there is every reason to expect a record break ing annual meeting as the association I starts its fourth year of operation. MISS HARRIS ENTERTAINS Miss Jessie Taylor Harris delight fully entertained ten tables of bridge and rook at her home Saturday even-s ing, May 9th, in the honor of her sister Miss Alice Harris. The spacious rooms of her home were thrown together and presented a scene of loveliness with the soft lights and beutlful flowers. After five progression, Mrs. Bruce Berkeley held top score and the prize was presented to her. On opening the boot containing the prize the guests found a minature bride and groom and on each was written ? Alice and Walter 6-10-25. Miss Harris was pre sented with a lovely Bride's Book. Miss Harris was- immediately sur tounded by the guests expressing .their delight and showering good | wishes upon her. _< Delicious Neapolitan ice cream and , Angel's food .cake was served decorat ed with white wedding bells, followed jty mints. Miss Harris is the attractive daught er of Mr. and Mr6. 0. H. Harris, of Ibis city and is one of Loulsburg'B prettiest and most popular young ladies. Mr. Leonard is the son of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Leonard of Salisburg and tame to Louisburg three years ago. He Is now one of Louisburg's most popular and successful young buiness men. Miss Harris and Mr. Leonard are well known throughout North Carolina and their wedding will be of state wide Interest. MOB MEMBERS GET PRISON SEN. TENCES The trial of the mob tor the muti lation of Joseph Needle man, at Wll liamston this week resulted In a ver dict of guilty by the Jury and prison sentences and heavy lines for the par ticipants. Judge Sinclair Imposed sentences as follows: Henry Orlffln. supposed leader, 30 years. E. C. Stone, 2 to 3 years. John Ourkin, 18 months to 2 years. T. W. Sparrow, Sr., 6 to 10 years. T. W. Sparrow. Jr., 6 to 10 years. Julian Bullock, 6 to 10 years. Clayro Heath, 2 to 3 years. Roy Gray, 1 year tb 2 years. Alfred Orlffln, 1 year to 2 years. Albert Ourkin. 1 year to 2 years. Lester Edmundson, Tom Harrell L. A. Croom, John Gray Cory, Jim Horton Coltrane, Clarence Ourkin, Hubert Orlffln. and A Wilson Orlffln to pay a line of 8800 each and the coats In the case and to be held in Jail until the lines are paid. Bnn Lilly and Johnnie Orlffln were given suspended Judgment and requir ed to give a 8200 bond each to show good behavior for two years. ?Chief of Police J. ft Cooke, of Prankltnton brought In a 80 gallon still outfit yesterday sad a negro, cap tured by himself and deputies near Frnnklinton. FRIDAY COMMENCE MENT DAY Louisburg High School Closes 20th Year Or. W. C. Wicker to Oellrer Annual Address?Class Day Exercises In Afternoon?1.? tie Folks Presented Operetta Wednesday Mirlit. The Commencement exercises of Louisburg High School proper will be held on next Friday, May 22nd, l?2o, and will be held as follows: The Class Day Exercises will be held in the afternoon at 4 o'clock. At 8 o'clock in the evening the an nual address will be delivered by Dr. W. C. Wicker, Educational Secretary of the Grand Lodge of Masons of North Carolina. Mr. Wicker is a former faculty member of the summer school at Columbia University, and his ad dress promises to be of great interest to our school people. At the same hour the certificates of Graduation will be presented to the graduating class and the Seventh Grade certificates will be presented to a large number. The first of the closing exercises were given on Wednesday night of this week when the little folks pre sented a beautiful operetta entitled "In a Flower Garden," given under the direction of Mrs. S. B. Berkeley and assisted by other members of the faculty. All the characters, repre senting flowers, grass, butterflies, lightning bugs and many other in sects, in their various costumes with the many colored lights presented a scene of beauty and the acting and singing was fine. A large crowd thoroughly enjoyed the evening. On Thursday night of next week Mrs. Berkeley's music class will give their recital in the auditorium at 8 o'clock. The exercises will mark the clos ing of the school's twentieth success ful year. LEWIS?JOYXEK Southport, May 10.?St. Philip's Episcopal church, here, vras the scene oC a beautiful church wedding on Sat urday, May 9, at 10:30 a. m., the par ties being Miss Emma Lawrence Joyner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. L. L Joyner, of Louisburg, and Rev. Har rtll Julian Lewis, rector of St. Philip's this city, son of Mrs. Julian Lewis, of Clinton. Miss Joyner has been a mem ber of the high school faculty during the past year, while Rey. Mr. Lewis has served the church here, both be ing well known to all of Southport. At the hour given, the church was filled with relatives and friends. As the wedding march started, played by Miss Louise Joyner, a sister of the bride, the bride, on the arm of her father, Mr. L. L. Joyner, came to the chancel from the front, while the groom, with his best man, Dr. M. B. Mintz, stepped from the side door, and joined the other two, taking their places before Rev. Alexander Miller, ot St. Paul's Church, Wilmington, who with the Episcopal wedding service, with ring ceremony, joined the two in holy wedlock. During this service, Mr. Maurice Joyner, brother of the bride, eoftiy played a violin solo. The newly-weds immediately after the ceremony left for Lake WaccamaiR The church was beautifully deco rated with flowers, vines and palms, by friends, and presented a most at tractive sight. Those present from the brides home, Louisburg, besides her father, were: Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Yarborough, Mrs. B. B. Perry, Miss Louise Joyner, Misses Annie Wilis and Lucie Clifton Boddle, Mr. Maurice Joyner, Mr. William Perry. From CltnJ ton there were Misses Annie Aman and Mildred Fleming, Messrs. Julian Lewis, father of the groom; Howard Hubbard, M. B. Fowler, Oscar Peter son. and Wilton Boney. From Wllming ton, Mrs. Alexander Miller and daugh ter. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis carried with them the sincere and most hearty best wishes of this entire community. A FREE BABY CLIMC A free baby clinic'sponsored by the Woman's Club will be held on Tues day, May 19th at '"the club rooms. (Mrs. J. A. Turner's residence). Dr. Aldert Smedes Root, baby specialist, of Raleigh, will have charge of the Clinic, assisted by the physicians oC j the town and trained nurses. Mothers ot Louisburg and Franklin county, bring your babies up to two years of age for this examination. The Clinic will be from 11 a. m. to 12:30 p. m. from 1:30 p. m. to 3:00 p. m. -Dr. Root will talk to the mothers In the M. E. Sunday school room at 3:00 o'clock on the care and feeding of children. COULD YOU USE CASH I Attention la called to the large ad vertisement of the Brown Furniture Honse. of Youngsvllle, on another page offering five cash prises for ad vertisements for his line of goods. It costs you not a cent to enter, and only a little time to try your hand at writing an advertisement, take a chance, you might win. While Mr. Brown advises a visit to his store to see what he has for sale, this to not required. Get in the game, there to lots of sport In a chance of this kind with nothing to loose and all togaln. Read the advertisement AMONG THE VISITORS SOME TOO KNOW AND SOME TOO DO NOT KNOW. Personal Items About Felks And Their Friends Wh# Travel Hera And There. Mr. ?. ?. Myers, of Enfleld, was la Louisburg Monday. ? e Mr. A. A. Hicks, of Oxford, was a visitor to Louisburg Wednesday. ? ? Mr. T. W. Ruff in. of Raleigh, was in attendance upon court this week. - m Mrs. W. B. Cooke is visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. T. Andrews, at En fleld. ? ? Ex-Judge E. W. Timberlake, of Wake Forest, was in Louisburg Wed | nesday. ? a Editor R. T. Wade, of the Morehead City Coaster, was in Louisburg Wed nesday. ? ? Representative C. H. Chamblee. of Wakefield, was a visitor to Louisburg Tuesday. ? ? Among those who went to Charlotte Monday to attend the Automobile Races were Messrs. F. A. Roth and J. P. Timberlake. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Alston, of Hot Springs, Va., spent a few days the past week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Alston. ? ? Miss Sarah 'Leone Blackwell, of Weaverville, N. C., sister of Mr. Earle Murphy arrived Wednesday to make her home with Mr. W. E. Murphy. ? ? Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Thomas spent the past week-end with friends in High Point and Lexington and attend ed the Automobile Races held si Char lotte Speedway as guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Wilkinson, of Lexington. MB. DO WD AT FRANKLIN TON Rev. O. W. Dowd will preach a me morial sermon in the Christian church at Franklinton at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of the third Sunday in May 1S25, according to announcement made by Rev. D. A. Long, as tor of the church at Franklinton. The public is invited to attend. Immediately after preaching "the people will march to the nearby cemetery and decorate with garlands the graves of our de parted loved ones." LOUISBURG COLLEGE ALUMNAE Louisburg College sends greetings to all of her scattered daughters, and a cordial invitation to visit their Alma Mater at the approaching commence ment. The Alumnae will hold their an nual banquet on Saturday evening May 23. To this banquet are invited, not only all graduates of the institution, but all former students, members of classes which have finished, includ ing ex-members of the class of '25; all former faculty members, and even such of her sons as attended the pri mary department in the days before Louisburg boasted a Graded School. One dollar will pay the annual dues and the cost of one cover at the ban quet, dues alone fifty cents, which should be sent not later than May 20, to the treasurer, Mrs. J. O. Newell. Louisburg, N. C. Obviously notices cannot be sent to every former student and faculty members so please consider this no tice your invitation, and indicate your -acceptance by sending your name and one dollar to Mrs. Newell at once. MRS. FLORENCE E UNDERHILL, Chairman Invitation Committee. BLASLFY-WILLIAMS A most charming wedding event was celebrated last Saturday. May 9, 1925, when Miss Ruby Williams, the attractive young daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. W. Williams, of Wilson, be came the bride of Mr. Matthew Beas ley of this city. The wedding took place at 2:30 o'clock at the home of Mrs. J. G. Nelson. The ceremony was performed by Rev. Paul Southard. Present for the wedding were a number of friends and relatives of the young couple. The bride entered with her father, Mr. G. W. Williams, who gave her in marriage, and was met by Mr. Beasley, with his best man, Mr. Paul Beasley. brother of the groom. The bride was lovely la a drees of white with accessories to matfh She carried a shower bouquet of roses and lilies of the valley. After the ceremony Mr. aad Mrs. Beasley left for a bridal trip to the Western part of the state, making the trip in their car through the country. CAB TUBUS TVBffLB Information reaching Louis burg was to the effect that a Ford Coupe turned completely over twice leading oa the op near Cool Springs oa Tues day. The ear was occupied by Mr. P. J. Brown and a Mr. ?% ?? Swift, neither of whom received any serious Injuries. The ear cases out of the ordeal without Critic of the modem dance says It looks more like a rase. Well, they generally are neck and. i

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